1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 #import "JNIUtilities.h"
  27 #import <JavaRuntimeSupport/JavaRuntimeSupport.h>
  29 #import "apple_laf_JRSUIConstants.h"
  30 #import "apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_Key.h"
  31 #import "apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_AlignmentVertical.h"
  32 #import "apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_AlignmentHorizontal.h"
  33 #import "apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_Animating.h"
  34 #import "apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_ArrowsOnly.h"
  35 #import "apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_BooleanValue.h"
  36 #import "apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_Direction.h"
  37 #import "apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_Focused.h"
  38 #import "apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_FrameOnly.h"
  39 #import "apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_IndicatorOnly.h"
  40 #import "apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_NoIndicator.h"
  41 #import "apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_NothingToScroll.h"
  42 #import "apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_Orientation.h"
  43 #import "apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_ScrollBarPart.h"
  44 #import "apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_SegmentPosition.h"
  45 #import "apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_SegmentTrailingSeparator.h"
  46 #import "apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_SegmentLeadingSeparator.h"
  47 #import "apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_ShowArrows.h"
  48 #import "apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_Size.h"
  49 #import "apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_State.h"
  50 #import "apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_Variant.h"
  51 #import "apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_Widget.h"
  52 #import "apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_WindowType.h"
  53 #import "apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_WindowTitleBarSeparator.h"
  54 #import "apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_WindowClipCorners.h"
  56 #import "JRSUIConstantSync.h"
  59 static CFTypeRef widgetKey = NULL;
  60 static CFTypeRef stateKey = NULL;
  61 static CFTypeRef sizeKey = NULL;
  62 static CFTypeRef directionKey = NULL;
  63 static CFTypeRef orientationKey = NULL;
  64 static CFTypeRef verticalAlignmentKey = NULL;
  65 static CFTypeRef horizontalAlignmentKey = NULL;
  66 static CFTypeRef positionKey = NULL;
  67 static CFTypeRef pressedPartKey = NULL;
  68 static CFTypeRef variantKey = NULL;
  69 static CFTypeRef windowTypeKey = NULL;
  70 static CFTypeRef focusedKey = NULL;
  71 static CFTypeRef indicatorOnlyKey = NULL;
  72 static CFTypeRef noIndicatorKey = NULL;
  73 static CFTypeRef nothingToScrollKey = NULL;
  74 static CFTypeRef arrowsOnlyKey = NULL;
  75 static CFTypeRef frameOnlyKey = NULL;
  76 static CFTypeRef segmentTrailingSeparatorKey = NULL;
  77 static CFTypeRef segmentLeadingSeparatorKey = NULL;
  78 static CFTypeRef windowFrameDrawClippedKey = NULL;
  79 static CFTypeRef windowFrameDrawTitleSeparatorKey = NULL;
  80 static CFTypeRef maximumValueKey = NULL;
  81 static CFTypeRef valueKey = NULL;
  82 static CFTypeRef animationStartTimeKey = NULL;
  83 static CFTypeRef animationTimeKey = NULL;
  86 #define JRS_CONSTANT(clazz, constant)                                \
  87     kJRSUI_ ## clazz ## _ ## constant
  89 #define JNI_CONSTANT(clazz, constant)                                \
  90     apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_ ## clazz ## __ ## constant
  92 #define CONSTANT_CHECK(clazz, constant)                                \
  93     ( JRS_CONSTANT(clazz, constant) == JNI_CONSTANT(clazz, constant) )
  95 #define CONSISTENCY_CHECK(clazz, constant)                            \
  96     if ( !CONSTANT_CHECK(clazz, constant) ) return NO;
  98 #define ASSIGN_KEY(key)                                                \
  99     key ## Key = JRSUIGetKey(JRS_CONSTANT(Key, key));                \
 100     if (key ## Key == NULL) return NO;
 102 #define ASSIGN_KEY_IF_EXISTS(key, constant)                          \
 103     key ## Key = JRSUIGetKey(constant);
 105 static BOOL init_and_check_constant_coherency() {
 106     ASSIGN_KEY(widget);
 107     ASSIGN_KEY(state);
 108     ASSIGN_KEY(size);
 109     ASSIGN_KEY(direction);
 110     ASSIGN_KEY(orientation);
 111     ASSIGN_KEY(verticalAlignment);
 112     ASSIGN_KEY(horizontalAlignment);
 113     ASSIGN_KEY(position);
 114     ASSIGN_KEY(pressedPart);
 115     ASSIGN_KEY(variant);
 116     ASSIGN_KEY(windowType);
 117     ASSIGN_KEY(focused);
 118     ASSIGN_KEY(indicatorOnly);
 119     ASSIGN_KEY(noIndicator);
 120     ASSIGN_KEY(nothingToScroll);
 121     ASSIGN_KEY(arrowsOnly);
 122     ASSIGN_KEY(frameOnly);
 123     ASSIGN_KEY(segmentTrailingSeparator);
 124     ASSIGN_KEY_IF_EXISTS(segmentLeadingSeparator, 29); // kJRSUI_Key_segmentLeadingSeparator = 29
 125     ASSIGN_KEY(windowFrameDrawClipped);
 126     ASSIGN_KEY(windowFrameDrawTitleSeparator);
 127     ASSIGN_KEY(maximumValue);
 128     ASSIGN_KEY(value);
 129     ASSIGN_KEY(animationStartTime);
