1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2001, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  26 #include "gc_implementation/g1/bufferingOopClosure.hpp"
  27 #include "gc_implementation/g1/concurrentG1Refine.hpp"
  28 #include "gc_implementation/g1/concurrentG1RefineThread.hpp"
  29 #include "gc_implementation/g1/g1BlockOffsetTable.inline.hpp"
  30 #include "gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectedHeap.inline.hpp"
  31 #include "gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectorPolicy.hpp"
  32 #include "gc_implementation/g1/g1HotCardCache.hpp"
  33 #include "gc_implementation/g1/g1GCPhaseTimes.hpp"
  34 #include "gc_implementation/g1/g1OopClosures.inline.hpp"
  35 #include "gc_implementation/g1/g1RemSet.inline.hpp"
  36 #include "gc_implementation/g1/heapRegionSeq.inline.hpp"
  37 #include "gc_implementation/g1/heapRegionRemSet.hpp"
  38 #include "memory/iterator.hpp"
  39 #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
  40 #include "utilities/intHisto.hpp"
  42 #define CARD_REPEAT_HISTO 0
  45 static size_t ct_freq_sz;
  46 static jbyte* ct_freq = NULL;
  48 void init_ct_freq_table(size_t heap_sz_bytes) {
  49   if (ct_freq == NULL) {
  50     ct_freq_sz = heap_sz_bytes/CardTableModRefBS::card_size;
  51     ct_freq = new jbyte[ct_freq_sz];
  52     for (size_t j = 0; j < ct_freq_sz; j++) ct_freq[j] = 0;
  53   }
  54 }
  56 void ct_freq_note_card(size_t index) {
  57   assert(0 <= index && index < ct_freq_sz, "Bounds error.");
  58   if (ct_freq[index] < 100) { ct_freq[index]++; }
  59 }
  61 static IntHistogram card_repeat_count(10, 10);
  63 void ct_freq_update_histo_and_reset() {
  64   for (size_t j = 0; j < ct_freq_sz; j++) {
  65     card_repeat_count.add_entry(ct_freq[j]);
  66     ct_freq[j] = 0;
  67   }
  69 }
  70 #endif
  72 G1RemSet::G1RemSet(G1CollectedHeap* g1, CardTableModRefBS* ct_bs)
  73   : _g1(g1), _conc_refine_cards(0),
  74     _ct_bs(ct_bs), _g1p(_g1->g1_policy()),
  75     _cg1r(g1->concurrent_g1_refine()),
  76     _cset_rs_update_cl(NULL),
  77     _cards_scanned(NULL), _total_cards_scanned(0),
  78     _prev_period_summary()
  79 {
  80   _seq_task = new SubTasksDone(NumSeqTasks);
  81   guarantee(n_workers() > 0, "There should be some workers");
  82   _cset_rs_update_cl = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(OopsInHeapRegionClosure*, n_workers(), mtGC);
  83   for (uint i = 0; i < n_workers(); i++) {
  84     _cset_rs_update_cl[i] = NULL;
  85   }
  86   _prev_period_summary.initialize(this, n_workers());
  87 }
  89 G1RemSet::~G1RemSet() {
  90   delete _seq_task;
  91   for (uint i = 0; i < n_workers(); i++) {
  92     assert(_cset_rs_update_cl[i] == NULL, "it should be");
  93   }
  94   FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(OopsInHeapRegionClosure*, _cset_rs_update_cl, mtGC);
  95 }
  97 void CountNonCleanMemRegionClosure::do_MemRegion(MemRegion mr) {
  98   if (_g1->is_in_g1_reserved(mr.start())) {
  99     _n += (int) ((mr.byte_size() / CardTableModRefBS::card_size));
 100     if (_start_first == NULL) _start_first = mr.start();
 101   }
 102 }
 104 class ScanRSClosure : public HeapRegionClosure {
 105   size_t _cards_done, _cards;
 106   G1CollectedHeap* _g1h;
 107   OopsInHeapRegionClosure* _oc;
 108   G1BlockOffsetSharedArray* _bot_shared;
 109   CardTableModRefBS *_ct_bs;
 110   int _worker_i;
 111   int _block_size;
 112   bool _try_claimed;
 113 public:
 114   ScanRSClosure(OopsInHeapRegionClosure* oc, int worker_i) :
 115     _oc(oc),
 116     _cards(0),
 117     _cards_done(0),
 118     _worker_i(worker_i),
 119     _try_claimed(false)
 120   {
 121     _g1h = G1CollectedHeap::heap();
 122     _bot_shared = _g1h->bot_shared();
 123     _ct_bs = (CardTableModRefBS*) (_g1h->barrier_set());
 124     _block_size = MAX2<int>(G1RSetScanBlockSize, 1);
 125   }
 127   void set_try_claimed() { _try_claimed = true; }
 129   void scanCard(size_t index, HeapRegion *r) {
 130     // Stack allocate the DirtyCardToOopClosure instance
 131     HeapRegionDCTOC cl(_g1h, r, _oc,
 132                        CardTableModRefBS::Precise,
 133                        HeapRegionDCTOC::IntoCSFilterKind);
 135     // Set the "from" region in the closure.
