1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 package sun.jvm.hotspot.oops;
  27 import java.util.*;
  29 import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.*;
  30 import sun.jvm.hotspot.memory.*;
  31 import sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.*;
  32 import sun.jvm.hotspot.types.TypeDataBase;
  33 import sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.*;
  34 import sun.jvm.hotspot.jdi.JVMTIThreadState;
  36 /** A utility class encapsulating useful oop operations */
  38 public class OopUtilities implements /* imports */ JVMTIThreadState {
  40   // FIXME: access should be synchronized and cleared when VM is
  41   // resumed
  42   // String fields
  43   private static IntField offsetField;
  44   private static IntField countField;
  45   private static OopField valueField;
  46   // ThreadGroup fields
  47   private static OopField threadGroupParentField;
  48   private static OopField threadGroupNameField;
  49   private static IntField threadGroupNThreadsField;
  50   private static OopField threadGroupThreadsField;
  51   private static IntField threadGroupNGroupsField;
  52   private static OopField threadGroupGroupsField;
  53   // Thread fields
  54   private static OopField threadNameField;
  55   private static OopField threadGroupField;
  56   private static LongField threadEETopField;
  57   //tid field is new since 1.5
  58   private static LongField threadTIDField;
  59   // threadStatus field is new since 1.5
  60   private static IntField threadStatusField;
  61   // parkBlocker field is new since 1.6
  62   private static OopField threadParkBlockerField;
  64   // possible values of java_lang_Thread::ThreadStatus
  65   private static int THREAD_STATUS_NEW;
  66   /*
  67     Other enum constants are not needed as of now. Uncomment these as and when needed.
  69     private static int THREAD_STATUS_RUNNABLE;
  70     private static int THREAD_STATUS_SLEEPING;
  71     private static int THREAD_STATUS_IN_OBJECT_WAIT;
  72     private static int THREAD_STATUS_IN_OBJECT_WAIT_TIMED;
  73     private static int THREAD_STATUS_PARKED;
  74     private static int THREAD_STATUS_PARKED_TIMED;
  75     private static int THREAD_STATUS_BLOCKED_ON_MONITOR_ENTER;
  76     private static int THREAD_STATUS_TERMINATED;
  77   */
  79   // java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractOwnableSynchronizer fields
  80   private static OopField absOwnSyncOwnerThreadField;
  82   static {
  83     VM.registerVMInitializedObserver(new Observer() {
  84         public void update(Observable o, Object data) {
  85           initialize(VM.getVM().getTypeDataBase());
  86         }
  87       });
  88   }
  90   private static synchronized void initialize(TypeDataBase db) {
  91     // FIXME: don't need this observer; however, do need a VM resumed
  92     // and suspended observer to refetch fields
  93   }
  95   public static String charArrayToString(TypeArray charArray) {
  96     if (charArray == null) {
  97       return null;
  98     }
  99     return charArrayToString(charArray, 0, (int) charArray.getLength());
 100   }
 102   public static String charArrayToString(TypeArray charArray, int offset, int length) {
 103     if (charArray == null) {
 104       return null;
 105     }
 106     final int limit = offset + length;
 107     if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) {
 108       Assert.that(offset >= 0 && limit <= charArray.getLength(), "out of bounds");
 109     }
 110     StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(length);
 111     for (int i = offset; i < limit; i++) {
 112       buf.append(charArray.getCharAt(i));
 113     }
 114     return buf.toString();
 115   }
 117   public static String escapeString(String s) {
 118     StringBuilder sb = null;
 119     for (int index = 0; index < s.length(); index++) {
 120       char value = s.charAt(index);
 121       if (value >= 32 && value < 127 || value == '\'' || value == '\\') {
 122         if (sb != null) {
 123           sb.append(value);
 124         }
 125       } else {
 126         if (sb == null) {
 127           sb = new StringBuilder(s.length() * 2);
 128           sb.append(s, 0, index);
 129         }
 130         sb.append("\\u");
 131         if (value < 0x10) sb.append("000");
 132         else if (value < 0x100) sb.append("00");
 133         else if (value < 0x1000) sb.append("0");
 134         sb.append(Integer.toHexString(value));
 135       }
 136     }
