1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1997, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 // We have interface for the following instructions:
  26 // - NativeInstruction
  27 // - - NativeCall
  28 // - - NativeFarCall
  29 // - - NativeMovConstReg
  30 // - - NativeMovConstRegPatching
  31 // - - NativeMovRegMem
  32 // - - NativeMovRegMemPatching
  33 // - - NativeJump
  34 // - - NativeGeneralJump
  35 // - - NativeIllegalInstruction
  36 // The base class for different kinds of native instruction abstractions.
  37 // Provides the primitive operations to manipulate code relative to this.
  38 class NativeInstruction VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
  39   friend class Relocation;
  41  public:
  42   enum Sparc_specific_constants {
  43     nop_instruction_size        =    4
  44   };
  46   bool is_dtrace_trap();
  47   bool is_nop()                        { return long_at(0) == nop_instruction(); }
  48   bool is_call()                       { return is_op(long_at(0), Assembler::call_op); }
  49   bool is_sethi()                      { return (is_op2(long_at(0), Assembler::sethi_op2)
  50                                           && inv_rd(long_at(0)) != G0); }
  52   bool sets_cc() {
  53     // conservative (returns true for some instructions that do not set the
  54     // the condition code, such as, "save".
  55     // Does not return true for the deprecated tagged instructions, such as, TADDcc
  56     int x = long_at(0);
  57     return (is_op(x, Assembler::arith_op) &&
  58             (inv_op3(x) & Assembler::cc_bit_op3) == Assembler::cc_bit_op3);
  59   }
  60   bool is_illegal();
  61   bool is_zombie() {
  62     int x = long_at(0);
  63     return is_op3(x,
  64                   VM_Version::v9_instructions_work() ?
  65                     Assembler::ldsw_op3 : Assembler::lduw_op3,
  66                   Assembler::ldst_op)
  67         && Assembler::inv_rs1(x) == G0
  68         && Assembler::inv_rd(x) == O7;
  69   }
  70   bool is_ic_miss_trap();       // Inline-cache uses a trap to detect a miss
  71   bool is_return() {
  72     // is it the output of MacroAssembler::ret or MacroAssembler::retl?
  73     int x = long_at(0);
  74     const int pc_return_offset = 8; // see frame_sparc.hpp
  75     return is_op3(x, Assembler::jmpl_op3, Assembler::arith_op)
  76         && (inv_rs1(x) == I7 || inv_rs1(x) == O7)
  77         && inv_immed(x) && inv_simm(x, 13) == pc_return_offset
  78         && inv_rd(x) == G0;
  79   }
  80   bool is_int_jump() {
  81     // is it the output of MacroAssembler::b?
  82     int x = long_at(0);
  83     return is_op2(x, Assembler::bp_op2) || is_op2(x, Assembler::br_op2);
  84   }
  85   bool is_float_jump() {
  86     // is it the output of MacroAssembler::fb?
  87     int x = long_at(0);
  88     return is_op2(x, Assembler::fbp_op2) || is_op2(x, Assembler::fb_op2);
  89   }
  90   bool is_jump() {
  91     return is_int_jump() || is_float_jump();
  92   }
  93   bool is_cond_jump() {
  94     int x = long_at(0);
  95     return (is_int_jump() && Assembler::inv_cond(x) != Assembler::always) ||
  96            (is_float_jump() && Assembler::inv_cond(x) != Assembler::f_always);
  97   }
  99   bool is_stack_bang() {
 100     int x = long_at(0);
 101     return is_op3(x, Assembler::stw_op3, Assembler::ldst_op) &&
 102       (inv_rd(x) == G0) && (inv_rs1(x) == SP) && (inv_rs2(x) == G3_scratch);
 103   }
 105   bool is_prefetch() {
 106     int x = long_at(0);
 107     return is_op3(x, Assembler::prefetch_op3, Assembler::ldst_op);
 108   }
 110   bool is_membar() {
 111     int x = long_at(0);
 112     return is_op3(x, Assembler::membar_op3, Assembler::arith_op) &&
 113       (inv_rd(x) == G0) && (inv_rs1(x) == O7);
 114   }
 116   bool is_safepoint_poll() {
 117     int x = long_at(0);
 118 #ifdef _LP64
 119     return is_op3(x, Assembler::ldx_op3,  Assembler::ldst_op) &&
 120 #else
 121     return is_op3(x, Assembler::lduw_op3, Assembler::ldst_op) &&
 122 #endif
 123       (inv_rd(x) == G0) && (inv_immed(x) ? Assembler::inv_simm13(x) == 0 : inv_rs2(x) == G0);
 124   }
 126   bool is_zero_test(Register &reg);
 127   bool is_load_store_with_small_offset(Register reg);
 129  public:
 130 #ifdef ASSERT
 131   static int rdpc_instruction()        { return Assembler::op(Assembler::arith_op ) | Assembler::op3(Assembler::rdreg_op3) | Assembler::u_field(5, 18, 14) | Assembler::rd(O7); }
 132 #else
 133   // Temporary fix: in optimized mode, u_field is a macro for efficiency reasons (see Assembler::u_field) - needs to be fixed
