/* * Copyright (c) 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package com.sun.tools.jextract; import java.foreign.layout.Layout; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.io.File; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import com.sun.tools.jextract.parser.MacroParser; import jdk.internal.clang.SourceLocation; import jdk.internal.clang.Type; import com.sun.tools.jextract.tree.EnumTree; import com.sun.tools.jextract.tree.FieldTree; import com.sun.tools.jextract.tree.FunctionTree; import com.sun.tools.jextract.tree.MacroTree; import com.sun.tools.jextract.tree.SimpleTreeVisitor; import com.sun.tools.jextract.tree.StructTree; import com.sun.tools.jextract.tree.Tree; import com.sun.tools.jextract.tree.TypedefTree; import com.sun.tools.jextract.tree.VarTree; /* * Scan a header file and generate Java source items for entities defined in that header * file. Tree visitor visit methods return true/false depending on whether a * particular Tree is processed or skipped. */ class JavaSourceFactory extends SimpleTreeVisitor { // simple names of java.foreign annotations private static final String NATIVE_CALLBACK = "NativeCallback"; private static final String NATIVE_HEADER = "NativeHeader"; private static final String NATIVE_LOCATION = "NativeLocation"; private static final String NATIVE_STRUCT = "NativeStruct"; private static final String NATIVE_FUNCTION = "NativeFunction"; private static final String NATIVE_GETTER = "NativeGetter"; private static final String NATIVE_SETTER = "NativeSetter"; private static final String NATIVE_ADDRESSOF = "NativeAddressof"; private static final String NATIVE_NUM_CONST = "NativeNumericConstant"; private static final String NATIVE_STR_CONST = "NativeStringConstant"; protected final String headerClassName; protected final HeaderFile headerFile; private final Map types; private final List libraryNames; private final List libraryPaths; private final boolean noNativeLocations; private final JavaSourceBuilder global_jsb; protected final Path srcDir; protected final Log log; JavaSourceFactory(Context ctx, HeaderFile header) { this.log = ctx.log; log.print(Level.INFO, () -> "Instantiate JavaSourceFactory for " + header.path); this.headerFile = header; this.headerClassName = headerFile.pkgName + "." + headerFile.headerClsName; this.types = new HashMap<>(); this.libraryNames = ctx.options.libraryNames; this.libraryPaths = ctx.options.recordLibraryPath? ctx.options.libraryPaths : null; this.noNativeLocations = ctx.options.noNativeLocations; this.global_jsb = new JavaSourceBuilder(); this.srcDir = Paths.get(ctx.options.srcDumpDir) .resolve(headerFile.pkgName.replace('.', File.separatorChar)); } // main entry point that generates & saves .java files for the header file public void generate(List decls) { global_jsb.addPackagePrefix(headerFile.pkgName); Map header = new HashMap<>(); header.put("path", headerFile.path.toAbsolutePath().toString().replace("\\", "\\\\")); if (!libraryNames.isEmpty()) { header.put("libraries", libraryNames.toArray(new String[0])); if (libraryPaths != null && !libraryPaths.isEmpty()) { header.put("libraryPaths", libraryPaths.toArray(new String[0])); } } JType.ClassType[] classes = headerFile.dictionary().resolutionRoots() .toArray(JType.ClassType[]::new); if (classes.length != 0) { header.put("resolutionContext", classes); } Set global_layouts = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (Tree tr : decls) { if (tr instanceof VarTree) { VarTree varTree = (VarTree)tr; global_layouts.add(varTree.layout().withAnnotation(Layout.NAME, varTree.name())); } } if (!global_layouts.isEmpty()) { String[] globals = global_layouts.stream().map(Object::toString).toArray(String[]::new); header.put("globals", globals); } global_jsb.addAnnotation(false, NATIVE_HEADER, header); String clsName = headerFile.headerClsName; global_jsb.interfaceBegin(clsName, false); //generate all decls