 137     if (sb != null) {
 138       return sb.toString();
 139     }
 140     return s;
 141   }
 143   public static String stringOopToString(Oop stringOop) {
 144     if (offsetField == null) {
 145       InstanceKlass k = (InstanceKlass) stringOop.getKlass();
 146       offsetField = (IntField) k.findField("offset", "I");   // optional
 147       countField  = (IntField) k.findField("count",  "I");   // optional
 148       valueField  = (OopField) k.findField("value",  "[C");
 149       if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) {
 150          Assert.that(valueField != null, "Field \'value\' of java.lang.String not found");
 151       }
 152     }
 153     if (offsetField != null && countField != null) {
 154       return charArrayToString((TypeArray) valueField.getValue(stringOop),
 155                                offsetField.getValue(stringOop),
 156                                countField.getValue(stringOop));
 157     }
 158     return  charArrayToString((TypeArray) valueField.getValue(stringOop));
 159   }
 161   public static String stringOopToEscapedString(Oop stringOop) {
 162     return escapeString(stringOopToString(stringOop));
 163   }
 165   private static void initThreadGroupFields() {
 166     if (threadGroupParentField == null) {
 167       SystemDictionary sysDict = VM.getVM().getSystemDictionary();
 168       InstanceKlass k = sysDict.getThreadGroupKlass();
 169       threadGroupParentField   = (OopField) k.findField("parent",   "Ljava/lang/ThreadGroup;");
 170       threadGroupNameField     = (OopField) k.findField("name",     "Ljava/lang/String;");
 171       threadGroupNThreadsField = (IntField) k.findField("nthreads", "I");
 172       threadGroupThreadsField  = (OopField) k.findField("threads",  "[Ljava/lang/Thread;");
 173       threadGroupNGroupsField  = (IntField) k.findField("ngroups",  "I");
 174       threadGroupGroupsField   = (OopField) k.findField("groups",   "[Ljava/lang/ThreadGroup;");
 175       if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) {
 176         Assert.that(threadGroupParentField   != null &&
 177                     threadGroupNameField     != null &&
 178                     threadGroupNThreadsField != null &&
 179                     threadGroupThreadsField  != null &&
 180                     threadGroupNGroupsField  != null &&
 181                     threadGroupGroupsField   != null, "must find all java.lang.ThreadGroup fields");
 182       }
 183     }
 184   }
 186   public static Oop threadGroupOopGetParent(Oop threadGroupOop) {
 187     initThreadGroupFields();
 188     return threadGroupParentField.getValue(threadGroupOop);
 189   }
 191   public static String threadGroupOopGetName(Oop threadGroupOop) {
 192     initThreadGroupFields();
 193     return stringOopToString(threadGroupNameField.getValue(threadGroupOop));
 194   }
 196   public static Oop[] threadGroupOopGetThreads(Oop threadGroupOop) {
 197     initThreadGroupFields();
 198     int nthreads = threadGroupNThreadsField.getValue(threadGroupOop);
 199     Oop[] result = new Oop[nthreads];
 200     ObjArray threads = (ObjArray) threadGroupThreadsField.getValue(threadGroupOop);
 201     for (int i = 0; i < nthreads; i++) {
 202       result[i] = threads.getObjAt(i);
 203     }
 204     return result;
 205   }
 207   public static Oop[] threadGroupOopGetGroups(Oop threadGroupOop) {
 208     initThreadGroupFields();
 209     int ngroups = threadGroupNGroupsField.getValue(threadGroupOop);
 210     Oop[] result = new Oop[ngroups];
 211     ObjArray groups = (ObjArray) threadGroupGroupsField.getValue(threadGroupOop);
 212     for (int i = 0; i < ngroups; i++) {
 213       result[i] = groups.getObjAt(i);
 214     }
 215     return result;
 216   }
 218   private static void initThreadFields() {
 219     if (threadNameField == null) {
 220       SystemDictionary sysDict = VM.getVM().getSystemDictionary();
 221       InstanceKlass k = sysDict.getThreadKlass();
 222       threadNameField  = (OopField) k.findField("name", "Ljava/lang/String;");
 223       threadGroupField = (OopField) k.findField("group", "Ljava/lang/ThreadGroup;");
 224       threadEETopField = (LongField) k.findField("eetop", "J");
 225       threadTIDField = (LongField) k.findField("tid", "J");
 226       threadStatusField = (IntField) k.findField("threadStatus", "I");
 227       threadParkBlockerField = (OopField) k.findField("parkBlocker",
 228                                      "Ljava/lang/Object;");
