1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1997, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 // DFA.CPP - Method definitions for outputting the matcher DFA from ADLC
  26 #include "adlc.hpp"
  28 //---------------------------Switches for debugging output---------------------
  29 static bool debug_output   = false;
  30 static bool debug_output1  = false;    // top level chain rules
  32 //---------------------------Access to internals of class State----------------
  33 static const char *sLeft   = "_kids[0]";
  34 static const char *sRight  = "_kids[1]";
  36 //---------------------------DFA productions-----------------------------------
  37 static const char *dfa_production           = "DFA_PRODUCTION";
  38 static const char *dfa_production_set_valid = "DFA_PRODUCTION__SET_VALID";
  40 //---------------------------Production State----------------------------------
  41 static const char *knownInvalid = "knownInvalid";    // The result does NOT have a rule defined
  42 static const char *knownValid   = "knownValid";      // The result must be produced by a rule
  43 static const char *unknownValid = "unknownValid";    // Unknown (probably due to a child or predicate constraint)
  45 static const char *noConstraint  = "noConstraint";   // No constraints seen so far
  46 static const char *hasConstraint = "hasConstraint";  // Within the first constraint
  49 //------------------------------Production------------------------------------
  50 // Track the status of productions for a particular result
  51 class Production {
  52 public:
  53   const char *_result;
  54   const char *_constraint;
  55   const char *_valid;
  56   Expr       *_cost_lb;            // Cost lower bound for this production
  57   Expr       *_cost_ub;            // Cost upper bound for this production
  59 public:
  60   Production(const char *result, const char *constraint, const char *valid);
  61   ~Production() {};
  63   void        initialize();        // reset to be an empty container
  65   const char   *valid()  const { return _valid; }
  66   Expr       *cost_lb()  const { return (Expr *)_cost_lb;  }
  67   Expr       *cost_ub()  const { return (Expr *)_cost_ub;  }
  69   void print();
  70 };
  73 //------------------------------ProductionState--------------------------------
  74 // Track the status of all production rule results
  75 // Reset for each root opcode (e.g., Op_RegI, Op_AddI, ...)
  76 class ProductionState {
  77 private:
  78   Dict _production;    // map result of production, char*, to information or NULL
  79   const char *_constraint;
  81 public:
  82   // cmpstr does string comparisions.  hashstr computes a key.
  83   ProductionState(Arena *arena) : _production(cmpstr, hashstr, arena) { initialize(); };
  84   ~ProductionState() { };
  86   void        initialize();                // reset local and dictionary state
  88   const char *constraint();
  89   void    set_constraint(const char *constraint); // currently working inside of constraints
  91   const char *valid(const char *result);   // unknownValid, or status for this production
  92   void    set_valid(const char *result);   // if not constrained, set status to knownValid
  94   Expr           *cost_lb(const char *result);
  95   Expr           *cost_ub(const char *result);
  96   void    set_cost_bounds(const char *result, const Expr *cost, bool has_state_check, bool has_cost_check);
  98   // Return the Production associated with the result,
  99   // or create a new Production and insert it into the dictionary.
 100   Production *getProduction(const char *result);
 102   void print();
 104 private:
 105     // Disable public use of constructor, copy-ctor,  ...
 106   ProductionState( )                         : _production(cmpstr, hashstr, Form::arena) {  assert( false, "NotImplemented");  };
 107   ProductionState( const ProductionState & ) : _production(cmpstr, hashstr, Form::arena) {  assert( false, "NotImplemented");  }; // Deep-copy
 108 };
 111 //---------------------------Helper Functions----------------------------------
 112 // cost_check template:
 113 // 1)      if (STATE__NOT_YET_VALID(EBXREGI) || _cost[EBXREGI] > c) {
 114 // 2)        DFA_PRODUCTION__SET_VALID(EBXREGI, cmovI_memu_rule, c)
 115 // 3)      }
 116 //
 117 static void cost_check(FILE *fp, const char *spaces,
 118                        const char *arrayIdx, const Expr *cost, const char *rule, ProductionState &status) {
 119   bool state_check               = false;  // true if this production needs to check validity
 120   bool cost_check                = false;  // true if this production needs to check cost
 121   bool cost_is_above_upper_bound = false;  // true if this production is unnecessary due to high cost
 122   bool cost_is_below_lower_bound = false;  // true if this production replaces a higher cost production
 124   // Get information about this production
 125   const Expr *previous_ub = status.cost_ub(arrayIdx);
 126   if( !previous_ub->is_unknown() ) {
 127     if( previous_ub->less_than_or_equal(cost) ) {
 128       cost_is_above_upper_bound = true;
 129       if( debug_output ) { fprintf(fp, "// Previous rule with lower cost than: %s === %s_rule costs %s\n", arrayIdx, rule, cost->as_string()); }
 130     }
 131   }
 133   const Expr *previous_lb = status.cost_lb(arrayIdx);
 134   if( !previous_lb->is_unknown() ) {
 135     if( cost->less_than_or_equal(previous_lb) ) {
 136       cost_is_below_lower_bound = true;
 137       if( debug_output ) { fprintf(fp, "// Previous rule with higher cost\n"); }
 138     }
 139   }
 141   // line 1)
 142   // Check for validity and compare to other match costs
 143   const char *validity_check = status.valid(arrayIdx);
 144   if( validity_check == unknownValid ) {
 145     fprintf(fp, "%sif (STATE__NOT_YET_VALID(%s) || _cost[%s] > %s) {\n",  spaces, arrayIdx, arrayIdx, cost->as_string());
 146     state_check = true;
 147     cost_check  = true;
 148   }
 149   else if( validity_check == knownInvalid ) {
 150     if( debug_output ) { fprintf(fp, "%s// %s KNOWN_INVALID \n",  spaces, arrayIdx); }
 151   }
 152   else if( validity_check == knownValid ) {
 153     if( cost_is_above_upper_bound ) {
 154       // production cost is known to be too high.
