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 128   Bucket::release_assign_last_node_next(
 129      typename ConcurrentHashTable<CONFIG, F>::Node* node)
 130 {
 131   assert(is_locked(), "Must be locked.");
 132   Node* const volatile * ret = first_ptr();
 133   while (clear_state(*ret) != NULL) {
 134     ret = clear_state(*ret)->next_ptr();
 135   }
 136   release_assign_node_ptr(ret, node);
 137 }
 139 template <typename CONFIG, MEMFLAGS F>
 140 inline bool ConcurrentHashTable<CONFIG, F>::
 141   Bucket::cas_first(typename ConcurrentHashTable<CONFIG, F>::Node* node,
 142                     typename ConcurrentHashTable<CONFIG, F>::Node* expect
 143                     )
 144 {
 145   if (is_locked()) {
 146     return false;
 147   }
 148   if (Atomic::cmpxchg(node, &_first, expect) == expect) {
 149     return true;
 150   }
 151   return false;
 152 }
 154 template <typename CONFIG, MEMFLAGS F>
 155 inline bool ConcurrentHashTable<CONFIG, F>::
 156   Bucket::trylock()
 157 {
 158   if (is_locked()) {
 159     return false;
 160   }
 161   // We will expect a clean first pointer.
 162   Node* tmp = first();
 163   if (Atomic::cmpxchg(set_state(tmp, STATE_LOCK_BIT), &_first, tmp) == tmp) {
 164     return true;
 165   }
 166   return false;
 167 }
 169 template <typename CONFIG, MEMFLAGS F>
 170 inline void ConcurrentHashTable<CONFIG, F>::
 171   Bucket::unlock()
 172 {
 173   assert(is_locked(), "Must be locked.");
 174   assert(!have_redirect(),
 175          "Unlocking a bucket after it has reached terminal state.");
 176   Atomic::release_store(&_first, clear_state(first()));
 177 }
 179 template <typename CONFIG, MEMFLAGS F>
 180 inline void ConcurrentHashTable<CONFIG, F>::
 181   Bucket::redirect()
 182 {
 183   assert(is_locked(), "Must be locked.");

 128   Bucket::release_assign_last_node_next(
 129      typename ConcurrentHashTable<CONFIG, F>::Node* node)
 130 {
 131   assert(is_locked(), "Must be locked.");
 132   Node* const volatile * ret = first_ptr();
 133   while (clear_state(*ret) != NULL) {
 134     ret = clear_state(*ret)->next_ptr();
 135   }
 136   release_assign_node_ptr(ret, node);
 137 }
 139 template <typename CONFIG, MEMFLAGS F>
 140 inline bool ConcurrentHashTable<CONFIG, F>::
 141   Bucket::cas_first(typename ConcurrentHashTable<CONFIG, F>::Node* node,
 142                     typename ConcurrentHashTable<CONFIG, F>::Node* expect
 143                     )
 144 {
 145   if (is_locked()) {
 146     return false;
 147   }
 148   if (Atomic::cmpxchg(&_first, expect, node) == expect) {
 149     return true;
 150   }
 151   return false;
 152 }
 154 template <typename CONFIG, MEMFLAGS F>
 155 inline bool ConcurrentHashTable<CONFIG, F>::
 156   Bucket::trylock()
 157 {
 158   if (is_locked()) {
 159     return false;
 160   }
 161   // We will expect a clean first pointer.
 162   Node* tmp = first();
 163   if (Atomic::cmpxchg(&_first, tmp, set_state(tmp, STATE_LOCK_BIT)) == tmp) {
 164     return true;
 165   }
 166   return false;
 167 }
 169 template <typename CONFIG, MEMFLAGS F>
 170 inline void ConcurrentHashTable<CONFIG, F>::
 171   Bucket::unlock()
 172 {
 173   assert(is_locked(), "Must be locked.");
 174   assert(!have_redirect(),
 175          "Unlocking a bucket after it has reached terminal state.");
 176   Atomic::release_store(&_first, clear_state(first()));
 177 }
 179 template <typename CONFIG, MEMFLAGS F>
 180 inline void ConcurrentHashTable<CONFIG, F>::
 181   Bucket::redirect()
 182 {
 183   assert(is_locked(), "Must be locked.");

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