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  36 // All dependencies on layout of actual Java classes should be kept here.
  37 // If the layout of any of the classes above changes the offsets must be adjusted.
  38 //
  39 // For most classes we hardwire the offsets for performance reasons. In certain
  40 // cases (e.g. java.security.AccessControlContext) we compute the offsets at
  41 // startup since the layout here differs between JDK1.2 and JDK1.3.
  42 //
  43 // Note that fields (static and non-static) are arranged with oops before non-oops
  44 // on a per class basis. The offsets below have to reflect this ordering.
  45 //
  46 // When editing the layouts please update the check_offset verification code
  47 // correspondingly. The names in the enums must be identical to the actual field
  48 // names in order for the verification code to work.
  51 // Interface to java.lang.String objects
  53 class java_lang_String : AllStatic {
  54  private:
  55   static int value_offset;
  56   static int offset_offset;
  57   static int count_offset;
  58   static int hash_offset;

  60   static bool initialized;
  62   static Handle basic_create(int length, TRAPS);
  64   static void set_offset(oop string, int offset) {
  65     assert(initialized, "Must be initialized");
  66     if (offset_offset > 0) {
  67       string->int_field_put(offset_offset, offset);
  68     }
  69   }
  70   static void set_count( oop string, int count) {
  71     assert(initialized, "Must be initialized");
  72     if (count_offset > 0) {
  73       string->int_field_put(count_offset,  count);
  74     }
  75   }
  77  public:

  78   static void compute_offsets();
  80   // Instance creation
  81   static Handle create_from_unicode(jchar* unicode, int len, TRAPS);
  82   static oop    create_oop_from_unicode(jchar* unicode, int len, TRAPS);
  83   static Handle create_from_str(const char* utf8_str, TRAPS);
  84   static oop    create_oop_from_str(const char* utf8_str, TRAPS);
  85   static Handle create_from_symbol(Symbol* symbol, TRAPS);
  86   static Handle create_from_platform_dependent_str(const char* str, TRAPS);
  87   static Handle char_converter(Handle java_string, jchar from_char, jchar to_char, TRAPS);
  89   static bool has_offset_field()  {
  90     assert(initialized, "Must be initialized");
  91     return (offset_offset > 0);
  92   }
  94   static bool has_count_field()  {
  95     assert(initialized, "Must be initialized");
  96     return (count_offset > 0);
  97   }
  99   static bool has_hash_field()  {
 100     assert(initialized, "Must be initialized");
 101     return (hash_offset > 0);
 102   }
 104   static int value_offset_in_bytes()  {
 105     assert(initialized && (value_offset > 0), "Must be initialized");
 106     return value_offset;
 107   }
 108   static int count_offset_in_bytes()  {
 109     assert(initialized && (count_offset > 0), "Must be initialized");
 110     return count_offset;
 111   }
 112   static int offset_offset_in_bytes() {
 113     assert(initialized && (offset_offset > 0), "Must be initialized");
 114     return offset_offset;
 115   }
 116   static int hash_offset_in_bytes()   {
 117     assert(initialized && (hash_offset > 0), "Must be initialized");
 118     return hash_offset;
 119   }

 121   static void set_value_raw(oop string, typeArrayOop buffer) {
 122     assert(initialized, "Must be initialized");
 123     string->obj_field_put_raw(value_offset, buffer);
 124   }
 125   static void set_value(oop string, typeArrayOop buffer) {
 126     assert(initialized && (value_offset > 0), "Must be initialized");
 127     string->obj_field_put(value_offset, (oop)buffer);
 128   }
 129   static void set_hash(oop string, unsigned int hash) {
 130     assert(initialized && (hash_offset > 0), "Must be initialized");
 131     string->int_field_put(hash_offset, hash);
 132   }
 134   // Accessors
 135   static typeArrayOop value(oop java_string) {
 136     assert(initialized && (value_offset > 0), "Must be initialized");
 137     assert(is_instance(java_string), "must be java_string");
 138     return (typeArrayOop) java_string->obj_field(value_offset);
 139   }
 140   static unsigned int hash(oop java_string) {
 141     assert(initialized && (hash_offset > 0), "Must be initialized");
 142     assert(is_instance(java_string), "must be java_string");
 143     return java_string->int_field(hash_offset);
 144   }
 145   static int offset(oop java_string) {
 146     assert(initialized, "Must be initialized");
 147     assert(is_instance(java_string), "must be java_string");
 148     if (offset_offset > 0) {
 149       return java_string->int_field(offset_offset);

