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rev 17491 : robot unicode keys - pass 2

@@ -297,27 +297,52 @@
 void AwtRobot::KeyPress( jint jkey )
-    DoKeyEvent(jkey, 0); // no flags means key down
+    DoKeyEvent(jkey, 0, false); // no flags means key down
 void AwtRobot::KeyRelease( jint jkey )
-    DoKeyEvent(jkey, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP);
+    DoKeyEvent(jkey, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, false);
-void AwtRobot::DoKeyEvent( jint jkey, DWORD dwFlags )
+void AwtRobot::KeyPressUnicode( jint jkey )
+    DoKeyEvent(jkey, 0, true); // no flags means key down
+void AwtRobot::KeyReleaseUnicode( jint jkey )
+    DoKeyEvent(jkey, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, true);
+void AwtRobot::DoKeyEvent( jint jkey, DWORD dwFlags, BOOL isUnicode )
     UINT        vkey;
     UINT        modifiers;
     UINT        scancode;
     JNIEnv *    env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2);
+        if(isUnicode) {printf("In unicode func:%d", jkey);
+        /*
+           HandleUnicodeKeys() returns the status of the SendInput()
+           which returns 0 if there is a fail else non-zero.
+           The status 0 tells that the SendInput() in unable to interpret
+           the supplied input upon which the illegal argument exception
+           would be raised.
+        */
+        if(!HandleUnicodeKeys(jkey, dwFlags)) {
+            // no equivalent Windows key found for given unicode key
+            JNU_ThrowIllegalArgumentException(env, "Invalid unicode key");
+        }
+        }
+        else {
     // convert Java key into Windows key (and modifiers too)
     AwtComponent::JavaKeyToWindowsKey(jkey, &vkey, &modifiers);
     if (vkey == 0) {
         // no equivalent Windows key found for given Java keycode
         JNU_ThrowIllegalArgumentException(env, "Invalid key code");
     } else {
         // get the scancode from the virtual key

@@ -335,10 +360,22 @@
             vkey == VK_DOWN) {
             dwFlags |= KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY;
         keybd_event(vkey, scancode, dwFlags, 0);
+        }
+UINT AwtRobot::HandleUnicodeKeys(jint key, DWORD dwFlags)
+    NSWinInput::INPUT ip;
+    ip.type = 1; //INPUT_KEYBOARD;
+    ip.ki.wVk = 0;
+    ip.ki.wScan = key;
+    ip.ki.dwFlags = (DWORD)(dwFlags | 4); //KEYEVENTF_UNICODE(4)
+    ip.ki.dwExtraInfo = 0;
+    return SendInput(1, (LPINPUT)&ip, sizeof(INPUT));
 // utility function to get the C++ object from the Java one

@@ -442,5 +479,26 @@
+JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WRobotPeer_keyPressUnicode(
+  JNIEnv *, jobject self, jint javakey )
+    TRY;
+    AwtRobot::GetRobot(self)->KeyPressUnicode(javakey);
+JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WRobotPeer_keyReleaseUnicode(
+  JNIEnv *, jobject self, jint javakey )
+    TRY;
+    AwtRobot::GetRobot(self)->KeyReleaseUnicode(javakey);
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