 134   static int rdpc_instruction()        { return Assembler::op(Assembler::arith_op ) | Assembler::op3(Assembler::rdreg_op3) |            u_field(5, 18, 14) | Assembler::rd(O7); }
 135 #endif
 136   static int nop_instruction()         { return Assembler::op(Assembler::branch_op) | Assembler::op2(Assembler::sethi_op2); }
 137   static int illegal_instruction();    // the output of __ breakpoint_trap()
 138   static int call_instruction(address destination, address pc) { return Assembler::op(Assembler::call_op) | Assembler::wdisp((intptr_t)destination, (intptr_t)pc, 30); }
 140   static int branch_instruction(Assembler::op2s op2val, Assembler::Condition c, bool a) {
 141     return Assembler::op(Assembler::branch_op) | Assembler::op2(op2val) | Assembler::annul(a) | Assembler::cond(c);
 142   }
 144   static int op3_instruction(Assembler::ops opval, Register rd, Assembler::op3s op3val, Register rs1, int simm13a) {
 145     return Assembler::op(opval) | Assembler::rd(rd) | Assembler::op3(op3val) | Assembler::rs1(rs1) | Assembler::immed(true) | Assembler::simm(simm13a, 13);
 146   }
 148   static int sethi_instruction(Register rd, int imm22a) {
 149     return Assembler::op(Assembler::branch_op) | Assembler::rd(rd) | Assembler::op2(Assembler::sethi_op2) | Assembler::hi22(imm22a);
 150   }
 152  protected:
 153   address  addr_at(int offset) const    { return address(this) + offset; }
 154   int      long_at(int offset) const    { return *(int*)addr_at(offset); }
 155   void set_long_at(int offset, int i);      /* deals with I-cache */
 156   void set_jlong_at(int offset, jlong i);   /* deals with I-cache */
 157   void set_addr_at(int offset, address x);  /* deals with I-cache */
 159   address instruction_address() const       { return addr_at(0); }
 160   address next_instruction_address() const  { return addr_at(BytesPerInstWord); }
 162   static bool is_op( int x, Assembler::ops opval)  {
 163     return Assembler::inv_op(x) == opval;
 164   }
 165   static bool is_op2(int x, Assembler::op2s op2val) {
 166     return Assembler::inv_op(x) == Assembler::branch_op && Assembler::inv_op2(x) == op2val;
 167   }
 168   static bool is_op3(int x, Assembler::op3s op3val, Assembler::ops opval) {
 169     return Assembler::inv_op(x) == opval && Assembler::inv_op3(x) == op3val;
 170   }
 172   // utilities to help subclasses decode:
 173   static Register inv_rd(  int x ) { return Assembler::inv_rd( x); }
 174   static Register inv_rs1( int x ) { return Assembler::inv_rs1(x); }
 175   static Register inv_rs2( int x ) { return Assembler::inv_rs2(x); }
 177   static bool inv_immed( int x ) { return Assembler::inv_immed(x); }
 178   static bool inv_annul( int x ) { return (Assembler::annul(true) & x) != 0; }
 179   static int  inv_cond(  int x ) { return Assembler::inv_cond(x); }
 181   static int inv_op(  int x ) { return Assembler::inv_op( x); }
 182   static int inv_op2( int x ) { return Assembler::inv_op2(x); }
 183   static int inv_op3( int x ) { return Assembler::inv_op3(x); }
 185   static int inv_simm(    int x, int nbits ) { return Assembler::inv_simm(x, nbits); }
 186   static intptr_t inv_wdisp(   int x, int nbits ) { return Assembler::inv_wdisp(  x, 0, nbits); }
 187   static intptr_t inv_wdisp16( int x )            { return Assembler::inv_wdisp16(x, 0); }
 188   static int branch_destination_offset(int x) { return Assembler::branch_destination(x, 0); }
 189   static int patch_branch_destination_offset(int dest_offset, int x) {
 190     return Assembler::patched_branch(dest_offset, x, 0);
 191   }
 192   void set_annul_bit() { set_long_at(0, long_at(0) | Assembler::annul(true)); }
 194   // utility for checking if x is either of 2 small constants
 195   static bool is_either(int x, int k1, int k2) {
 196     // return x == k1 || x == k2;
 197     return (1 << x) & (1 << k1 | 1 << k2);
 198   }
 200   // utility for checking overflow of signed instruction fields
 201   static bool fits_in_simm(int x, int nbits) {
 202     // cf. Assembler::assert_signed_range()
 203     // return -(1 << nbits-1) <= x  &&  x < ( 1 << nbits-1),
 204     return (unsigned)(x + (1 << nbits-1)) < (unsigned)(1 << nbits);
 205   }
 207   // set a signed immediate field
 208   static int set_simm(int insn, int imm, int nbits) {
 209     return (insn &~ Assembler::simm(-1, nbits)) | Assembler::simm(imm, nbits);
 210   }
 212   // set a wdisp field (disp should be the difference of two addresses)
 213   static int set_wdisp(int insn, intptr_t disp, int nbits) {
 214     return (insn &~ Assembler::wdisp((intptr_t)-4, (intptr_t)0, nbits)) | Assembler::wdisp(disp, 0, nbits);
 215   }
