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rev 60538 : imported patch jep387-test.patch

  46 failures=0
  48 go() {
  49     echo ''
  50     sh -xc "$JAVA $TESTVMOPTS $*" 2>&1
  51     if [ $? != 0 ]; then failures=`expr $failures + 1`; fi
  52 }
  54 # Run test with each GC configuration
  55 #
  56 # Notes: To ensure that metaspace fills up we disable class unloading.
  57 # Also we set the max metaspace to 16MB/32MB - otherwise the test takes too
  58 # long to run. The 32MB setting is required for running with CDS archive.
  60 go -noclassgc -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=32m -XX:+UseSerialGC LowMemoryTest2
  61 go -noclassgc -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=32m -XX:+UseParallelGC LowMemoryTest2
  63 # Test class metaspace - might hit MaxMetaspaceSize instead if
  64 # UseCompressedClassPointers is off or if 32 bit.

  65 go -noclassgc -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=16m -XX:CompressedClassSpaceSize=4m LowMemoryTest2
  67 echo ''
  68 if [ $failures -gt 0 ];
  69   then echo "$failures test(s) failed";
  70   else echo "All test(s) passed"; fi
  71 exit $failures

  46 failures=0
  48 go() {
  49     echo ''
  50     sh -xc "$JAVA $TESTVMOPTS $*" 2>&1
  51     if [ $? != 0 ]; then failures=`expr $failures + 1`; fi
  52 }
  54 # Run test with each GC configuration
  55 #
  56 # Notes: To ensure that metaspace fills up we disable class unloading.
  57 # Also we set the max metaspace to 16MB/32MB - otherwise the test takes too
  58 # long to run. The 32MB setting is required for running with CDS archive.
  60 go -noclassgc -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=32m -XX:+UseSerialGC LowMemoryTest2
  61 go -noclassgc -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=32m -XX:+UseParallelGC LowMemoryTest2
  63 # Test class metaspace - might hit MaxMetaspaceSize instead if
  64 # UseCompressedClassPointers is off or if 32 bit.
  65 #
  66 # (note: This is very shaky and that shakiness exposes a problem with MemoryMXBean:
  67 #
  68 #  MemoryMXBean defines "used" "committed" and "max" (see java/lang/management/MemoryUsage.java)
  69 #  This abstraction misses a definition for "address space exhausted" which with the new Metaspace (jep387)
  70 #  can happen before committed/used hits any trigger. We now commit only on demand and therefore class loaders
  71 #  can sit atop of uncommitted address space, denying new loaders address space. In the old Metaspace,
  72 #  we would have committed the space right away and therefore the MemoryMXBean "committed" trigger
  73 #  would have fired. In the new Metaspace, we don't commit, so the MemoryMXBean does not fire.
  74 go -noclassgc -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=16m -XX:CompressedClassSpaceSize=4m LowMemoryTest2
  76 echo ''
  77 if [ $failures -gt 0 ];
  78   then echo "$failures test(s) failed";
  79   else echo "All test(s) passed"; fi
  80 exit $failures
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