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rev 12666 : imported patch 8168467-use-taskentry-as-mark-stack-elem
rev 12667 : imported patch 8168467-kim-review

@@ -50,14 +50,21 @@
 class G1TaskQueueEntry VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
   void* _holder;
   static const uintptr_t ArraySliceBit = 1;
+  G1TaskQueueEntry(oop obj) : _holder(obj) {
+    assert(_holder != NULL, "Not allowed to set NULL task queue element");
+  }
+  G1TaskQueueEntry(HeapWord* addr) : _holder((void*)((uintptr_t)addr | ArraySliceBit)) { }
+  G1TaskQueueEntry(const G1TaskQueueEntry& other) { _holder = other._holder; }
   G1TaskQueueEntry() : _holder(NULL) { }
-  G1TaskQueueEntry(oop obj) : _holder(obj) { }
-  G1TaskQueueEntry(HeapWord* addr) : _holder((void*)((uintptr_t)addr | ArraySliceBit)) { }
+  static G1TaskQueueEntry from_slice(HeapWord* what) { return G1TaskQueueEntry(what); }
+  static G1TaskQueueEntry from_oop(oop obj) { return G1TaskQueueEntry(obj); }
   G1TaskQueueEntry& operator=(const G1TaskQueueEntry& t) {
     _holder = t._holder;
     return *this;

@@ -72,11 +79,11 @@
     return (oop)_holder;
   HeapWord* slice() const {
     assert(is_array_slice(), "Trying to read oop " PTR_FORMAT " as array slice", p2i(_holder));
-    return (HeapWord*)((uintptr_t)_holder &~ ArraySliceBit);
+    return (HeapWord*)((uintptr_t)_holder & ~ArraySliceBit);
   bool is_oop() const { return !is_array_slice(); }
   bool is_array_slice() const { return ((uintptr_t)_holder & ArraySliceBit) != 0; }
   bool is_null() const { return _holder == NULL; }

@@ -214,47 +221,47 @@
   // Number of oops that can fit in a single chunk.
   static const size_t EntriesPerChunk = 1024 - 1 /* One reference for the next pointer */;
-  struct OopChunk {
-    OopChunk* next;
+  struct TaskQueueEntryChunk {
+    TaskQueueEntryChunk* next;
     G1TaskQueueEntry data[EntriesPerChunk];
   size_t _max_chunk_capacity;    // Maximum number of OopChunk elements on the stack.
-  OopChunk* _base;               // Bottom address of allocated memory area.
+  TaskQueueEntryChunk* _base;               // Bottom address of allocated memory area.
   size_t _chunk_capacity;        // Current maximum number of OopChunk elements.
-  OopChunk* volatile _free_list;  // Linked list of free chunks that can be allocated by users.
-  char _pad1[DEFAULT_CACHE_LINE_SIZE - sizeof(OopChunk*)];
-  OopChunk* volatile _chunk_list; // List of chunks currently containing data.
+  TaskQueueEntryChunk* volatile _free_list;  // Linked list of free chunks that can be allocated by users.
+  char _pad1[DEFAULT_CACHE_LINE_SIZE - sizeof(TaskQueueEntryChunk*)];
+  TaskQueueEntryChunk* volatile _chunk_list; // List of chunks currently containing data.
   volatile size_t _chunks_in_chunk_list;
-  char _pad2[DEFAULT_CACHE_LINE_SIZE - sizeof(OopChunk*) - sizeof(size_t)];
+  char _pad2[DEFAULT_CACHE_LINE_SIZE - sizeof(TaskQueueEntryChunk*) - sizeof(size_t)];
   volatile size_t _hwm;          // High water mark within the reserved space.
   char _pad4[DEFAULT_CACHE_LINE_SIZE - sizeof(size_t)];
   // Allocate a new chunk from the reserved memory, using the high water mark. Returns
   // NULL if out of memory.
-  OopChunk* allocate_new_chunk();
+  TaskQueueEntryChunk* allocate_new_chunk();
   volatile bool _out_of_memory;
   // Atomically add the given chunk to the list.
-  void add_chunk_to_list(OopChunk* volatile* list, OopChunk* elem);
+  void add_chunk_to_list(TaskQueueEntryChunk* volatile* list, TaskQueueEntryChunk* elem);
   // Atomically remove and return a chunk from the given list. Returns NULL if the
   // list is empty.
-  OopChunk* remove_chunk_from_list(OopChunk* volatile* list);
+  TaskQueueEntryChunk* remove_chunk_from_list(TaskQueueEntryChunk* volatile* list);
-  void add_chunk_to_chunk_list(OopChunk* elem);
-  void add_chunk_to_free_list(OopChunk* elem);
+  void add_chunk_to_chunk_list(TaskQueueEntryChunk* elem);
+  void add_chunk_to_free_list(TaskQueueEntryChunk* elem);
-  OopChunk* remove_chunk_from_chunk_list();
-  OopChunk* remove_chunk_from_free_list();
+  TaskQueueEntryChunk* remove_chunk_from_chunk_list();
+  TaskQueueEntryChunk* remove_chunk_from_free_list();
   bool  _should_expand;
   // Resizes the mark stack to the given new capacity. Releases any previous
   // memory if successful.

@@ -268,19 +275,19 @@
   static size_t capacity_alignment();
   // Allocate and initialize the mark stack with the given number of oops.
   bool initialize(size_t initial_capacity, size_t max_capacity);
-  // Pushes the given buffer containing at most OopsPerChunk elements on the mark
-  // stack. If less than OopsPerChunk elements are to be pushed, the array must
+  // Pushes the given buffer containing at most EntriesPerChunk elements on the mark
+  // stack. If less than EntriesPerChunk elements are to be pushed, the array must
   // be terminated with a NULL.
   // Returns whether the buffer contents were successfully pushed to the global mark
   // stack.
   bool par_push_chunk(G1TaskQueueEntry* buffer);
   // Pops a chunk from this mark stack, copying them into the given buffer. This
-  // chunk may contain up to OopsPerChunk elements. If there are less, the last
+  // chunk may contain up to EntriesPerChunk elements. If there are less, the last
   // element in the array is a NULL pointer.
   bool par_pop_chunk(G1TaskQueueEntry* buffer);
   // Return whether the chunk list is empty. Racy due to unsynchronized access to
   // _chunk_list.

@@ -874,11 +881,11 @@
   // Test whether obj might have already been passed over by the
   // mark bitmap scan, and so needs to be pushed onto the mark stack.
   bool is_below_finger(oop obj, HeapWord* global_finger) const;
-  template<bool scan> void process_grey_object(G1TaskQueueEntry task_entry);
+  template<bool scan> void process_grey_task_entry(G1TaskQueueEntry task_entry);
   // Apply the closure on the given area of the objArray. Return the number of words
   // scanned.
   inline size_t scan_objArray(objArrayOop obj, MemRegion mr);
   // It resets the task; it should be called right at the beginning of

@@ -939,11 +946,11 @@
   // e.g. obj is below its containing region's NTAMS.
   // Precondition: obj is a valid heap object.
   inline void deal_with_reference(oop obj);
   // It scans an object and visits its children.
-  inline void scan_object(G1TaskQueueEntry task_entry);
+  inline void scan_task_entry(G1TaskQueueEntry task_entry);
   // It pushes an object on the local queue.
   inline void push(G1TaskQueueEntry task_entry);
   // Move entries to the global stack.
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