1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1999, 2005, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 // A KlassStream is an abstract stream for streaming over self, superclasses
  26 // and (super)interfaces. Streaming is done in reverse order (subclasses first,
  27 // interfaces last).
  28 //
  29 //    for (KlassStream st(k, false, false); !st.eos(); st.next()) {
  30 //      klassOop k = st.klass();
  31 //      ...
  32 //    }
  34 class KlassStream VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
  35  protected:
  36   instanceKlassHandle _klass;           // current klass/interface iterated over
  37   objArrayHandle      _interfaces;      // transitive interfaces for initial class
  38   int                 _interface_index; // current interface being processed
  39   bool                _local_only;      // process initial class/interface only
  40   bool                _classes_only;    // process classes only (no interfaces)
  41   int                 _index;
  43   virtual int length() const = 0;
  45  public:
  46   // constructor
  47   KlassStream(instanceKlassHandle klass, bool local_only, bool classes_only);
  49   // testing
  50   bool eos();
  52   // iterating
  53   virtual void next() = 0;
  55   // accessors
  56   instanceKlassHandle klass() const { return _klass; }
  57   int index() const                 { return _index; }
  58 };
  61 // A MethodStream streams over all methods in a class, superclasses and (super)interfaces.
  62 // Streaming is done in reverse order (subclasses first, methods in reverse order)
  63 // Usage:
  64 //
  65 //    for (MethodStream st(k, false, false); !st.eos(); st.next()) {
  66 //      methodOop m = st.method();
  67 //      ...
  68 //    }
  70 class MethodStream : public KlassStream {
  71  private:
  72   int length() const          { return methods()->length(); }
  73   objArrayOop methods() const { return _klass->methods(); }
  74  public:
  75   MethodStream(instanceKlassHandle klass, bool local_only, bool classes_only)
  76     : KlassStream(klass, local_only, classes_only) {
  77     _index = length();
  78     next();
  79   }
  81   void next() { _index--; }
  82   methodOop method() const { return methodOop(methods()->obj_at(index())); }
  83 };
  86 // A FieldStream streams over all fields in a class, superclasses and (super)interfaces.
  87 // Streaming is done in reverse order (subclasses first, fields in reverse order)
  88 // Usage:
  89 //
  90 //    for (FieldStream st(k, false, false); !st.eos(); st.next()) {
  91 //      symbolOop field_name = st.name();
  92 //      ...
  93 //    }
  96 class FieldStream : public KlassStream {
  97  private:
  98   int length() const                { return fields()->length(); }
  99   constantPoolOop constants() const { return _klass->constants(); }
 100  protected:
 101   typeArrayOop fields() const       { return _klass->fields(); }
 102  public:
 103   FieldStream(instanceKlassHandle klass, bool local_only, bool classes_only)
 104     : KlassStream(klass, local_only, classes_only) {
 105     _index = length();
 106     next();
 107   }
 109   void next() { _index -= instanceKlass::next_offset; }
 111   // Accessors for current field
 112   AccessFlags access_flags() const {
 113     AccessFlags flags;
 114     flags.set_flags(fields()->ushort_at(index() + instanceKlass::access_flags_offset));
 115     return flags;
 116   }
 117   symbolOop name() const {
 118     int name_index = fields()->ushort_at(index() + instanceKlass::name_index_offset);
 119     return constants()->symbol_at(name_index);
 120   }
 121   symbolOop signature() const {
 122     int signature_index = fields()->ushort_at(index() +
 123                                        instanceKlass::signature_index_offset);
 124     return constants()->symbol_at(signature_index);
 125   }
 126   // missing: initval()
 127   int offset() const {
 128     return _klass->offset_from_fields( index() );
 129   }
 130 };
 132 class FilteredField {
 133  private:
 134   klassOop _klass;
 135   int      _field_offset;
 137  public:
 138   FilteredField(klassOop klass, int field_offset) {
 139     _klass = klass;
 140     _field_offset = field_offset;
 141   }
 142   klassOop klass() { return _klass; }
 143   oop* klass_addr() { return (oop*) &_klass; }
 144   int  field_offset() { return _field_offset; }
 145 };
 147 class FilteredFieldsMap : AllStatic {
 148  private:
 149   static GrowableArray<FilteredField *> *_filtered_fields;
 150  public:
 151   static void initialize();
 152   static bool is_filtered_field(klassOop klass, int field_offset) {
 153     for (int i=0; i < _filtered_fields->length(); i++) {
 154       if (klass == _filtered_fields->at(i)->klass() &&
 155         field_offset == _filtered_fields->at(i)->field_offset()) {
 156         return true;
 157       }
 158     }
 159     return false;
 160   }
 161   static int  filtered_fields_count(klassOop klass, bool local_only) {
 162     int nflds = 0;
 163     for (int i=0; i < _filtered_fields->length(); i++) {
 164       if (local_only && klass == _filtered_fields->at(i)->klass()) {
 165         nflds++;
 166       } else if (klass->klass_part()->is_subtype_of(_filtered_fields->at(i)->klass())) {
 167         nflds++;
 168       }
 169     }
 170     return nflds;
 171   }
 172   // GC support.
 173   static void klasses_oops_do(OopClosure* f) {
 174     for (int i = 0; i < _filtered_fields->length(); i++) {
 175       f->do_oop((oop*)_filtered_fields->at(i)->klass_addr());
 176     }
 177   }
 178 };
 181 // A FilteredFieldStream streams over all fields in a class, superclasses and
 182 // (super)interfaces. Streaming is done in reverse order (subclasses first,
 183 // fields in reverse order)
 184 //
 185 // Usage:
 186 //
 187 //    for (FilteredFieldStream st(k, false, false); !st.eos(); st.next()) {
 188 //      symbolOop field_name = st.name();
 189 //      ...
 190 //    }
 192 class FilteredFieldStream : public FieldStream {
 193  private:
 194   int  _filtered_fields_count;
 195   bool has_filtered_field() { return (_filtered_fields_count > 0); }
 197  public:
 198   FilteredFieldStream(instanceKlassHandle klass, bool local_only, bool classes_only)
 199     : FieldStream(klass, local_only, classes_only) {
 200     _filtered_fields_count = FilteredFieldsMap::filtered_fields_count((klassOop)klass(), local_only);
 201   }
 202   int field_count();
 203   void next() {
 204     _index -= instanceKlass::next_offset;
 205     if (has_filtered_field()) {
 206       while (_index >=0 && FilteredFieldsMap::is_filtered_field((klassOop)_klass(), offset())) {
 207         _index -= instanceKlass::next_offset;
 208       }
 209     }
 210   }
 211 };