 155       return;
 156     } else if( cost_is_below_lower_bound ) {
 157       // production will unconditionally overwrite a previous production that had higher cost
 158     } else {
 159       fprintf(fp, "%sif ( /* %s KNOWN_VALID || */ _cost[%s] > %s) {\n",  spaces, arrayIdx, arrayIdx, cost->as_string());
 160       cost_check  = true;
 161     }
 162   }
 164   // line 2)
 165   // no need to set State vector if our state is knownValid
 166   const char *production = (validity_check == knownValid) ? dfa_production : dfa_production_set_valid;
 167   fprintf(fp, "%s  %s(%s, %s_rule, %s)", spaces, production, arrayIdx, rule, cost->as_string() );
 168   if( validity_check == knownValid ) {
 169     if( cost_is_below_lower_bound ) { fprintf(fp, "\t  // overwrites higher cost rule"); }
 170    }
 171    fprintf(fp, "\n");
 173   // line 3)
 174   if( cost_check || state_check ) {
 175     fprintf(fp, "%s}\n", spaces);
 176   }
 178   status.set_cost_bounds(arrayIdx, cost, state_check, cost_check);
 180   // Update ProductionState
 181   if( validity_check != knownValid ) {
 182     // set State vector if not previously known
 183     status.set_valid(arrayIdx);
 184   }
 185 }
 188 //---------------------------child_test----------------------------------------
 189 // Example:
 190 //   STATE__VALID_CHILD(_kids[0], FOO) &&  STATE__VALID_CHILD(_kids[1], BAR)
 191 // Macro equivalent to: _kids[0]->valid(FOO) && _kids[1]->valid(BAR)
 192 //
 193 static void child_test(FILE *fp, MatchList &mList) {
 194   if( mList._lchild )           // If left child, check it
 195     fprintf(fp, "STATE__VALID_CHILD(_kids[0], %s)", ArchDesc::getMachOperEnum(mList._lchild));
 196   if( mList._lchild && mList._rchild )      // If both, add the "&&"
 197     fprintf(fp, " && " );
 198   if( mList._rchild )           // If right child, check it
 199     fprintf(fp, "STATE__VALID_CHILD(_kids[1], %s)", ArchDesc::getMachOperEnum(mList._rchild));
 200 }
 202 //---------------------------calc_cost-----------------------------------------
 203 // Example:
 204 //           unsigned int c = _kids[0]->_cost[FOO] + _kids[1]->_cost[BAR] + 5;
 205 //
 206 Expr *ArchDesc::calc_cost(FILE *fp, const char *spaces, MatchList &mList, ProductionState &status) {
 207   fprintf(fp, "%sunsigned int c = ", spaces);
 208   Expr *c = new Expr("0");
 209   if (mList._lchild ) {                   // If left child, add it in
 210     sprintf(Expr::buffer(), "_kids[0]->_cost[%s]", ArchDesc::getMachOperEnum(mList._lchild));
 211     c->add(Expr::buffer());
 212 }
 213   if (mList._rchild) {                    // If right child, add it in
 214     sprintf(Expr::buffer(), "_kids[1]->_cost[%s]", ArchDesc::getMachOperEnum(mList._rchild));
 215     c->add(Expr::buffer());
 216   }
 217   // Add in cost of this rule
 218   const char *mList_cost = mList.get_cost();
 219   c->add(mList_cost, *this);
 221   fprintf(fp, "%s;\n", c->as_string());
 222   c->set_external_name("c");
 223   return c;
 224 }
 227 //---------------------------gen_match-----------------------------------------
 228 void ArchDesc::gen_match(FILE *fp, MatchList &mList, ProductionState &status, Dict &operands_chained_from) {
 229   const char *spaces4 = "    ";
 230   const char *spaces6 = "      ";
 232   fprintf(fp, "%s", spaces4);
 233   // Only generate child tests if this is not a leaf node
 234   bool has_child_constraints = mList._lchild || mList._rchild;
 235   const char *predicate_test        = mList.get_pred();
 236   if( has_child_constraints || predicate_test ) {
 237     // Open the child-and-predicate-test braces
 238     fprintf(fp, "if( ");
 239     status.set_constraint(hasConstraint);
 240     child_test(fp, mList);
 241     // Only generate predicate test if one exists for this match
 242     if( predicate_test ) {
 243       if( has_child_constraints ) { fprintf(fp," &&\n"); }
 244       fprintf(fp, "%s  %s", spaces6, predicate_test);
 245     }
 246     // End of outer tests
 247     fprintf(fp," ) ");
 248   } else {
 249     // No child or predicate test needed
 250     status.set_constraint(noConstraint);
 251   }
 253   // End of outer tests
 254   fprintf(fp,"{\n");
 256   // Calculate cost of this match
 257   const Expr *cost = calc_cost(fp, spaces6, mList, status);
 258   // Check against other match costs, and update cost & rule vectors
 259   cost_check(fp, spaces6, ArchDesc::getMachOperEnum(mList._resultStr), cost, mList._opcode, status);
 261   // If this is a member of an operand class, update the class cost & rule
 262   expand_opclass( fp, spaces6, cost, mList._resultStr, status);
 264   // Check if this rule should be used to generate the chains as well.