 217   static int set_wdisp16(int insn, intptr_t disp) {
 218     return (insn &~ Assembler::wdisp16((intptr_t)-4, 0)) | Assembler::wdisp16(disp, 0);
 219   }
 221   // get a simm13 field from an arithmetic or memory instruction
 222   static int get_simm13(int insn) {
 223     assert(is_either(Assembler::inv_op(insn),
 224                      Assembler::arith_op, Assembler::ldst_op) &&
 225             (insn & Assembler::immed(true)), "must have a simm13 field");
 226     return Assembler::inv_simm(insn, 13);
 227   }
 229   // set the simm13 field of an arithmetic or memory instruction
 230   static bool set_simm13(int insn, int imm) {
 231     get_simm13(insn);           // tickle the assertion check
 232     return set_simm(insn, imm, 13);
 233   }
 235   // combine the fields of a sethi stream (7 instructions ) and an add, jmp or ld/st
 236   static intptr_t data64( address pc, int arith_insn ) {
 237     assert(is_op2(*(unsigned int *)pc, Assembler::sethi_op2), "must be sethi");
 238     intptr_t hi = (intptr_t)gethi( (unsigned int *)pc );
 239     intptr_t lo = (intptr_t)get_simm13(arith_insn);
 240     assert((unsigned)lo < (1 << 10), "offset field of set_oop must be 10 bits");
 241     return hi | lo;
 242   }
 244   // Regenerate the instruction sequence that performs the 64 bit
 245   // sethi.  This only does the sethi.  The disp field (bottom 10 bits)
 246   // must be handled separately.
 247   static void set_data64_sethi(address instaddr, intptr_t x);
 249   // combine the fields of a sethi/simm13 pair (simm13 = or, add, jmpl, ld/st)
 250   static int data32(int sethi_insn, int arith_insn) {
 251     assert(is_op2(sethi_insn, Assembler::sethi_op2), "must be sethi");
 252     int hi = Assembler::inv_hi22(sethi_insn);
 253     int lo = get_simm13(arith_insn);
 254     assert((unsigned)lo < (1 << 10), "offset field of set_oop must be 10 bits");
 255     return hi | lo;
 256   }
 258   static int set_data32_sethi(int sethi_insn, int imm) {
 259     // note that Assembler::hi22 clips the low 10 bits for us
 260     assert(is_op2(sethi_insn, Assembler::sethi_op2), "must be sethi");
 261     return (sethi_insn &~ Assembler::hi22(-1)) | Assembler::hi22(imm);
 262   }
 264   static int set_data32_simm13(int arith_insn, int imm) {
 265     get_simm13(arith_insn);             // tickle the assertion check
 266     int imm10 = Assembler::low10(imm);
 267     return (arith_insn &~ Assembler::simm(-1, 13)) | Assembler::simm(imm10, 13);
 268   }
 270   static int low10(int imm) {
 271     return Assembler::low10(imm);
 272   }
 274   // Perform the inverse of the LP64 Macroassembler::sethi
 275   // routine.  Extracts the 54 bits of address from the instruction
 276   // stream. This routine must agree with the sethi routine in
 277   // assembler_inline_sparc.hpp
 278   static address gethi( unsigned int *pc ) {
 279     int i = 0;
 280     uintptr_t adr;
 281     // We first start out with the real sethi instruction
 282     assert(is_op2(*pc, Assembler::sethi_op2), "in gethi - must be sethi");
 283     adr = (unsigned int)Assembler::inv_hi22( *(pc++) );
 284     i++;
 285     while ( i < 7 ) {
 286        // We're done if we hit a nop
 287        if ( (int)*pc == nop_instruction() ) break;
 288        assert ( Assembler::inv_op(*pc) == Assembler::arith_op, "in gethi - must be arith_op" );
 289        switch  ( Assembler::inv_op3(*pc) ) {
 290          case Assembler::xor_op3:
 291            adr ^= (intptr_t)get_simm13( *pc );
 292            return ( (address)adr );
 293            break;
 294          case Assembler::sll_op3:
 295            adr <<= ( *pc & 0x3f );
 296            break;
 297          case Assembler::or_op3:
 298            adr |= (intptr_t)get_simm13( *pc );
 299            break;
 300          default:
 301            assert ( 0, "in gethi - Should not reach here" );
 302            break;
 303        }
 304        pc++;
 305        i++;
 306     }
 307     return ( (address)adr );
 308   }
 310  public:
 311   void  verify();
 312   void  print();
 314   // unit test stuff
 315   static void test() {}                 // override for testing
 317   inline friend NativeInstruction* nativeInstruction_at(address address);
 318 };
 320 inline NativeInstruction* nativeInstruction_at(address address) {
 321     NativeInstruction* inst = (NativeInstruction*)address;
 322 #ifdef ASSERT
 323       inst->verify();
 324 #endif
 325     return inst;
 326 }
 330 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 332 // The NativeCall is an abstraction for accessing/manipulating native call imm32 instructions.