 136     _oc->set_region(r);
 137     HeapWord* card_start = _bot_shared->address_for_index(index);
 138     HeapWord* card_end = card_start + G1BlockOffsetSharedArray::N_words;
 139     Space *sp = SharedHeap::heap()->space_containing(card_start);
 140     MemRegion sm_region = sp->used_region_at_save_marks();
 141     MemRegion mr = sm_region.intersection(MemRegion(card_start,card_end));
 142     if (!mr.is_empty() && !_ct_bs->is_card_claimed(index)) {
 143       // We make the card as "claimed" lazily (so races are possible
 144       // but they're benign), which reduces the number of duplicate
 145       // scans (the rsets of the regions in the cset can intersect).
 146       _ct_bs->set_card_claimed(index);
 147       _cards_done++;
 148       cl.do_MemRegion(mr);
 149     }
 150   }
 152   void printCard(HeapRegion* card_region, size_t card_index,
 153                  HeapWord* card_start) {
 154     gclog_or_tty->print_cr("T %d Region [" PTR_FORMAT ", " PTR_FORMAT ") "
 155                            "RS names card %p: "
 156                            "[" PTR_FORMAT ", " PTR_FORMAT ")",
 157                            _worker_i,
 158                            card_region->bottom(), card_region->end(),
 159                            card_index,
 160                            card_start, card_start + G1BlockOffsetSharedArray::N_words);
 161   }
 163   bool doHeapRegion(HeapRegion* r) {
 164     assert(r->in_collection_set(), "should only be called on elements of CS.");
 165     HeapRegionRemSet* hrrs = r->rem_set();
 166     if (hrrs->iter_is_complete()) return false; // All done.
 167     if (!_try_claimed && !hrrs->claim_iter()) return false;
 168     // If we ever free the collection set concurrently, we should also
 169     // clear the card table concurrently therefore we won't need to
 170     // add regions of the collection set to the dirty cards region.
 171     _g1h->push_dirty_cards_region(r);
 172     // If we didn't return above, then
 173     //   _try_claimed || r->claim_iter()
 174     // is true: either we're supposed to work on claimed-but-not-complete
 175     // regions, or we successfully claimed the region.
 176     HeapRegionRemSetIterator iter(hrrs);
 177     size_t card_index;
 179     // We claim cards in block so as to recude the contention. The block size is determined by
 180     // the G1RSetScanBlockSize parameter.
 181     size_t jump_to_card = hrrs->iter_claimed_next(_block_size);
 182     for (size_t current_card = 0; iter.has_next(card_index); current_card++) {
 183       if (current_card >= jump_to_card + _block_size) {
 184         jump_to_card = hrrs->iter_claimed_next(_block_size);
 185       }
 186       if (current_card < jump_to_card) continue;
 187       HeapWord* card_start = _g1h->bot_shared()->address_for_index(card_index);
 188 #if 0
 189       gclog_or_tty->print("Rem set iteration yielded card [" PTR_FORMAT ", " PTR_FORMAT ").\n",
 190                           card_start, card_start + CardTableModRefBS::card_size_in_words);
 191 #endif
 193       HeapRegion* card_region = _g1h->heap_region_containing(card_start);
 194       assert(card_region != NULL, "Yielding cards not in the heap?");
 195       _cards++;
 197       if (!card_region->is_on_dirty_cards_region_list()) {
 198         _g1h->push_dirty_cards_region(card_region);
 199       }
 201       // If the card is dirty, then we will scan it during updateRS.