 265   const char *rule = /* set rule to "Invalid" for internal operands */
 266     strcmp(mList._opcode,mList._resultStr) ? mList._opcode : "Invalid";
 268   // If this rule produces an operand which has associated chain rules,
 269   // update the operands with the chain rule + this rule cost & this rule.
 270   chain_rule(fp, spaces6, mList._resultStr, cost, rule, operands_chained_from, status);
 272   // Close the child-and-predicate-test braces
 273   fprintf(fp, "    }\n");
 275 }
 278 //---------------------------expand_opclass------------------------------------
 279 // Chain from one result_type to all other members of its operand class
 280 void ArchDesc::expand_opclass(FILE *fp, const char *indent, const Expr *cost,
 281                               const char *result_type, ProductionState &status) {
 282   const Form *form = _globalNames[result_type];
 283   OperandForm *op = form ? form->is_operand() : NULL;
 284   if( op && op->_classes.count() > 0 ) {
 285     if( debug_output ) { fprintf(fp, "// expand operand classes for operand: %s \n", (char *)op->_ident  ); } // %%%%% Explanation
 286     // Iterate through all operand classes which include this operand
 287     op->_classes.reset();
 288     const char *oclass;
 289     // Expr *cCost = new Expr(cost);
 290     while( (oclass = op->_classes.iter()) != NULL )
 291       // Check against other match costs, and update cost & rule vectors
 292       cost_check(fp, indent, ArchDesc::getMachOperEnum(oclass), cost, result_type, status);
 293   }
 294 }
 296 //---------------------------chain_rule----------------------------------------
 297 // Starting at 'operand', check if we know how to automatically generate other results
 298 void ArchDesc::chain_rule(FILE *fp, const char *indent, const char *operand,
 299      const Expr *icost, const char *irule, Dict &operands_chained_from,  ProductionState &status) {
 301   // Check if we have already generated chains from this starting point
 302   if( operands_chained_from[operand] != NULL ) {
 303     return;
 304   } else {
 305     operands_chained_from.Insert( operand, operand);
 306   }
 307   if( debug_output ) { fprintf(fp, "// chain rules starting from: %s  and  %s \n", (char *)operand, (char *)irule); } // %%%%% Explanation
 309   ChainList *lst = (ChainList *)_chainRules[operand];
 310   if (lst) {
 311     // printf("\nChain from <%s> at cost #%s\n",operand, icost ? icost : "_");
 312     const char *result, *cost, *rule;
 313     for(lst->reset(); (lst->iter(result,cost,rule)) == true; ) {
 314       // Do not generate operands that are already available
 315       if( operands_chained_from[result] != NULL ) {
 316         continue;
 317       } else {
 318         // Compute the cost for previous match + chain_rule_cost
 319         // total_cost = icost + cost;
 320         Expr *total_cost = icost->clone();  // icost + cost
 321         total_cost->add(cost, *this);
 323         // Check for transitive chain rules
 324         Form *form = (Form *)_globalNames[rule];
 325         if ( ! form->is_instruction()) {
 326           // printf("   result=%s cost=%s rule=%s\n", result, total_cost, rule);
 327           // Check against other match costs, and update cost & rule vectors
 328           const char *reduce_rule = strcmp(irule,"Invalid") ? irule : rule;
 329           cost_check(fp, indent, ArchDesc::getMachOperEnum(result), total_cost, reduce_rule, status);
 330           chain_rule(fp, indent, result, total_cost, irule, operands_chained_from, status);
 331         } else {
 332           // printf("   result=%s cost=%s rule=%s\n", result, total_cost, rule);
 333           // Check against other match costs, and update cost & rule vectors
 334           cost_check(fp, indent, ArchDesc::getMachOperEnum(result), total_cost, rule, status);
 335           chain_rule(fp, indent, result, total_cost, rule, operands_chained_from, status);
 336         }
 338         // If this is a member of an operand class, update class cost & rule
 339         expand_opclass( fp, indent, total_cost, result, status );
 340       }
 341     }
 342   }
 343 }
 345 //---------------------------prune_matchlist-----------------------------------
 346 // Check for duplicate entries in a matchlist, and prune out the higher cost
 347 // entry.
 348 void ArchDesc::prune_matchlist(Dict &minimize, MatchList &mlist) {
 350 }
 352 //---------------------------buildDFA------------------------------------------
 353 // DFA is a large switch with case statements for each ideal opcode encountered
 354 // in any match rule in the ad file.  Each case has a series of if's to handle
 355 // the match or fail decisions.  The matches test the cost function of that
 356 // rule, and prune any cases which are higher cost for the same reduction.
 357 // In order to generate the DFA we walk the table of ideal opcode/MatchList
 358 // pairs generated by the ADLC front end to build the contents of the case
 359 // statements (a series of if statements).
 360 void ArchDesc::buildDFA(FILE* fp) {
 361   int i;
 362   // Remember operands that are the starting points for chain rules.
 363   // Prevent cycles by checking if we have already generated chain.