 130     ASSIGN_KEY(animationTime);
 132     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Key, value);
 133     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Key, thumbProportion);
 134     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Key, thumbStart);
 135     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Key, animationFrame);
 136     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Key, windowTitleBarHeight);
 138     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, background);
 139     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonBevel);
 140     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonBevelInset);
 141     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonBevelRound);
 142     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonCheckBox);
 143     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonComboBox);
 144     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonComboBoxInset);
 145     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonDisclosure);
 146     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonListHeader);
 147     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonLittleArrows);
 148     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonPopDown);
 149     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonPopDownInset);
 150     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonPopDownSquare);
 151     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonPopUp);
 152     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonPopUpInset);
 153     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonPopUpSquare);
 154     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonPush);
 155     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonPushScope);
 156     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonPushScope2);
 157     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonPushTextured);
 158     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonPushInset);
 159     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonPushInset2);
 160     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonRadio);
 161     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonRound);
 162     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonRoundHelp);
 163     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonRoundInset);
 164     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonRoundInset2);
 165     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonSearchFieldCancel);
 166     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonSearchFieldFind);
 167     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonSegmented);
 168     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonSegmentedInset);
 169     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonSegmentedInset2);
 170     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonSegmentedSCurve);
 171     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonSegmentedTextured);
 172     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, buttonSegmentedToolbar);
 173     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, dial);
 174     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, disclosureTriangle);
 175     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, dividerGrabber);
 176     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, dividerSeparatorBar);
 177     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, dividerSplitter);
 178     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, focus);
 179     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, frameGroupBox);
 180     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, frameGroupBoxSecondary);
 181     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, frameListBox);
 182     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, framePlacard);
 183     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, frameTextField);
 184     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, frameTextFieldRound);
 185     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, frameWell);
 186     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, growBox);
 187     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, growBoxTextured);
 188     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, gradient);
 189     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, menu);
 190     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, menuItem);
 191     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, menuBar);
 192     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, menuTitle);
 193     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, progressBar);
 194     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, progressIndeterminateBar);
 195     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, progressRelevance);
 196     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, progressSpinner);
 197     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, scrollBar);
 198     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, scrollColumnSizer);
 199     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, slider);
 200     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, sliderThumb);