 202       if (!card_region->in_collection_set() &&
 203           !_ct_bs->is_card_dirty(card_index)) {
 204         scanCard(card_index, card_region);
 205       }
 206     }
 207     if (!_try_claimed) {
 208       hrrs->set_iter_complete();
 209     }
 210     return false;
 211   }
 212   size_t cards_done() { return _cards_done;}
 213   size_t cards_looked_up() { return _cards;}
 214 };
 216 void G1RemSet::scanRS(OopsInHeapRegionClosure* oc, int worker_i) {
 217   double rs_time_start = os::elapsedTime();
 218   HeapRegion *startRegion = _g1->start_cset_region_for_worker(worker_i);
 220   ScanRSClosure scanRScl(oc, worker_i);
 222   _g1->collection_set_iterate_from(startRegion, &scanRScl);
 223   scanRScl.set_try_claimed();
 224   _g1->collection_set_iterate_from(startRegion, &scanRScl);
 226   double scan_rs_time_sec = os::elapsedTime() - rs_time_start;
 228   assert( _cards_scanned != NULL, "invariant" );
 229   _cards_scanned[worker_i] = scanRScl.cards_done();
 231   _g1p->phase_times()->record_scan_rs_time(worker_i, scan_rs_time_sec * 1000.0);
 232 }
 234 // Closure used for updating RSets and recording references that
 235 // point into the collection set. Only called during an
 236 // evacuation pause.
 238 class RefineRecordRefsIntoCSCardTableEntryClosure: public CardTableEntryClosure {
 239   G1RemSet* _g1rs;
 240   DirtyCardQueue* _into_cset_dcq;
 241 public:
 242   RefineRecordRefsIntoCSCardTableEntryClosure(G1CollectedHeap* g1h,
 243                                               DirtyCardQueue* into_cset_dcq) :
 244     _g1rs(g1h->g1_rem_set()), _into_cset_dcq(into_cset_dcq)
 245   {}
 246   bool do_card_ptr(jbyte* card_ptr, int worker_i) {
 247     // The only time we care about recording cards that
 248     // contain references that point into the collection set
 249     // is during RSet updating within an evacuation pause.
 250     // In this case worker_i should be the id of a GC worker thread.
 251     assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "not during an evacuation pause");
 252     assert(worker_i < (int) (ParallelGCThreads == 0 ? 1 : ParallelGCThreads), "should be a GC worker");
 254     if (_g1rs->refine_card(card_ptr, worker_i, true)) {
 255       // 'card_ptr' contains references that point into the collection
 256       // set. We need to record the card in the DCQS
 257       // (G1CollectedHeap::into_cset_dirty_card_queue_set())
 258       // that's used for that purpose.
 259       //
 260       // Enqueue the card
 261       _into_cset_dcq->enqueue(card_ptr);
 262     }
 263     return true;
 264   }
 265 };
 267 void G1RemSet::updateRS(DirtyCardQueue* into_cset_dcq, int worker_i) {
 268   double start = os::elapsedTime();
 269   // Apply the given closure to all remaining log entries.
 270   RefineRecordRefsIntoCSCardTableEntryClosure into_cset_update_rs_cl(_g1, into_cset_dcq);
 272   _g1->iterate_dirty_card_closure(&into_cset_update_rs_cl, into_cset_dcq, false, worker_i);
 274   // Now there should be no dirty cards.
 275   if (G1RSLogCheckCardTable) {
 276     CountNonCleanMemRegionClosure cl(_g1);
 277     _ct_bs->mod_card_iterate(&cl);
 278     // XXX This isn't true any more: keeping cards of young regions
 279     // marked dirty broke it.  Need some reasonable fix.