 364   Dict operands_chained_from(cmpstr, hashstr, Form::arena);
 366   // Hash inputs to match rules so that final DFA contains only one entry for
 367   // each match pattern which is the low cost entry.
 368   Dict minimize(cmpstr, hashstr, Form::arena);
 370   // Track status of dfa for each resulting production
 371   // reset for each ideal root.
 372   ProductionState status(Form::arena);
 374   // Output the start of the DFA method into the output file
 376   fprintf(fp, "\n");
 377   fprintf(fp, "//------------------------- Source -----------------------------------------\n");
 378   // Do not put random source code into the DFA.
 379   // If there are constants which need sharing, put them in "source_hpp" forms.
 380   // _source.output(fp);
 381   fprintf(fp, "\n");
 382   fprintf(fp, "//------------------------- Attributes -------------------------------------\n");
 383   _attributes.output(fp);
 384   fprintf(fp, "\n");
 385   fprintf(fp, "//------------------------- Macros -----------------------------------------\n");
 386   // #define DFA_PRODUCTION(result, rule, cost)\
 387   //   _cost[ (result) ] = cost; _rule[ (result) ] = rule;
 388   fprintf(fp, "#define %s(result, rule, cost)\\\n", dfa_production);
 389   fprintf(fp, "  _cost[ (result) ] = cost; _rule[ (result) ] = rule;\n");
 390   fprintf(fp, "\n");
 392   // #define DFA_PRODUCTION__SET_VALID(result, rule, cost)\
 393   //     DFA_PRODUCTION( (result), (rule), (cost) ); STATE__SET_VALID( (result) );
 394   fprintf(fp, "#define %s(result, rule, cost)\\\n", dfa_production_set_valid);
 395   fprintf(fp, "  %s( (result), (rule), (cost) ); STATE__SET_VALID( (result) );\n", dfa_production);
 396   fprintf(fp, "\n");
 398   fprintf(fp, "//------------------------- DFA --------------------------------------------\n");
 400   fprintf(fp,
 401 "// DFA is a large switch with case statements for each ideal opcode encountered\n"
 402 "// in any match rule in the ad file.  Each case has a series of if's to handle\n"
 403 "// the match or fail decisions.  The matches test the cost function of that\n"
 404 "// rule, and prune any cases which are higher cost for the same reduction.\n"
 405 "// In order to generate the DFA we walk the table of ideal opcode/MatchList\n"
 406 "// pairs generated by the ADLC front end to build the contents of the case\n"
 407 "// statements (a series of if statements).\n"
 408 );
 409   fprintf(fp, "\n");
 410   fprintf(fp, "\n");
 411   if (_dfa_small) {
 412     // Now build the individual routines just like the switch entries in large version
 413     // Iterate over the table of MatchLists, start at first valid opcode of 1
 414     for (i = 1; i < _last_opcode; i++) {
 415       if (_mlistab[i] == NULL) continue;
 416       // Generate the routine header statement for this opcode
 417       fprintf(fp, "void  State::_sub_Op_%s(const Node *n){\n", NodeClassNames[i]);
 418       // Generate body. Shared for both inline and out-of-line version
 419       gen_dfa_state_body(fp, minimize, status, operands_chained_from, i);
 420       // End of routine
 421       fprintf(fp, "}\n");
 422     }
 423   }
 424   fprintf(fp, "bool State::DFA");
 425   fprintf(fp, "(int opcode, const Node *n) {\n");
 426   fprintf(fp, "  switch(opcode) {\n");
 428   // Iterate over the table of MatchLists, start at first valid opcode of 1
 429   for (i = 1; i < _last_opcode; i++) {
 430     if (_mlistab[i] == NULL) continue;
 431     // Generate the case statement for this opcode
 432     if (_dfa_small) {
 433       fprintf(fp, "  case Op_%s: { _sub_Op_%s(n);\n", NodeClassNames[i], NodeClassNames[i]);
 434     } else {
 435       fprintf(fp, "  case Op_%s: {\n", NodeClassNames[i]);
 436       // Walk the list, compacting it
 437       gen_dfa_state_body(fp, minimize, status, operands_chained_from, i);
 438     }
 439     // Print the "break"
 440     fprintf(fp, "    break;\n");
 441     fprintf(fp, "  }\n");
 442   }
 444   // Generate the default case for switch(opcode)
 445   fprintf(fp, "  \n");
 446   fprintf(fp, "  default:\n");
 447   fprintf(fp, "    tty->print(\"Default case invoked for: \\n\");\n");
 448   fprintf(fp, "    tty->print(\"   opcode  = %cd, \\\"%cs\\\"\\n\", opcode, NodeClassNames[opcode]);\n", '%', '%');
 449   fprintf(fp, "    return false;\n");
 450   fprintf(fp, "  }\n");
 452   // Return status, indicating a successful match.
 453   fprintf(fp, "  return true;\n");
 454   // Generate the closing brace for method Matcher::DFA
 455   fprintf(fp, "}\n");
 456   Expr::check_buffers();
 457 }
 460 class dfa_shared_preds {
 461   enum { count = 4 };
 463   static bool        _found[count];
 464   static const char* _type [count];
 465   static const char* _var  [count];
 466   static const char* _pred [count];
 468   static void check_index(int index) { assert( 0 <= index && index < count, "Invalid index"); }
 470   // Confirm that this is a separate sub-expression.
