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4347       return survivor_attempt_allocation(word_size);
4348     }
4349   }
4351   ShouldNotReachHere();
4352   // Trying to keep some compilers happy.
4353   return NULL;
4354 }
4356 G1ParGCAllocBuffer::G1ParGCAllocBuffer(size_t gclab_word_size) :
4357   ParGCAllocBuffer(gclab_word_size), _retired(false) { }
4359 G1ParScanThreadState::G1ParScanThreadState(G1CollectedHeap* g1h, uint queue_num)
4360   : _g1h(g1h),
4361     _refs(g1h->task_queue(queue_num)),
4362     _dcq(&g1h->dirty_card_queue_set()),
4363     _ct_bs((CardTableModRefBS*)_g1h->barrier_set()),
4364     _g1_rem(g1h->g1_rem_set()),
4365     _hash_seed(17), _queue_num(queue_num),
4366     _term_attempts(0),
4367     _surviving_alloc_buffer(g1h->desired_plab_sz(GCAllocForSurvived)),
4368     _tenured_alloc_buffer(g1h->desired_plab_sz(GCAllocForTenured)),
4369     _age_table(false),
4370     _strong_roots_time(0), _term_time(0),
4371     _alloc_buffer_waste(0), _undo_waste(0) {
4372   // we allocate G1YoungSurvRateNumRegions plus one entries, since
4373   // we "sacrifice" entry 0 to keep track of surviving bytes for
4374   // non-young regions (where the age is -1)
4375   // We also add a few elements at the beginning and at the end in
4376   // an attempt to eliminate cache contention
4377   uint real_length = 1 + _g1h->g1_policy()->young_cset_region_length();
4378   uint array_length = PADDING_ELEM_NUM +
4379                       real_length +
4380                       PADDING_ELEM_NUM;
4381   _surviving_young_words_base = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(size_t, array_length, mtGC);
4382   if (_surviving_young_words_base == NULL)
4383     vm_exit_out_of_memory(array_length * sizeof(size_t),
4384                           "Not enough space for young surv histo.");
4385   _surviving_young_words = _surviving_young_words_base + PADDING_ELEM_NUM;
4386   memset(_surviving_young_words, 0, (size_t) real_length * sizeof(size_t));
4388   _alloc_buffers[GCAllocForSurvived] = &_surviving_alloc_buffer;
4389   _alloc_buffers[GCAllocForTenured]  = &_tenured_alloc_buffer;

4391   _start = os::elapsedTime();
4392 }
4394 void
4395 G1ParScanThreadState::print_termination_stats_hdr(outputStream* const st)
4396 {
4397   st->print_raw_cr("GC Termination Stats");
4398   st->print_raw_cr("     elapsed  --strong roots-- -------termination-------"
4399                    " ------waste (KiB)------");
4400   st->print_raw_cr("thr     ms        ms      %        ms      %    attempts"
4401                    "  total   alloc    undo");
4402   st->print_raw_cr("--- --------- --------- ------ --------- ------ --------"
4403                    " ------- ------- -------");
4404 }
4406 void
4407 G1ParScanThreadState::print_termination_stats(int i,
4408                                               outputStream* const st) const
4409 {

4347       return survivor_attempt_allocation(word_size);
4348     }
4349   }
4351   ShouldNotReachHere();
4352   // Trying to keep some compilers happy.
4353   return NULL;
4354 }
4356 G1ParGCAllocBuffer::G1ParGCAllocBuffer(size_t gclab_word_size) :
4357   ParGCAllocBuffer(gclab_word_size), _retired(false) { }
4359 G1ParScanThreadState::G1ParScanThreadState(G1CollectedHeap* g1h, uint queue_num)
4360   : _g1h(g1h),
4361     _refs(g1h->task_queue(queue_num)),
4362     _dcq(&g1h->dirty_card_queue_set()),
4363     _ct_bs((CardTableModRefBS*)_g1h->barrier_set()),
4364     _g1_rem(g1h->g1_rem_set()),
4365     _hash_seed(17), _queue_num(queue_num),
4366     _term_attempts(0),

4367     _age_table(false),
4368     _strong_roots_time(0), _term_time(0),
4369     _alloc_buffer_waste(0), _undo_waste(0) {
4370   // we allocate G1YoungSurvRateNumRegions plus one entries, since
4371   // we "sacrifice" entry 0 to keep track of surviving bytes for
4372   // non-young regions (where the age is -1)
4373   // We also add a few elements at the beginning and at the end in
4374   // an attempt to eliminate cache contention
4375   uint real_length = 1 + _g1h->g1_policy()->young_cset_region_length();
4376   uint array_length = PADDING_ELEM_NUM +
4377                       real_length +
4378                       PADDING_ELEM_NUM;
4379   _surviving_young_words_base = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(size_t, array_length, mtGC);
4380   if (_surviving_young_words_base == NULL)
4381     vm_exit_out_of_memory(array_length * sizeof(size_t),
4382                           "Not enough space for young surv histo.");
4383   _surviving_young_words = _surviving_young_words_base + PADDING_ELEM_NUM;
4384   memset(_surviving_young_words, 0, (size_t) real_length * sizeof(size_t));
4386   for (int ap = 0; ap < GCAllocPurposeCount; ++ap)
4387     for (int pr = 0; pr < GCAllocPriorityCount; ++pr) {
4388       _alloc_buffers[buf_idx(ap, pr)] =
4389         new G1ParGCAllocBuffer(g1h->desired_plab_sz(GCAllocPurpose(ap)));
4390     }
4392   _start = os::elapsedTime();
4393 }
4395 void
4396 G1ParScanThreadState::print_termination_stats_hdr(outputStream* const st)
4397 {
4398   st->print_raw_cr("GC Termination Stats");
4399   st->print_raw_cr("     elapsed  --strong roots-- -------termination-------"
4400                    " ------waste (KiB)------");
4401   st->print_raw_cr("thr     ms        ms      %        ms      %    attempts"
4402                    "  total   alloc    undo");
4403   st->print_raw_cr("--- --------- --------- ------ --------- ------ --------"
4404                    " ------- ------- -------");
4405 }
4407 void
4408 G1ParScanThreadState::print_termination_stats(int i,
4409                                               outputStream* const st) const
4410 {