1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2005, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  28 #include "c1/c1_FpuStackSim.hpp"
  29 #include "c1/c1_FrameMap.hpp"
  30 #include "c1/c1_IR.hpp"
  31 #include "c1/c1_Instruction.hpp"
  32 #include "c1/c1_LIR.hpp"
  33 #include "c1/c1_LIRGenerator.hpp"
  34 #include "utilities/align.hpp"
  35 #include "utilities/macros.hpp"
  37 class FpuStackAllocator;
  38 class IRScopeDebugInfo;
  39 class Interval;
  40 class IntervalWalker;
  41 class LIRGenerator;
  42 class LinearScan;
  43 class MoveResolver;
  44 class Range;
  46 typedef GrowableArray<Interval*> IntervalArray;
  47 typedef GrowableArray<Interval*> IntervalList;
  48 typedef GrowableArray<IntervalList*> IntervalsList;
  49 typedef GrowableArray<ScopeValue*> ScopeValueArray;
  50 typedef GrowableArray<LIR_OpList*> LIR_OpListStack;
  52 enum IntervalUseKind {
  53   // priority of use kinds must be ascending
  54   noUse = 0,
  55   loopEndMarker = 1,
  56   shouldHaveRegister = 2,
  57   mustHaveRegister = 3,
  59   firstValidKind = 1,
  60   lastValidKind = 3
  61 };
  63 enum IntervalKind {
  64   fixedKind = 0,  // interval pre-colored by LIR_Generator
  65   anyKind   = 1,  // no register/memory allocated by LIR_Generator
  66   nofKinds,
  67   firstKind = fixedKind
  68 };
  71 // during linear scan an interval is in one of four states in
  72 enum IntervalState {
  73   unhandledState = 0, // unhandled state (not processed yet)
  74   activeState   = 1,  // life and is in a physical register
  75   inactiveState = 2,  // in a life time hole and is in a physical register
  76   handledState  = 3,  // spilled or not life again
  77   invalidState = -1
  78 };
  81 enum IntervalSpillState {
  82   noDefinitionFound,  // starting state of calculation: no definition found yet
  83   oneDefinitionFound, // one definition has already been found.
  84                       // Note: two consecutive definitions are treated as one (e.g. consecutive move and add because of two-operand LIR form)
  85                       // the position of this definition is stored in _definition_pos
  86   oneMoveInserted,    // one spill move has already been inserted.
  87   storeAtDefinition,  // the interval should be stored immediately after its definition because otherwise
  88                       // there would be multiple redundant stores
  89   startInMemory,      // the interval starts in memory (e.g. method parameter), so a store is never necessary
  90   noOptimization      // the interval has more then one definition (e.g. resulting from phi moves), so stores to memory are not optimized
  91 };
  94 #define for_each_interval_kind(kind) \
  95   for (IntervalKind kind = firstKind; kind < nofKinds; kind = (IntervalKind)(kind + 1))
  97 #define for_each_visitor_mode(mode) \
  98   for (LIR_OpVisitState::OprMode mode = LIR_OpVisitState::firstMode; mode < LIR_OpVisitState::numModes; mode = (LIR_OpVisitState::OprMode)(mode + 1))
 101 class LinearScan : public CompilationResourceObj {
 102   // declare classes used by LinearScan as friends because they
 103   // need a wide variety of functions declared here
 104   //
 105   // Only the small interface to the rest of the compiler is public
 106   friend class Interval;
 107   friend class IntervalWalker;
 108   friend class LinearScanWalker;
 109   friend class FpuStackAllocator;
 110   friend class MoveResolver;
 111   friend class LinearScanStatistic;
 112   friend class LinearScanTimers;
 113   friend class RegisterVerifier;
 115  public:
 116   enum {
 117     any_reg = -1,
 118     nof_cpu_regs = pd_nof_cpu_regs_linearscan,
 119     nof_fpu_regs = pd_nof_fpu_regs_linearscan,
 120     nof_xmm_regs = pd_nof_xmm_regs_linearscan,
 121     nof_regs = nof_cpu_regs + nof_fpu_regs + nof_xmm_regs
 122   };
 124  private:
 125   Compilation*              _compilation;
 126   IR*                       _ir;
 127   LIRGenerator*             _gen;
 128   FrameMap*                 _frame_map;
