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rev 49170 : imported patch meta-coal-0301
rev 49171 : imported patch 8185034-metaspace-cleanup-1-rename-metaspaceaux

1804 // Space allocated from the VirtualSpace
1806 VirtualSpaceList::~VirtualSpaceList() {
1807   VirtualSpaceListIterator iter(virtual_space_list());
1808   while (iter.repeat()) {
1809     VirtualSpaceNode* vsl = iter.get_next();
1810     delete vsl;
1811   }
1812 }
1814 void VirtualSpaceList::inc_reserved_words(size_t v) {
1815   assert_lock_strong(SpaceManager::expand_lock());
1816   _reserved_words = _reserved_words + v;
1817 }
1818 void VirtualSpaceList::dec_reserved_words(size_t v) {
1819   assert_lock_strong(SpaceManager::expand_lock());
1820   _reserved_words = _reserved_words - v;
1821 }
1823 #define assert_committed_below_limit()                        \
1824   assert(MetaspaceAux::committed_bytes() <= MaxMetaspaceSize, \
1825          "Too much committed memory. Committed: " SIZE_FORMAT \
1826          " limit (MaxMetaspaceSize): " SIZE_FORMAT,           \
1827          MetaspaceAux::committed_bytes(), MaxMetaspaceSize);
1829 void VirtualSpaceList::inc_committed_words(size_t v) {
1830   assert_lock_strong(SpaceManager::expand_lock());
1831   _committed_words = _committed_words + v;
1833   assert_committed_below_limit();
1834 }
1835 void VirtualSpaceList::dec_committed_words(size_t v) {
1836   assert_lock_strong(SpaceManager::expand_lock());
1837   _committed_words = _committed_words - v;
1839   assert_committed_below_limit();
1840 }
1842 void VirtualSpaceList::inc_virtual_space_count() {
1843   assert_lock_strong(SpaceManager::expand_lock());
1844   _virtual_space_count++;
1845 }
1846 void VirtualSpaceList::dec_virtual_space_count() {
1847   assert_lock_strong(SpaceManager::expand_lock());

2402   if (old_cap_until_GC != NULL) {
2403     *old_cap_until_GC = capacity_until_GC;
2404   }
2405   return true;
2406 }
2408 size_t MetaspaceGC::dec_capacity_until_GC(size_t v) {
2409   assert_is_aligned(v, Metaspace::commit_alignment());
2411   return (size_t)Atomic::sub((intptr_t)v, &_capacity_until_GC);
2412 }
2414 void MetaspaceGC::initialize() {
2415   // Set the high-water mark to MaxMetapaceSize during VM initializaton since
2416   // we can't do a GC during initialization.
2417   _capacity_until_GC = MaxMetaspaceSize;
2418 }
2420 void MetaspaceGC::post_initialize() {
2421   // Reset the high-water mark once the VM initialization is done.
2422   _capacity_until_GC = MAX2(MetaspaceAux::committed_bytes(), MetaspaceSize);
2423 }
2425 bool MetaspaceGC::can_expand(size_t word_size, bool is_class) {
2426   // Check if the compressed class space is full.
2427   if (is_class && Metaspace::using_class_space()) {
2428     size_t class_committed = MetaspaceAux::committed_bytes(Metaspace::ClassType);
2429     if (class_committed + word_size * BytesPerWord > CompressedClassSpaceSize) {
2430       log_trace(gc, metaspace, freelist)("Cannot expand %s metaspace by " SIZE_FORMAT " words (CompressedClassSpaceSize = " SIZE_FORMAT " words)",
2431                 (is_class ? "class" : "non-class"), word_size, CompressedClassSpaceSize / sizeof(MetaWord));
2432       return false;
2433     }
2434   }
2436   // Check if the user has imposed a limit on the metaspace memory.
2437   size_t committed_bytes = MetaspaceAux::committed_bytes();
2438   if (committed_bytes + word_size * BytesPerWord > MaxMetaspaceSize) {
2439     log_trace(gc, metaspace, freelist)("Cannot expand %s metaspace by " SIZE_FORMAT " words (MaxMetaspaceSize = " SIZE_FORMAT " words)",
2440               (is_class ? "class" : "non-class"), word_size, MaxMetaspaceSize / sizeof(MetaWord));
2441     return false;
2442   }
2444   return true;
2445 }
2447 size_t MetaspaceGC::allowed_expansion() {
2448   size_t committed_bytes = MetaspaceAux::committed_bytes();
2449   size_t capacity_until_gc = capacity_until_GC();
2451   assert(capacity_until_gc >= committed_bytes,
2452          "capacity_until_gc: " SIZE_FORMAT " < committed_bytes: " SIZE_FORMAT,
2453          capacity_until_gc, committed_bytes);
2455   size_t left_until_max  = MaxMetaspaceSize - committed_bytes;
2456   size_t left_until_GC = capacity_until_gc - committed_bytes;
2457   size_t left_to_commit = MIN2(left_until_GC, left_until_max);
2458   log_trace(gc, metaspace, freelist)("allowed expansion words: " SIZE_FORMAT
2459             " (left_until_max: " SIZE_FORMAT ", left_until_GC: " SIZE_FORMAT ".",
2460             left_to_commit / BytesPerWord, left_until_max / BytesPerWord, left_until_GC / BytesPerWord);
2462   return left_to_commit / BytesPerWord;
2463 }
2465 void MetaspaceGC::compute_new_size() {
2466   assert(_shrink_factor <= 100, "invalid shrink factor");
2467   uint current_shrink_factor = _shrink_factor;
2468   _shrink_factor = 0;
2470   // Using committed_bytes() for used_after_gc is an overestimation, since the
2471   // chunk free lists are included in committed_bytes() and the memory in an
2472   // un-fragmented chunk free list is available for future allocations.
2473   // However, if the chunk free lists becomes fragmented, then the memory may
2474   // not be available for future allocations and the memory is therefore "in use".
2475   // Including the chunk free lists in the definition of "in use" is therefore
2476   // necessary. Not including the chunk free lists can cause capacity_until_GC to
2477   // shrink below committed_bytes() and this has caused serious bugs in the past.
2478   const size_t used_after_gc = MetaspaceAux::committed_bytes();
2479   const size_t capacity_until_GC = MetaspaceGC::capacity_until_GC();
2481   const double minimum_free_percentage = MinMetaspaceFreeRatio / 100.0;
2482   const double maximum_used_percentage = 1.0 - minimum_free_percentage;
2484   const double min_tmp = used_after_gc / maximum_used_percentage;
2485   size_t minimum_desired_capacity =
2486     (size_t)MIN2(min_tmp, double(max_uintx));
2487   // Don't shrink less than the initial generation size
2488   minimum_desired_capacity = MAX2(minimum_desired_capacity,
2489                                   MetaspaceSize);
2491   log_trace(gc, metaspace)("MetaspaceGC::compute_new_size: ");
2492   log_trace(gc, metaspace)("    minimum_free_percentage: %6.2f  maximum_used_percentage: %6.2f",
2493                            minimum_free_percentage, maximum_used_percentage);
2494   log_trace(gc, metaspace)("     used_after_gc       : %6.1fKB", used_after_gc / (double) K);
2497   size_t shrink_bytes = 0;
2498   if (capacity_until_GC < minimum_desired_capacity) {

3467                            Metaspace::MetaspaceType space_type,
3468                            Mutex* lock) :
3469   _mdtype(mdtype),
3470   _space_type(space_type),
3471   _allocated_blocks_words(0),
3472   _allocated_chunks_words(0),
3473   _allocated_chunks_count(0),
3474   _block_freelists(NULL),
3475   _lock(lock)
3476 {
3477   initialize();
3478 }
3480 void SpaceManager::inc_size_metrics(size_t words) {
3481   assert_lock_strong(SpaceManager::expand_lock());
3482   // Total of allocated Metachunks and allocated Metachunks count
3483   // for each SpaceManager
3484   _allocated_chunks_words = _allocated_chunks_words + words;
3485   _allocated_chunks_count++;
3486   // Global total of capacity in allocated Metachunks
3487   MetaspaceAux::inc_capacity(mdtype(), words);
3488   // Global total of allocated Metablocks.
3489   // used_words_slow() includes the overhead in each
3490   // Metachunk so include it in the used when the
3491   // Metachunk is first added (so only added once per
3492   // Metachunk).
3493   MetaspaceAux::inc_used(mdtype(), Metachunk::overhead());
3494 }
3496 void SpaceManager::inc_used_metrics(size_t words) {
3497   // Add to the per SpaceManager total
3498   Atomic::add(words, &_allocated_blocks_words);
3499   // Add to the global total
3500   MetaspaceAux::inc_used(mdtype(), words);
3501 }
3503 void SpaceManager::dec_total_from_size_metrics() {
3504   MetaspaceAux::dec_capacity(mdtype(), allocated_chunks_words());
3505   MetaspaceAux::dec_used(mdtype(), allocated_blocks_words());
3506   // Also deduct the overhead per Metachunk
3507   MetaspaceAux::dec_used(mdtype(), allocated_chunks_count() * Metachunk::overhead());
3508 }
3510 void SpaceManager::initialize() {
3511   Metadebug::init_allocation_fail_alot_count();
3512   for (ChunkIndex i = ZeroIndex; i < NumberOfInUseLists; i = next_chunk_index(i)) {
3513     _chunks_in_use[i] = NULL;
3514   }
3515   _current_chunk = NULL;
3516   log_trace(gc, metaspace, freelist)("SpaceManager(): " PTR_FORMAT, p2i(this));
3517 }
3519 SpaceManager::~SpaceManager() {
3520   // This call this->_lock which can't be done while holding expand_lock()
3521   assert(sum_capacity_in_chunks_in_use() == allocated_chunks_words(),
3522          "sum_capacity_in_chunks_in_use() " SIZE_FORMAT
3523          " allocated_chunks_words() " SIZE_FORMAT,
3524          sum_capacity_in_chunks_in_use(), allocated_chunks_words());
3526   MutexLockerEx fcl(SpaceManager::expand_lock(),
3527                     Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);