 471   // Only need to catch common cases like " ... && shared ..."
 472   // and avoid hazardous ones like "...->shared"
 473   static bool valid_loc(char *pred, char *shared) {
 474     // start of predicate is valid
 475     if( shared == pred ) return true;
 477     // Check previous character and recurse if needed
 478     char *prev = shared - 1;
 479     char c  = *prev;
 480     switch( c ) {
 481     case ' ':
 482     case '\n':
 483       return dfa_shared_preds::valid_loc(pred, prev);
 484     case '!':
 485     case '(':
 486     case '<':
 487     case '=':
 488       return true;
 489     case '"':  // such as: #line 10 "myfile.ad"\n mypredicate
 490       return true;
 491     case '|':
 492       if( prev != pred && *(prev-1) == '|' ) return true;
 493     case '&':
 494       if( prev != pred && *(prev-1) == '&' ) return true;
 495     default:
 496       return false;
 497     }
 499     return false;
 500   }
 502 public:
 504   static bool        found(int index){ check_index(index); return _found[index]; }
 505   static void    set_found(int index, bool val) { check_index(index); _found[index] = val; }
 506   static void  reset_found() {
 507     for( int i = 0; i < count; ++i ) { _found[i] = false; }
 508   };
 510   static const char* type(int index) { check_index(index); return _type[index]; }
 511   static const char* var (int index) { check_index(index); return _var [index];  }
 512   static const char* pred(int index) { check_index(index); return _pred[index]; }
 514   // Check each predicate in the MatchList for common sub-expressions
 515   static void cse_matchlist(MatchList *matchList) {
 516     for( MatchList *mList = matchList; mList != NULL; mList = mList->get_next() ) {
 517       Predicate* predicate = mList->get_pred_obj();
 518       char*      pred      = mList->get_pred();
 519       if( pred != NULL ) {
 520         for(int index = 0; index < count; ++index ) {
 521           const char *shared_pred      = dfa_shared_preds::pred(index);
 522           const char *shared_pred_var  = dfa_shared_preds::var(index);
 523           bool result = dfa_shared_preds::cse_predicate(predicate, shared_pred, shared_pred_var);
 524           if( result ) dfa_shared_preds::set_found(index, true);
 525         }
 526       }
 527     }
 528   }
 530   // If the Predicate contains a common sub-expression, replace the Predicate's
 531   // string with one that uses the variable name.
 532   static bool cse_predicate(Predicate* predicate, const char *shared_pred, const char *shared_pred_var) {
 533     bool result = false;
 534     char *pred = predicate->_pred;
 535     if( pred != NULL ) {
 536       char *new_pred = pred;
 537       for( char *shared_pred_loc = strstr(new_pred, shared_pred);
 538       shared_pred_loc != NULL && dfa_shared_preds::valid_loc(new_pred,shared_pred_loc);
 539       shared_pred_loc = strstr(new_pred, shared_pred) ) {
 540         // Do not modify the original predicate string, it is shared
 541         if( new_pred == pred ) {
 542           new_pred = strdup(pred);
 543           shared_pred_loc = strstr(new_pred, shared_pred);
 544         }
 545         // Replace shared_pred with variable name
 546         strncpy(shared_pred_loc, shared_pred_var, strlen(shared_pred_var));
 547       }
 548       // Install new predicate
 549       if( new_pred != pred ) {
 550         predicate->_pred = new_pred;
 551         result = true;
 552       }
 553     }
 554     return result;
 555   }
 557   // Output the hoisted common sub-expression if we found it in predicates
 558   static void generate_cse(FILE *fp) {
 559     for(int j = 0; j < count; ++j ) {
 560       if( dfa_shared_preds::found(j) ) {
 561         const char *shared_pred_type = dfa_shared_preds::type(j);
 562         const char *shared_pred_var  = dfa_shared_preds::var(j);
 563         const char *shared_pred      = dfa_shared_preds::pred(j);
 564         fprintf(fp, "    %s %s = %s;\n", shared_pred_type, shared_pred_var, shared_pred);
 565       }
 566     }
 567   }
 568 };
 569 // shared predicates, _var and _pred entry should be the same length
 570 bool         dfa_shared_preds::_found[dfa_shared_preds::count]
 571   = { false, false, false, false };
 572 const char*  dfa_shared_preds::_type[dfa_shared_preds::count]
 573   = { "int", "jlong", "intptr_t", "bool" };
 574 const char*  dfa_shared_preds::_var [dfa_shared_preds::count]
 575   = { "_n_get_int__", "_n_get_long__", "_n_get_intptr_t__", "Compile__current____select_24_bit_instr__" };
 576 const char*  dfa_shared_preds::_pred[dfa_shared_preds::count]
 577   = { "n->get_int()", "n->get_long()", "n->get_intptr_t()", "Compile::current()->select_24_bit_instr()" };
 580 void ArchDesc::gen_dfa_state_body(FILE* fp, Dict &minimize, ProductionState &status, Dict &operands_chained_from, int i) {
 581   // Start the body of each Op_XXX sub-dfa with a clean state.
 582   status.initialize();
 584   // Walk the list, compacting it
 585   MatchList* mList = _mlistab[i];
 586   do {
 587     // Hash each entry using inputs as key and pointer as data.
 588     // If there is already an entry, keep the one with lower cost, and
 589     // remove the other one from the list.