 280     guarantee(cl.n() == 0, "Card table should be clean.");
 281   }
 283   _g1p->phase_times()->record_update_rs_time(worker_i, (os::elapsedTime() - start) * 1000.0);
 284 }
 286 void G1RemSet::cleanupHRRS() {
 287   HeapRegionRemSet::cleanup();
 288 }
 290 void G1RemSet::oops_into_collection_set_do(OopsInHeapRegionClosure* oc,
 291                                              int worker_i) {
 293   ct_freq_update_histo_and_reset();
 294 #endif
 296   // We cache the value of 'oc' closure into the appropriate slot in the
 297   // _cset_rs_update_cl for this worker
 298   assert(worker_i < (int)n_workers(), "sanity");
 299   _cset_rs_update_cl[worker_i] = oc;
 301   // A DirtyCardQueue that is used to hold cards containing references
 302   // that point into the collection set. This DCQ is associated with a
 303   // special DirtyCardQueueSet (see g1CollectedHeap.hpp).  Under normal
 304   // circumstances (i.e. the pause successfully completes), these cards
 305   // are just discarded (there's no need to update the RSets of regions
 306   // that were in the collection set - after the pause these regions
 307   // are wholly 'free' of live objects. In the event of an evacuation
 308   // failure the cards/buffers in this queue set are:
 309   // * passed to the DirtyCardQueueSet that is used to manage deferred
 310   //   RSet updates, or
 311   // * scanned for references that point into the collection set
 312   //   and the RSet of the corresponding region in the collection set
 313   //   is updated immediately.
 314   DirtyCardQueue into_cset_dcq(&_g1->into_cset_dirty_card_queue_set());
 316   assert((ParallelGCThreads > 0) || worker_i == 0, "invariant");
 318   // The two flags below were introduced temporarily to serialize
 319   // the updating and scanning of remembered sets. There are some
 320   // race conditions when these two operations are done in parallel
 321   // and they are causing failures. When we resolve said race
 322   // conditions, we'll revert back to parallel remembered set
 323   // updating and scanning. See CRs 6677707 and 6677708.
 324   if (G1UseParallelRSetUpdating || (worker_i == 0)) {
 325     updateRS(&into_cset_dcq, worker_i);
 326   } else {
 327     _g1p->phase_times()->record_update_rs_processed_buffers(worker_i, 0);
 328     _g1p->phase_times()->record_update_rs_time(worker_i, 0.0);
 329   }
 330   if (G1UseParallelRSetScanning || (worker_i == 0)) {
 331     scanRS(oc, worker_i);
 332   } else {
 333     _g1p->phase_times()->record_scan_rs_time(worker_i, 0.0);
 334   }
 336   // We now clear the cached values of _cset_rs_update_cl for this worker
 337   _cset_rs_update_cl[worker_i] = NULL;
 338 }
 340 void G1RemSet::prepare_for_oops_into_collection_set_do() {
 341   cleanupHRRS();
 342   ConcurrentG1Refine* cg1r = _g1->concurrent_g1_refine();
 343   _g1->set_refine_cte_cl_concurrency(false);
 344   DirtyCardQueueSet& dcqs = JavaThread::dirty_card_queue_set();
 345   dcqs.concatenate_logs();
 347   if (G1CollectedHeap::use_parallel_gc_threads()) {
 348     // Don't set the number of workers here.  It will be set
 349     // when the task is run
 350     // _seq_task->set_n_termination((int)n_workers());
 351   }
 352   guarantee( _cards_scanned == NULL, "invariant" );
 353   _cards_scanned = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(size_t, n_workers(), mtGC);
 354   for (uint i = 0; i < n_workers(); ++i) {
 355     _cards_scanned[i] = 0;
 356   }
 357   _total_cards_scanned = 0;
 358 }
 361 // This closure, applied to a DirtyCardQueueSet, is used to immediately
 362 // update the RSets for the regions in the CSet. For each card it iterates
 363 // through the oops which coincide with that card. It scans the reference
 364 // fields in each oop; when it finds an oop that points into the collection
 365 // set, the RSet for the region containing the referenced object is updated.
 366 class UpdateRSetCardTableEntryIntoCSetClosure: public CardTableEntryClosure {
 367   G1CollectedHeap* _g1;
 368   CardTableModRefBS* _ct_bs;
 369 public:
 370   UpdateRSetCardTableEntryIntoCSetClosure(G1CollectedHeap* g1,
 371                                           CardTableModRefBS* bs):
 372     _g1(g1), _ct_bs(bs)
 373   { }
 375   bool do_card_ptr(jbyte* card_ptr, int worker_i) {
 376     // Construct the region representing the card.
 377     HeapWord* start = _ct_bs->addr_for(card_ptr);
 378     // And find the region containing it.