3760       curr_total += curr->word_size();
3761       used += curr->used_word_size();
3762       capacity += curr->word_size();
3763       waste += curr->free_word_size() + curr->overhead();;
3764     }
3765   }
3767   if (log_is_enabled(Trace, gc, metaspace, freelist)) {
3768     if (block_freelists() != NULL) block_freelists()->print_on(out);
3769   }
3771   size_t free = current_chunk() == NULL ? 0 : current_chunk()->free_word_size();
3772   // Free space isn't wasted.
3773   waste -= free;
3775   out->print_cr("total of all chunks "  SIZE_FORMAT " used " SIZE_FORMAT
3776                 " free " SIZE_FORMAT " capacity " SIZE_FORMAT
3777                 " waste " SIZE_FORMAT, curr_total, used, free, capacity, waste);
3778 }
3780 // MetaspaceAux
3783 size_t MetaspaceAux::_capacity_words[] = {0, 0};
3784 volatile size_t MetaspaceAux::_used_words[] = {0, 0};
3786 size_t MetaspaceAux::free_bytes(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
3787   VirtualSpaceList* list = Metaspace::get_space_list(mdtype);
3788   return list == NULL ? 0 : list->free_bytes();
3789 }
3791 size_t MetaspaceAux::free_bytes() {
3792   return free_bytes(Metaspace::ClassType) + free_bytes(Metaspace::NonClassType);
3793 }
3795 void MetaspaceAux::dec_capacity(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype, size_t words) {
3796   assert_lock_strong(SpaceManager::expand_lock());
3797   assert(words <= capacity_words(mdtype),
3798          "About to decrement below 0: words " SIZE_FORMAT
3799          " is greater than _capacity_words[%u] " SIZE_FORMAT,
3800          words, mdtype, capacity_words(mdtype));
3801   _capacity_words[mdtype] -= words;
3802 }
3804 void MetaspaceAux::inc_capacity(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype, size_t words) {
3805   assert_lock_strong(SpaceManager::expand_lock());
3806   // Needs to be atomic
3807   _capacity_words[mdtype] += words;
3808 }
3810 void MetaspaceAux::dec_used(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype, size_t words) {
3811   assert(words <= used_words(mdtype),
3812          "About to decrement below 0: words " SIZE_FORMAT
3813          " is greater than _used_words[%u] " SIZE_FORMAT,
3814          words, mdtype, used_words(mdtype));
3815   // For CMS deallocation of the Metaspaces occurs during the
3816   // sweep which is a concurrent phase.  Protection by the expand_lock()
3817   // is not enough since allocation is on a per Metaspace basis
3818   // and protected by the Metaspace lock.
3819   Atomic::sub(words, &_used_words[mdtype]);
3820 }
3822 void MetaspaceAux::inc_used(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype, size_t words) {
3823   // _used_words tracks allocations for
3824   // each piece of metadata.  Those allocations are
3825   // generally done concurrently by different application
3826   // threads so must be done atomically.
3827   Atomic::add(words, &_used_words[mdtype]);
3828 }
3830 size_t MetaspaceAux::used_bytes_slow(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
3831   size_t used = 0;
3832   ClassLoaderDataGraphMetaspaceIterator iter;
3833   while (iter.repeat()) {
3834     Metaspace* msp = iter.get_next();
3835     // Sum allocated_blocks_words for each metaspace
3836     if (msp != NULL) {
3837       used += msp->used_words_slow(mdtype);
3838     }
3839   }
3840   return used * BytesPerWord;
3841 }
3843 size_t MetaspaceAux::free_bytes_slow(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
3844   size_t free = 0;
3845   ClassLoaderDataGraphMetaspaceIterator iter;
3846   while (iter.repeat()) {
3847     Metaspace* msp = iter.get_next();
3848     if (msp != NULL) {
3849       free += msp->free_words_slow(mdtype);
3850     }
3851   }
3852   return free * BytesPerWord;
3853 }
3855 size_t MetaspaceAux::capacity_bytes_slow(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
3856   if ((mdtype == Metaspace::ClassType) && !Metaspace::using_class_space()) {
3857     return 0;
3858   }
3859   // Don't count the space in the freelists.  That space will be
3860   // added to the capacity calculation as needed.
3861   size_t capacity = 0;
3862   ClassLoaderDataGraphMetaspaceIterator iter;
3863   while (iter.repeat()) {
3864     Metaspace* msp = iter.get_next();
3865     if (msp != NULL) {
3866       capacity += msp->capacity_words_slow(mdtype);
3867     }
3868   }
3869   return capacity * BytesPerWord;
3870 }
3872 size_t MetaspaceAux::capacity_bytes_slow() {
3873 #ifdef PRODUCT
3874   // Use capacity_bytes() in PRODUCT instead of this function.
3875   guarantee(false, "Should not call capacity_bytes_slow() in the PRODUCT");
3876 #endif
3877   size_t class_capacity = capacity_bytes_slow(Metaspace::ClassType);
3878   size_t non_class_capacity = capacity_bytes_slow(Metaspace::NonClassType);
3879   assert(capacity_bytes() == class_capacity + non_class_capacity,
3880          "bad accounting: capacity_bytes() " SIZE_FORMAT
3881          " class_capacity + non_class_capacity " SIZE_FORMAT
3882          " class_capacity " SIZE_FORMAT " non_class_capacity " SIZE_FORMAT,
3883          capacity_bytes(), class_capacity + non_class_capacity,
3884          class_capacity, non_class_capacity);
3886   return class_capacity + non_class_capacity;
3887 }
3889 size_t MetaspaceAux::reserved_bytes(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
3890   VirtualSpaceList* list = Metaspace::get_space_list(mdtype);
3891   return list == NULL ? 0 : list->reserved_bytes();
3892 }
3894 size_t MetaspaceAux::committed_bytes(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
3895   VirtualSpaceList* list = Metaspace::get_space_list(mdtype);
3896   return list == NULL ? 0 : list->committed_bytes();
3897 }
3899 size_t MetaspaceAux::min_chunk_size_words() { return Metaspace::first_chunk_word_size(); }
3901 size_t MetaspaceAux::free_chunks_total_words(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
3902   ChunkManager* chunk_manager = Metaspace::get_chunk_manager(mdtype);
3903   if (chunk_manager == NULL) {
3904     return 0;
3905   }
3906   chunk_manager->slow_verify();
3907   return chunk_manager->free_chunks_total_words();
3908 }
3910 size_t MetaspaceAux::free_chunks_total_bytes(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
3911   return free_chunks_total_words(mdtype) * BytesPerWord;
3912 }
3914 size_t MetaspaceAux::free_chunks_total_words() {
3915   return free_chunks_total_words(Metaspace::ClassType) +
3916          free_chunks_total_words(Metaspace::NonClassType);
3917 }
3919 size_t MetaspaceAux::free_chunks_total_bytes() {
3920   return free_chunks_total_words() * BytesPerWord;
3921 }
3923 bool MetaspaceAux::has_chunk_free_list(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
3924   return Metaspace::get_chunk_manager(mdtype) != NULL;
3925 }
3927 MetaspaceChunkFreeListSummary MetaspaceAux::chunk_free_list_summary(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
3928   if (!has_chunk_free_list(mdtype)) {
3929     return MetaspaceChunkFreeListSummary();
3930   }
3932   const ChunkManager* cm = Metaspace::get_chunk_manager(mdtype);
3933   return cm->chunk_free_list_summary();
3934 }
3936 void MetaspaceAux::print_metaspace_change(size_t prev_metadata_used) {
3937   log_info(gc, metaspace)("Metaspace: "  SIZE_FORMAT "K->" SIZE_FORMAT "K("  SIZE_FORMAT "K)",
3938                           prev_metadata_used/K, used_bytes()/K, reserved_bytes()/K);
3939 }
3941 void MetaspaceAux::print_on(outputStream* out) {
3942   Metaspace::MetadataType nct = Metaspace::NonClassType;
3944   out->print_cr(" Metaspace       "
3945                 "used "      SIZE_FORMAT "K, "
3946                 "capacity "  SIZE_FORMAT "K, "
3947                 "committed " SIZE_FORMAT "K, "
3948                 "reserved "  SIZE_FORMAT "K",
3949                 used_bytes()/K,
3950                 capacity_bytes()/K,
3951                 committed_bytes()/K,
3952                 reserved_bytes()/K);
3954   if (Metaspace::using_class_space()) {
3955     Metaspace::MetadataType ct = Metaspace::ClassType;
3956     out->print_cr("  class space    "
3957                   "used "      SIZE_FORMAT "K, "
3958                   "capacity "  SIZE_FORMAT "K, "
3959                   "committed " SIZE_FORMAT "K, "
3960                   "reserved "  SIZE_FORMAT "K",
3961                   used_bytes(ct)/K,
3962                   capacity_bytes(ct)/K,
3963                   committed_bytes(ct)/K,
3964                   reserved_bytes(ct)/K);
3965   }
3966 }
3968 // Print information for class space and data space separately.
3969 // This is almost the same as above.
3970 void MetaspaceAux::print_on(outputStream* out, Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
3971   size_t free_chunks_capacity_bytes = free_chunks_total_bytes(mdtype);
3972   size_t capacity_bytes = capacity_bytes_slow(mdtype);
3973   size_t used_bytes = used_bytes_slow(mdtype);
3974   size_t free_bytes = free_bytes_slow(mdtype);
3975   size_t used_and_free = used_bytes + free_bytes +
3976                            free_chunks_capacity_bytes;
3977   out->print_cr("  Chunk accounting: (used in chunks " SIZE_FORMAT
3978              "K + unused in chunks " SIZE_FORMAT "K  + "
3979              " capacity in free chunks " SIZE_FORMAT "K) = " SIZE_FORMAT
3980              "K  capacity in allocated chunks " SIZE_FORMAT "K",
3981              used_bytes / K,
3982              free_bytes / K,
3983              free_chunks_capacity_bytes / K,
3984              used_and_free / K,
3985              capacity_bytes / K);
3986   // Accounting can only be correct if we got the values during a safepoint
3987   assert(!SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint() || used_and_free == capacity_bytes, "Accounting is wrong");
3988 }
3990 // Print total fragmentation for class metaspaces
3991 void MetaspaceAux::print_class_waste(outputStream* out) {
3992   assert(Metaspace::using_class_space(), "class metaspace not used");
3993   size_t cls_specialized_waste = 0, cls_small_waste = 0, cls_medium_waste = 0;
3994   size_t cls_specialized_count = 0, cls_small_count = 0, cls_medium_count = 0, cls_humongous_count = 0;
3995   ClassLoaderDataGraphMetaspaceIterator iter;
3996   while (iter.repeat()) {
3997     Metaspace* msp = iter.get_next();
3998     if (msp != NULL) {
3999       cls_specialized_waste += msp->class_vsm()->sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use(SpecializedIndex);
4000       cls_specialized_count += msp->class_vsm()->sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(SpecializedIndex);
4001       cls_small_waste += msp->class_vsm()->sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use(SmallIndex);
4002       cls_small_count += msp->class_vsm()->sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(SmallIndex);
4003       cls_medium_waste += msp->class_vsm()->sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use(MediumIndex);
4004       cls_medium_count += msp->class_vsm()->sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(MediumIndex);
4005       cls_humongous_count += msp->class_vsm()->sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(HumongousIndex);
4006     }
4007   }
4008   out->print_cr(" class: " SIZE_FORMAT " specialized(s) " SIZE_FORMAT ", "
4009                 SIZE_FORMAT " small(s) " SIZE_FORMAT ", "
4010                 SIZE_FORMAT " medium(s) " SIZE_FORMAT ", "
4011                 "large count " SIZE_FORMAT,
4012                 cls_specialized_count, cls_specialized_waste,
4013                 cls_small_count, cls_small_waste,
4014                 cls_medium_count, cls_medium_waste, cls_humongous_count);
4015 }
4017 // Print total fragmentation for data and class metaspaces separately
4018 void MetaspaceAux::print_waste(outputStream* out) {
4019   size_t specialized_waste = 0, small_waste = 0, medium_waste = 0;
4020   size_t specialized_count = 0, small_count = 0, medium_count = 0, humongous_count = 0;
4022   ClassLoaderDataGraphMetaspaceIterator iter;
4023   while (iter.repeat()) {
4024     Metaspace* msp = iter.get_next();
4025     if (msp != NULL) {
4026       specialized_waste += msp->vsm()->sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use(SpecializedIndex);
4027       specialized_count += msp->vsm()->sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(SpecializedIndex);
4028       small_waste += msp->vsm()->sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use(SmallIndex);
4029       small_count += msp->vsm()->sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(SmallIndex);
4030       medium_waste += msp->vsm()->sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use(MediumIndex);
4031       medium_count += msp->vsm()->sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(MediumIndex);
4032       humongous_count += msp->vsm()->sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(HumongousIndex);
4033     }
4034   }
4035   out->print_cr("Total fragmentation waste (words) doesn't count free space");
4036   out->print_cr("  data: " SIZE_FORMAT " specialized(s) " SIZE_FORMAT ", "
4037                         SIZE_FORMAT " small(s) " SIZE_FORMAT ", "
4038                         SIZE_FORMAT " medium(s) " SIZE_FORMAT ", "

