1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  28 // An NmethodSweeper is an incremental cleaner for:
  29 //    - cleanup inline caches
  30 //    - reclamation of unreferences zombie nmethods
  31 //
  33 class NMethodSweeper : public AllStatic {
  34   static long      _traversals;      // Stack scan count, also sweep ID.
  35   static nmethod*  _current;         // Current nmethod
  36   static int       _seen;            // Nof. nmethod we have currently processed in current pass of CodeCache
  37   static int       _flushed_count;   // Nof. nmethods flushed in current sweep
  38   static int       _zombified_count; // Nof. nmethods made zombie in current sweep
  39   static int       _marked_count;    // Nof. nmethods marked for reclaim in current sweep
  41   static volatile int  _invocations;   // No. of invocations left until we are completed with this pass
  42   static volatile int  _sweep_started; // Flag to control conc sweeper
  44   //The following are reset in scan_stacks and synchronized by the safepoint
  45   static bool      _resweep;           // Indicates that a change has happend and we want another sweep,
  46                                        // always checked and reset at a safepoint so memory will be in sync.
  47   static int       _locked_seen;       // Number of locked nmethods encountered during the scan
  48   static int       _not_entrant_seen_on_stack; // Number of not entrant nmethod were are still on stack
  49   static jint      _flush_token;       // token that guards method flushing, making sure it is executed only once.
  51   // These are set during a flush, a VM-operation
  52   static long      _last_flush_traversal_id; // trav number at last flush unloading
  53   static jlong     _last_full_flush_time;    // timestamp of last emergency unloading
  55   // These are synchronized by the _sweep_started token
  56   static int       _highest_marked;   // highest compile id dumped at last emergency unloading
  57   static int       _dead_compile_ids; // number of compile ids that where not in the cache last flush
  59   // Stat counters
  60   static int       _number_of_flushes;            // Total of full traversals caused by full cache
  61   static int       _total_nof_methods_reclaimed;  // Accumulated nof methods flushed
  62   static jlong     _total_time_sweeping;          // Accumulated time sweeping
  63   static jlong     _total_time_this_sweep;        // Total time this sweep
  64   static jlong     _peak_sweep_time;              // Peak time for a full sweep
  65   static jlong     _peak_sweep_fraction_time;     // Peak time sweeping one fraction
  66   static jlong     _total_disconnect_time;        // Total time cleaning code mem
  67   static jlong     _peak_disconnect_time;         // Peak time cleaning code mem
  69   static void process_nmethod(nmethod *nm);
  70   static void release_nmethod(nmethod* nm);
  72   static void log_sweep(const char* msg, const char* format = NULL, ...);
  73   static bool sweep_in_progress();
  75  public:
  76   static long traversal_count()              { return _traversals; }
  77   static int  number_of_flushes()            { return _number_of_flushes; }
  78   static int  total_nof_methods_reclaimed()  { return _total_nof_methods_reclaimed; }
  79   static jlong total_time_sweeping()         { return _total_time_sweeping; }
  80   static jlong peak_sweep_time()             { return _peak_sweep_time; }
  81   static jlong peak_sweep_fraction_time()    { return _peak_sweep_fraction_time; }
  82   static jlong total_disconnect_time()       { return _total_disconnect_time; }
  83   static jlong peak_disconnect_time()        { return _peak_disconnect_time; }
  85 #ifdef ASSERT
  86   // Keep track of sweeper activity in the ring buffer
  87   static void record_sweep(nmethod* nm, int line);
  88   static void report_events(int id, address entry);
  89   static void report_events();
  90 #endif
  92   static void scan_stacks();      // Invoked at the end of each safepoint
  93   static void sweep_code_cache(); // Concurrent part of sweep job
  94   static void possibly_sweep();   // Compiler threads call this to sweep
  96   static void notify(nmethod* nm) {
  97     // Request a new sweep of the code cache from the beginning. No
  98     // need to synchronize the setting of this flag since it only
  99     // changes to false at safepoint so we can never overwrite it with false.
 100      _resweep = true;
 101   }
 103   static void handle_full_code_cache(bool is_full); // Called by compilers who fail to allocate
 104   static void speculative_disconnect_nmethods(bool was_full);   // Called by vm op to deal with alloc failure
 105 };