 150     } else {
 151       return 0;
 152     }
 153   }
 154   static int length(oop java_string) {
 155     assert(initialized, "Must be initialized");
 156     assert(is_instance(java_string), "must be java_string");
 157     if (count_offset > 0) {
 158       return java_string->int_field(count_offset);
 159     } else {
 160       typeArrayOop value_array = ((typeArrayOop)java_string->obj_field(value_offset));
 161       if (value_array == NULL) {
 162         return 0;
 163       } else {
 164         return value_array->length();
 165       }

 166     }

 167   }
 168   static int utf8_length(oop java_string);
 170   // String converters
 171   static char*  as_utf8_string(oop java_string);
 172   static char*  as_utf8_string(oop java_string, char* buf, int buflen);
 173   static char*  as_utf8_string(oop java_string, int start, int len);
 174   static char*  as_utf8_string(oop java_string, int start, int len, char* buf, int buflen);
 175   static char*  as_platform_dependent_str(Handle java_string, TRAPS);
 176   static jchar* as_unicode_string(oop java_string, int& length, TRAPS);
 177   // produce an ascii string with all other values quoted using \u####
 178   static char*  as_quoted_ascii(oop java_string);
 180   // Compute the hash value for a java.lang.String object which would
 181   // contain the characters passed in.
 182   //
 183   // As the hash value used by the String object itself, in
 184   // String.hashCode().  This value is normally calculated in Java code
 185   // in the String.hashCode method(), but is precomputed for String
 186   // objects in the shared archive file.
 187   // hash P(31) from Kernighan & Ritchie
 188   //
 189   // For this reason, THIS ALGORITHM MUST MATCH String.hashCode().
 190   template <typename T> static unsigned int hash_code(T* s, int len) {
 191     unsigned int h = 0;
 192     while (len-- > 0) {
 193       h = 31*h + (unsigned int) *s;
 194       s++;
 195     }
 196     return h;
 197   }

 198   static unsigned int hash_code(oop java_string);

 200   // This is the string hash code used by the StringTable, which may be
 201   // the same as String.hashCode or an alternate hash code.
 202   static unsigned int hash_string(oop java_string);
 204   static bool equals(oop java_string, jchar* chars, int len);
 205   static bool equals(oop str1, oop str2);
 207   // Conversion between '.' and '/' formats
 208   static Handle externalize_classname(Handle java_string, TRAPS) { return char_converter(java_string, '/', '.', THREAD); }
 209   static Handle internalize_classname(Handle java_string, TRAPS) { return char_converter(java_string, '.', '/', THREAD); }
 211   // Conversion
 212   static Symbol* as_symbol(Handle java_string, TRAPS);
 213   static Symbol* as_symbol_or_null(oop java_string);
 215   // Testers
 216   static bool is_instance(oop obj);
 217   static bool is_instance_inlined(oop obj);

 435 class java_lang_ThreadGroup : AllStatic {
 436  private:
 437   static int _parent_offset;
 438   static int _name_offset;
 439   static int _threads_offset;
 440   static int _groups_offset;
 441   static int _maxPriority_offset;
 442   static int _destroyed_offset;
 443   static int _daemon_offset;
 444   static int _vmAllowSuspension_offset;
 445   static int _nthreads_offset;
 446   static int _ngroups_offset;
 448   static void compute_offsets();
 450  public:
 451   // parent ThreadGroup
 452   static oop  parent(oop java_thread_group);
 453   // name
 454   static typeArrayOop name(oop java_thread_group);
 455   // ("name as oop" accessor is not necessary)
 456   // Number of threads in group
 457   static int nthreads(oop java_thread_group);
 458   // threads
 459   static objArrayOop threads(oop java_thread_group);
 460   // Number of threads in group
 461   static int ngroups(oop java_thread_group);
 462   // groups
 463   static objArrayOop groups(oop java_thread_group);
 464   // maxPriority in group
 465   static ThreadPriority maxPriority(oop java_thread_group);
 466   // Destroyed
 467   static bool is_destroyed(oop java_thread_group);
 468   // Daemon
 469   static bool is_daemon(oop java_thread_group);
 470   // vmAllowSuspension
 471   static bool is_vmAllowSuspension(oop java_thread_group);
 472   // Debugging
 473   friend class JavaClasses;
 474 };

