1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  25 #include "runtime/atomic.hpp"
  26 #include "runtime/orderAccess.hpp"
  27 #include "runtime/os.hpp"
  28 #include "utilities/spinYield.hpp"
  29 #include "utilities/waitBarrier.hpp"
  30 #include "threadHelper.inline.hpp"
  32 static volatile int wait_tag = 0;
  33 static volatile int valid_value = 0;
  35 template <typename WaitBarrierImpl>
  36 class WBThread : public JavaTestThread {
  37 public:
  38   static volatile bool _exit;
  39   WaitBarrierType<WaitBarrierImpl>* _wait_barrier;
  40   Semaphore* _wrt_start;
  41   volatile int _on_barrier;
  43   WBThread(Semaphore* post, WaitBarrierType<WaitBarrierImpl>* wb, Semaphore* wrt_start)
  44     : JavaTestThread(post), _wait_barrier(wb), _wrt_start(wrt_start) {};
  45   virtual ~WBThread(){}
  46   void main_run() {
  47     _wrt_start->signal();
  48     int vv, tag;
  49     // Similar to how a JavaThread would stop in a safepoint.
  50     while (!_exit) {
  51       // Load the published tag.
  52       tag = OrderAccess::load_acquire(&wait_tag);
  53       // Publish the tag this thread is going to wait for.
  54       OrderAccess::release_store(&_on_barrier, tag);
  55       if (_on_barrier == 0) {
  56         SpinPause();
  57         continue;
  58       }
  59       OrderAccess::storeload(); // Loads in WB must not float up.
  60       // Wait until we are woken.
  61       _wait_barrier->wait(tag);
  62       // Verify that we do not see an invalid value.
  63       vv = OrderAccess::load_acquire(&valid_value);
  64       ASSERT_EQ((vv & 0x1), 0);
  65       OrderAccess::release_store(&_on_barrier, 0);
  66     }
  67   }
  68 };
  70 template <typename WaitBarrierImpl>
  71 volatile bool WBThread<WaitBarrierImpl>::_exit = false;
  73 template <typename WaitBarrierImpl>
  74 class WBArmerThread : public JavaTestThread {
  75 public:
  76   WBArmerThread(Semaphore* post) : JavaTestThread(post) {
  77   };
  78   virtual ~WBArmerThread(){}
  79   void main_run() {
  80     static const int NUMBER_OF_READERS = 4;
  81     Semaphore post;
  82     Semaphore wrt_start;
  83     WaitBarrierType<WaitBarrierImpl> wb(this);
  85     WBThread<WaitBarrierImpl>* reader1 = new WBThread<WaitBarrierImpl>(&post, &wb, &wrt_start);
  86     WBThread<WaitBarrierImpl>* reader2 = new WBThread<WaitBarrierImpl>(&post, &wb, &wrt_start);
  87     WBThread<WaitBarrierImpl>* reader3 = new WBThread<WaitBarrierImpl>(&post, &wb, &wrt_start);
  88     WBThread<WaitBarrierImpl>* reader4 = new WBThread<WaitBarrierImpl>(&post, &wb, &wrt_start);
  90     reader1->doit();
  91     reader2->doit();
  92     reader3->doit();
  93     reader4->doit();
  95     int nw = NUMBER_OF_READERS;
  96     while (nw > 0) {
  97       wrt_start.wait();
  98       --nw;
  99     }
 100     jlong stop_ms = os::javaTimeMillis() + 1000; // 1 seconds max test time
 101     int next_tag = 1;
 102     // Similar to how the VM thread would use a WaitBarrier in a safepoint.
 103     while (stop_ms > os::javaTimeMillis()) {
 104       // Arm next tag.
 105       wb.arm(next_tag);
 106       // Publish tag.
 107       OrderAccess::release_store_fence(&wait_tag, next_tag);
 109       // Wait until threads picked up new tag.
 110       while (reader1->_on_barrier != wait_tag ||
 111              reader2->_on_barrier != wait_tag ||
 112              reader3->_on_barrier != wait_tag ||
 113              reader4->_on_barrier != wait_tag) {
 114         SpinPause();
 115       }
 117       // Set an invalid value.
 118       OrderAccess::release_store(&valid_value, valid_value + 1); // odd
 119       os::naked_yield();
 120       // Set a valid value.
 121       OrderAccess::release_store(&valid_value, valid_value + 1); // even
 122       // Publish inactive tag.
 123       OrderAccess::release_store_fence(&wait_tag, 0); // Stores in WB must not float up.
 124       wb.disarm();
 126       // Wait until threads done valid_value verification.
 127       while (reader1->_on_barrier != 0 ||
 128              reader2->_on_barrier != 0 ||
 129              reader3->_on_barrier != 0 ||
 130              reader4->_on_barrier != 0) {
 131         SpinPause();
 132       }
 133       ++next_tag;
 134     }
 135     WBThread<WaitBarrierImpl>::_exit = true;
 136     for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_READERS; i++) {
 137       post.wait();
 138     }
 139   }
 140 };
 142 TEST_VM(WaitBarrier, default_wb) {
 143   WBThread<WaitBarrierDefault>::_exit = false;
 144   mt_test_doer<WBArmerThread<WaitBarrierDefault> >();
 145 }
 147 #if defined(LINUX)
 148 TEST_VM(WaitBarrier, generic_wb) {
 149   WBThread<GenericWaitBarrier>::_exit = false;
 150   mt_test_doer<WBArmerThread<GenericWaitBarrier> >();
 151 }
 152 #endif