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*** 23,32 **** --- 23,34 ---- import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; + import java.util.Collections; + import java.util.List; import com.oracle.java.testlibrary.*; import sun.hotspot.WhiteBox; class ErgoArgsPrinter {
*** 39,50 **** final class MinInitialMaxValues { public long minHeapSize; public long initialHeapSize; public long maxHeapSize; ! public long minAlignment; ! public long maxAlignment; } class TestMaxHeapSizeTools { public static void checkMinInitialMaxHeapFlags(String gcflag) throws Exception { --- 41,52 ---- final class MinInitialMaxValues { public long minHeapSize; public long initialHeapSize; public long maxHeapSize; ! public long spaceAlignment; ! public long heapAlignment; } class TestMaxHeapSizeTools { public static void checkMinInitialMaxHeapFlags(String gcflag) throws Exception {
*** 179,231 **** output.shouldHaveExitValue(0); return output; } ! private static void getMinInitialMaxHeap(String[] args, MinInitialMaxValues val) throws Exception { ! OutputAnalyzer output = runWhiteBoxTest(args, ErgoArgsPrinter.class.getName(), new String[] {}, false); // the output we watch for has the following format: // ! // "Minimum heap X Initial heap Y Maximum heap Z Min alignment A Max Alignment B" // // where A, B, X, Y and Z are sizes in bytes. // Unfortunately there is no other way to retrieve the minimum heap size and // the alignments. ! ! Matcher m = Pattern.compile("Minimum heap \\d+ Initial heap \\d+ Maximum heap \\d+ Min alignment \\d+ Max alignment \\d+"). ! matcher(output.getStdout()); if (!m.find()) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not find heap size string."); } String match = m.group(); // actual values val.minHeapSize = valueAfter(match, "Minimum heap "); val.initialHeapSize = valueAfter(match, "Initial heap "); val.maxHeapSize = valueAfter(match, "Maximum heap "); ! val.minAlignment = valueAfter(match, "Min alignment "); ! val.maxAlignment = valueAfter(match, "Max alignment "); } /** * Verify whether the VM automatically synchronizes minimum and initial heap size if only * one is given for the GC specified. */ public static void checkErgonomics(String[] args, long[] newoldsize, long expectedMin, long expectedInitial) throws Exception { MinInitialMaxValues v = new MinInitialMaxValues(); ! getMinInitialMaxHeap(args, v); ! if ((expectedMin != -1) && (align_up(expectedMin, v.minAlignment) != v.minHeapSize)) { throw new RuntimeException("Actual minimum heap size of " + v.minHeapSize + " differs from expected minimum heap size of " + expectedMin); } ! if ((expectedInitial != -1) && (align_up(expectedInitial, v.minAlignment) != v.initialHeapSize)) { throw new RuntimeException("Actual initial heap size of " + v.initialHeapSize + " differs from expected initial heap size of " + expectedInitial); } // always check the invariant min <= initial <= max heap size --- 181,240 ---- output.shouldHaveExitValue(0); return output; } ! private static void getMinInitialMaxHeap(String[] args, MinInitialMaxValues val, Boolean[] parallelGC) throws Exception { ! List<String> argsList = new ArrayList<>(); ! Collections.addAll(argsList, args); ! Collections.addAll(argsList, "-XX:+PrintFlagsFinal"); ! ! OutputAnalyzer output = runWhiteBoxTest(argsList.toArray(new String[0]), ErgoArgsPrinter.class.getName(), new String[0], false); ! String stdOut = output.getStdout(); ! ! parallelGC[0] = FlagsValue.getFlagBoolValue(stdOut, "UseParallelGC"); // the output we watch for has the following format: // ! // "Minimum heap X Initial heap Y Maximum heap Z Space alignment A Heap alignment B" // // where A, B, X, Y and Z are sizes in bytes. // Unfortunately there is no other way to retrieve the minimum heap size and // the alignments. ! Matcher m = Pattern. ! compile("Minimum heap \\d+ Initial heap \\d+ Maximum heap \\d+ Space alignment \\d+ Heap alignment \\d+"). ! matcher(stdOut); if (!m.find()) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not find heap size string."); } String match = m.group(); // actual values val.minHeapSize = valueAfter(match, "Minimum heap "); val.initialHeapSize = valueAfter(match, "Initial heap "); val.maxHeapSize = valueAfter(match, "Maximum heap "); ! val.spaceAlignment = valueAfter(match, "Space alignment "); ! val.heapAlignment = valueAfter(match, "Heap alignment "); } /** * Verify whether the VM automatically synchronizes minimum and initial heap size if only * one is given for the GC specified. */ public static void checkErgonomics(String[] args, long[] newoldsize, long expectedMin, long expectedInitial) throws Exception { MinInitialMaxValues v = new MinInitialMaxValues(); ! getMinInitialMaxHeap(args, v, new Boolean[1]); ! if ((expectedMin != -1) && (align_up(expectedMin, v.spaceAlignment) != v.minHeapSize)) { throw new RuntimeException("Actual minimum heap size of " + v.minHeapSize + " differs from expected minimum heap size of " + expectedMin); } ! if ((expectedInitial != -1) && (align_up(expectedInitial, v.spaceAlignment) != v.initialHeapSize)) { throw new RuntimeException("Actual initial heap size of " + v.initialHeapSize + " differs from expected initial heap size of " + expectedInitial); } // always check the invariant min <= initial <= max heap size
*** 243,256 **** */ public static void checkGenMaxHeapSize(String gcflag, long maxHeapsize) throws Exception { final long K = 1024; MinInitialMaxValues v = new MinInitialMaxValues(); ! getMinInitialMaxHeap(new String[] { gcflag, "-XX:MaxHeapSize=" + maxHeapsize + "M" }, v); - long expectedHeapSize = align_up(maxHeapsize * K * K, v.maxAlignment); long actualHeapSize = v.maxHeapSize; if (actualHeapSize > expectedHeapSize) { throw new RuntimeException("Heap has " + actualHeapSize + " bytes, expected to be less than " + expectedHeapSize); } --- 252,270 ---- */ public static void checkGenMaxHeapSize(String gcflag, long maxHeapsize) throws Exception { final long K = 1024; MinInitialMaxValues v = new MinInitialMaxValues(); ! Boolean[] parallelGC = new Boolean[1]; ! getMinInitialMaxHeap(new String[] { gcflag, "-XX:MaxHeapSize=" + maxHeapsize + "M" }, v, parallelGC); long actualHeapSize = v.maxHeapSize; + long expectedHeapSize = align_up(maxHeapsize * K * K, v.heapAlignment); + if (parallelGC[0] = true) { + int numberOfSpaces = 4; + expectedHeapSize = Math.max(expectedHeapSize, numberOfSpaces * v.spaceAlignment); + } if (actualHeapSize > expectedHeapSize) { throw new RuntimeException("Heap has " + actualHeapSize + " bytes, expected to be less than " + expectedHeapSize); }