  36 // All dependencies on layout of actual Java classes should be kept here.
  37 // If the layout of any of the classes above changes the offsets must be adjusted.
  38 //
  39 // For most classes we hardwire the offsets for performance reasons. In certain
  40 // cases (e.g. java.security.AccessControlContext) we compute the offsets at
  41 // startup since the layout here differs between JDK1.2 and JDK1.3.
  42 //
  43 // Note that fields (static and non-static) are arranged with oops before non-oops
  44 // on a per class basis. The offsets below have to reflect this ordering.
  45 //
  46 // When editing the layouts please update the check_offset verification code
  47 // correspondingly. The names in the enums must be identical to the actual field
  48 // names in order for the verification code to work.
  51 // Interface to java.lang.String objects
  53 class java_lang_String : AllStatic {
  54  private:
  55   static int value_offset;

  56   static int hash_offset;
  57   static int coder_offset;
  59   static bool initialized;
  61   static Handle basic_create(int length, bool byte_arr, TRAPS);
  63   static void set_coder(oop string, jbyte coder) {
  64     assert(initialized, "Must be initialized");
  65     if (coder_offset > 0) {
  66       string->byte_field_put(coder_offset, coder);

  67     }
  68   }
  70  public:
  72   // Coders
  73   enum Coder {
  74     CODER_LATIN1 =  0,
  75     CODER_UTF16  =  1
  76   };
  78   static void compute_offsets();
  80   // Instance creation
  81   static Handle create_from_unicode(jchar* unicode, int len, TRAPS);
  82   static oop    create_oop_from_unicode(jchar* unicode, int len, TRAPS);
  83   static Handle create_from_str(const char* utf8_str, TRAPS);
  84   static oop    create_oop_from_str(const char* utf8_str, TRAPS);
  85   static Handle create_from_symbol(Symbol* symbol, TRAPS);
  86   static Handle create_from_platform_dependent_str(const char* str, TRAPS);
  87   static Handle char_converter(Handle java_string, jchar from_char, jchar to_char, TRAPS);
  89   static bool has_hash_field()  {
  90     assert(initialized, "Must be initialized");
  91     return (hash_offset > 0);
  92   }
  93   static bool has_coder_field()  {

  94     assert(initialized, "Must be initialized");
  95     return (coder_offset > 0);
  96   }
  98   static void set_compact_strings(bool value);

 100   static int value_offset_in_bytes()  {
 101     assert(initialized && (value_offset > 0), "Must be initialized");
 102     return value_offset;
 103   }

 104   static int hash_offset_in_bytes()   {
 105     assert(initialized && (hash_offset > 0), "Must be initialized");
 106     return hash_offset;
 107   }
 108   static int coder_offset_in_bytes()   {
 109     assert(initialized && (coder_offset > 0), "Must be initialized");
 110     return coder_offset;
 111   }
 113   static void set_value_raw(oop string, typeArrayOop buffer) {
 114     assert(initialized, "Must be initialized");
 115     string->obj_field_put_raw(value_offset, buffer);
 116   }
 117   static void set_value(oop string, typeArrayOop buffer) {
 118     assert(initialized && (value_offset > 0), "Must be initialized");
 119     string->obj_field_put(value_offset, (oop)buffer);
 120   }
 121   static void set_hash(oop string, unsigned int hash) {
 122     assert(initialized && (hash_offset > 0), "Must be initialized");
 123     string->int_field_put(hash_offset, hash);
 124   }
 126   // Accessors
 127   static typeArrayOop value(oop java_string) {
 128     assert(initialized && (value_offset > 0), "Must be initialized");
 129     assert(is_instance(java_string), "must be java_string");
 130     return (typeArrayOop) java_string->obj_field(value_offset);
 131   }
 132   static unsigned int hash(oop java_string) {
 133     assert(initialized && (hash_offset > 0), "Must be initialized");
 134     assert(is_instance(java_string), "must be java_string");
 135     return java_string->int_field(hash_offset);
 136   }
 137   static bool is_latin1(oop java_string) {
 138     assert(initialized, "Must be initialized");
 139     assert(is_instance(java_string), "must be java_string");
 140     if (coder_offset > 0) {
 141       jbyte coder = java_string->byte_field(coder_offset);
 142       assert(CompactStrings || coder == CODER_UTF16, "Must be UTF16 without CompactStrings");
 143       return coder == CODER_LATIN1;
 144     } else {
 145       return false;
 146     }
 147   }
 148   static int length(oop java_string) {
 149     assert(initialized, "Must be initialized");
 150     assert(is_instance(java_string), "must be java_string");

