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  37  * However, gcc emits LDRD/STRD instructions on v5te and LDM/STM on v5t
  38  * when loading/storing 64 bits.
  39  * For non-MP machines (which is all we support for ARM < v7)
  40  * under current Linux distros these instructions appear atomic.
  41  * See section A3.5.3 of ARM Architecture Reference Manual for ARM v7.
  42  * Also, for cmpxchg64, if ARM < v7 we check for cmpxchg64 support in the
  43  * Linux kernel using _kuser_helper_version. See entry-armv.S in the Linux
  44  * kernel source or kernel_user_helpers.txt in Linux Doc.
  45  */
  47 template<>
  48 template<typename T>
  49 inline T Atomic::PlatformLoad<8>::operator()(T const volatile* src) const {
  50   STATIC_ASSERT(8 == sizeof(T));
  51   return PrimitiveConversions::cast<T>(
  52     (*os::atomic_load_long_func)(reinterpret_cast<const volatile int64_t*>(src)));
  53 }
  55 template<>
  56 template<typename T>
  57 inline void Atomic::PlatformStore<8>::operator()(T store_value,
  58                                                  T volatile* dest) const {
  59   STATIC_ASSERT(8 == sizeof(T));
  60   (*os::atomic_store_long_func)(
  61     PrimitiveConversions::cast<int64_t>(store_value), reinterpret_cast<volatile int64_t*>(dest));
  62 }
  64 // As per atomic.hpp all read-modify-write operations have to provide two-way
  65 // barriers semantics.
  66 //
  67 // For ARMv7 we add explicit barriers in the stubs.
  69 template<size_t byte_size>
  70 struct Atomic::PlatformAdd
  71   : Atomic::AddAndFetch<Atomic::PlatformAdd<byte_size> >
  72 {
  73   template<typename I, typename D>
  74   D add_and_fetch(I add_value, D volatile* dest, atomic_memory_order order) const;
  75 };
  77 template<>
  78 template<typename I, typename D>
  79 inline D Atomic::PlatformAdd<4>::add_and_fetch(I add_value, D volatile* dest,
  80                                                atomic_memory_order order) const {
  81   STATIC_ASSERT(4 == sizeof(I));
  82   STATIC_ASSERT(4 == sizeof(D));
  83   return add_using_helper<int32_t>(os::atomic_add_func, add_value, dest);
  84 }
  87 template<>
  88 template<typename T>
  89 inline T Atomic::PlatformXchg<4>::operator()(T exchange_value,
  90                                              T volatile* dest,
  91                                              atomic_memory_order order) const {
  92   STATIC_ASSERT(4 == sizeof(T));
  93   return xchg_using_helper<int32_t>(os::atomic_xchg_func, exchange_value, dest);
  94 }
  97 // The memory_order parameter is ignored - we always provide the strongest/most-conservative ordering
  99 // No direct support for cmpxchg of bytes; emulate using int.
 100 template<>
 101 struct Atomic::PlatformCmpxchg<1> : Atomic::CmpxchgByteUsingInt {};
 104 inline int32_t reorder_cmpxchg_func(int32_t exchange_value,
 105                                     int32_t volatile* dest,
 106                                     int32_t compare_value) {
 107   // Warning:  Arguments are swapped to avoid moving them for kernel call
 108   return (*os::atomic_cmpxchg_func)(compare_value, exchange_value, dest);
 109 }
 111 inline int64_t reorder_cmpxchg_long_func(int64_t exchange_value,
 112                                          int64_t volatile* dest,
 113                                          int64_t compare_value) {
 114   assert(VM_Version::supports_cx8(), "Atomic compare and exchange int64_t not supported on this architecture!");
 115   // Warning:  Arguments are swapped to avoid moving them for kernel call
 116   return (*os::atomic_cmpxchg_long_func)(compare_value, exchange_value, dest);
 117 }
 120 template<>
 121 template<typename T>
 122 inline T Atomic::PlatformCmpxchg<4>::operator()(T exchange_value,
 123                                                 T volatile* dest,
 124                                                 T compare_value,

 125                                                 atomic_memory_order order) const {
 126   STATIC_ASSERT(4 == sizeof(T));
 127   return cmpxchg_using_helper<int32_t>(reorder_cmpxchg_func, exchange_value, dest, compare_value);
 128 }
 130 template<>
 131 template<typename T>
 132 inline T Atomic::PlatformCmpxchg<8>::operator()(T exchange_value,
 133                                                 T volatile* dest,
 134                                                 T compare_value,

 135                                                 atomic_memory_order order) const {
 136   STATIC_ASSERT(8 == sizeof(T));
 137   return cmpxchg_using_helper<int64_t>(reorder_cmpxchg_long_func, exchange_value, dest, compare_value);
 138 }