 333 // (used to manipulate inline caches, primitive & dll calls, etc.)
 334 inline NativeCall* nativeCall_at(address instr);
 335 inline NativeCall* nativeCall_overwriting_at(address instr,
 336                                              address destination);
 337 inline NativeCall* nativeCall_before(address return_address);
 338 class NativeCall: public NativeInstruction {
 339  public:
 340   enum Sparc_specific_constants {
 341     instruction_size                   = 8,
 342     return_address_offset              = 8,
 343     call_displacement_width            = 30,
 344     displacement_offset                = 0,
 345     instruction_offset                 = 0
 346   };
 347   address instruction_address() const       { return addr_at(0); }
 348   address next_instruction_address() const  { return addr_at(instruction_size); }
 349   address return_address() const            { return addr_at(return_address_offset); }
 351   address destination() const               { return inv_wdisp(long_at(0), call_displacement_width) + instruction_address(); }
 352   address displacement_address() const      { return addr_at(displacement_offset); }
 353   void  set_destination(address dest)       { set_long_at(0, set_wdisp(long_at(0), dest - instruction_address(), call_displacement_width)); }
 354   void  set_destination_mt_safe(address dest);
 356   void  verify_alignment() {} // do nothing on sparc
 357   void  verify();
 358   void  print();
 360   // unit test stuff
 361   static void  test();
 363   // Creation
 364   friend inline NativeCall* nativeCall_at(address instr);
 365   friend NativeCall* nativeCall_overwriting_at(address instr, address destination = NULL) {
 366     // insert a "blank" call:
 367     NativeCall* call = (NativeCall*)instr;
 368     call->set_long_at(0 * BytesPerInstWord, call_instruction(destination, instr));
 369     call->set_long_at(1 * BytesPerInstWord, nop_instruction());
 370     assert(call->addr_at(2 * BytesPerInstWord) - instr == instruction_size, "instruction size");
 371     // check its structure now:
 372     assert(nativeCall_at(instr)->destination() == destination, "correct call destination");
 373     return call;
 374   }
 376   friend inline NativeCall* nativeCall_before(address return_address) {
 377     NativeCall* call = (NativeCall*)(return_address - return_address_offset);
 378     #ifdef ASSERT
 379       call->verify();
 380     #endif
 381     return call;
 382   }
 384   static bool is_call_at(address instr) {
 385     return nativeInstruction_at(instr)->is_call();
 386   }
 388   static bool is_call_before(address instr) {
 389     return nativeInstruction_at(instr - return_address_offset)->is_call();
 390   }
 392   static bool is_call_to(address instr, address target) {
 393     return nativeInstruction_at(instr)->is_call() &&
 394       nativeCall_at(instr)->destination() == target;
 395   }
 397   // MT-safe patching of a call instruction.
 398   static void insert(address code_pos, address entry) {
 399     (void)nativeCall_overwriting_at(code_pos, entry);
 400   }
 402   static void replace_mt_safe(address instr_addr, address code_buffer);
 403 };
 404 inline NativeCall* nativeCall_at(address instr) {
 405   NativeCall* call = (NativeCall*)instr;
 406 #ifdef ASSERT
 407   call->verify();
 408 #endif
 409   return call;
 410 }
 412 // The NativeFarCall is an abstraction for accessing/manipulating native call-anywhere
 413 // instructions in the sparcv9 vm.  Used to call native methods which may be loaded
 414 // anywhere in the address space, possibly out of reach of a call instruction.
 416 #ifndef _LP64
 418 // On 32-bit systems, a far call is the same as a near one.
 419 class NativeFarCall;
 420 inline NativeFarCall* nativeFarCall_at(address instr);
 421 class NativeFarCall : public NativeCall {
 422 public:
 423   friend inline NativeFarCall* nativeFarCall_at(address instr) { return (NativeFarCall*)nativeCall_at(instr); }
 424   friend NativeFarCall* nativeFarCall_overwriting_at(address instr, address destination = NULL)
 425                                                         { return (NativeFarCall*)nativeCall_overwriting_at(instr, destination); }
 426   friend NativeFarCall* nativeFarCall_before(address return_address)
 427                                                         { return (NativeFarCall*)nativeCall_before(return_address); }
 428 };
 430 #else
 432 // The format of this extended-range call is:
 433 //      jumpl_to addr, lreg
 434 //      == sethi %hi54(addr), O7 ;  jumpl O7, %lo10(addr), O7 ;  <delay>
 435 // That is, it is essentially the same as a NativeJump.
