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137     SHA_512("2.16.840.", "SHA-512", "SHA512"),
138     SHA_224("2.16.840.", "SHA-224", "SHA224"),
139     SHA_512$224("2.16.840.", "SHA-512/224", "SHA512/224"),
140     SHA_512$256("2.16.840.", "SHA-512/256", "SHA512/256"),
141     SHA3_224("2.16.840.", "SHA3-224"),
142     SHA3_256("2.16.840.", "SHA3-256"),
143     SHA3_384("2.16.840.", "SHA3-384"),
144     SHA3_512("2.16.840.", "SHA3-512"),
145     SHAKE128("2.16.840."),
146     SHAKE256("2.16.840."),
147     HmacSHA3_224("2.16.840.", "HmacSHA3-224"),
148     HmacSHA3_256("2.16.840.", "HmacSHA3-256"),
149     HmacSHA3_384("2.16.840.", "HmacSHA3-384"),
150     HmacSHA3_512("2.16.840.", "HmacSHA3-512"),
152     // sigAlgs 2.16.840.*
153     SHA224withDSA("2.16.840."),
154     SHA256withDSA("2.16.840."),
155     SHA384withDSA("2.16.840."),
156     SHA512withDSA("2.16.840."),

157     SHA3_224withRSA("2.16.840.", "SHA3-224withRSA"),
158     SHA3_256withRSA("2.16.840.", "SHA3-256withRSA"),
159     SHA3_384withRSA("2.16.840.", "SHA3-384withRSA"),
160     SHA3_512withRSA("2.16.840.", "SHA3-512withRSA"),
162     // RSASecurity
163     // PKCS1 1.2.840.113549.1.1.*
164     PKCS1("1.2.840.113549.1.1", "RSA") { // RSA KeyPairGenerator and KeyFactory
165         @Override
166         boolean registerNames() { return false; }
167     },
168     RSA("1.2.840.113549.1.1.1"), // RSA encryption
170     MD2withRSA("1.2.840.113549.1.1.2"),
171     MD5withRSA("1.2.840.113549.1.1.4"),
172     SHA1withRSA("1.2.840.113549.1.1.5"),
173     OAEP("1.2.840.113549.1.1.7"),
174     MGF1("1.2.840.113549.1.1.8"),
175     PSpecified("1.2.840.113549.1.1.9"),
176     RSASSA_PSS("1.2.840.113549.1.1.10", "RSASSA-PSS"),

412     // find the matching enum using either name or oid string
413     // return null if no match found
414     public static KnownOIDs findMatch(String s) {
415         s = s.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
416         KnownOIDs res = name2enum.get(s);
417         if (res == null && debug != null) {
418             debug.println("No KnownOIDs enum found for " + s);
419         }
420         return res;
421     }
423     private static final Debug debug = Debug.getInstance("jca");
424     //private static final java.io.PrintStream debug = System.out;
425     private static final ConcurrentHashMap<String, KnownOIDs> name2enum =
426             new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
428     static {
429         if (debug != null) {
430             debug.println("Setting up name2enum:");
431         }
432         List.of(KnownOIDs.values()).forEach(o -> {
433             register(o);
434         });
435     }
437     private static void register(KnownOIDs o) {
438         KnownOIDs ov = name2enum.put(o.oid, o);
439         if (ov != null) {
440             throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Duplicate " + o.oid +
441                     " between " + o + " and " + ov);
442         } else if (debug != null) {
443             debug.println(o.oid + " => " + o.name());
444         }
445         // only register the stdName and aliases if o.registerNames()
446         // returns true
447         if (o.registerNames()) {
448             String stdNameUpper = o.stdName.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
449             if (Objects.nonNull(name2enum.put(stdNameUpper, o))) {
450                 throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Duplicate " +
451                         stdNameUpper + " exists already");
452             }
453             if (debug != null) {
454                 debug.println(stdNameUpper + " => " + o.name());