4191     _total_class.print_on(_out, _scale);
4192   }
4193   _out->cr();
4195   MetadataStats total_anon;
4196   total_anon.add(_total_anon_metadata);
4197   total_anon.add(_total_anon_class);
4199   _out->print("For anonymous classes=" SIZE_FORMAT_W(6) " ", _total_anon_count);
4200   total_anon.print_on(_out, _scale);
4202   _out->print("                    Metadata ");
4203   _total_anon_metadata.print_on(_out, _scale);
4205   if (Metaspace::using_class_space()) {
4206     _out->print("                  Class data ");
4207     _total_anon_class.print_on(_out, _scale);
4208   }
4209 }
4211 void MetaspaceAux::print_metadata_for_nmt(outputStream* out, size_t scale) {
4212   const char* unit = scale_unit(scale);
4213   out->print_cr("Metaspaces:");
4214   out->print_cr("  Metadata space: reserved=" SIZE_FORMAT_W(10) "%s committed=" SIZE_FORMAT_W(10) "%s",
4215     reserved_bytes(Metaspace::NonClassType) / scale, unit,
4216     committed_bytes(Metaspace::NonClassType) / scale, unit);
4217   if (Metaspace::using_class_space()) {
4218     out->print_cr("  Class    space: reserved=" SIZE_FORMAT_W(10) "%s committed=" SIZE_FORMAT_W(10) "%s",
4219     reserved_bytes(Metaspace::ClassType) / scale, unit,
4220     committed_bytes(Metaspace::ClassType) / scale, unit);
4221   }
4223   out->cr();
4224   ChunkManager::print_all_chunkmanagers(out, scale);
4226   out->cr();
4227   out->print_cr("Per-classloader metadata:");
4228   out->cr();
4230   PrintCLDMetaspaceInfoClosure cl(out, scale);
4231   ClassLoaderDataGraph::cld_do(&cl);
4232 }
4235 // Dump global metaspace things from the end of ClassLoaderDataGraph
4236 void MetaspaceAux::dump(outputStream* out) {
4237   out->print_cr("All Metaspace:");
4238   out->print("data space: "); print_on(out, Metaspace::NonClassType);
4239   out->print("class space: "); print_on(out, Metaspace::ClassType);
4240   print_waste(out);
4241 }
4243 // Prints an ASCII representation of the given space.
4244 void MetaspaceAux::print_metaspace_map(outputStream* out, Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
4245   MutexLockerEx cl(SpaceManager::expand_lock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
4246   const bool for_class = mdtype == Metaspace::ClassType ? true : false;
4247   VirtualSpaceList* const vsl = for_class ? Metaspace::class_space_list() : Metaspace::space_list();
4248   if (vsl != NULL) {
4249     if (for_class) {
4250       if (!Metaspace::using_class_space()) {
4251         out->print_cr("No Class Space.");
4252         return;
4253       }
4254       out->print_raw("---- Metaspace Map (Class Space) ----");
4255     } else {
4256       out->print_raw("---- Metaspace Map (Non-Class Space) ----");
4257     }
4258     // Print legend:
4259     out->cr();
4260     out->print_cr("Chunk Types (uppercase chunks are in use): x-specialized, s-small, m-medium, h-humongous.");
4261     out->cr();
4262     VirtualSpaceList* const vsl = for_class ? Metaspace::class_space_list() : Metaspace::space_list();
4263     vsl->print_map(out);
4264     out->cr();
4265   }
4266 }
4268 void MetaspaceAux::verify_free_chunks() {
4269   Metaspace::chunk_manager_metadata()->verify();
4270   if (Metaspace::using_class_space()) {
4271     Metaspace::chunk_manager_class()->verify();
4272   }
4273 }
4275 void MetaspaceAux::verify_capacity() {
4276 #ifdef ASSERT
4277   size_t running_sum_capacity_bytes = capacity_bytes();
4278   // For purposes of the running sum of capacity, verify against capacity
4279   size_t capacity_in_use_bytes = capacity_bytes_slow();
4280   assert(running_sum_capacity_bytes == capacity_in_use_bytes,
4281          "capacity_words() * BytesPerWord " SIZE_FORMAT
4282          " capacity_bytes_slow()" SIZE_FORMAT,
4283          running_sum_capacity_bytes, capacity_in_use_bytes);
4284   for (Metaspace::MetadataType i = Metaspace::ClassType;
4285        i < Metaspace:: MetadataTypeCount;
4286        i = (Metaspace::MetadataType)(i + 1)) {
4287     size_t capacity_in_use_bytes = capacity_bytes_slow(i);
4288     assert(capacity_bytes(i) == capacity_in_use_bytes,
4289            "capacity_bytes(%u) " SIZE_FORMAT
4290            " capacity_bytes_slow(%u)" SIZE_FORMAT,
4291            i, capacity_bytes(i), i, capacity_in_use_bytes);
4292   }
4293 #endif
4294 }
4296 void MetaspaceAux::verify_used() {
4297 #ifdef ASSERT
4298   size_t running_sum_used_bytes = used_bytes();
4299   // For purposes of the running sum of used, verify against used
4300   size_t used_in_use_bytes = used_bytes_slow();
4301   assert(used_bytes() == used_in_use_bytes,
4302          "used_bytes() " SIZE_FORMAT
4303          " used_bytes_slow()" SIZE_FORMAT,
4304          used_bytes(), used_in_use_bytes);
4305   for (Metaspace::MetadataType i = Metaspace::ClassType;
4306        i < Metaspace:: MetadataTypeCount;
4307        i = (Metaspace::MetadataType)(i + 1)) {
4308     size_t used_in_use_bytes = used_bytes_slow(i);
4309     assert(used_bytes(i) == used_in_use_bytes,
4310            "used_bytes(%u) " SIZE_FORMAT
4311            " used_bytes_slow(%u)" SIZE_FORMAT,
4312            i, used_bytes(i), i, used_in_use_bytes);
4313   }
4314 #endif
4315 }
4317 void MetaspaceAux::verify_metrics() {
4318   verify_capacity();
4319   verify_used();
4320 }
4323 // Metaspace methods
4325 size_t Metaspace::_first_chunk_word_size = 0;
4326 size_t Metaspace::_first_class_chunk_word_size = 0;
4328 size_t Metaspace::_commit_alignment = 0;
4329 size_t Metaspace::_reserve_alignment = 0;
4331 Metaspace::Metaspace(Mutex* lock, MetaspaceType type) {
4332   initialize(lock, type);
4333 }
4335 Metaspace::~Metaspace() {
4336   delete _vsm;
4337   if (using_class_space()) {