 436 class NativeFarCall;
 437 inline NativeFarCall* nativeFarCall_overwriting_at(address instr, address destination);
 438 inline NativeFarCall* nativeFarCall_at(address instr);
 439 class NativeFarCall: public NativeInstruction {
 440  public:
 441   enum Sparc_specific_constants {
 442     // instruction_size includes the delay slot instruction.
 443     instruction_size                   = 9 * BytesPerInstWord,
 444     return_address_offset              = 9 * BytesPerInstWord,
 445     jmpl_offset                        = 7 * BytesPerInstWord,
 446     displacement_offset                = 0,
 447     instruction_offset                 = 0
 448   };
 449   address instruction_address() const       { return addr_at(0); }
 450   address next_instruction_address() const  { return addr_at(instruction_size); }
 451   address return_address() const            { return addr_at(return_address_offset); }
 453   address destination() const {
 454     return (address) data64(addr_at(0), long_at(jmpl_offset));
 455   }
 456   address displacement_address() const      { return addr_at(displacement_offset); }
 457   void set_destination(address dest);
 459   bool destination_is_compiled_verified_entry_point();
 461   void  verify();
 462   void  print();
 464   // unit test stuff
 465   static void  test();
 467   // Creation
 468   friend inline NativeFarCall* nativeFarCall_at(address instr) {
 469     NativeFarCall* call = (NativeFarCall*)instr;
 470     #ifdef ASSERT
 471       call->verify();
 472     #endif
 473     return call;
 474   }
 476   friend inline NativeFarCall* nativeFarCall_overwriting_at(address instr, address destination = NULL) {
 477     Unimplemented();
 478     NativeFarCall* call = (NativeFarCall*)instr;
 479     return call;
 480   }
 482   friend NativeFarCall* nativeFarCall_before(address return_address) {
 483     NativeFarCall* call = (NativeFarCall*)(return_address - return_address_offset);
 484     #ifdef ASSERT
 485       call->verify();
 486     #endif
 487     return call;
 488   }
 490   static bool is_call_at(address instr);
 492   // MT-safe patching of a call instruction.
 493   static void insert(address code_pos, address entry) {
 494     (void)nativeFarCall_overwriting_at(code_pos, entry);
 495   }
 496   static void replace_mt_safe(address instr_addr, address code_buffer);
 497 };
 499 #endif // _LP64
 501 // An interface for accessing/manipulating native set_oop imm, reg instructions.
 502 // (used to manipulate inlined data references, etc.)
 503 //      set_oop imm, reg
 504 //      == sethi %hi22(imm), reg ;  add reg, %lo10(imm), reg
 505 class NativeMovConstReg;
 506 inline NativeMovConstReg* nativeMovConstReg_at(address address);
 507 class NativeMovConstReg: public NativeInstruction {
 508  public:
 509   enum Sparc_specific_constants {
 510     sethi_offset           = 0,
 511 #ifdef _LP64
 512     add_offset             = 7 * BytesPerInstWord,
 513     instruction_size       = 8 * BytesPerInstWord
 514 #else
 515     add_offset             = 4,
 516     instruction_size       = 8
 517 #endif
 518   };
 520   address instruction_address() const       { return addr_at(0); }
 521   address next_instruction_address() const  { return addr_at(instruction_size); }
 523   // (The [set_]data accessor respects oop_type relocs also.)
 524   intptr_t data() const;
 525   void set_data(intptr_t x);
 527   // report the destination register
 528   Register destination() { return inv_rd(long_at(sethi_offset)); }
 530   void  verify();
 531   void  print();
 533   // unit test stuff
 534   static void test();
 536   // Creation
 537   friend inline NativeMovConstReg* nativeMovConstReg_at(address address) {
 538     NativeMovConstReg* test = (NativeMovConstReg*)address;
 539     #ifdef ASSERT
 540       test->verify();
 541     #endif
 542     return test;
 543   }
 546   friend NativeMovConstReg* nativeMovConstReg_before(address address) {
 547     NativeMovConstReg* test = (NativeMovConstReg*)(address - instruction_size);
 548     #ifdef ASSERT
 549       test->verify();
 550     #endif
 551     return test;
 552   }
 554 };
 557 // An interface for accessing/manipulating native set_oop imm, reg instructions.
 558 // (used to manipulate inlined data references, etc.)
 559 //      set_oop imm, reg
 560 //      == sethi %hi22(imm), reg; nop; add reg, %lo10(imm), reg
 561 //
 562 // Note that it is identical to NativeMovConstReg with the exception of a nop between the
 563 // sethi and the add.  The nop is required to be in the delay slot of the call instruction
 564 // which overwrites the sethi during patching.