 379     HeapRegion* r = _g1->heap_region_containing(start);
 380     assert(r != NULL, "unexpected null");
 382     // Scan oops in the card looking for references into the collection set
 383     // Don't use addr_for(card_ptr + 1) which can ask for
 384     // a card beyond the heap.  This is not safe without a perm
 385     // gen.
 386     HeapWord* end   = start + CardTableModRefBS::card_size_in_words;
 387     MemRegion scanRegion(start, end);
 389     UpdateRSetImmediate update_rs_cl(_g1->g1_rem_set());
 390     FilterIntoCSClosure update_rs_cset_oop_cl(NULL, _g1, &update_rs_cl);
 391     FilterOutOfRegionClosure filter_then_update_rs_cset_oop_cl(r, &update_rs_cset_oop_cl);
 393     // We can pass false as the "filter_young" parameter here as:
 394     // * we should be in a STW pause,
 395     // * the DCQS to which this closure is applied is used to hold
 396     //   references that point into the collection set from the prior
 397     //   RSet updating,
 398     // * the post-write barrier shouldn't be logging updates to young
 399     //   regions (but there is a situation where this can happen - see
 400     //   the comment in G1RemSet::refine_card() below -
 401     //   that should not be applicable here), and
 402     // * during actual RSet updating, the filtering of cards in young
 403     //   regions in HeapRegion::oops_on_card_seq_iterate_careful is
 404     //   employed.
 405     // As a result, when this closure is applied to "refs into cset"
 406     // DCQS, we shouldn't see any cards in young regions.
 407     update_rs_cl.set_region(r);
 408     HeapWord* stop_point =
 409       r->oops_on_card_seq_iterate_careful(scanRegion,
 410                                           &filter_then_update_rs_cset_oop_cl,
 411                                           false /* filter_young */,
 412                                           NULL  /* card_ptr */);
 414     // Since this is performed in the event of an evacuation failure, we
 415     // we shouldn't see a non-null stop point
 416     assert(stop_point == NULL, "saw an unallocated region");
 417     return true;
 418   }
 419 };
 421 void G1RemSet::cleanup_after_oops_into_collection_set_do() {
 422   guarantee( _cards_scanned != NULL, "invariant" );
 423   _total_cards_scanned = 0;
 424   for (uint i = 0; i < n_workers(); ++i) {
 425     _total_cards_scanned += _cards_scanned[i];
 426   }
 427   FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(size_t, _cards_scanned, mtGC);
 428   _cards_scanned = NULL;
 429   // Cleanup after copy
 430   _g1->set_refine_cte_cl_concurrency(true);
 431   // Set all cards back to clean.
 432   _g1->cleanUpCardTable();
 434   DirtyCardQueueSet& into_cset_dcqs = _g1->into_cset_dirty_card_queue_set();
 435   int into_cset_n_buffers = into_cset_dcqs.completed_buffers_num();
 437   if (_g1->evacuation_failed()) {
 438     // Restore remembered sets for the regions pointing into the collection set.
 440     if (G1DeferredRSUpdate) {
 441       // If deferred RS updates are enabled then we just need to transfer
 442       // the completed buffers from (a) the DirtyCardQueueSet used to hold
 443       // cards that contain references that point into the collection set
 444       // to (b) the DCQS used to hold the deferred RS updates
 445       _g1->dirty_card_queue_set().merge_bufferlists(&into_cset_dcqs);
 446     } else {
 448       CardTableModRefBS* bs = (CardTableModRefBS*)_g1->barrier_set();
 449       UpdateRSetCardTableEntryIntoCSetClosure update_rs_cset_immediate(_g1, bs);
 451       int n_completed_buffers = 0;
 452       while (into_cset_dcqs.apply_closure_to_completed_buffer(&update_rs_cset_immediate,
 453                                                     0, 0, true)) {
 454         n_completed_buffers++;
 455       }
 456       assert(n_completed_buffers == into_cset_n_buffers, "missed some buffers");
 457     }
 458   }
 460   // Free any completed buffers in the DirtyCardQueueSet used to hold cards
 461   // which contain references that point into the collection.