 201     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, synchronization);
 202     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, tab);
 203     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, titleBarCloseBox);
 204     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, titleBarCollapseBox);
 205     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, titleBarZoomBox);
 206     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, titleBarToolbarButton);
 207     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, toolbarItemWell);
 208     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Widget, windowFrame);
 210     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(State, active);
 211     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(State, inactive);
 212     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(State, disabled);
 213     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(State, pressed);
 214     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(State, pulsed);
 215     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(State, rollover);
 216     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(State, drag);
 218     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Size, mini);
 219     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Size, small);
 220     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Size, regular);
 221     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Size, large);
 223     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Direction, none);
 224     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Direction, up);
 225     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Direction, down);
 226     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Direction, left);
 227     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Direction, right);
 228     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Direction, north);
 229     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Direction, south);
 230     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Direction, east);
 231     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Direction, west);
 233     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Orientation, horizontal);
 234     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Orientation, vertical);
 236     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(AlignmentHorizontal, left);
 237     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(AlignmentHorizontal, center);
 238     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(AlignmentHorizontal, right);
 240     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(AlignmentVertical, top);
 241     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(AlignmentVertical, center);
 242     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(AlignmentVertical, bottom);
 244     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(SegmentPosition, first);
 245     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(SegmentPosition, middle);
 246     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(SegmentPosition, last);
 247     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(SegmentPosition, only);
 249     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(ScrollBarPart, none);
 250     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(ScrollBarPart, thumb);
 251     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(ScrollBarPart, arrowMin);
 252     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(ScrollBarPart, arrowMax);
 253     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(ScrollBarPart, arrowMaxInside);
 254     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(ScrollBarPart, arrowMinInside);
 255     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(ScrollBarPart, trackMin);
 256     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(ScrollBarPart, trackMax);
 258     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Variant, menuGlyph);
 259     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Variant, menuPopup);
 260     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Variant, menuPulldown);
 261     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Variant, menuHierarchical);
 262     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Variant, gradientListBackgroundEven);
 263     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Variant, gradientListBackgroundOdd);
 264     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Variant, gradientSideBar);
 265     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Variant, gradientSideBarSelection);
 266     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(Variant, gradientSideBarFocusedSelection);
 268     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(WindowType, document);
 269     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(WindowType, utility);
 270     CONSISTENCY_CHECK(WindowType, titlelessUtility);
 272     return YES;
 273 }
 275 static CFBooleanRef get_boolean_value_for(jbyte value) {
 276     return (value != 0) ? kCFBooleanTrue : kCFBooleanFalse;
 277 }
 279 static CFNumberRef get_boolean_number_value_for(jbyte value) {
 280     static CFNumberRef zero = NULL;