 229       TypeDataBase db = VM.getVM().getTypeDataBase();
 230       THREAD_STATUS_NEW = db.lookupIntConstant("java_lang_Thread::NEW").intValue();
 231       /*
 232         Other enum constants are not needed as of now. Uncomment these as and when needed.
 234         THREAD_STATUS_RUNNABLE = db.lookupIntConstant("java_lang_Thread::RUNNABLE").intValue();
 235         THREAD_STATUS_SLEEPING = db.lookupIntConstant("java_lang_Thread::SLEEPING").intValue();
 236         THREAD_STATUS_IN_OBJECT_WAIT = db.lookupIntConstant("java_lang_Thread::IN_OBJECT_WAIT").intValue();
 237         THREAD_STATUS_IN_OBJECT_WAIT_TIMED = db.lookupIntConstant("java_lang_Thread::IN_OBJECT_WAIT_TIMED").intValue();
 238         THREAD_STATUS_PARKED = db.lookupIntConstant("java_lang_Thread::PARKED").intValue();
 239         THREAD_STATUS_PARKED_TIMED = db.lookupIntConstant("java_lang_Thread::PARKED_TIMED").intValue();
 240         THREAD_STATUS_BLOCKED_ON_MONITOR_ENTER = db.lookupIntConstant("java_lang_Thread::BLOCKED_ON_MONITOR_ENTER").intValue();
 241         THREAD_STATUS_TERMINATED = db.lookupIntConstant("java_lang_Thread::TERMINATED").intValue();
 242       */
 244       if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) {
 245         // it is okay to miss threadStatusField, because this was
 246         // introduced only in 1.5 JDK.
 247         Assert.that(threadNameField   != null &&
 248                     threadGroupField  != null &&
 249                     threadEETopField  != null, "must find all java.lang.Thread fields");
 250       }
 251     }
 252   }
 254   public static Oop threadOopGetThreadGroup(Oop threadOop) {
 255     initThreadFields();
 256     return threadGroupField.getValue(threadOop);
 257   }
 259   public static String threadOopGetName(Oop threadOop) {
 260     initThreadFields();
 261     return stringOopToString(threadNameField.getValue(threadOop));
 262   }
 264   /** May return null if, e.g., thread was not started */
 265   public static JavaThread threadOopGetJavaThread(Oop threadOop) {
 266     initThreadFields();
 267     Address addr = threadOop.getHandle().getAddressAt(threadEETopField.getOffset());
 268     if (addr == null) {
 269       return null;
 270     }
 271     return VM.getVM().getThreads().createJavaThreadWrapper(addr);
 272   }
 274   public static long threadOopGetTID(Oop threadOop) {
 275     initThreadFields();
 276     if (threadTIDField != null) {
 277       return threadTIDField.getValue(threadOop);
 278     } else {
 279       return 0;
 280     }
 281   }
 283   /** returns value of java.lang.Thread.threadStatus field */
 284   public static int threadOopGetThreadStatus(Oop threadOop) {
 285     initThreadFields();
 286     // The threadStatus is only present starting in 1.5
 287     if (threadStatusField != null) {
 288       return (int) threadStatusField.getValue(threadOop);
 289     } else {
 290       // All we can easily figure out is if it is alive, but that is
 291       // enough info for a valid unknown status.
 292       JavaThread thr = threadOopGetJavaThread(threadOop);
 293       if (thr == null) {
 294         // the thread hasn't run yet or is in the process of exiting
 295         return THREAD_STATUS_NEW;
 296       } else {
 297         return JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_ALIVE;
 298       }
 299     }
 300   }
 302   /** returns value of java.lang.Thread.parkBlocker field */
 303   public static Oop threadOopGetParkBlocker(Oop threadOop) {
 304     initThreadFields();
 305     if (threadParkBlockerField != null) {
 306       return threadParkBlockerField.getValue(threadOop);
 307     }
 308     return null;
 309   }
 311   // initialize fields for j.u.c.l AbstractOwnableSynchornizer class
 312   private static void initAbsOwnSyncFields() {
 313     if (absOwnSyncOwnerThreadField == null) {
 314        SystemDictionary sysDict = VM.getVM().getSystemDictionary();
 315        InstanceKlass k = sysDict.getAbstractOwnableSynchronizerKlass();
 316        absOwnSyncOwnerThreadField =
 317            (OopField) k.findField("exclusiveOwnerThread",
 318                                   "Ljava/lang/Thread;");
 319     }
 320   }
 322   // return exclusiveOwnerThread field of AbstractOwnableSynchronizer class
 323   public static Oop abstractOwnableSynchronizerGetOwnerThread(Oop oop) {
 324     initAbsOwnSyncFields();
 325     if (absOwnSyncOwnerThreadField == null) {
 326       return null; // pre-1.6 VM?
 327     } else {
 328       return absOwnSyncOwnerThreadField.getValue(oop);
 329     }
 330   }
 331 }