1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2002, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 # include "incls/_precompiled.incl"
  26 # include "incls/_heapInspection.cpp.incl"
  28 // HeapInspection
  30 int KlassInfoEntry::compare(KlassInfoEntry* e1, KlassInfoEntry* e2) {
  31   if(e1->_instance_words > e2->_instance_words) {
  32     return -1;
  33   } else if(e1->_instance_words < e2->_instance_words) {
  34     return 1;
  35   }
  36   return 0;
  37 }
  39 void KlassInfoEntry::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
  40   ResourceMark rm;
  41   const char* name;;
  42   if (_klass->klass_part()->name() != NULL) {
  43     name = _klass->klass_part()->external_name();
  44   } else {
  45     if (_klass == Universe::klassKlassObj())             name = "<klassKlass>";             else
  46     if (_klass == Universe::arrayKlassKlassObj())        name = "<arrayKlassKlass>";        else
  47     if (_klass == Universe::objArrayKlassKlassObj())     name = "<objArrayKlassKlass>";     else
  48     if (_klass == Universe::instanceKlassKlassObj())     name = "<instanceKlassKlass>";     else
  49     if (_klass == Universe::typeArrayKlassKlassObj())    name = "<typeArrayKlassKlass>";    else
  50     if (_klass == Universe::symbolKlassObj())            name = "<symbolKlass>";            else
  51     if (_klass == Universe::boolArrayKlassObj())         name = "<boolArrayKlass>";         else
  52     if (_klass == Universe::charArrayKlassObj())         name = "<charArrayKlass>";         else
  53     if (_klass == Universe::singleArrayKlassObj())       name = "<singleArrayKlass>";       else
  54     if (_klass == Universe::doubleArrayKlassObj())       name = "<doubleArrayKlass>";       else
  55     if (_klass == Universe::byteArrayKlassObj())         name = "<byteArrayKlass>";         else
  56     if (_klass == Universe::shortArrayKlassObj())        name = "<shortArrayKlass>";        else
  57     if (_klass == Universe::intArrayKlassObj())          name = "<intArrayKlass>";          else
  58     if (_klass == Universe::longArrayKlassObj())         name = "<longArrayKlass>";         else
  59     if (_klass == Universe::methodKlassObj())            name = "<methodKlass>";            else
  60     if (_klass == Universe::constMethodKlassObj())       name = "<constMethodKlass>";       else
  61     if (_klass == Universe::methodDataKlassObj())        name = "<methodDataKlass>";        else
  62     if (_klass == Universe::constantPoolKlassObj())      name = "<constantPoolKlass>";      else
  63     if (_klass == Universe::constantPoolCacheKlassObj()) name = "<constantPoolCacheKlass>"; else
  64     if (_klass == Universe::compiledICHolderKlassObj())  name = "<compiledICHolderKlass>";  else
  65       name = "<no name>";
  66   }
  67   // simplify the formatting (ILP32 vs LP64) - always cast the numbers to 64-bit
  68   st->print_cr(INT64_FORMAT_W(13) "  " UINT64_FORMAT_W(13) "  %s",
  69                (jlong)  _instance_count,
  70                (julong) _instance_words * HeapWordSize,
  71                name);
  72 }
  74 KlassInfoEntry* KlassInfoBucket::lookup(const klassOop k) {
  75   KlassInfoEntry* elt = _list;
  76   while (elt != NULL) {
  77     if (elt->is_equal(k)) {
  78       return elt;
  79     }
  80     elt = elt->next();
  81   }
  82   elt = new KlassInfoEntry(k, list());
  83   // We may be out of space to allocate the new entry.