137     SHA_512("2.16.840.", "SHA-512", "SHA512"),
138     SHA_224("2.16.840.", "SHA-224", "SHA224"),
139     SHA_512$224("2.16.840.", "SHA-512/224", "SHA512/224"),
140     SHA_512$256("2.16.840.", "SHA-512/256", "SHA512/256"),
141     SHA3_224("2.16.840.", "SHA3-224"),
142     SHA3_256("2.16.840.", "SHA3-256"),
143     SHA3_384("2.16.840.", "SHA3-384"),
144     SHA3_512("2.16.840.", "SHA3-512"),
145     SHAKE128("2.16.840."),
146     SHAKE256("2.16.840."),
147     HmacSHA3_224("2.16.840.", "HmacSHA3-224"),
148     HmacSHA3_256("2.16.840.", "HmacSHA3-256"),
149     HmacSHA3_384("2.16.840.", "HmacSHA3-384"),
150     HmacSHA3_512("2.16.840.", "HmacSHA3-512"),
152     // sigAlgs 2.16.840.*
153     SHA224withDSA("2.16.840."),
154     SHA256withDSA("2.16.840."),
155     SHA384withDSA("2.16.840."),
156     SHA512withDSA("2.16.840."),
157     SHA3_224withDSA("2.16.840.", "SHA3-224withDSA"),
158     SHA3_256withDSA("2.16.840.", "SHA3-256withDSA"),
159     SHA3_384withDSA("2.16.840.", "SHA3-384withDSA"),
160     SHA3_512withDSA("2.16.840.", "SHA3-512withDSA"),
161     SHA3_224withECDSA("2.16.840.", "SHA3-224withECDSA"),
162     SHA3_256withECDSA("2.16.840.", "SHA3-256withECDSA"),
163     SHA3_384withECDSA("2.16.840.", "SHA3-384withECDSA"),
164     SHA3_512withECDSA("2.16.840.", "SHA3-512withECDSA"),
165     SHA3_224withRSA("2.16.840.", "SHA3-224withRSA"),
166     SHA3_256withRSA("2.16.840.", "SHA3-256withRSA"),
167     SHA3_384withRSA("2.16.840.", "SHA3-384withRSA"),
168     SHA3_512withRSA("2.16.840.", "SHA3-512withRSA"),
170     // RSASecurity
171     // PKCS1 1.2.840.113549.1.1.*
172     PKCS1("1.2.840.113549.1.1", "RSA") { // RSA KeyPairGenerator and KeyFactory
173         @Override
174         boolean registerNames() { return false; }
175     },
176     RSA("1.2.840.113549.1.1.1"), // RSA encryption
178     MD2withRSA("1.2.840.113549.1.1.2"),
179     MD5withRSA("1.2.840.113549.1.1.4"),
180     SHA1withRSA("1.2.840.113549.1.1.5"),
181     OAEP("1.2.840.113549.1.1.7"),
182     MGF1("1.2.840.113549.1.1.8"),
183     PSpecified("1.2.840.113549.1.1.9"),
184     RSASSA_PSS("1.2.840.113549.1.1.10", "RSASSA-PSS"),

420     // find the matching enum using either name or oid string
421     // return null if no match found
422     public static KnownOIDs findMatch(String s) {
423         s = s.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
424         KnownOIDs res = name2enum.get(s);
425         if (res == null && debug != null) {
426             debug.println("No KnownOIDs enum found for " + s);
427         }
428         return res;
429     }
431     private static final Debug debug = Debug.getInstance("jca");
432     //private static final java.io.PrintStream debug = System.out;
433     private static final ConcurrentHashMap<String, KnownOIDs> name2enum =
434             new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
436     static {
437         if (debug != null) {
438             debug.println("Setting up name2enum:");
439         }
440         for (KnownOIDs o : KnownOIDs.values()) {
441             register(o);
442         };
443     }
445     private static void register(KnownOIDs o) {
446         KnownOIDs ov = name2enum.put(o.oid, o);
447         if (ov != null) {
448             throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Duplicate " + o.oid +
449                     " between " + o + " and " + ov);
450         } else if (debug != null) {
451             debug.println(o.oid + " => " + o.name());
452         }
453         // only register the stdName and aliases if o.registerNames()
454         // returns true
455         if (o.registerNames()) {
456             String stdNameUpper = o.stdName.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
457             if (Objects.nonNull(name2enum.put(stdNameUpper, o))) {
458                 throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Duplicate " +
459                         stdNameUpper + " exists already");
460             }
461             if (debug != null) {
462                 debug.println(stdNameUpper + " => " + o.name());
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