  37  * However, gcc emits LDRD/STRD instructions on v5te and LDM/STM on v5t
  38  * when loading/storing 64 bits.
  39  * For non-MP machines (which is all we support for ARM < v7)
  40  * under current Linux distros these instructions appear atomic.
  41  * See section A3.5.3 of ARM Architecture Reference Manual for ARM v7.
  42  * Also, for cmpxchg64, if ARM < v7 we check for cmpxchg64 support in the
  43  * Linux kernel using _kuser_helper_version. See entry-armv.S in the Linux
  44  * kernel source or kernel_user_helpers.txt in Linux Doc.
  45  */
  47 template<>
  48 template<typename T>
  49 inline T Atomic::PlatformLoad<8>::operator()(T const volatile* src) const {
  50   STATIC_ASSERT(8 == sizeof(T));
  51   return PrimitiveConversions::cast<T>(
  52     (*os::atomic_load_long_func)(reinterpret_cast<const volatile int64_t*>(src)));
  53 }
  55 template<>
  56 template<typename T>
  57 inline void Atomic::PlatformStore<8>::operator()(T volatile* dest,
  58                                                  T store_value) const {
  59   STATIC_ASSERT(8 == sizeof(T));
  60   (*os::atomic_store_long_func)(
  61     PrimitiveConversions::cast<int64_t>(store_value), reinterpret_cast<volatile int64_t*>(dest));
  62 }
  64 // As per atomic.hpp all read-modify-write operations have to provide two-way
  65 // barriers semantics.
  66 //
  67 // For ARMv7 we add explicit barriers in the stubs.
  69 template<size_t byte_size>
  70 struct Atomic::PlatformAdd
  71   : Atomic::AddAndFetch<Atomic::PlatformAdd<byte_size> >
  72 {
  73   template<typename D, typename I>
  74   D add_and_fetch(D volatile* dest, I add_value, atomic_memory_order order) const;
  75 };
  77 template<>
  78 template<typename D, typename I>
  79 inline D Atomic::PlatformAdd<4>::add_and_fetch(D volatile* dest, I add_value,
  80                                                atomic_memory_order order) const {
  81   STATIC_ASSERT(4 == sizeof(I));
  82   STATIC_ASSERT(4 == sizeof(D));
  83   return add_using_helper<int32_t>(os::atomic_add_func, dest, add_value);
  84 }
  87 template<>
  88 template<typename T>
  89 inline T Atomic::PlatformXchg<4>::operator()(T volatile* dest,
  90                                              T exchange_value,
  91                                              atomic_memory_order order) const {
  92   STATIC_ASSERT(4 == sizeof(T));
  93   return xchg_using_helper<int32_t>(os::atomic_xchg_func, dest, exchange_value);
  94 }
  97 // The memory_order parameter is ignored - we always provide the strongest/most-conservative ordering
  99 // No direct support for cmpxchg of bytes; emulate using int.
 100 template<>
 101 struct Atomic::PlatformCmpxchg<1> : Atomic::CmpxchgByteUsingInt {};
 104 inline int32_t reorder_cmpxchg_func(int32_t exchange_value,
 105                                     int32_t volatile* dest,
 106                                     int32_t compare_value) {
 107   // Warning:  Arguments are swapped to avoid moving them for kernel call
 108   return (*os::atomic_cmpxchg_func)(compare_value, exchange_value, dest);
 109 }
 111 inline int64_t reorder_cmpxchg_long_func(int64_t exchange_value,
 112                                          int64_t volatile* dest,
 113                                          int64_t compare_value) {
 114   assert(VM_Version::supports_cx8(), "Atomic compare and exchange int64_t not supported on this architecture!");
 115   // Warning:  Arguments are swapped to avoid moving them for kernel call
 116   return (*os::atomic_cmpxchg_long_func)(compare_value, exchange_value, dest);
 117 }
 120 template<>
 121 template<typename T>
 122 inline T Atomic::PlatformCmpxchg<4>::operator()(T volatile* dest,

 123                                                 T compare_value,
 124                                                 T exchange_value,
 125                                                 atomic_memory_order order) const {
 126   STATIC_ASSERT(4 == sizeof(T));
 127   return cmpxchg_using_helper<int32_t>(reorder_cmpxchg_func, dest, compare_value, exchange_value);
 128 }
 130 template<>
 131 template<typename T>
 132 inline T Atomic::PlatformCmpxchg<8>::operator()(T volatile* dest,

 133                                                 T compare_value,
 134                                                 T exchange_value,
 135                                                 atomic_memory_order order) const {
 136   STATIC_ASSERT(8 == sizeof(T));
 137   return cmpxchg_using_helper<int64_t>(reorder_cmpxchg_long_func, dest, compare_value, exchange_value);
 138 }
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