decls.forEach(this::generateDecl); //generate functional interfaces headerFile.dictionary().functionalInterfaces() .forEach(fi -> createFunctionalInterface((JType.FunctionalInterfaceType)fi)); for (JavaSourceBuilder jsb : types.values()) { global_jsb.addNestedType(jsb); } global_jsb.interfaceEnd(); String src = global_jsb.build(); try { Files.createDirectories(srcDir); Path srcPath = srcDir.resolve(clsName + ".java"); Files.write(srcPath, List.of(src)); } catch (Exception ex) { handleException(ex); } } protected void handleException(Exception ex) { log.printError("cannot.write.class.file", headerFile.pkgName + "." + headerFile.headerClsName, ex); log.printStackTrace(ex); } private void addNativeLocation(JavaSourceBuilder jsb, Tree tree) { addNativeLocation(jsb, tree.location()); } private void addNativeLocation(JavaSourceBuilder jsb, SourceLocation src) { addNativeLocation(true, jsb, src); } private void addNativeLocation(boolean align, JavaSourceBuilder jsb, SourceLocation src) { if (! noNativeLocations) { SourceLocation.Location loc = src.getFileLocation(); Path p = loc.path(); Map fields = new HashMap<>(); fields.put("file", p == null ? "builtin" : p.toAbsolutePath().toString().replace("\\", "\\\\")); fields.put("line", loc.line()); fields.put("column", loc.column()); jsb.addAnnotation(align, NATIVE_LOCATION, fields); } } private void addClassIfNeeded(String clsName, JavaSourceBuilder jsb) { if (null != types.put(clsName, jsb)) { log.printWarning("warn.class.overwritten", clsName); } } private static boolean isBitField(Tree tree) { return tree instanceof FieldTree && ((FieldTree)tree).isBitField(); } /** * * @param jsb JavaSourceBuilder for the struct * @param tree The Tree * @param parentType The struct type */ private boolean addField(JavaSourceBuilder jsb, Tree tree, Type parentType) { String fieldName = tree.name(); assert !fieldName.isEmpty(); Type type = tree.type(); JType jt = headerFile.dictionary().lookup(type); assert (jt != null); addNativeLocation(jsb, tree); jsb.addAnnotation(NATIVE_GETTER, Map.of("value", fieldName)); jsb.addGetter(fieldName + "$get", jt); jsb.addAnnotation(NATIVE_SETTER, Map.of("value", fieldName)); jsb.addSetter(fieldName + "$set", jt); if (tree instanceof VarTree || !isBitField(tree)) { JType ptrType = JType.GenericType.ofPointer(jt); jsb.addAnnotation(NATIVE_ADDRESSOF, Map.of("value", fieldName)); jsb.addGetter(fieldName + "$ptr", ptrType); } return true; } @Override public Boolean visitVar(VarTree varTree, JType jt) { return addField(global_jsb, varTree, null); } private void addConstant(JavaSourceBuilder jsb, SourceLocation src, String name, JType type, Object value) { addNativeLocation(jsb, src); if (value instanceof String) { jsb.addAnnotation(NATIVE_STR_CONST, Map.of("value", value)); } else { //numeric (int, long or double) final long longValue; if (value instanceof Integer) { longValue = (Integer)value; } else if (value instanceof Long) { longValue = (Long)value; } else if (value instanceof Double) { longValue = Double.doubleToRawLongBits((Double)value); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected constant: " + value); } jsb.addAnnotation(NATIVE_NUM_CONST, Map.of("value", longValue)); } jsb.addGetter(name, type); } @Override public Boolean visitStruct(StructTree structTree, JType jt) { //generate nested structs recursively structTree.nestedTypes().forEach(this::generateDecl); if (structTree.isAnonymous()) { //skip anonymous return false; } String nativeName = structTree.name(); Type type = structTree.type(); log.print(Level.FINE, () -> "Create struct: " + nativeName); String intf = Utils.toClassName(nativeName); String name = headerClassName + "." + intf; log.print(Level.FINE, () -> "Define class " + name + " for native type " + nativeName); JavaSourceBuilder jsb = new JavaSourceBuilder(global_jsb.align() + 1); addNativeLocation(false, jsb, structTree.location()); jsb.addAnnotation(false, NATIVE_STRUCT, Map.of("value", structTree.layout().toString())); jsb.interfaceBegin(intf, true, "Struct<" + intf + ">"); // fields structTree.fields().forEach(fieldTree -> addField(jsb, fieldTree, type)); jsb.interfaceEnd(); addClassIfNeeded(headerClassName + "." + intf, jsb); return true; } @Override public Boolean visitEnum(EnumTree enumTree, JType jt) { // define enum constants in global_cw enumTree.constants().forEach(constant -> addConstant(global_jsb, constant.location(), constant.name(), headerFile.dictionary().lookup(constant.type()), constant.enumConstant().get())); if (enumTree.name().isEmpty()) { // We are done with anonymous enum return true; } // generate annotation class for named enum createAnnotationCls(enumTree); return true; } private void createAnnotationCls(Tree tree) { String nativeName = tree.name(); log.print(Level.FINE, () -> "Create annotation for: " + nativeName); String intf = Utils.toClassName(nativeName); String name = headerClassName + "." + intf; JavaSourceBuilder jsb = new JavaSourceBuilder(global_jsb.align() + 1); log.print(Level.FINE, () -> "Define class " + name + " for native type " + nativeName); addNativeLocation(false, jsb, tree.location()); jsb.addAnnotation(false, "Target", Map.of("value", ElementType.TYPE_USE)); jsb.addAnnotation(false, "Retention", Map.of("value", RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)); jsb.interfaceBegin(intf, true, true); jsb.interfaceEnd(); addClassIfNeeded(headerClassName + "." + intf, jsb); } private void createFunctionalInterface(JType.FunctionalInterfaceType fnif) { JType.Function fn = fnif.getFunction(); String intf; String nativeName; String nDesc = fnif.getFunction().getNativeDescriptor(); intf = fnif.getSimpleName(); nativeName = "anonymous function"; log.print(Level.FINE, () -> "Create FunctionalInterface " + intf); final String name = headerClassName + "." + intf; JavaSourceBuilder jsb = new JavaSourceBuilder(global_jsb.align() + 1); log.print(Level.FINE, () -> "Define class " + name + " for native type " + nativeName + nDesc); jsb.addAnnotation(false, "FunctionalInterface", Map.of()); jsb.addAnnotation(false, NATIVE_CALLBACK, Map.of("value", nDesc)); jsb.interfaceBegin(intf, true); jsb.addMethod("fn", fn); jsb.interfaceEnd(); // add the method addClassIfNeeded(headerClassName + "." + intf, jsb); } @Override public Boolean visitTypedef(TypedefTree typedefTree, JType jt) { createAnnotationCls(typedefTree); return true; } @Override public Boolean visitTree(Tree tree, JType jt) { log.print(Level.WARNING, () -> "Unsupported declaration tree:"); log.print(Level.WARNING, () -> tree.toString()); return true; } @Override public Boolean visitFunction(FunctionTree funcTree, JType jt) { assert (jt instanceof JType.Function); JType.Function fn = (JType.Function)jt; log.print(Level.FINE, () -> "Add method: " + fn.getSignature(false)); addNativeLocation(global_jsb, funcTree); Type type = funcTree.type(); final String descStr = Utils.getFunction(type).toString(); global_jsb.addAnnotation(NATIVE_FUNCTION, Map.of("value", descStr)); global_jsb.addMethod(funcTree, fn); return true; } private void generateDecl(Tree tree) { try { log.print(Level.FINE, () -> "Process tree " + tree.name()); tree.accept(this, tree.isPreprocessing() ? null : headerFile.dictionary().lookup(tree.type())); } catch (Exception ex) { handleException(ex); log.print(Level.WARNING, () -> "Tree causing above exception is: " + tree.name()); log.print(Level.WARNING, () -> tree.toString()); } } @Override public Boolean visitMacro(MacroTree macroTree, JType jt) { if (!macroTree.isConstant()) { log.print(Level.FINE, () -> "Skipping unrecognized object-like macro " + macroTree.name()); return false; } String name = macroTree.name(); MacroParser.Macro macro = macroTree.macro().get(); log.print(Level.FINE, () -> "Adding macro " + name); addConstant(global_jsb, macroTree.location(), name, macro.type(), macro.value()); return true; } }