4873   assert(using_class_space(), "Has to use class space");
4874   return class_vsm()->calc_chunk_size(word_size);
4875 }
4877 void Metaspace::report_metadata_oome(ClassLoaderData* loader_data, size_t word_size, MetaspaceObj::Type type, MetadataType mdtype, TRAPS) {
4878   tracer()->report_metadata_oom(loader_data, word_size, type, mdtype);
4880   // If result is still null, we are out of memory.
4881   Log(gc, metaspace, freelist) log;
4882   if (log.is_info()) {
4883     log.info("Metaspace (%s) allocation failed for size " SIZE_FORMAT,
4884              is_class_space_allocation(mdtype) ? "class" : "data", word_size);
4885     ResourceMark rm;
4886     if (log.is_debug()) {
4887       if (loader_data->metaspace_or_null() != NULL) {
4888         LogStream ls(log.debug());
4889         loader_data->dump(&ls);
4890       }
4891     }
4892     LogStream ls(log.info());
4893     MetaspaceAux::dump(&ls);
4894     MetaspaceAux::print_metaspace_map(&ls, mdtype);
4895     ChunkManager::print_all_chunkmanagers(&ls);
4896   }
4898   bool out_of_compressed_class_space = false;
4899   if (is_class_space_allocation(mdtype)) {
4900     Metaspace* metaspace = loader_data->metaspace_non_null();
4901     out_of_compressed_class_space =
4902       MetaspaceAux::committed_bytes(Metaspace::ClassType) +
4903       (metaspace->class_chunk_size(word_size) * BytesPerWord) >
4904       CompressedClassSpaceSize;
4905   }
4907   // -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError and -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError support
4908   const char* space_string = out_of_compressed_class_space ?
4909     "Compressed class space" : "Metaspace";
4911   report_java_out_of_memory(space_string);
4913   if (JvmtiExport::should_post_resource_exhausted()) {
4914     JvmtiExport::post_resource_exhausted(
4916         space_string);
4917   }
4919   if (!is_init_completed()) {
4920     vm_exit_during_initialization("OutOfMemoryError", space_string);
4921   }

4996   guarantee(chunk != NULL, "Sanity");
4997   // Verify chunk itself; then verify that it is consistent with the
4998   // occupany map of its containing node.
4999   chunk->verify();
5000   VirtualSpaceNode* const vsn = chunk->container();
5001   OccupancyMap* const ocmap = vsn->occupancy_map();
5002   ocmap->verify_for_chunk(chunk);
5003 }
5004 #endif
5006 static void do_update_in_use_info_for_chunk(Metachunk* chunk, bool inuse) {
5007   chunk->set_is_tagged_free(!inuse);
5008   OccupancyMap* const ocmap = chunk->container()->occupancy_map();
5009   ocmap->set_region_in_use((MetaWord*)chunk, chunk->word_size(), inuse);
5010 }
5012 /////////////// Unit tests ///////////////
5014 #ifndef PRODUCT
5016 class TestMetaspaceAuxTest : AllStatic {
5017  public:
5018   static void test_reserved() {
5019     size_t reserved = MetaspaceAux::reserved_bytes();
5021     assert(reserved > 0, "assert");
5023     size_t committed  = MetaspaceAux::committed_bytes();
5024     assert(committed <= reserved, "assert");
5026     size_t reserved_metadata = MetaspaceAux::reserved_bytes(Metaspace::NonClassType);
5027     assert(reserved_metadata > 0, "assert");
5028     assert(reserved_metadata <= reserved, "assert");
5030     if (UseCompressedClassPointers) {
5031       size_t reserved_class    = MetaspaceAux::reserved_bytes(Metaspace::ClassType);
5032       assert(reserved_class > 0, "assert");
5033       assert(reserved_class < reserved, "assert");
5034     }
5035   }
5037   static void test_committed() {
5038     size_t committed = MetaspaceAux::committed_bytes();
5040     assert(committed > 0, "assert");
5042     size_t reserved  = MetaspaceAux::reserved_bytes();
5043     assert(committed <= reserved, "assert");
5045     size_t committed_metadata = MetaspaceAux::committed_bytes(Metaspace::NonClassType);
5046     assert(committed_metadata > 0, "assert");
5047     assert(committed_metadata <= committed, "assert");
5049     if (UseCompressedClassPointers) {
5050       size_t committed_class    = MetaspaceAux::committed_bytes(Metaspace::ClassType);
5051       assert(committed_class > 0, "assert");
5052       assert(committed_class < committed, "assert");
5053     }
5054   }
5056   static void test_virtual_space_list_large_chunk() {
5057     VirtualSpaceList* vs_list = new VirtualSpaceList(os::vm_allocation_granularity());
5058     MutexLockerEx cl(SpaceManager::expand_lock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
5059     // A size larger than VirtualSpaceSize (256k) and add one page to make it _not_ be
5060     // vm_allocation_granularity aligned on Windows.
5061     size_t large_size = (size_t)(2*256*K + (os::vm_page_size()/BytesPerWord));
5062     large_size += (os::vm_page_size()/BytesPerWord);
5063     vs_list->get_new_chunk(large_size, 0);
5064   }
5066   static void test() {
5067     test_reserved();
5068     test_committed();
5069     test_virtual_space_list_large_chunk();
5070   }
5071 };
5073 void TestMetaspaceAux_test() {
5074   TestMetaspaceAuxTest::test();
5075 }
5077 class TestVirtualSpaceNodeTest {
5078   static void chunk_up(size_t words_left, size_t& num_medium_chunks,
5079                                           size_t& num_small_chunks,
5080                                           size_t& num_specialized_chunks) {
5081     num_medium_chunks = words_left / MediumChunk;
5082     words_left = words_left % MediumChunk;
5084     num_small_chunks = words_left / SmallChunk;
5085     words_left = words_left % SmallChunk;
5086     // how many specialized chunks can we get?
5087     num_specialized_chunks = words_left / SpecializedChunk;
5088     assert(words_left % SpecializedChunk == 0, "should be nothing left");
5089   }
5091  public:
5092   static void test() {
5093     MutexLockerEx ml(SpaceManager::expand_lock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
5094     const size_t vsn_test_size_words = MediumChunk  * 4;