 151     typeArrayOop value_array = ((typeArrayOop)java_string->obj_field(value_offset));
 152     if (value_array == NULL) {
 153      return 0;

 154     } 
 155     int arr_length = value_array->length();
 156     if (!is_latin1(java_string)) {
 157       assert((arr_length & 1) == 0, "should be even for UTF16 string");
 158       arr_length >>= 1; // convert number of bytes to number of elements
 159     }
 160     return arr_length;
 161   }
 162   static int utf8_length(oop java_string);
 164   // String converters
 165   static char*  as_utf8_string(oop java_string);
 166   static char*  as_utf8_string(oop java_string, char* buf, int buflen);
 167   static char*  as_utf8_string(oop java_string, int start, int len);
 168   static char*  as_utf8_string(oop java_string, int start, int len, char* buf, int buflen);
 169   static char*  as_platform_dependent_str(Handle java_string, TRAPS);
 170   static jchar* as_unicode_string(oop java_string, int& length, TRAPS);
 171   // produce an ascii string with all other values quoted using \u####
 172   static char*  as_quoted_ascii(oop java_string);
 174   // Compute the hash value for a java.lang.String object which would
 175   // contain the characters passed in.
 176   //
 177   // As the hash value used by the String object itself, in
 178   // String.hashCode().  This value is normally calculated in Java code
 179   // in the String.hashCode method(), but is precomputed for String
 180   // objects in the shared archive file.
 181   // hash P(31) from Kernighan & Ritchie
 182   //
 183   // For this reason, THIS ALGORITHM MUST MATCH String.hashCode().
 184   static unsigned int hash_code(const jchar* s, int len) {
 185     unsigned int h = 0;
 186     while (len-- > 0) {
 187       h = 31*h + (unsigned int) *s;
 188       s++;
 189     }
 190     return h;
 191   }
 193   static unsigned int hash_code(const jbyte* s, int len) {
 194     unsigned int h = 0;
 195     while (len-- > 0) {
 196       h = 31*h + (((unsigned int) *s) & 0xFF);
 197       s++;
 198     }
 199     return h;
 200   }
 202   static unsigned int hash_code(oop java_string);
 203   static unsigned int latin1_hash_code(typeArrayOop value, int len);
 205   // This is the string hash code used by the StringTable, which may be
 206   // the same as String.hashCode or an alternate hash code.
 207   static unsigned int hash_string(oop java_string);
 209   static bool equals(oop java_string, jchar* chars, int len);
 210   static bool equals(oop str1, oop str2);
 212   // Conversion between '.' and '/' formats
 213   static Handle externalize_classname(Handle java_string, TRAPS) { return char_converter(java_string, '/', '.', THREAD); }
 214   static Handle internalize_classname(Handle java_string, TRAPS) { return char_converter(java_string, '.', '/', THREAD); }
 216   // Conversion
 217   static Symbol* as_symbol(Handle java_string, TRAPS);
 218   static Symbol* as_symbol_or_null(oop java_string);
 220   // Testers
 221   static bool is_instance(oop obj);
 222   static bool is_instance_inlined(oop obj);

 440 class java_lang_ThreadGroup : AllStatic {
 441  private:
 442   static int _parent_offset;
 443   static int _name_offset;
 444   static int _threads_offset;
 445   static int _groups_offset;
 446   static int _maxPriority_offset;
 447   static int _destroyed_offset;
 448   static int _daemon_offset;
 449   static int _vmAllowSuspension_offset;
 450   static int _nthreads_offset;
 451   static int _ngroups_offset;
 453   static void compute_offsets();
 455  public:
 456   // parent ThreadGroup
 457   static oop  parent(oop java_thread_group);
 458   // name
 459   static const char* name(oop java_thread_group);
 460   // ("name as oop" accessor is not necessary)
 461   // Number of threads in group
 462   static int nthreads(oop java_thread_group);
 463   // threads
 464   static objArrayOop threads(oop java_thread_group);
 465   // Number of threads in group
 466   static int ngroups(oop java_thread_group);
 467   // groups
 468   static objArrayOop groups(oop java_thread_group);
 469   // maxPriority in group
 470   static ThreadPriority maxPriority(oop java_thread_group);
 471   // Destroyed
 472   static bool is_destroyed(oop java_thread_group);
 473   // Daemon
 474   static bool is_daemon(oop java_thread_group);
 475   // vmAllowSuspension
 476   static bool is_vmAllowSuspension(oop java_thread_group);
 477   // Debugging
 478   friend class JavaClasses;
 479 };

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