 590     prune_matchlist(minimize, *mList);
 591     // Iterate
 592     mList = mList->get_next();
 593   } while(mList != NULL);
 595   // Hoist previously specified common sub-expressions out of predicates
 596   dfa_shared_preds::reset_found();
 597   dfa_shared_preds::cse_matchlist(_mlistab[i]);
 598   dfa_shared_preds::generate_cse(fp);
 600   mList = _mlistab[i];
 602   // Walk the list again, generating code
 603   do {
 604     // Each match can generate its own chains
 605     operands_chained_from.Clear();
 606     gen_match(fp, *mList, status, operands_chained_from);
 607     mList = mList->get_next();
 608   } while(mList != NULL);
 609   // Fill in any chain rules which add instructions
 610   // These can generate their own chains as well.
 611   operands_chained_from.Clear();  //
 612   if( debug_output1 ) { fprintf(fp, "// top level chain rules for: %s \n", (char *)NodeClassNames[i]); } // %%%%% Explanation
 613   const Expr *zeroCost = new Expr("0");
 614   chain_rule(fp, "   ", (char *)NodeClassNames[i], zeroCost, "Invalid",
 615              operands_chained_from, status);
 616 }
 620 //------------------------------Expr------------------------------------------
 621 Expr *Expr::_unknown_expr = NULL;
 622 char  Expr::string_buffer[STRING_BUFFER_LENGTH];
 623 char  Expr::external_buffer[STRING_BUFFER_LENGTH];
 624 bool  Expr::_init_buffers = Expr::init_buffers();
 626 Expr::Expr() {
 627   _external_name = NULL;
 628   _expr          = "Invalid_Expr";
 629   _min_value     = Expr::Max;
 630   _max_value     = Expr::Zero;
 631 }
 632 Expr::Expr(const char *cost) {
 633   _external_name = NULL;
 635   int intval = 0;
 636   if( cost == NULL ) {
 637     _expr = "0";
 638     _min_value = Expr::Zero;
 639     _max_value = Expr::Zero;
 640   }
 641   else if( ADLParser::is_int_token(cost, intval) ) {
 642     _expr = cost;
 643     _min_value = intval;
 644     _max_value = intval;
 645   }
 646   else {
 647     assert( strcmp(cost,"0") != 0, "Recognize string zero as an int");
 648     _expr = cost;
 649     _min_value = Expr::Zero;
 650     _max_value = Expr::Max;
 651   }
 652 }
 654 Expr::Expr(const char *name, const char *expression, int min_value, int max_value) {
 655   _external_name = name;
 656   _expr          = expression ? expression : name;
 657   _min_value     = min_value;
 658   _max_value     = max_value;
 659   assert(_min_value >= 0 && _min_value <= Expr::Max, "value out of range");
 660   assert(_max_value >= 0 && _max_value <= Expr::Max, "value out of range");
 661 }
 663 Expr *Expr::clone() const {
 664   Expr *cost = new Expr();
 665   cost->_external_name = _external_name;
 666   cost->_expr          = _expr;
 667   cost->_min_value     = _min_value;
 668   cost->_max_value     = _max_value;
 670   return cost;
 671 }
 673 void Expr::add(const Expr *c) {
 674   // Do not update fields until all computation is complete
 675   const char *external  = compute_external(this, c);
 676   const char *expr      = compute_expr(this, c);
 677   int         min_value = compute_min (this, c);
 678   int         max_value = compute_max (this, c);
 680   _external_name = external;
 681   _expr      = expr;
 682   _min_value = min_value;
 683   _max_value = max_value;
 684 }
 686 void Expr::add(const char *c) {
 687   Expr *cost = new Expr(c);
 688   add(cost);
 689 }
 691 void Expr::add(const char *c, ArchDesc &AD) {
 692   const Expr *e = AD.globalDefs()[c];
 693   if( e != NULL ) {
 694     // use the value of 'c' defined in <arch>.ad
 695     add(e);
 696   } else {
 697     Expr *cost = new Expr(c);
 698     add(cost);
 699   }
 700 }
 702 const char *Expr::compute_external(const Expr *c1, const Expr *c2) {
 703   const char * result = NULL;
 705   // Preserve use of external name which has a zero value
 706   if( c1->_external_name != NULL ) {
 707     sprintf( string_buffer, "%s", c1->as_string());
 708     if( !c2->is_zero() ) {
 709       strcat( string_buffer, "+");
 710       strcat( string_buffer, c2->as_string());
 711     }
 712     result = strdup(string_buffer);
 713   }
 714   else if( c2->_external_name != NULL ) {
 715     if( !c1->is_zero() ) {
 716       sprintf( string_buffer, "%s", c1->as_string());
 717       strcat( string_buffer, " + ");
 718     } else {
 719       string_buffer[0] = '\0';
 720     }
 721     strcat( string_buffer, c2->_external_name );
 722     result = strdup(string_buffer);
 723   }
 724   return result;
 725 }
 727 const char *Expr::compute_expr(const Expr *c1, const Expr *c2) {
 728   if( !c1->is_zero() ) {
 729     sprintf( string_buffer, "%s", c1->_expr);
 730     if( !c2->is_zero() ) {
 731       strcat( string_buffer, "+");
 732       strcat( string_buffer, c2->_expr);
 733     }
 734   }
 735   else if( !c2->is_zero() ) {
 736     sprintf( string_buffer, "%s", c2->_expr);
 737   }
 738   else {
 739     sprintf( string_buffer, "0");
 740   }
 741   char *cost = strdup(string_buffer);
 743   return cost;
 744 }
 746 int Expr::compute_min(const Expr *c1, const Expr *c2) {
 747   int result = c1->_min_value + c2->_min_value;
 748   assert( result >= 0, "Invalid cost computation");
 750   return result;