 565 class NativeMovConstRegPatching;
 566 inline NativeMovConstRegPatching* nativeMovConstRegPatching_at(address address);class NativeMovConstRegPatching: public NativeInstruction {
 567  public:
 568   enum Sparc_specific_constants {
 569     sethi_offset           = 0,
 570 #ifdef _LP64
 571     nop_offset             = 7 * BytesPerInstWord,
 572 #else
 573     nop_offset             = sethi_offset + BytesPerInstWord,
 574 #endif
 575     add_offset             = nop_offset   + BytesPerInstWord,
 576     instruction_size       = add_offset   + BytesPerInstWord
 577   };
 579   address instruction_address() const       { return addr_at(0); }
 580   address next_instruction_address() const  { return addr_at(instruction_size); }
 582   // (The [set_]data accessor respects oop_type relocs also.)
 583   int data() const;
 584   void  set_data(int x);
 586   // report the destination register
 587   Register destination() { return inv_rd(long_at(sethi_offset)); }
 589   void  verify();
 590   void  print();
 592   // unit test stuff
 593   static void test();
 595   // Creation
 596   friend inline NativeMovConstRegPatching* nativeMovConstRegPatching_at(address address) {
 597     NativeMovConstRegPatching* test = (NativeMovConstRegPatching*)address;
 598     #ifdef ASSERT
 599       test->verify();
 600     #endif
 601     return test;
 602   }
 605   friend NativeMovConstRegPatching* nativeMovConstRegPatching_before(address address) {
 606     NativeMovConstRegPatching* test = (NativeMovConstRegPatching*)(address - instruction_size);
 607     #ifdef ASSERT
 608       test->verify();
 609     #endif
 610     return test;
 611   }
 613 };
 616 // An interface for accessing/manipulating native memory ops
 617 //      ld* [reg + offset], reg
 618 //      st* reg, [reg + offset]
 619 //      sethi %hi(imm), reg; add reg, %lo(imm), reg; ld* [reg1 + reg], reg2
 620 //      sethi %hi(imm), reg; add reg, %lo(imm), reg; st* reg2, [reg1 + reg]
 621 // Ops covered: {lds,ldu,st}{w,b,h}, {ld,st}{d,x}
 622 //
 623 class NativeMovRegMem;
 624 inline NativeMovRegMem* nativeMovRegMem_at (address address);
 625 class NativeMovRegMem: public NativeInstruction {
 626  public:
 627   enum Sparc_specific_constants {
 628     op3_mask_ld = 1 << Assembler::lduw_op3 |
 629                   1 << Assembler::ldub_op3 |
 630                   1 << Assembler::lduh_op3 |
 631                   1 << Assembler::ldd_op3 |
 632                   1 << Assembler::ldsw_op3 |
 633                   1 << Assembler::ldsb_op3 |
 634                   1 << Assembler::ldsh_op3 |
 635                   1 << Assembler::ldx_op3,
 636     op3_mask_st = 1 << Assembler::stw_op3 |
 637                   1 << Assembler::stb_op3 |
 638                   1 << Assembler::sth_op3 |
 639                   1 << Assembler::std_op3 |
 640                   1 << Assembler::stx_op3,
 641     op3_ldst_int_limit = Assembler::ldf_op3,
 642     op3_mask_ldf = 1 << (Assembler::ldf_op3  - op3_ldst_int_limit) |
 643                    1 << (Assembler::lddf_op3 - op3_ldst_int_limit),
 644     op3_mask_stf = 1 << (Assembler::stf_op3  - op3_ldst_int_limit) |
 645                    1 << (Assembler::stdf_op3 - op3_ldst_int_limit),
 647     offset_width    = 13,
 648     sethi_offset    = 0,
 649 #ifdef _LP64
 650     add_offset      = 7 * BytesPerInstWord,
 651 #else
 652     add_offset      = 4,
 653 #endif
 654     ldst_offset     = add_offset + BytesPerInstWord
 655   };
 656   bool is_immediate() const {
 657     // check if instruction is ld* [reg + offset], reg or st* reg, [reg + offset]
 658     int i0 = long_at(0);
 659     return (is_op(i0, Assembler::ldst_op));
 660   }
 662   address instruction_address() const           { return addr_at(0); }
 663   address next_instruction_address() const      {
 664 #ifdef _LP64
 665     return addr_at(is_immediate() ? 4 : (7 * BytesPerInstWord));
 666 #else
 667     return addr_at(is_immediate() ? 4 : 12);
 668 #endif
 669   }
 670   intptr_t   offset() const                             {
 671      return is_immediate()? inv_simm(long_at(0), offset_width) :
 672                             nativeMovConstReg_at(addr_at(0))->data();
 673   }
 674   void  set_offset(intptr_t x) {
 675     if (is_immediate()) {
 676       guarantee(fits_in_simm(x, offset_width), "data block offset overflow");
 677       set_long_at(0, set_simm(long_at(0), x, offset_width));