 462   _g1->into_cset_dirty_card_queue_set().clear();
 463   assert(_g1->into_cset_dirty_card_queue_set().completed_buffers_num() == 0,
 464          "all buffers should be freed");
 465   _g1->into_cset_dirty_card_queue_set().clear_n_completed_buffers();
 466 }
 468 class ScrubRSClosure: public HeapRegionClosure {
 469   G1CollectedHeap* _g1h;
 470   BitMap* _region_bm;
 471   BitMap* _card_bm;
 472   CardTableModRefBS* _ctbs;
 473 public:
 474   ScrubRSClosure(BitMap* region_bm, BitMap* card_bm) :
 475     _g1h(G1CollectedHeap::heap()),
 476     _region_bm(region_bm), _card_bm(card_bm),
 477     _ctbs(NULL)
 478   {
 479     ModRefBarrierSet* bs = _g1h->mr_bs();
 480     guarantee(bs->is_a(BarrierSet::CardTableModRef), "Precondition");
 481     _ctbs = (CardTableModRefBS*)bs;
 482   }
 484   bool doHeapRegion(HeapRegion* r) {
 485     if (!r->continuesHumongous()) {
 486       r->rem_set()->scrub(_ctbs, _region_bm, _card_bm);
 487     }
 488     return false;
 489   }
 490 };
 492 void G1RemSet::scrub(BitMap* region_bm, BitMap* card_bm) {
 493   ScrubRSClosure scrub_cl(region_bm, card_bm);
 494   _g1->heap_region_iterate(&scrub_cl);
 495 }
 497 void G1RemSet::scrub_par(BitMap* region_bm, BitMap* card_bm,
 498                                 uint worker_num, int claim_val) {
 499   ScrubRSClosure scrub_cl(region_bm, card_bm);
 500   _g1->heap_region_par_iterate_chunked(&scrub_cl,
 501                                        worker_num,
 502                                        n_workers(),
 503                                        claim_val);
 504 }
 506 G1TriggerClosure::G1TriggerClosure() :
 507   _triggered(false) { }
 509 G1InvokeIfNotTriggeredClosure::G1InvokeIfNotTriggeredClosure(G1TriggerClosure* t_cl,
 510                                                              OopClosure* oop_cl)  :
 511   _trigger_cl(t_cl), _oop_cl(oop_cl) { }
 513 G1Mux2Closure::G1Mux2Closure(OopClosure *c1, OopClosure *c2) :
 514   _c1(c1), _c2(c2) { }
 516 G1UpdateRSOrPushRefOopClosure::
 517 G1UpdateRSOrPushRefOopClosure(G1CollectedHeap* g1h,
 518                               G1RemSet* rs,
 519                               OopsInHeapRegionClosure* push_ref_cl,
 520                               bool record_refs_into_cset,
 521                               int worker_i) :
 522   _g1(g1h), _g1_rem_set(rs), _from(NULL),
 523   _record_refs_into_cset(record_refs_into_cset),
 524   _push_ref_cl(push_ref_cl), _worker_i(worker_i) { }
 526 // Returns true if the given card contains references that point
 527 // into the collection set, if we're checking for such references;
 528 // false otherwise.
 530 bool G1RemSet::refine_card(jbyte* card_ptr, int worker_i,
 531                            bool check_for_refs_into_cset) {
 533   // If the card is no longer dirty, nothing to do.
 534   if (*card_ptr != CardTableModRefBS::dirty_card_val()) {
 535     // No need to return that this card contains refs that point
 536     // into the collection set.
 537     return false;
 538   }
 540   // Construct the region representing the card.
 541   HeapWord* start = _ct_bs->addr_for(card_ptr);
 542   // And find the region containing it.
 543   HeapRegion* r = _g1->heap_region_containing(start);
 544   if (r == NULL) {
 545     // Again no need to return that this card contains refs that
 546     // point into the collection set.
 547     return false;  // Not in the G1 heap (might be in perm, for example.)
 548   }
 550   // Why do we have to check here whether a card is on a young region,
 551   // given that we dirty young regions and, as a result, the
 552   // post-barrier is supposed to filter them out and never to enqueue
 553   // them? When we allocate a new region as the "allocation region" we
 554   // actually dirty its cards after we release the lock, since card
 555   // dirtying while holding the lock was a performance bottleneck. So,
 556   // as a result, it is possible for other threads to actually
 557   // allocate objects in the region (after the acquire the lock)
 558   // before all the cards on the region are dirtied. This is unlikely,
 559   // and it doesn't happen often, but it can happen. So, the extra
 560   // check below filters out those cards.
