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 110 }
 112 bool CMBitMap::allocate(ReservedSpace heap_rs) {
 113   _bmStartWord = (HeapWord*)(heap_rs.base());
 114   _bmWordSize  = heap_rs.size()/HeapWordSize;    // heap_rs.size() is in bytes
 115   ReservedSpace brs(ReservedSpace::allocation_align_size_up(
 116                      (_bmWordSize >> (_shifter + LogBitsPerByte)) + 1));
 117   if (!brs.is_reserved()) {
 118     warning("ConcurrentMark marking bit map allocation failure");
 119     return false;
 120   }
 121   MemTracker::record_virtual_memory_type((address)brs.base(), mtGC);
 122   // For now we'll just commit all of the bit map up front.
 123   // Later on we'll try to be more parsimonious with swap.
 124   if (!_virtual_space.initialize(brs, brs.size())) {
 125     warning("ConcurrentMark marking bit map backing store failure");
 126     return false;
 127   }
 128   assert(_virtual_space.committed_size() == brs.size(),
 129          "didn't reserve backing store for all of concurrent marking bit map?");
 130   _bm.set_map((uintptr_t*)_virtual_space.low());
 131   assert(_virtual_space.committed_size() << (_shifter + LogBitsPerByte) >=
 132          _bmWordSize, "inconsistency in bit map sizing");
 133   _bm.set_size(_bmWordSize >> _shifter);
 134   return true;
 135 }
 137 void CMBitMap::clearAll() {
 138   _bm.clear();
 139   return;
 140 }
 142 void CMBitMap::markRange(MemRegion mr) {
 143   mr.intersection(MemRegion(_bmStartWord, _bmWordSize));
 144   assert(!mr.is_empty(), "unexpected empty region");
 145   assert((offsetToHeapWord(heapWordToOffset(mr.end())) ==
 146           ((HeapWord *) mr.end())),
 147          "markRange memory region end is not card aligned");
 148   // convert address range into offset range
 149   _bm.at_put_range(heapWordToOffset(mr.start()),
 150                    heapWordToOffset(mr.end()), true);

 110 }
 112 bool CMBitMap::allocate(ReservedSpace heap_rs) {
 113   _bmStartWord = (HeapWord*)(heap_rs.base());
 114   _bmWordSize  = heap_rs.size()/HeapWordSize;    // heap_rs.size() is in bytes
 115   ReservedSpace brs(ReservedSpace::allocation_align_size_up(
 116                      (_bmWordSize >> (_shifter + LogBitsPerByte)) + 1));
 117   if (!brs.is_reserved()) {
 118     warning("ConcurrentMark marking bit map allocation failure");
 119     return false;
 120   }
 121   MemTracker::record_virtual_memory_type((address)brs.base(), mtGC);
 122   // For now we'll just commit all of the bit map up front.
 123   // Later on we'll try to be more parsimonious with swap.
 124   if (!_virtual_space.initialize(brs, brs.size())) {
 125     warning("ConcurrentMark marking bit map backing store failure");
 126     return false;
 127   }
 128   assert(_virtual_space.committed_size() == brs.size(),
 129          "didn't reserve backing store for all of concurrent marking bit map?");
 130   _bm.set_map((BitMap::bm_word_t*)_virtual_space.low());
 131   assert(_virtual_space.committed_size() << (_shifter + LogBitsPerByte) >=
 132          _bmWordSize, "inconsistency in bit map sizing");
 133   _bm.set_size(_bmWordSize >> _shifter);
 134   return true;
 135 }
 137 void CMBitMap::clearAll() {
 138   _bm.clear();
 139   return;
 140 }
 142 void CMBitMap::markRange(MemRegion mr) {
 143   mr.intersection(MemRegion(_bmStartWord, _bmWordSize));
 144   assert(!mr.is_empty(), "unexpected empty region");
 145   assert((offsetToHeapWord(heapWordToOffset(mr.end())) ==
 146           ((HeapWord *) mr.end())),
 147          "markRange memory region end is not card aligned");
 148   // convert address range into offset range
 149   _bm.at_put_range(heapWordToOffset(mr.start()),
 150                    heapWordToOffset(mr.end()), true);