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 233       throw new RuntimeException("Inconsistent min/initial/max heap sizes, they are " +
 234         v.minHeapSize + "/" + v.initialHeapSize + "/" + v.maxHeapSize);
 235     }
 236   }
 238   /**
 239    * Verify whether the VM respects the given maximum heap size in MB for the
 240    * GC specified.
 241    * @param gcflag The garbage collector to test as command line flag. E.g. -XX:+UseG1GC
 242    * @param maxHeapSize the maximum heap size to verify, in MB.
 243    */
 244   public static void checkGenMaxHeapSize(String gcflag, long maxHeapsize) throws Exception {
 245     final long K = 1024;
 247     MinInitialMaxValues v = new MinInitialMaxValues();
 248     getMinInitialMaxHeap(new String[] { gcflag, "-XX:MaxHeapSize=" + maxHeapsize + "M" }, v);
 250     long expectedHeapSize = align_up(maxHeapsize * K * K, v.maxAlignment);
 251     long actualHeapSize = v.maxHeapSize;

 253     if (actualHeapSize > expectedHeapSize) {
 254       throw new RuntimeException("Heap has " + actualHeapSize  +
 255         " bytes, expected to be less than " + expectedHeapSize);
 256     }
 257   }
 259   private static long getFlagValue(String flag, String where) {
 260     Matcher m = Pattern.compile(flag + "\\s+:?=\\s+\\d+").matcher(where);
 261     if (!m.find()) {
 262       throw new RuntimeException("Could not find value for flag " + flag + " in output string");
 263     }
 264     String match = m.group();
 265     return Long.parseLong(match.substring(match.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1, match.length()));
 266   }
 268   private static void shouldContainOrNot(OutputAnalyzer output, boolean contains, String message) throws Exception {
 269     if (contains) {
 270       output.shouldContain(message);
 271     } else {
 272       output.shouldNotContain(message);

 233       throw new RuntimeException("Inconsistent min/initial/max heap sizes, they are " +
 234         v.minHeapSize + "/" + v.initialHeapSize + "/" + v.maxHeapSize);
 235     }
 236   }
 238   /**
 239    * Verify whether the VM respects the given maximum heap size in MB for the
 240    * GC specified.
 241    * @param gcflag The garbage collector to test as command line flag. E.g. -XX:+UseG1GC
 242    * @param maxHeapSize the maximum heap size to verify, in MB.
 243    */
 244   public static void checkGenMaxHeapSize(String gcflag, long maxHeapsize) throws Exception {
 245     final long K = 1024;
 247     MinInitialMaxValues v = new MinInitialMaxValues();
 248     getMinInitialMaxHeap(new String[] { gcflag, "-XX:MaxHeapSize=" + maxHeapsize + "M" }, v);
 250     long expectedHeapSize = align_up(maxHeapsize * K * K, v.maxAlignment);
 251     long actualHeapSize = v.maxHeapSize;
 253     // bug 8027915 & 8027960: compensate for some cases of large pages
 254     if (gcflag.equals("-XX:+UseParallelOldGC")) {
 255         int numberOfSpaces = 4;
 256         expectedHeapSize = Math.max(expectedHeapSize, numberOfSpaces * v.minAlignment);
 257     }
 259     if (actualHeapSize > expectedHeapSize) {
 260       throw new RuntimeException("Heap has " + actualHeapSize  +
 261         " bytes, expected to be less than " + expectedHeapSize);
 262     }
 263   }
 265   private static long getFlagValue(String flag, String where) {
 266     Matcher m = Pattern.compile(flag + "\\s+:?=\\s+\\d+").matcher(where);
 267     if (!m.find()) {
 268       throw new RuntimeException("Could not find value for flag " + flag + " in output string");
 269     }
 270     String match = m.group();
 271     return Long.parseLong(match.substring(match.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1, match.length()));
 272   }
 274   private static void shouldContainOrNot(OutputAnalyzer output, boolean contains, String message) throws Exception {
 275     if (contains) {
 276       output.shouldContain(message);
 277     } else {
 278       output.shouldNotContain(message);