1804 // Space allocated from the VirtualSpace
1806 VirtualSpaceList::~VirtualSpaceList() {
1807   VirtualSpaceListIterator iter(virtual_space_list());
1808   while (iter.repeat()) {
1809     VirtualSpaceNode* vsl = iter.get_next();
1810     delete vsl;
1811   }
1812 }
1814 void VirtualSpaceList::inc_reserved_words(size_t v) {
1815   assert_lock_strong(SpaceManager::expand_lock());
1816   _reserved_words = _reserved_words + v;
1817 }
1818 void VirtualSpaceList::dec_reserved_words(size_t v) {
1819   assert_lock_strong(SpaceManager::expand_lock());
1820   _reserved_words = _reserved_words - v;
1821 }
1823 #define assert_committed_below_limit()                        \
1824   assert(MetaspaceUtils::committed_bytes() <= MaxMetaspaceSize, \
1825          "Too much committed memory. Committed: " SIZE_FORMAT \
1826          " limit (MaxMetaspaceSize): " SIZE_FORMAT,           \
1827                  MetaspaceUtils::committed_bytes(), MaxMetaspaceSize);
1829 void VirtualSpaceList::inc_committed_words(size_t v) {
1830   assert_lock_strong(SpaceManager::expand_lock());
1831   _committed_words = _committed_words + v;
1833   assert_committed_below_limit();
1834 }
1835 void VirtualSpaceList::dec_committed_words(size_t v) {
1836   assert_lock_strong(SpaceManager::expand_lock());
1837   _committed_words = _committed_words - v;
1839   assert_committed_below_limit();
1840 }
1842 void VirtualSpaceList::inc_virtual_space_count() {
1843   assert_lock_strong(SpaceManager::expand_lock());
1844   _virtual_space_count++;
1845 }
1846 void VirtualSpaceList::dec_virtual_space_count() {
1847   assert_lock_strong(SpaceManager::expand_lock());

2402   if (old_cap_until_GC != NULL) {
2403     *old_cap_until_GC = capacity_until_GC;
2404   }
2405   return true;
2406 }
2408 size_t MetaspaceGC::dec_capacity_until_GC(size_t v) {
2409   assert_is_aligned(v, Metaspace::commit_alignment());
2411   return (size_t)Atomic::sub((intptr_t)v, &_capacity_until_GC);
2412 }
2414 void MetaspaceGC::initialize() {
2415   // Set the high-water mark to MaxMetapaceSize during VM initializaton since
2416   // we can't do a GC during initialization.
2417   _capacity_until_GC = MaxMetaspaceSize;
2418 }
2420 void MetaspaceGC::post_initialize() {
2421   // Reset the high-water mark once the VM initialization is done.
2422   _capacity_until_GC = MAX2(MetaspaceUtils::committed_bytes(), MetaspaceSize);
2423 }
2425 bool MetaspaceGC::can_expand(size_t word_size, bool is_class) {
2426   // Check if the compressed class space is full.
2427   if (is_class && Metaspace::using_class_space()) {
2428     size_t class_committed = MetaspaceUtils::committed_bytes(Metaspace::ClassType);
2429     if (class_committed + word_size * BytesPerWord > CompressedClassSpaceSize) {
2430       log_trace(gc, metaspace, freelist)("Cannot expand %s metaspace by " SIZE_FORMAT " words (CompressedClassSpaceSize = " SIZE_FORMAT " words)",
2431                 (is_class ? "class" : "non-class"), word_size, CompressedClassSpaceSize / sizeof(MetaWord));
2432       return false;
2433     }
2434   }
2436   // Check if the user has imposed a limit on the metaspace memory.
2437   size_t committed_bytes = MetaspaceUtils::committed_bytes();
2438   if (committed_bytes + word_size * BytesPerWord > MaxMetaspaceSize) {
2439     log_trace(gc, metaspace, freelist)("Cannot expand %s metaspace by " SIZE_FORMAT " words (MaxMetaspaceSize = " SIZE_FORMAT " words)",
2440               (is_class ? "class" : "non-class"), word_size, MaxMetaspaceSize / sizeof(MetaWord));
2441     return false;
2442   }
2444   return true;
2445 }
2447 size_t MetaspaceGC::allowed_expansion() {
2448   size_t committed_bytes = MetaspaceUtils::committed_bytes();
2449   size_t capacity_until_gc = capacity_until_GC();
2451   assert(capacity_until_gc >= committed_bytes,
2452          "capacity_until_gc: " SIZE_FORMAT " < committed_bytes: " SIZE_FORMAT,
2453          capacity_until_gc, committed_bytes);
2455   size_t left_until_max  = MaxMetaspaceSize - committed_bytes;
2456   size_t left_until_GC = capacity_until_gc - committed_bytes;
2457   size_t left_to_commit = MIN2(left_until_GC, left_until_max);
2458   log_trace(gc, metaspace, freelist)("allowed expansion words: " SIZE_FORMAT
2459             " (left_until_max: " SIZE_FORMAT ", left_until_GC: " SIZE_FORMAT ".",
2460             left_to_commit / BytesPerWord, left_until_max / BytesPerWord, left_until_GC / BytesPerWord);
2462   return left_to_commit / BytesPerWord;
2463 }
2465 void MetaspaceGC::compute_new_size() {
2466   assert(_shrink_factor <= 100, "invalid shrink factor");
2467   uint current_shrink_factor = _shrink_factor;
2468   _shrink_factor = 0;
2470   // Using committed_bytes() for used_after_gc is an overestimation, since the
2471   // chunk free lists are included in committed_bytes() and the memory in an
2472   // un-fragmented chunk free list is available for future allocations.
2473   // However, if the chunk free lists becomes fragmented, then the memory may
2474   // not be available for future allocations and the memory is therefore "in use".
2475   // Including the chunk free lists in the definition of "in use" is therefore
2476   // necessary. Not including the chunk free lists can cause capacity_until_GC to
2477   // shrink below committed_bytes() and this has caused serious bugs in the past.
2478   const size_t used_after_gc = MetaspaceUtils::committed_bytes();
2479   const size_t capacity_until_GC = MetaspaceGC::capacity_until_GC();
2481   const double minimum_free_percentage = MinMetaspaceFreeRatio / 100.0;
2482   const double maximum_used_percentage = 1.0 - minimum_free_percentage;
2484   const double min_tmp = used_after_gc / maximum_used_percentage;
2485   size_t minimum_desired_capacity =
2486     (size_t)MIN2(min_tmp, double(max_uintx));
2487   // Don't shrink less than the initial generation size
2488   minimum_desired_capacity = MAX2(minimum_desired_capacity,
2489                                   MetaspaceSize);
2491   log_trace(gc, metaspace)("MetaspaceGC::compute_new_size: ");
2492   log_trace(gc, metaspace)("    minimum_free_percentage: %6.2f  maximum_used_percentage: %6.2f",
2493                            minimum_free_percentage, maximum_used_percentage);
2494   log_trace(gc, metaspace)("     used_after_gc       : %6.1fKB", used_after_gc / (double) K);
2497   size_t shrink_bytes = 0;
2498   if (capacity_until_GC < minimum_desired_capacity) {

3467                            Metaspace::MetaspaceType space_type,
3468                            Mutex* lock) :
3469   _mdtype(mdtype),
3470   _space_type(space_type),
3471   _allocated_blocks_words(0),
3472   _allocated_chunks_words(0),
3473   _allocated_chunks_count(0),
3474   _block_freelists(NULL),
3475   _lock(lock)
3476 {
3477   initialize();
3478 }
3480 void SpaceManager::inc_size_metrics(size_t words) {
3481   assert_lock_strong(SpaceManager::expand_lock());
3482   // Total of allocated Metachunks and allocated Metachunks count
3483   // for each SpaceManager
3484   _allocated_chunks_words = _allocated_chunks_words + words;
3485   _allocated_chunks_count++;
3486   // Global total of capacity in allocated Metachunks
3487   MetaspaceUtils::inc_capacity(mdtype(), words);
3488   // Global total of allocated Metablocks.
3489   // used_words_slow() includes the overhead in each
3490   // Metachunk so include it in the used when the
3491   // Metachunk is first added (so only added once per
3492   // Metachunk).
3493   MetaspaceUtils::inc_used(mdtype(), Metachunk::overhead());
3494 }
3496 void SpaceManager::inc_used_metrics(size_t words) {
3497   // Add to the per SpaceManager total
3498   Atomic::add(words, &_allocated_blocks_words);
3499   // Add to the global total
3500   MetaspaceUtils::inc_used(mdtype(), words);
3501 }
3503 void SpaceManager::dec_total_from_size_metrics() {
3504   MetaspaceUtils::dec_capacity(mdtype(), allocated_chunks_words());
3505   MetaspaceUtils::dec_used(mdtype(), allocated_blocks_words());
3506   // Also deduct the overhead per Metachunk
3507   MetaspaceUtils::dec_used(mdtype(), allocated_chunks_count() * Metachunk::overhead());
3508 }
3510 void SpaceManager::initialize() {
3511   Metadebug::init_allocation_fail_alot_count();
3512   for (ChunkIndex i = ZeroIndex; i < NumberOfInUseLists; i = next_chunk_index(i)) {
3513     _chunks_in_use[i] = NULL;
3514   }
3515   _current_chunk = NULL;
3516   log_trace(gc, metaspace, freelist)("SpaceManager(): " PTR_FORMAT, p2i(this));
3517 }
3519 SpaceManager::~SpaceManager() {
3520   // This call this->_lock which can't be done while holding expand_lock()
3521   assert(sum_capacity_in_chunks_in_use() == allocated_chunks_words(),
3522          "sum_capacity_in_chunks_in_use() " SIZE_FORMAT
3523          " allocated_chunks_words() " SIZE_FORMAT,
3524          sum_capacity_in_chunks_in_use(), allocated_chunks_words());
3526   MutexLockerEx fcl(SpaceManager::expand_lock(),
3527                     Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);