 678     } else
 679       nativeMovConstReg_at(addr_at(0))->set_data(x);
 680   }
 682   void  add_offset_in_bytes(intptr_t radd_offset)     {
 683       set_offset (offset() + radd_offset);
 684   }
 686   void  copy_instruction_to(address new_instruction_address);
 688   void verify();
 689   void print ();
 691   // unit test stuff
 692   static void test();
 694  private:
 695   friend inline NativeMovRegMem* nativeMovRegMem_at (address address) {
 696     NativeMovRegMem* test = (NativeMovRegMem*)address;
 697     #ifdef ASSERT
 698       test->verify();
 699     #endif
 700     return test;
 701   }
 702 };
 705 // An interface for accessing/manipulating native memory ops
 706 //      ld* [reg + offset], reg
 707 //      st* reg, [reg + offset]
 708 //      sethi %hi(imm), reg; nop; add reg, %lo(imm), reg; ld* [reg1 + reg], reg2
 709 //      sethi %hi(imm), reg; nop; add reg, %lo(imm), reg; st* reg2, [reg1 + reg]
 710 // Ops covered: {lds,ldu,st}{w,b,h}, {ld,st}{d,x}
 711 //
 712 // Note that it is identical to NativeMovRegMem with the exception of a nop between the
 713 // sethi and the add.  The nop is required to be in the delay slot of the call instruction
 714 // which overwrites the sethi during patching.
 715 class NativeMovRegMemPatching;
 716 inline NativeMovRegMemPatching* nativeMovRegMemPatching_at (address address);
 717 class NativeMovRegMemPatching: public NativeInstruction {
 718  public:
 719   enum Sparc_specific_constants {
 720     op3_mask_ld = 1 << Assembler::lduw_op3 |
 721                   1 << Assembler::ldub_op3 |
 722                   1 << Assembler::lduh_op3 |
 723                   1 << Assembler::ldd_op3 |
 724                   1 << Assembler::ldsw_op3 |
 725                   1 << Assembler::ldsb_op3 |
 726                   1 << Assembler::ldsh_op3 |
 727                   1 << Assembler::ldx_op3,
 728     op3_mask_st = 1 << Assembler::stw_op3 |
 729                   1 << Assembler::stb_op3 |
 730                   1 << Assembler::sth_op3 |
 731                   1 << Assembler::std_op3 |
 732                   1 << Assembler::stx_op3,
 733     op3_ldst_int_limit = Assembler::ldf_op3,
 734     op3_mask_ldf = 1 << (Assembler::ldf_op3  - op3_ldst_int_limit) |
 735                    1 << (Assembler::lddf_op3 - op3_ldst_int_limit),
 736     op3_mask_stf = 1 << (Assembler::stf_op3  - op3_ldst_int_limit) |
 737                    1 << (Assembler::stdf_op3 - op3_ldst_int_limit),
 739     offset_width    = 13,
 740     sethi_offset    = 0,
 741 #ifdef _LP64
 742     nop_offset      = 7 * BytesPerInstWord,
 743 #else
 744     nop_offset      = 4,
 745 #endif
 746     add_offset      = nop_offset + BytesPerInstWord,
 747     ldst_offset     = add_offset + BytesPerInstWord
 748   };
 749   bool is_immediate() const {
 750     // check if instruction is ld* [reg + offset], reg or st* reg, [reg + offset]
 751     int i0 = long_at(0);
 752     return (is_op(i0, Assembler::ldst_op));
 753   }
 755   address instruction_address() const           { return addr_at(0); }
 756   address next_instruction_address() const      {
 757     return addr_at(is_immediate()? 4 : 16);
 758   }
 759   int   offset() const                          {
 760      return is_immediate()? inv_simm(long_at(0), offset_width) :
 761                             nativeMovConstRegPatching_at(addr_at(0))->data();
 762   }
 763   void  set_offset(int x) {
 764     if (is_immediate()) {
 765       guarantee(fits_in_simm(x, offset_width), "data block offset overflow");
 766       set_long_at(0, set_simm(long_at(0), x, offset_width));
 767     }
 768     else
 769       nativeMovConstRegPatching_at(addr_at(0))->set_data(x);
 770   }
 772   void  add_offset_in_bytes(intptr_t radd_offset)     {
 773       set_offset (offset() + radd_offset);
 774   }
 776   void  copy_instruction_to(address new_instruction_address);
 778   void verify();
 779   void print ();
 781   // unit test stuff
 782   static void test();
 784  private:
 785   friend inline NativeMovRegMemPatching* nativeMovRegMemPatching_at (address address) {
 786     NativeMovRegMemPatching* test = (NativeMovRegMemPatching*)address;
 787     #ifdef ASSERT
 788       test->verify();
 789     #endif
 790     return test;
 791   }
 792 };
 795 // An interface for accessing/manipulating native jumps
 796 //      jump_to addr