 751 }
 753 int Expr::compute_max(const Expr *c1, const Expr *c2) {
 754   int result = c1->_max_value + c2->_max_value;
 755   if( result < 0 ) {  // check for overflow
 756     result = Expr::Max;
 757   }
 759   return result;
 760 }
 762 void Expr::print() const {
 763   if( _external_name != NULL ) {
 764     printf("  %s == (%s) === [%d, %d]\n", _external_name, _expr, _min_value, _max_value);
 765   } else {
 766     printf("  %s === [%d, %d]\n", _expr, _min_value, _max_value);
 767   }
 768 }
 770 void Expr::print_define(FILE *fp) const {
 771   assert( _external_name != NULL, "definition does not have a name");
 772   assert( _min_value == _max_value, "Expect user definitions to have constant value");
 773   fprintf(fp, "#define  %s  (%s)  \n", _external_name, _expr);
 774   fprintf(fp, "// value == %d \n", _min_value);
 775 }
 777 void Expr::print_assert(FILE *fp) const {
 778   assert( _external_name != NULL, "definition does not have a name");
 779   assert( _min_value == _max_value, "Expect user definitions to have constant value");
 780   fprintf(fp, "  assert( %s == %d, \"Expect (%s) to equal %d\");\n", _external_name, _min_value, _expr, _min_value);
 781 }
 783 Expr *Expr::get_unknown() {
 784   if( Expr::_unknown_expr == NULL ) {
 785     Expr::_unknown_expr = new Expr();
 786   }
 788   return Expr::_unknown_expr;
 789 }
 791 bool Expr::init_buffers() {
 792   // Fill buffers with 0
 793   for( int i = 0; i < STRING_BUFFER_LENGTH; ++i ) {
 794     external_buffer[i] = '\0';
 795     string_buffer[i]   = '\0';
 796   }
 798   return true;
 799 }
 801 bool Expr::check_buffers() {
 802   // returns 'true' if buffer use may have overflowed
 803   bool ok = true;
 804   for( int i = STRING_BUFFER_LENGTH - 100; i < STRING_BUFFER_LENGTH; ++i) {
 805     if( external_buffer[i] != '\0' || string_buffer[i]   != '\0' ) {
 806       ok = false;
 807       assert( false, "Expr:: Buffer overflow");
 808     }
 809   }
 811   return ok;
 812 }
 815 //------------------------------ExprDict---------------------------------------
 816 // Constructor
 817 ExprDict::ExprDict( CmpKey cmp, Hash hash, Arena *arena )
 818   : _expr(cmp, hash, arena), _defines()  {
 819 }
 820 ExprDict::~ExprDict() {
 821 }
 823 // Return # of name-Expr pairs in dict
 824 int ExprDict::Size(void) const {
 825   return _expr.Size();
 826 }
 828 // define inserts the given key-value pair into the dictionary,
 829 // and records the name in order for later output, ...
 830 const Expr  *ExprDict::define(const char *name, Expr *expr) {
 831   const Expr *old_expr = (*this)[name];
 832   assert(old_expr == NULL, "Implementation does not support redefinition");
 834   _expr.Insert(name, expr);
 835   _defines.addName(name);
 837   return old_expr;
 838 }
 840 // Insert inserts the given key-value pair into the dictionary.  The prior
 841 // value of the key is returned; NULL if the key was not previously defined.
 842 const Expr  *ExprDict::Insert(const char *name, Expr *expr) {
 843   return (Expr*)_expr.Insert((void*)name, (void*)expr);
 844 }
 846 // Finds the value of a given key; or NULL if not found.
 847 // The dictionary is NOT changed.
 848 const Expr  *ExprDict::operator [](const char *name) const {
 849   return (Expr*)_expr[name];
 850 }
 852 void ExprDict::print_defines(FILE *fp) {
 853   fprintf(fp, "\n");
 854   const char *name = NULL;
 855   for( _defines.reset(); (name = _defines.iter()) != NULL; ) {
 856     const Expr *expr = (const Expr*)_expr[name];
 857     assert( expr != NULL, "name in ExprDict without matching Expr in dictionary");
 858     expr->print_define(fp);
 859   }
 860 }
 861 void ExprDict::print_asserts(FILE *fp) {
 862   fprintf(fp, "\n");
 863   fprintf(fp, "  // Following assertions generated from definition section\n");
 864   const char *name = NULL;
 865   for( _defines.reset(); (name = _defines.iter()) != NULL; ) {
 866     const Expr *expr = (const Expr*)_expr[name];
 867     assert( expr != NULL, "name in ExprDict without matching Expr in dictionary");
 868     expr->print_assert(fp);
 869   }
 870 }
 872 // Print out the dictionary contents as key-value pairs
 873 static void dumpekey(const void* key)  { fprintf(stdout, "%s", (char*) key); }
 874 static void dumpexpr(const void* expr) { fflush(stdout); ((Expr*)expr)->print(); }
 876 void ExprDict::dump() {
 877   _expr.print(dumpekey, dumpexpr);
 878 }
 881 //------------------------------ExprDict::private------------------------------
 882 // Disable public use of constructor, copy-ctor, operator =, operator ==
 883 ExprDict::ExprDict( ) : _expr(cmpkey,hashkey), _defines()  {
 884   assert( false, "NotImplemented");
 885 }
 886 ExprDict::ExprDict( const ExprDict & ) : _expr(cmpkey,hashkey), _defines() {
 887   assert( false, "NotImplemented");
 888 }
 889 ExprDict &ExprDict::operator =( const ExprDict &rhs) {
 890   assert( false, "NotImplemented");
 891   _expr = rhs._expr;
 892   return *this;
 893 }
 894 // == compares two dictionaries; they must have the same keys (their keys
 895 // must match using CmpKey) and they must have the same values (pointer
 896 // comparison).  If so 1 is returned, if not 0 is returned.