3760       curr_total += curr->word_size();
3761       used += curr->used_word_size();
3762       capacity += curr->word_size();
3763       waste += curr->free_word_size() + curr->overhead();;
3764     }
3765   }
3767   if (log_is_enabled(Trace, gc, metaspace, freelist)) {
3768     if (block_freelists() != NULL) block_freelists()->print_on(out);
3769   }
3771   size_t free = current_chunk() == NULL ? 0 : current_chunk()->free_word_size();
3772   // Free space isn't wasted.
3773   waste -= free;
3775   out->print_cr("total of all chunks "  SIZE_FORMAT " used " SIZE_FORMAT
3776                 " free " SIZE_FORMAT " capacity " SIZE_FORMAT
3777                 " waste " SIZE_FORMAT, curr_total, used, free, capacity, waste);
3778 }
3780 // MetaspaceUtils
3783 size_t MetaspaceUtils::_capacity_words[] = {0, 0};
3784 volatile size_t MetaspaceUtils::_used_words[] = {0, 0};
3786 size_t MetaspaceUtils::free_bytes(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
3787   VirtualSpaceList* list = Metaspace::get_space_list(mdtype);
3788   return list == NULL ? 0 : list->free_bytes();
3789 }
3791 size_t MetaspaceUtils::free_bytes() {
3792   return free_bytes(Metaspace::ClassType) + free_bytes(Metaspace::NonClassType);
3793 }
3795 void MetaspaceUtils::dec_capacity(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype, size_t words) {
3796   assert_lock_strong(SpaceManager::expand_lock());
3797   assert(words <= capacity_words(mdtype),
3798          "About to decrement below 0: words " SIZE_FORMAT
3799          " is greater than _capacity_words[%u] " SIZE_FORMAT,
3800          words, mdtype, capacity_words(mdtype));
3801   _capacity_words[mdtype] -= words;
3802 }
3804 void MetaspaceUtils::inc_capacity(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype, size_t words) {
3805   assert_lock_strong(SpaceManager::expand_lock());
3806   // Needs to be atomic
3807   _capacity_words[mdtype] += words;
3808 }
3810 void MetaspaceUtils::dec_used(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype, size_t words) {
3811   assert(words <= used_words(mdtype),
3812          "About to decrement below 0: words " SIZE_FORMAT
3813          " is greater than _used_words[%u] " SIZE_FORMAT,
3814          words, mdtype, used_words(mdtype));
3815   // For CMS deallocation of the Metaspaces occurs during the
3816   // sweep which is a concurrent phase.  Protection by the expand_lock()
3817   // is not enough since allocation is on a per Metaspace basis
3818   // and protected by the Metaspace lock.
3819   Atomic::sub(words, &_used_words[mdtype]);
3820 }
3822 void MetaspaceUtils::inc_used(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype, size_t words) {
3823   // _used_words tracks allocations for
3824   // each piece of metadata.  Those allocations are
3825   // generally done concurrently by different application
3826   // threads so must be done atomically.
3827   Atomic::add(words, &_used_words[mdtype]);
3828 }
3830 size_t MetaspaceUtils::used_bytes_slow(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
3831   size_t used = 0;
3832   ClassLoaderDataGraphMetaspaceIterator iter;
3833   while (iter.repeat()) {
3834     Metaspace* msp = iter.get_next();
3835     // Sum allocated_blocks_words for each metaspace
3836     if (msp != NULL) {
3837       used += msp->used_words_slow(mdtype);
3838     }
3839   }
3840   return used * BytesPerWord;
3841 }
3843 size_t MetaspaceUtils::free_bytes_slow(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
3844   size_t free = 0;
3845   ClassLoaderDataGraphMetaspaceIterator iter;
3846   while (iter.repeat()) {
3847     Metaspace* msp = iter.get_next();
3848     if (msp != NULL) {
3849       free += msp->free_words_slow(mdtype);
3850     }
3851   }
3852   return free * BytesPerWord;
3853 }
3855 size_t MetaspaceUtils::capacity_bytes_slow(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
3856   if ((mdtype == Metaspace::ClassType) && !Metaspace::using_class_space()) {
3857     return 0;
3858   }
3859   // Don't count the space in the freelists.  That space will be
3860   // added to the capacity calculation as needed.
3861   size_t capacity = 0;
3862   ClassLoaderDataGraphMetaspaceIterator iter;
3863   while (iter.repeat()) {
3864     Metaspace* msp = iter.get_next();
3865     if (msp != NULL) {
3866       capacity += msp->capacity_words_slow(mdtype);
3867     }
3868   }
3869   return capacity * BytesPerWord;
3870 }
3872 size_t MetaspaceUtils::capacity_bytes_slow() {
3873 #ifdef PRODUCT
3874   // Use capacity_bytes() in PRODUCT instead of this function.
3875   guarantee(false, "Should not call capacity_bytes_slow() in the PRODUCT");
3876 #endif
3877   size_t class_capacity = capacity_bytes_slow(Metaspace::ClassType);
3878   size_t non_class_capacity = capacity_bytes_slow(Metaspace::NonClassType);
3879   assert(capacity_bytes() == class_capacity + non_class_capacity,
3880          "bad accounting: capacity_bytes() " SIZE_FORMAT
3881          " class_capacity + non_class_capacity " SIZE_FORMAT
3882          " class_capacity " SIZE_FORMAT " non_class_capacity " SIZE_FORMAT,
3883          capacity_bytes(), class_capacity + non_class_capacity,
3884          class_capacity, non_class_capacity);
3886   return class_capacity + non_class_capacity;
3887 }
3889 size_t MetaspaceUtils::reserved_bytes(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
3890   VirtualSpaceList* list = Metaspace::get_space_list(mdtype);
3891   return list == NULL ? 0 : list->reserved_bytes();
3892 }
3894 size_t MetaspaceUtils::committed_bytes(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
3895   VirtualSpaceList* list = Metaspace::get_space_list(mdtype);
3896   return list == NULL ? 0 : list->committed_bytes();
3897 }
3899 size_t MetaspaceUtils::min_chunk_size_words() { return Metaspace::first_chunk_word_size(); }
3901 size_t MetaspaceUtils::free_chunks_total_words(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
3902   ChunkManager* chunk_manager = Metaspace::get_chunk_manager(mdtype);
3903   if (chunk_manager == NULL) {
3904     return 0;
3905   }
3906   chunk_manager->slow_verify();
3907   return chunk_manager->free_chunks_total_words();
3908 }
3910 size_t MetaspaceUtils::free_chunks_total_bytes(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
3911   return free_chunks_total_words(mdtype) * BytesPerWord;
3912 }
3914 size_t MetaspaceUtils::free_chunks_total_words() {
3915   return free_chunks_total_words(Metaspace::ClassType) +
3916          free_chunks_total_words(Metaspace::NonClassType);
3917 }
3919 size_t MetaspaceUtils::free_chunks_total_bytes() {
3920   return free_chunks_total_words() * BytesPerWord;
3921 }
3923 bool MetaspaceUtils::has_chunk_free_list(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
3924   return Metaspace::get_chunk_manager(mdtype) != NULL;
3925 }
3927 MetaspaceChunkFreeListSummary MetaspaceUtils::chunk_free_list_summary(Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
3928   if (!has_chunk_free_list(mdtype)) {
3929     return MetaspaceChunkFreeListSummary();
3930   }
3932   const ChunkManager* cm = Metaspace::get_chunk_manager(mdtype);
3933   return cm->chunk_free_list_summary();
3934 }
3936 void MetaspaceUtils::print_metaspace_change(size_t prev_metadata_used) {
3937   log_info(gc, metaspace)("Metaspace: "  SIZE_FORMAT "K->" SIZE_FORMAT "K("  SIZE_FORMAT "K)",
3938                           prev_metadata_used/K, used_bytes()/K, reserved_bytes()/K);
3939 }
3941 void MetaspaceUtils::print_on(outputStream* out) {
3942   Metaspace::MetadataType nct = Metaspace::NonClassType;
3944   out->print_cr(" Metaspace       "
3945                 "used "      SIZE_FORMAT "K, "
3946                 "capacity "  SIZE_FORMAT "K, "
3947                 "committed " SIZE_FORMAT "K, "
3948                 "reserved "  SIZE_FORMAT "K",
3949                 used_bytes()/K,
3950                 capacity_bytes()/K,
3951                 committed_bytes()/K,
3952                 reserved_bytes()/K);
3954   if (Metaspace::using_class_space()) {
3955     Metaspace::MetadataType ct = Metaspace::ClassType;
3956     out->print_cr("  class space    "
3957                   "used "      SIZE_FORMAT "K, "
3958                   "capacity "  SIZE_FORMAT "K, "
3959                   "committed " SIZE_FORMAT "K, "
3960                   "reserved "  SIZE_FORMAT "K",
3961                   used_bytes(ct)/K,
3962                   capacity_bytes(ct)/K,
3963                   committed_bytes(ct)/K,
3964                   reserved_bytes(ct)/K);
3965   }
3966 }
3968 // Print information for class space and data space separately.
3969 // This is almost the same as above.
3970 void MetaspaceUtils::print_on(outputStream* out, Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
3971   size_t free_chunks_capacity_bytes = free_chunks_total_bytes(mdtype);
3972   size_t capacity_bytes = capacity_bytes_slow(mdtype);
3973   size_t used_bytes = used_bytes_slow(mdtype);
3974   size_t free_bytes = free_bytes_slow(mdtype);
3975   size_t used_and_free = used_bytes + free_bytes +
3976                            free_chunks_capacity_bytes;
3977   out->print_cr("  Chunk accounting: (used in chunks " SIZE_FORMAT
3978              "K + unused in chunks " SIZE_FORMAT "K  + "
3979              " capacity in free chunks " SIZE_FORMAT "K) = " SIZE_FORMAT
3980              "K  capacity in allocated chunks " SIZE_FORMAT "K",
3981              used_bytes / K,
3982              free_bytes / K,
3983              free_chunks_capacity_bytes / K,
3984              used_and_free / K,
3985              capacity_bytes / K);
3986   // Accounting can only be correct if we got the values during a safepoint
3987   assert(!SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint() || used_and_free == capacity_bytes, "Accounting is wrong");
3988 }
3990 // Print total fragmentation for class metaspaces
3991 void MetaspaceUtils::print_class_waste(outputStream* out) {
3992   assert(Metaspace::using_class_space(), "class metaspace not used");
3993   size_t cls_specialized_waste = 0, cls_small_waste = 0, cls_medium_waste = 0;
3994   size_t cls_specialized_count = 0, cls_small_count = 0, cls_medium_count = 0, cls_humongous_count = 0;
3995   ClassLoaderDataGraphMetaspaceIterator iter;
3996   while (iter.repeat()) {
3997     Metaspace* msp = iter.get_next();
3998     if (msp != NULL) {
3999       cls_specialized_waste += msp->class_vsm()->sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use(SpecializedIndex);
4000       cls_specialized_count += msp->class_vsm()->sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(SpecializedIndex);
4001       cls_small_waste += msp->class_vsm()->sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use(SmallIndex);
4002       cls_small_count += msp->class_vsm()->sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(SmallIndex);
4003       cls_medium_waste += msp->class_vsm()->sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use(MediumIndex);
4004       cls_medium_count += msp->class_vsm()->sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(MediumIndex);
4005       cls_humongous_count += msp->class_vsm()->sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(HumongousIndex);
4006     }
4007   }
4008   out->print_cr(" class: " SIZE_FORMAT " specialized(s) " SIZE_FORMAT ", "
4009                 SIZE_FORMAT " small(s) " SIZE_FORMAT ", "
4010                 SIZE_FORMAT " medium(s) " SIZE_FORMAT ", "
4011                 "large count " SIZE_FORMAT,
4012                 cls_specialized_count, cls_specialized_waste,
4013                 cls_small_count, cls_small_waste,
4014                 cls_medium_count, cls_medium_waste, cls_humongous_count);
4015 }
4017 // Print total fragmentation for data and class metaspaces separately
4018 void MetaspaceUtils::print_waste(outputStream* out) {
4019   size_t specialized_waste = 0, small_waste = 0, medium_waste = 0;
4020   size_t specialized_count = 0, small_count = 0, medium_count = 0, humongous_count = 0;
4022   ClassLoaderDataGraphMetaspaceIterator iter;
4023   while (iter.repeat()) {
4024     Metaspace* msp = iter.get_next();
4025     if (msp != NULL) {
4026       specialized_waste += msp->vsm()->sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use(SpecializedIndex);
4027       specialized_count += msp->vsm()->sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(SpecializedIndex);
4028       small_waste += msp->vsm()->sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use(SmallIndex);
4029       small_count += msp->vsm()->sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(SmallIndex);
4030       medium_waste += msp->vsm()->sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use(MediumIndex);
4031       medium_count += msp->vsm()->sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(MediumIndex);
4032       humongous_count += msp->vsm()->sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(HumongousIndex);
4033     }
4034   }
4035   out->print_cr("Total fragmentation waste (words) doesn't count free space");
4036   out->print_cr("  data: " SIZE_FORMAT " specialized(s) " SIZE_FORMAT ", "
4037                         SIZE_FORMAT " small(s) " SIZE_FORMAT ", "
4038                         SIZE_FORMAT " medium(s) " SIZE_FORMAT ", "