 281     static CFNumberRef one = NULL;
 283     if (!zero) {
 284         double zeroVal = 0.0;
 285         zero = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberDoubleType, &zeroVal);
 286         double oneVal = 1.0;
 287         one = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberDoubleType, &oneVal);
 288     }
 290     return (value != 0) ? one : zero;
 291 }
 293 BOOL _InitializeJRSProperties() {
 294     static BOOL initialized = NO;
 295     static BOOL coherent = NO;
 297     if (!initialized) {
 298         coherent = init_and_check_constant_coherency();
 299         initialized = YES;
 300     }
 302     return coherent;
 303 }
 305 #define MASK(property) \
 306     apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_ ## property ## _MASK
 308 #define SHIFT(property) \
 309     apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_ ## property ## _SHIFT
 311 #define IF_CHANGED_SET_USING(property, setter)                        \
 312 {                                                                    \
 313     jlong value = (newProperties & MASK(property));                    \
 314     if ((value - (oldProperties & MASK(property))) != 0L) {            \
 315         setter(control, value >> SHIFT(property));                    \
 316     }                                                                \
 317 }
 319 #define IF_CHANGED_SET_KEYED_BOOLEAN(property, key, getter)            \
 320 {                                                                    \
 321     jlong value = (newProperties & MASK(property));                    \
 322     if ((value - (oldProperties & MASK(property))) != 0L) {            \
 323         CFTypeRef cfValue = getter(value >> SHIFT(property));        \
 324         if (cfValue) {                                                \
 325             JRSUIControlSetValueByKey(control, key, cfValue);        \
 326         }                                                            \
 327     }                                                                \
 328 }
 330 #define IF_KEY_EXISTS_DO(key, operation)                             \
 331 {                                                                    \
 332     if (key != NULL) {                                               \
 333         operation;                                                   \
 334     }                                                                \
 335 }
 337 jint _SyncEncodedProperties(JRSUIControlRef control, jlong oldProperties, jlong newProperties) {
 338     if (!_InitializeJRSProperties()) abort();
 340     IF_CHANGED_SET_USING(Widget, JRSUIControlSetWidget);
 341     IF_CHANGED_SET_USING(State, JRSUIControlSetState);
 342     IF_CHANGED_SET_USING(Size, JRSUIControlSetSize);
 343     IF_CHANGED_SET_USING(Direction, JRSUIControlSetDirection);
 344     IF_CHANGED_SET_USING(Orientation, JRSUIControlSetOrientation);
 345     IF_CHANGED_SET_USING(AlignmentVertical, JRSUIControlSetAlignmentVertical);
 346     IF_CHANGED_SET_USING(AlignmentHorizontal, JRSUIControlSetAlignmentHorizontal);
 347     IF_CHANGED_SET_USING(SegmentPosition, JRSUIControlSetSegmentPosition);
 348     IF_CHANGED_SET_USING(ScrollBarPart, JRSUIControlSetScrollBarPart);
 349     IF_CHANGED_SET_USING(Variant, JRSUIControlSetVariant);
 350     IF_CHANGED_SET_USING(WindowType, JRSUIControlSetWindowType);
 351     IF_CHANGED_SET_USING(ShowArrows, JRSUIControlSetShowArrows);
 353     IF_CHANGED_SET_KEYED_BOOLEAN(Focused, focusedKey, get_boolean_value_for);
 354     IF_CHANGED_SET_KEYED_BOOLEAN(IndicatorOnly, indicatorOnlyKey, get_boolean_value_for);
 355     IF_CHANGED_SET_KEYED_BOOLEAN(NoIndicator, noIndicatorKey, get_boolean_value_for);
 356     IF_CHANGED_SET_KEYED_BOOLEAN(ArrowsOnly, arrowsOnlyKey, get_boolean_value_for);
 357     IF_CHANGED_SET_KEYED_BOOLEAN(FrameOnly, frameOnlyKey, get_boolean_value_for);
 358     IF_CHANGED_SET_KEYED_BOOLEAN(SegmentTrailingSeparator, segmentTrailingSeparatorKey, get_boolean_value_for);
 359     IF_KEY_EXISTS_DO(segmentLeadingSeparatorKey, IF_CHANGED_SET_KEYED_BOOLEAN(SegmentLeadingSeparator, segmentLeadingSeparatorKey, get_boolean_value_for));
 360     IF_CHANGED_SET_KEYED_BOOLEAN(NothingToScroll, nothingToScrollKey, get_boolean_value_for);
 361     IF_CHANGED_SET_KEYED_BOOLEAN(WindowTitleBarSeparator, windowFrameDrawTitleSeparatorKey, get_boolean_value_for);
 362     IF_CHANGED_SET_KEYED_BOOLEAN(WindowClipCorners, windowFrameDrawClippedKey, get_boolean_value_for);
 363     IF_CHANGED_SET_KEYED_BOOLEAN(BooleanValue, valueKey, get_boolean_number_value_for);
 365     { // animation is special: keep setting while true
 366         jlong value = (newProperties & MASK(Animating));
 367         Boolean animating = value != 0L;
 368         Boolean changed = ((oldProperties & MASK(Animating)) - value) != 0L;
 369         if (animating || changed) {
 370             JRSUIControlSetAnimating(control, animating);
 371         }
 372     }
 374     return 0;
 375 }
 378 /*
 379  * Class:     apple_laf_JRSUIConstants
 380  * Method:    getPtrForConstant
 381  * Signature: (I)J
 382  */
 383 JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_apple_laf_JRSUIConstants_getPtrForConstant
 384 (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jint constant){
 385     return ptr_to_jlong(JRSUIGetKey(constant));
 386 }