 797 //      == sethi %hi22(addr), temp ;  jumpl reg, %lo10(addr), G0 ;  <delay>
 798 //      jumpl_to addr, lreg
 799 //      == sethi %hi22(addr), temp ;  jumpl reg, %lo10(addr), lreg ;  <delay>
 800 class NativeJump;
 801 inline NativeJump* nativeJump_at(address address);
 802 class NativeJump: public NativeInstruction {
 803  private:
 804   void guarantee_displacement(int disp, int width) {
 805     guarantee(fits_in_simm(disp, width + 2), "branch displacement overflow");
 806   }
 808  public:
 809   enum Sparc_specific_constants {
 810     sethi_offset           = 0,
 811 #ifdef _LP64
 812     jmpl_offset            = 7 * BytesPerInstWord,
 813     instruction_size       = 9 * BytesPerInstWord  // includes delay slot
 814 #else
 815     jmpl_offset            = 1 * BytesPerInstWord,
 816     instruction_size       = 3 * BytesPerInstWord  // includes delay slot
 817 #endif
 818   };
 820   address instruction_address() const       { return addr_at(0); }
 821   address next_instruction_address() const  { return addr_at(instruction_size); }
 823 #ifdef _LP64
 824   address jump_destination() const {
 825     return (address) data64(instruction_address(), long_at(jmpl_offset));
 826   }
 827   void set_jump_destination(address dest) {
 828     set_data64_sethi( instruction_address(), (intptr_t)dest);
 829     set_long_at(jmpl_offset,  set_data32_simm13( long_at(jmpl_offset),  (intptr_t)dest));
 830   }
 831 #else
 832   address jump_destination() const {
 833     return (address) data32(long_at(sethi_offset), long_at(jmpl_offset));
 834   }
 835   void set_jump_destination(address dest) {
 836     set_long_at(sethi_offset, set_data32_sethi(  long_at(sethi_offset), (intptr_t)dest));
 837     set_long_at(jmpl_offset,  set_data32_simm13( long_at(jmpl_offset),  (intptr_t)dest));
 838   }
 839 #endif
 841   // Creation
 842   friend inline NativeJump* nativeJump_at(address address) {
 843     NativeJump* jump = (NativeJump*)address;
 844     #ifdef ASSERT
 845       jump->verify();
 846     #endif
 847     return jump;
 848   }
 850   void verify();
 851   void print();
 853   // Unit testing stuff
 854   static void test();
 856   // Insertion of native jump instruction
 857   static void insert(address code_pos, address entry);
 858   // MT-safe insertion of native jump at verified method entry
 859   static void check_verified_entry_alignment(address entry, address verified_entry) {
 860     // nothing to do for sparc.
 861   }
 862   static void patch_verified_entry(address entry, address verified_entry, address dest);
 863 };
 867 // Despite the name, handles only simple branches.
 868 class NativeGeneralJump;
 869 inline NativeGeneralJump* nativeGeneralJump_at(address address);
 870 class NativeGeneralJump: public NativeInstruction {
 871  public:
 872   enum Sparc_specific_constants {
 873     instruction_size                   = 8
 874   };
 876   address instruction_address() const       { return addr_at(0); }
 877   address jump_destination()    const       { return addr_at(0) + branch_destination_offset(long_at(0)); }
 878   void set_jump_destination(address dest) {
 879     int patched_instr = patch_branch_destination_offset(dest - addr_at(0), long_at(0));
 880     set_long_at(0, patched_instr);
 881   }
 882   void set_annul() { set_annul_bit(); }
 883   NativeInstruction *delay_slot_instr() { return nativeInstruction_at(addr_at(4));}
 884   void fill_delay_slot(int instr) { set_long_at(4, instr);}
 885   Assembler::Condition condition() {
 886     int x = long_at(0);
 887     return (Assembler::Condition) Assembler::inv_cond(x);
 888   }
 890   // Creation
 891   friend inline NativeGeneralJump* nativeGeneralJump_at(address address) {
 892     NativeGeneralJump* jump = (NativeGeneralJump*)(address);
 893 #ifdef ASSERT
 894       jump->verify();
 895 #endif
 896     return jump;
 897   }
 899   // Insertion of native general jump instruction
 900   static void insert_unconditional(address code_pos, address entry);
 901   static void replace_mt_safe(address instr_addr, address code_buffer);
 903   void verify();
 904 };
 907 class NativeIllegalInstruction: public NativeInstruction {
 908  public:
 909   enum Sparc_specific_constants {
 910     instruction_size            =    4
 911   };
 913   // Insert illegal opcode as specific address
 914   static void insert(address code_pos);
 915 };