 561   if (r->is_young()) {
 562     return false;
 563   }
 565   // While we are processing RSet buffers during the collection, we
 566   // actually don't want to scan any cards on the collection set,
 567   // since we don't want to update remebered sets with entries that
 568   // point into the collection set, given that live objects from the
 569   // collection set are about to move and such entries will be stale
 570   // very soon. This change also deals with a reliability issue which
 571   // involves scanning a card in the collection set and coming across
 572   // an array that was being chunked and looking malformed. Note,
 573   // however, that if evacuation fails, we have to scan any objects
 574   // that were not moved and create any missing entries.
 575   if (r->in_collection_set()) {
 576     return false;
 577   }
 579   // The result from the hot card cache insert call is either:
 580   //   * pointer to the current card
 581   //     (implying that the current card is not 'hot'),
 582   //   * null
 583   //     (meaning we had inserted the card ptr into the "hot" card cache,
 584   //     which had some headroom),
 585   //   * a pointer to a "hot" card that was evicted from the "hot" cache.
 586   //
 588   G1HotCardCache* hot_card_cache = _cg1r->hot_card_cache();
 589   if (hot_card_cache->use_cache()) {
 590     assert(!check_for_refs_into_cset, "sanity");
 591     assert(!SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "sanity");
 593     card_ptr = hot_card_cache->insert(card_ptr);
 594     if (card_ptr == NULL) {
 595       // There was no eviction. Nothing to do.
 596       return false;
 597     }
 599     start = _ct_bs->addr_for(card_ptr);
 600     r = _g1->heap_region_containing(start);
 601     if (r == NULL) {
 602       // Not in the G1 heap
 603       return false;
 604     }
 606     // Checking whether the region we got back from the cache
 607     // is young here is inappropriate. The region could have been
 608     // freed, reallocated and tagged as young while in the cache.
 609     // Hence we could see its young type change at any time.
 610   }
 612   // Don't use addr_for(card_ptr + 1) which can ask for
 613   // a card beyond the heap.  This is not safe without a perm
 614   // gen at the upper end of the heap.
 615   HeapWord* end   = start + CardTableModRefBS::card_size_in_words;
 616   MemRegion dirtyRegion(start, end);
 619   init_ct_freq_table(_g1->max_capacity());
 620   ct_freq_note_card(_ct_bs->index_for(start));
 621 #endif
 623   OopsInHeapRegionClosure* oops_in_heap_closure = NULL;
 624   if (check_for_refs_into_cset) {
 625     // ConcurrentG1RefineThreads have worker numbers larger than what
 626     // _cset_rs_update_cl[] is set up to handle. But those threads should
 627     // only be active outside of a collection which means that when they
 628     // reach here they should have check_for_refs_into_cset == false.
 629     assert((size_t)worker_i < n_workers(), "index of worker larger than _cset_rs_update_cl[].length");
 630     oops_in_heap_closure = _cset_rs_update_cl[worker_i];
 631   }
 632   G1UpdateRSOrPushRefOopClosure update_rs_oop_cl(_g1,
 633                                                  _g1->g1_rem_set(),
 634                                                  oops_in_heap_closure,
 635                                                  check_for_refs_into_cset,
 636                                                  worker_i);
 637   update_rs_oop_cl.set_from(r);
 639   G1TriggerClosure trigger_cl;
 640   FilterIntoCSClosure into_cs_cl(NULL, _g1, &trigger_cl);
 641   G1InvokeIfNotTriggeredClosure invoke_cl(&trigger_cl, &into_cs_cl);
 642   G1Mux2Closure mux(&invoke_cl, &update_rs_oop_cl);
 644   FilterOutOfRegionClosure filter_then_update_rs_oop_cl(r,
 645                         (check_for_refs_into_cset ?
 646                                 (OopClosure*)&mux :
 647                                 (OopClosure*)&update_rs_oop_cl));
 649   // The region for the current card may be a young region. The
 650   // current card may have been a card that was evicted from the
 651   // card cache. When the card was inserted into the cache, we had
 652   // determined that its region was non-young. While in the cache,
 653   // the region may have been freed during a cleanup pause, reallocated
 654   // and tagged as young.