  84   if (elt != NULL) {
  85     set_list(elt);
  86   }
  87   return elt;
  88 }
  90 void KlassInfoBucket::iterate(KlassInfoClosure* cic) {
  91   KlassInfoEntry* elt = _list;
  92   while (elt != NULL) {
  93     cic->do_cinfo(elt);
  94     elt = elt->next();
  95   }
  96 }
  98 void KlassInfoBucket::empty() {
  99   KlassInfoEntry* elt = _list;
 100   _list = NULL;
 101   while (elt != NULL) {
 102     KlassInfoEntry* next = elt->next();
 103     delete elt;
 104     elt = next;
 105   }
 106 }
 108 KlassInfoTable::KlassInfoTable(int size, HeapWord* ref) {
 109   _size = 0;
 110   _ref = ref;
 111   _buckets = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(KlassInfoBucket, size);
 112   if (_buckets != NULL) {
 113     _size = size;
 114     for (int index = 0; index < _size; index++) {
 115       _buckets[index].initialize();
 116     }
 117   }
 118 }
 120 KlassInfoTable::~KlassInfoTable() {
 121   if (_buckets != NULL) {
 122     for (int index = 0; index < _size; index++) {
 123       _buckets[index].empty();
 124     }
 125     FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(KlassInfoBucket, _buckets);
 126     _size = 0;
 127   }
 128 }
 130 uint KlassInfoTable::hash(klassOop p) {
 131   assert(Universe::heap()->is_in_permanent((HeapWord*)p), "all klasses in permgen");
 132   return (uint)(((uintptr_t)p - (uintptr_t)_ref) >> 2);
 133 }
 135 KlassInfoEntry* KlassInfoTable::lookup(const klassOop k) {
 136   uint         idx = hash(k) % _size;
 137   assert(_buckets != NULL, "Allocation failure should have been caught");
 138   KlassInfoEntry*  e   = _buckets[idx].lookup(k);
 139   // Lookup may fail if this is a new klass for which we
 140   // could not allocate space for an new entry.
 141   assert(e == NULL || k == e->klass(), "must be equal");
 142   return e;
 143 }
 145 // Return false if the entry could not be recorded on account
 146 // of running out of space required to create a new entry.
 147 bool KlassInfoTable::record_instance(const oop obj) {
 148   klassOop      k = obj->klass();
 149   KlassInfoEntry* elt = lookup(k);
 150   // elt may be NULL if it's a new klass for which we
 151   // could not allocate space for a new entry in the hashtable.
 152   if (elt != NULL) {
 153     elt->set_count(elt->count() + 1);
 154     elt->set_words(elt->words() + obj->size());
 155     return true;
 156   } else {
 157     return false;
 158   }
 159 }
 161 void KlassInfoTable::iterate(KlassInfoClosure* cic) {
 162   assert(_size == 0 || _buckets != NULL, "Allocation failure should have been caught");
 163   for (int index = 0; index < _size; index++) {
 164     _buckets[index].iterate(cic);
 165   }
 166 }
 168 int KlassInfoHisto::sort_helper(KlassInfoEntry** e1, KlassInfoEntry** e2) {
 169   return (*e1)->compare(*e1,*e2);
 170 }
 172 KlassInfoHisto::KlassInfoHisto(const char* title, int estimatedCount) :
 173   _title(title) {
 174   _elements = new (ResourceObj::C_HEAP) GrowableArray<KlassInfoEntry*>(estimatedCount,true);
 175 }
 177 KlassInfoHisto::~KlassInfoHisto() {
 178   delete _elements;
 179 }
 181 void KlassInfoHisto::add(KlassInfoEntry* cie) {
 182   elements()->append(cie);
 183 }
 185 void KlassInfoHisto::sort() {
 186   elements()->sort(KlassInfoHisto::sort_helper);
 187 }
 189 void KlassInfoHisto::print_elements(outputStream* st) const {
 190   // simplify the formatting (ILP32 vs LP64) - store the sum in 64-bit
 191   jlong total = 0;
 192   julong totalw = 0;
 193   for(int i=0; i < elements()->length(); i++) {
 194     st->print("%4d: ", i+1);
 195     elements()->at(i)->print_on(st);
 196     total += elements()->at(i)->count();
 197     totalw += elements()->at(i)->words();
 198   }
 199   st->print_cr("Total " INT64_FORMAT_W(13) "  " UINT64_FORMAT_W(13),
 200                total, totalw * HeapWordSize);
 201 }
 203 void KlassInfoHisto::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
 204   st->print_cr("%s",title());
 205   print_elements(st);
 206 }
 208 class HistoClosure : public KlassInfoClosure {
 209  private:
 210   KlassInfoHisto* _cih;
 211  public:
 212   HistoClosure(KlassInfoHisto* cih) : _cih(cih) {}
 214   void do_cinfo(KlassInfoEntry* cie) {
 215     _cih->add(cie);
 216   }
 217 };
 219 class RecordInstanceClosure : public ObjectClosure {
 220  private:
 221   KlassInfoTable* _cit;
 222   size_t _missed_count;
 223  public:
 224   RecordInstanceClosure(KlassInfoTable* cit) :
 225     _cit(cit), _missed_count(0) {}
 227   void do_object(oop obj) {
 228     if (!_cit->record_instance(obj)) {
 229       _missed_count++;
 230     }
 231   }
 233   size_t missed_count() { return _missed_count; }
 234 };
 236 void HeapInspection::heap_inspection(outputStream* st, bool need_prologue) {
 237   ResourceMark rm;
 238   HeapWord* ref;
 240   CollectedHeap* heap = Universe::heap();
 241   bool is_shared_heap = false;
 242   switch (heap->kind()) {
 243     case CollectedHeap::G1CollectedHeap:
 244     case CollectedHeap::GenCollectedHeap: {
 245       is_shared_heap = true;
 246       SharedHeap* sh = (SharedHeap*)heap;
 247       if (need_prologue) {
 248         sh->gc_prologue(false /* !full */); // get any necessary locks, etc.