4191     _total_class.print_on(_out, _scale);
4192   }
4193   _out->cr();
4195   MetadataStats total_anon;
4196   total_anon.add(_total_anon_metadata);
4197   total_anon.add(_total_anon_class);
4199   _out->print("For anonymous classes=" SIZE_FORMAT_W(6) " ", _total_anon_count);
4200   total_anon.print_on(_out, _scale);
4202   _out->print("                    Metadata ");
4203   _total_anon_metadata.print_on(_out, _scale);
4205   if (Metaspace::using_class_space()) {
4206     _out->print("                  Class data ");
4207     _total_anon_class.print_on(_out, _scale);
4208   }
4209 }
4211 void MetaspaceUtils::print_metadata_for_nmt(outputStream* out, size_t scale) {
4212   const char* unit = scale_unit(scale);
4213   out->print_cr("Metaspaces:");
4214   out->print_cr("  Metadata space: reserved=" SIZE_FORMAT_W(10) "%s committed=" SIZE_FORMAT_W(10) "%s",
4215     reserved_bytes(Metaspace::NonClassType) / scale, unit,
4216     committed_bytes(Metaspace::NonClassType) / scale, unit);
4217   if (Metaspace::using_class_space()) {
4218     out->print_cr("  Class    space: reserved=" SIZE_FORMAT_W(10) "%s committed=" SIZE_FORMAT_W(10) "%s",
4219     reserved_bytes(Metaspace::ClassType) / scale, unit,
4220     committed_bytes(Metaspace::ClassType) / scale, unit);
4221   }
4223   out->cr();
4224   ChunkManager::print_all_chunkmanagers(out, scale);
4226   out->cr();
4227   out->print_cr("Per-classloader metadata:");
4228   out->cr();
4230   PrintCLDMetaspaceInfoClosure cl(out, scale);
4231   ClassLoaderDataGraph::cld_do(&cl);
4232 }
4235 // Dump global metaspace things from the end of ClassLoaderDataGraph
4236 void MetaspaceUtils::dump(outputStream* out) {
4237   out->print_cr("All Metaspace:");
4238   out->print("data space: "); print_on(out, Metaspace::NonClassType);
4239   out->print("class space: "); print_on(out, Metaspace::ClassType);
4240   print_waste(out);
4241 }
4243 // Prints an ASCII representation of the given space.
4244 void MetaspaceUtils::print_metaspace_map(outputStream* out, Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) {
4245   MutexLockerEx cl(SpaceManager::expand_lock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
4246   const bool for_class = mdtype == Metaspace::ClassType ? true : false;
4247   VirtualSpaceList* const vsl = for_class ? Metaspace::class_space_list() : Metaspace::space_list();
4248   if (vsl != NULL) {
4249     if (for_class) {
4250       if (!Metaspace::using_class_space()) {
4251         out->print_cr("No Class Space.");
4252         return;
4253       }
4254       out->print_raw("---- Metaspace Map (Class Space) ----");
4255     } else {
4256       out->print_raw("---- Metaspace Map (Non-Class Space) ----");
4257     }
4258     // Print legend:
4259     out->cr();
4260     out->print_cr("Chunk Types (uppercase chunks are in use): x-specialized, s-small, m-medium, h-humongous.");
4261     out->cr();
4262     VirtualSpaceList* const vsl = for_class ? Metaspace::class_space_list() : Metaspace::space_list();
4263     vsl->print_map(out);
4264     out->cr();
4265   }
4266 }
4268 void MetaspaceUtils::verify_free_chunks() {
4269   Metaspace::chunk_manager_metadata()->verify();
4270   if (Metaspace::using_class_space()) {
4271     Metaspace::chunk_manager_class()->verify();
4272   }
4273 }
4275 void MetaspaceUtils::verify_capacity() {
4276 #ifdef ASSERT
4277   size_t running_sum_capacity_bytes = capacity_bytes();
4278   // For purposes of the running sum of capacity, verify against capacity
4279   size_t capacity_in_use_bytes = capacity_bytes_slow();
4280   assert(running_sum_capacity_bytes == capacity_in_use_bytes,
4281          "capacity_words() * BytesPerWord " SIZE_FORMAT
4282          " capacity_bytes_slow()" SIZE_FORMAT,
4283          running_sum_capacity_bytes, capacity_in_use_bytes);
4284   for (Metaspace::MetadataType i = Metaspace::ClassType;
4285        i < Metaspace:: MetadataTypeCount;
4286        i = (Metaspace::MetadataType)(i + 1)) {
4287     size_t capacity_in_use_bytes = capacity_bytes_slow(i);
4288     assert(capacity_bytes(i) == capacity_in_use_bytes,
4289            "capacity_bytes(%u) " SIZE_FORMAT
4290            " capacity_bytes_slow(%u)" SIZE_FORMAT,
4291            i, capacity_bytes(i), i, capacity_in_use_bytes);
4292   }
4293 #endif
4294 }
4296 void MetaspaceUtils::verify_used() {
4297 #ifdef ASSERT
4298   size_t running_sum_used_bytes = used_bytes();
4299   // For purposes of the running sum of used, verify against used
4300   size_t used_in_use_bytes = used_bytes_slow();
4301   assert(used_bytes() == used_in_use_bytes,
4302          "used_bytes() " SIZE_FORMAT
4303          " used_bytes_slow()" SIZE_FORMAT,
4304          used_bytes(), used_in_use_bytes);
4305   for (Metaspace::MetadataType i = Metaspace::ClassType;
4306        i < Metaspace:: MetadataTypeCount;
4307        i = (Metaspace::MetadataType)(i + 1)) {
4308     size_t used_in_use_bytes = used_bytes_slow(i);
4309     assert(used_bytes(i) == used_in_use_bytes,
4310            "used_bytes(%u) " SIZE_FORMAT
4311            " used_bytes_slow(%u)" SIZE_FORMAT,
4312            i, used_bytes(i), i, used_in_use_bytes);
4313   }
4314 #endif
4315 }
4317 void MetaspaceUtils::verify_metrics() {
4318   verify_capacity();
4319   verify_used();
4320 }
4323 // Metaspace methods
4325 size_t Metaspace::_first_chunk_word_size = 0;
4326 size_t Metaspace::_first_class_chunk_word_size = 0;
4328 size_t Metaspace::_commit_alignment = 0;
4329 size_t Metaspace::_reserve_alignment = 0;
4331 Metaspace::Metaspace(Mutex* lock, MetaspaceType type) {
4332   initialize(lock, type);
4333 }
4335 Metaspace::~Metaspace() {
4336   delete _vsm;
4337   if (using_class_space()) {