 655   //
 656   // We wish to filter out cards for such a region but the current
 657   // thread, if we're running concurrently, may "see" the young type
 658   // change at any time (so an earlier "is_young" check may pass or
 659   // fail arbitrarily). We tell the iteration code to perform this
 660   // filtering when it has been determined that there has been an actual
 661   // allocation in this region and making it safe to check the young type.
 662   bool filter_young = true;
 664   HeapWord* stop_point =
 665     r->oops_on_card_seq_iterate_careful(dirtyRegion,
 666                                         &filter_then_update_rs_oop_cl,
 667                                         filter_young,
 668                                         card_ptr);
 670   // If stop_point is non-null, then we encountered an unallocated region
 671   // (perhaps the unfilled portion of a TLAB.)  For now, we'll dirty the
 672   // card and re-enqueue: if we put off the card until a GC pause, then the
 673   // unallocated portion will be filled in.  Alternatively, we might try
 674   // the full complexity of the technique used in "regular" precleaning.
 675   if (stop_point != NULL) {
 676     // The card might have gotten re-dirtied and re-enqueued while we
 677     // worked.  (In fact, it's pretty likely.)
 678     if (*card_ptr != CardTableModRefBS::dirty_card_val()) {
 679       *card_ptr = CardTableModRefBS::dirty_card_val();
 680       MutexLockerEx x(Shared_DirtyCardQ_lock,
 681                       Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
 682       DirtyCardQueue* sdcq =
 683         JavaThread::dirty_card_queue_set().shared_dirty_card_queue();
 684       sdcq->enqueue(card_ptr);
 685     }
 686   } else {
 687     _conc_refine_cards++;
 688   }
 690   // This gets set to true if the card being refined has
 691   // references that point into the collection set.
 692   bool has_refs_into_cset = trigger_cl.triggered();
 694   // We should only be detecting that the card contains references
 695   // that point into the collection set if the current thread is
 696   // a GC worker thread.
 697   assert(!has_refs_into_cset || SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(),
 698            "invalid result at non safepoint");
 700   return has_refs_into_cset;
 701 }
 703 void G1RemSet::print_periodic_summary_info() {
 704   G1RemSetSummary current;
 705   current.initialize(this, n_workers());
 707   _prev_period_summary.subtract_from(&current);
 708   print_summary_info(&_prev_period_summary);
 710   _prev_period_summary.set(&current);
 711 }
 713 void G1RemSet::print_summary_info() {
 714   G1RemSetSummary current;
 715   current.initialize(this, n_workers());
 717   print_summary_info(&current, " Cumulative RS summary");
 718 }
 720 void G1RemSet::print_summary_info(G1RemSetSummary * summary, const char * header) {
 721   assert(summary != NULL, "just checking");
 723   if (header != NULL) {
 724     gclog_or_tty->print_cr("%s", header);
 725   }
 728   gclog_or_tty->print_cr("\nG1 card_repeat count histogram: ");
 729   gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  # of repeats --> # of cards with that number.");
 730   card_repeat_count.print_on(gclog_or_tty);
 731 #endif
 733   summary->print_on(gclog_or_tty);
 734 }
 736 void G1RemSet::prepare_for_verify() {
 737   if (G1HRRSFlushLogBuffersOnVerify &&
 738       (VerifyBeforeGC || VerifyAfterGC)
 739       &&  !_g1->full_collection()) {
 740     cleanupHRRS();
 741     _g1->set_refine_cte_cl_concurrency(false);
 742     if (SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint()) {
 743       DirtyCardQueueSet& dcqs = JavaThread::dirty_card_queue_set();
 744       dcqs.concatenate_logs();
 745     }
 747     G1HotCardCache* hot_card_cache = _cg1r->hot_card_cache();
 748     bool use_hot_card_cache = hot_card_cache->use_cache();
 749     hot_card_cache->set_use_cache(false);
 751     DirtyCardQueue into_cset_dcq(&_g1->into_cset_dirty_card_queue_set());
 752     updateRS(&into_cset_dcq, 0);
 753     _g1->into_cset_dirty_card_queue_set().clear();
 755     hot_card_cache->set_use_cache(use_hot_card_cache);
 756     assert(JavaThread::dirty_card_queue_set().completed_buffers_num() == 0, "All should be consumed");
 757   }
 758 }