 249       }
 250       ref = sh->perm_gen()->used_region().start();
 251       break;
 252     }
 253 #ifndef SERIALGC
 254     case CollectedHeap::ParallelScavengeHeap: {
 255       ParallelScavengeHeap* psh = (ParallelScavengeHeap*)heap;
 256       ref = psh->perm_gen()->object_space()->used_region().start();
 257       break;
 258     }
 259 #endif // SERIALGC
 260     default:
 261       ShouldNotReachHere(); // Unexpected heap kind for this op
 262   }
 263   // Collect klass instance info
 264   KlassInfoTable cit(KlassInfoTable::cit_size, ref);
 265   if (!cit.allocation_failed()) {
 266     // Iterate over objects in the heap
 267     RecordInstanceClosure ric(&cit);
 268     // If this operation encounters a bad object when using CMS,
 269     // consider using safe_object_iterate() which avoids perm gen
 270     // objects that may contain bad references.
 271     Universe::heap()->object_iterate(&ric);
 273     // Report if certain classes are not counted because of
 274     // running out of C-heap for the histogram.
 275     size_t missed_count = ric.missed_count();
 276     if (missed_count != 0) {
 277       st->print_cr("WARNING: Ran out of C-heap; undercounted " SIZE_FORMAT
 278                    " total instances in data below",
 279                    missed_count);
 280     }
 281     // Sort and print klass instance info
 282     KlassInfoHisto histo("\n"
 283                      " num     #instances         #bytes  class name\n"
 284                      "----------------------------------------------",
 285                      KlassInfoHisto::histo_initial_size);
 286     HistoClosure hc(&histo);
 287     cit.iterate(&hc);
 288     histo.sort();
 289     histo.print_on(st);
 290   } else {
 291     st->print_cr("WARNING: Ran out of C-heap; histogram not generated");
 292   }
 293   st->flush();
 295   if (need_prologue && is_shared_heap) {
 296     SharedHeap* sh = (SharedHeap*)heap;
 297     sh->gc_epilogue(false /* !full */); // release all acquired locks, etc.
 298   }
 299 }
 301 class FindInstanceClosure : public ObjectClosure {
 302  private:
 303   klassOop _klass;
 304   GrowableArray<oop>* _result;
 306  public:
 307   FindInstanceClosure(klassOop k, GrowableArray<oop>* result) : _klass(k), _result(result) {};
 309   void do_object(oop obj) {
 310     if (obj->is_a(_klass)) {
 311       _result->append(obj);
 312     }
 313   }
 314 };
 316 void HeapInspection::find_instances_at_safepoint(klassOop k, GrowableArray<oop>* result) {
 317   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "all threads are stopped");
 318   assert(Heap_lock->is_locked(), "should have the Heap_lock");
 320   // Ensure that the heap is parsable
 321   Universe::heap()->ensure_parsability(false);  // no need to retire TALBs
 323   // Iterate over objects in the heap
 324   FindInstanceClosure fic(k, result);
 325   // If this operation encounters a bad object when using CMS,
 326   // consider using safe_object_iterate() which avoids perm gen
 327   // objects that may contain bad references.
 328   Universe::heap()->object_iterate(&fic);
 329 }