4873   assert(using_class_space(), "Has to use class space");
4874   return class_vsm()->calc_chunk_size(word_size);
4875 }
4877 void Metaspace::report_metadata_oome(ClassLoaderData* loader_data, size_t word_size, MetaspaceObj::Type type, MetadataType mdtype, TRAPS) {
4878   tracer()->report_metadata_oom(loader_data, word_size, type, mdtype);
4880   // If result is still null, we are out of memory.
4881   Log(gc, metaspace, freelist) log;
4882   if (log.is_info()) {
4883     log.info("Metaspace (%s) allocation failed for size " SIZE_FORMAT,
4884              is_class_space_allocation(mdtype) ? "class" : "data", word_size);
4885     ResourceMark rm;
4886     if (log.is_debug()) {
4887       if (loader_data->metaspace_or_null() != NULL) {
4888         LogStream ls(log.debug());
4889         loader_data->dump(&ls);
4890       }
4891     }
4892     LogStream ls(log.info());
4893     MetaspaceUtils::dump(&ls);
4894     MetaspaceUtils::print_metaspace_map(&ls, mdtype);
4895     ChunkManager::print_all_chunkmanagers(&ls);
4896   }
4898   bool out_of_compressed_class_space = false;
4899   if (is_class_space_allocation(mdtype)) {
4900     Metaspace* metaspace = loader_data->metaspace_non_null();
4901     out_of_compressed_class_space =
4902       MetaspaceUtils::committed_bytes(Metaspace::ClassType) +
4903       (metaspace->class_chunk_size(word_size) * BytesPerWord) >
4904       CompressedClassSpaceSize;
4905   }
4907   // -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError and -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError support
4908   const char* space_string = out_of_compressed_class_space ?
4909     "Compressed class space" : "Metaspace";
4911   report_java_out_of_memory(space_string);
4913   if (JvmtiExport::should_post_resource_exhausted()) {
4914     JvmtiExport::post_resource_exhausted(
4916         space_string);
4917   }
4919   if (!is_init_completed()) {
4920     vm_exit_during_initialization("OutOfMemoryError", space_string);
4921   }

4996   guarantee(chunk != NULL, "Sanity");
4997   // Verify chunk itself; then verify that it is consistent with the
4998   // occupany map of its containing node.
4999   chunk->verify();
5000   VirtualSpaceNode* const vsn = chunk->container();
5001   OccupancyMap* const ocmap = vsn->occupancy_map();
5002   ocmap->verify_for_chunk(chunk);
5003 }
5004 #endif
5006 static void do_update_in_use_info_for_chunk(Metachunk* chunk, bool inuse) {
5007   chunk->set_is_tagged_free(!inuse);
5008   OccupancyMap* const ocmap = chunk->container()->occupancy_map();
5009   ocmap->set_region_in_use((MetaWord*)chunk, chunk->word_size(), inuse);
5010 }
5012 /////////////// Unit tests ///////////////
5014 #ifndef PRODUCT
5016 class TestMetaspaceUtilsTest : AllStatic {
5017  public:
5018   static void test_reserved() {
5019     size_t reserved = MetaspaceUtils::reserved_bytes();
5021     assert(reserved > 0, "assert");
5023     size_t committed  = MetaspaceUtils::committed_bytes();
5024     assert(committed <= reserved, "assert");
5026     size_t reserved_metadata = MetaspaceUtils::reserved_bytes(Metaspace::NonClassType);
5027     assert(reserved_metadata > 0, "assert");
5028     assert(reserved_metadata <= reserved, "assert");
5030     if (UseCompressedClassPointers) {
5031       size_t reserved_class    = MetaspaceUtils::reserved_bytes(Metaspace::ClassType);
5032       assert(reserved_class > 0, "assert");
5033       assert(reserved_class < reserved, "assert");
5034     }
5035   }
5037   static void test_committed() {
5038     size_t committed = MetaspaceUtils::committed_bytes();
5040     assert(committed > 0, "assert");
5042     size_t reserved  = MetaspaceUtils::reserved_bytes();
5043     assert(committed <= reserved, "assert");
5045     size_t committed_metadata = MetaspaceUtils::committed_bytes(Metaspace::NonClassType);
5046     assert(committed_metadata > 0, "assert");
5047     assert(committed_metadata <= committed, "assert");
5049     if (UseCompressedClassPointers) {
5050       size_t committed_class    = MetaspaceUtils::committed_bytes(Metaspace::ClassType);
5051       assert(committed_class > 0, "assert");
5052       assert(committed_class < committed, "assert");
5053     }
5054   }
5056   static void test_virtual_space_list_large_chunk() {
5057     VirtualSpaceList* vs_list = new VirtualSpaceList(os::vm_allocation_granularity());
5058     MutexLockerEx cl(SpaceManager::expand_lock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
5059     // A size larger than VirtualSpaceSize (256k) and add one page to make it _not_ be
5060     // vm_allocation_granularity aligned on Windows.
5061     size_t large_size = (size_t)(2*256*K + (os::vm_page_size()/BytesPerWord));
5062     large_size += (os::vm_page_size()/BytesPerWord);
5063     vs_list->get_new_chunk(large_size, 0);
5064   }
5066   static void test() {
5067     test_reserved();
5068     test_committed();
5069     test_virtual_space_list_large_chunk();
5070   }
5071 };
5073 void TestMetaspaceUtils_test() {
5074   TestMetaspaceUtilsTest::test();
5075 }
5077 class TestVirtualSpaceNodeTest {
5078   static void chunk_up(size_t words_left, size_t& num_medium_chunks,
5079                                           size_t& num_small_chunks,
5080                                           size_t& num_specialized_chunks) {
5081     num_medium_chunks = words_left / MediumChunk;
5082     words_left = words_left % MediumChunk;
5084     num_small_chunks = words_left / SmallChunk;
5085     words_left = words_left % SmallChunk;
5086     // how many specialized chunks can we get?
5087     num_specialized_chunks = words_left / SpecializedChunk;
5088     assert(words_left % SpecializedChunk == 0, "should be nothing left");
5089   }
5091  public:
5092   static void test() {
5093     MutexLockerEx ml(SpaceManager::expand_lock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
5094     const size_t vsn_test_size_words = MediumChunk  * 4;

< prev index next >