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  65   JMOD_FLAGS += --class-path $(CLASSES_DIR)
  66   DEPS += $(call CacheFind, $(CLASSES_DIR))
  67 endif
  69 # Add dependencies on other jmod files. Only java.base needs access to other
  70 # jmods.
  71 ifeq ($(MODULE), java.base)
  72   ALL_UPGRADEABLE_MODULES = $(call FindAllUpgradeableModules)
  73   # When creating a BUILDJDK, we don't need to add hashes to java.base
  74   ifneq ($(CREATING_BUILDJDK), true)
  75     DEPS += $(patsubst %, $(JMODS_DIR)/%.jmod, \
  76         $(filter-out java.base $(ALL_UPGRADEABLE_MODULES), $(call FindAllModules)))
  78     EXCLUDE_PATTERN := $(strip $(subst $(SPACE),|,$(strip $(ALL_UPGRADEABLE_MODULES))))
  80     JMOD_FLAGS += --module-path $(JMODS_DIR) \
  81         --hash-modules '^(?!$(EXCLUDE_PATTERN))'
  82   endif
  83 endif
  85 ifeq ($(MODULE), jdk.scripting.nashorn.shell)
  86   JMOD_FLAGS += --main-class jdk.nashorn.tools.jjs.Main
  87 endif
  89 ifeq ($(MODULE), jdk.scripting.nashorn)
  90   JMOD_FLAGS += --main-class jdk.nashorn.tools.Shell
  91 endif
  93 # Changes to the jmod tool itself should also trigger a rebuild of all jmods.
  94 # The variable JMOD_CMD could contain an environment variable assignment before
  95 # the actual command. Filter that out using wildcard before adding to DEPS.
  96 DEPS += $(wildcard $(JMOD_CMD))
  97 ifeq ($(EXTERNAL_BUILDJDK), false)
  98   DEPS += $(call CacheFind, $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/modules/jdk.jlink/jdk/tools/jmod)
  99 endif
 101 # TODO: What about headers?
 102 # Create jmods in a temp dir and then move them into place to keep the
 103 # module path in $(IMAGES_OUTPUTDIR)/jmods valid at all times.
 104 $(JMODS_DIR)/$(MODULE).jmod: $(DEPS)
 105         $(call LogWarn, Creating $(patsubst $(OUTPUT_ROOT)/%, %, $@))
 106         $(call MakeDir, $(@D) $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/jmods)
 107         $(RM) $@ $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/jmods/$(notdir $@)
 108         $(JMOD) create \
 109             --module-version $(VERSION_SHORT) \
 110             --os-name $(REQUIRED_OS_NAME) \
 111             --os-arch $(OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU_LEGACY) \
 112             --os-version $(REQUIRED_OS_VERSION) \

  65   JMOD_FLAGS += --class-path $(CLASSES_DIR)
  66   DEPS += $(call CacheFind, $(CLASSES_DIR))
  67 endif
  69 # Add dependencies on other jmod files. Only java.base needs access to other
  70 # jmods.
  71 ifeq ($(MODULE), java.base)
  72   ALL_UPGRADEABLE_MODULES = $(call FindAllUpgradeableModules)
  73   # When creating a BUILDJDK, we don't need to add hashes to java.base
  74   ifneq ($(CREATING_BUILDJDK), true)
  75     DEPS += $(patsubst %, $(JMODS_DIR)/%.jmod, \
  76         $(filter-out java.base $(ALL_UPGRADEABLE_MODULES), $(call FindAllModules)))
  78     EXCLUDE_PATTERN := $(strip $(subst $(SPACE),|,$(strip $(ALL_UPGRADEABLE_MODULES))))
  80     JMOD_FLAGS += --module-path $(JMODS_DIR) \
  81         --hash-modules '^(?!$(EXCLUDE_PATTERN))'
  82   endif
  83 endif

  85 # Changes to the jmod tool itself should also trigger a rebuild of all jmods.
  86 # The variable JMOD_CMD could contain an environment variable assignment before
  87 # the actual command. Filter that out using wildcard before adding to DEPS.
  88 DEPS += $(wildcard $(JMOD_CMD))
  89 ifeq ($(EXTERNAL_BUILDJDK), false)
  90   DEPS += $(call CacheFind, $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/modules/jdk.jlink/jdk/tools/jmod)
  91 endif
  93 # TODO: What about headers?
  94 # Create jmods in a temp dir and then move them into place to keep the
  95 # module path in $(IMAGES_OUTPUTDIR)/jmods valid at all times.
  96 $(JMODS_DIR)/$(MODULE).jmod: $(DEPS)
  97         $(call LogWarn, Creating $(patsubst $(OUTPUT_ROOT)/%, %, $@))
  98         $(call MakeDir, $(@D) $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/jmods)
  99         $(RM) $@ $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/jmods/$(notdir $@)
 100         $(JMOD) create \
 101             --module-version $(VERSION_SHORT) \
 102             --os-name $(REQUIRED_OS_NAME) \
 103             --os-arch $(OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU_LEGACY) \
 104             --os-version $(REQUIRED_OS_VERSION) \
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