 897 bool ExprDict::operator ==(const ExprDict &d) const {
 898   assert( false, "NotImplemented");
 899   return false;
 900 }
 903 //------------------------------Production-------------------------------------
 904 Production::Production(const char *result, const char *constraint, const char *valid) {
 905   initialize();
 906   _result     = result;
 907   _constraint = constraint;
 908   _valid      = valid;
 909 }
 911 void Production::initialize() {
 912   _result     = NULL;
 913   _constraint = NULL;
 914   _valid      = knownInvalid;
 915   _cost_lb    = Expr::get_unknown();
 916   _cost_ub    = Expr::get_unknown();
 917 }
 919 void Production::print() {
 920   printf("%s", (_result     == NULL ? "NULL" : _result ) );
 921   printf("%s", (_constraint == NULL ? "NULL" : _constraint ) );
 922   printf("%s", (_valid      == NULL ? "NULL" : _valid ) );
 923   _cost_lb->print();
 924   _cost_ub->print();
 925 }
 928 //------------------------------ProductionState--------------------------------
 929 void ProductionState::initialize() {
 930   _constraint = noConstraint;
 932   // reset each Production currently in the dictionary
 933   DictI iter( &_production );
 934   const void *x, *y = NULL;
 935   for( ; iter.test(); ++iter) {
 936     x = iter._key;
 937     y = iter._value;
 938     Production *p = (Production*)y;
 939     if( p != NULL ) {
 940       p->initialize();
 941     }
 942   }
 943 }
 945 Production *ProductionState::getProduction(const char *result) {
 946   Production *p = (Production *)_production[result];
 947   if( p == NULL ) {
 948     p = new Production(result, _constraint, knownInvalid);
 949     _production.Insert(result, p);
 950   }
 952   return p;
 953 }
 955 void ProductionState::set_constraint(const char *constraint) {
 956   _constraint = constraint;
 957 }
 959 const char *ProductionState::valid(const char *result) {
 960   return getProduction(result)->valid();
 961 }
 963 void ProductionState::set_valid(const char *result) {
 964   Production *p = getProduction(result);
 966   // Update valid as allowed by current constraints
 967   if( _constraint == noConstraint ) {
 968     p->_valid = knownValid;
 969   } else {
 970     if( p->_valid != knownValid ) {
 971       p->_valid = unknownValid;
 972     }
 973   }
 974 }
 976 Expr *ProductionState::cost_lb(const char *result) {
 977   return getProduction(result)->cost_lb();
 978 }
 980 Expr *ProductionState::cost_ub(const char *result) {
 981   return getProduction(result)->cost_ub();
 982 }
 984 void ProductionState::set_cost_bounds(const char *result, const Expr *cost, bool has_state_check, bool has_cost_check) {
 985   Production *p = getProduction(result);
 987   if( p->_valid == knownInvalid ) {
 988     // Our cost bounds are not unknown, just not defined.
 989     p->_cost_lb = cost->clone();
 990     p->_cost_ub = cost->clone();
 991   } else if (has_state_check || _constraint != noConstraint) {
 992     // The production is protected by a condition, so
 993     // the cost bounds may expand.
 994     // _cost_lb = min(cost, _cost_lb)
 995     if( cost->less_than_or_equal(p->_cost_lb) ) {
 996       p->_cost_lb = cost->clone();
 997     }
 998     // _cost_ub = max(cost, _cost_ub)
 999     if( p->_cost_ub->less_than_or_equal(cost) ) {
1000       p->_cost_ub = cost->clone();
1001     }
1002   } else if (has_cost_check) {
1003     // The production has no condition check, but does
1004     // have a cost check that could reduce the upper
1005     // and/or lower bound.
1006     // _cost_lb = min(cost, _cost_lb)
1007     if( cost->less_than_or_equal(p->_cost_lb) ) {
1008       p->_cost_lb = cost->clone();
1009     }
1010     // _cost_ub = min(cost, _cost_ub)
1011     if( cost->less_than_or_equal(p->_cost_ub) ) {
1012       p->_cost_ub = cost->clone();
1013     }
1014   } else {
1015     // The costs are unconditionally set.
1016     p->_cost_lb = cost->clone();
1017     p->_cost_ub = cost->clone();
1018   }
1020 }
1022 // Print out the dictionary contents as key-value pairs
1023 static void print_key (const void* key)              { fprintf(stdout, "%s", (char*) key); }
1024 static void print_production(const void* production) { fflush(stdout); ((Production*)production)->print(); }
1026 void ProductionState::print() {
1027   _production.print(print_key, print_production);
1028 }