 130   BlockList                 _cached_blocks;     // cached list with all blocks in linear-scan order (only correct if original list keeps unchanged)
 131   int                       _num_virtual_regs;  // number of virtual registers (without new registers introduced because of splitting intervals)
 132   bool                      _has_fpu_registers; // true if this method uses any floating point registers (and so fpu stack allocation is necessary)
 133   int                       _num_calls;         // total number of calls in this method
 134   int                       _max_spills;        // number of stack slots used for intervals allocated to memory
 135   int                       _unused_spill_slot; // unused spill slot for a single-word value because of alignment of a double-word value
 137   IntervalList              _intervals;         // mapping from register number to interval
 138   IntervalList*             _new_intervals_from_allocation; // list with all intervals created during allocation when an existing interval is split
 139   IntervalArray*            _sorted_intervals;  // intervals sorted by Interval::from()
 140   bool                      _needs_full_resort; // set to true if an Interval::from() is changed and _sorted_intervals must be resorted
 142   LIR_OpArray               _lir_ops;           // mapping from LIR_Op id to LIR_Op node
 143   BlockBeginArray           _block_of_op;       // mapping from LIR_Op id to the BlockBegin containing this instruction
 144   ResourceBitMap            _has_info;          // bit set for each LIR_Op id that has a CodeEmitInfo
 145   ResourceBitMap            _has_call;          // bit set for each LIR_Op id that destroys all caller save registers
 146   BitMap2D                  _interval_in_loop;  // bit set for each virtual register that is contained in each loop
 148   // cached debug info to prevent multiple creation of same object
 149   // TODO: cached scope values for registers could be static
 150   ScopeValueArray           _scope_value_cache;
 152   static ConstantOopWriteValue* _oop_null_scope_value;
 153   static ConstantIntValue*    _int_m1_scope_value;
 154   static ConstantIntValue*    _int_0_scope_value;
 155   static ConstantIntValue*    _int_1_scope_value;
 156   static ConstantIntValue*    _int_2_scope_value;
 158   // accessors
 159   IR*           ir() const                       { return _ir; }
 160   Compilation*  compilation() const              { return _compilation; }
 161   LIRGenerator* gen() const                      { return _gen; }
 162   FrameMap*     frame_map() const                { return _frame_map; }
 164   // unified bailout support
 165   void          bailout(const char* msg) const   { compilation()->bailout(msg); }
 166   bool          bailed_out() const               { return compilation()->bailed_out(); }
 168   // access to block list (sorted in linear scan order)
 169   int           block_count() const              { assert(_cached_blocks.length() == ir()->linear_scan_order()->length(), "invalid cached block list"); return _cached_blocks.length(); }
 170   BlockBegin*   block_at(int idx) const          { assert(_cached_blocks.at(idx) == ir()->linear_scan_order()->at(idx), "invalid cached block list");   return _cached_blocks.at(idx); }
 172   int           num_virtual_regs() const         { return _num_virtual_regs; }
 173   // size of live_in and live_out sets of BasicBlocks (BitMap needs rounded size for iteration)
 174   int           live_set_size() const            { return align_up(_num_virtual_regs, BitsPerWord); }
 175   bool          has_fpu_registers() const        { return _has_fpu_registers; }
 176   int           num_loops() const                { return ir()->num_loops(); }
 177   bool          is_interval_in_loop(int interval, int loop) const { return _interval_in_loop.at(interval, loop); }
 179   // handling of fpu stack allocation (platform dependent, needed for debug information generation)
 180 #ifdef X86
 181   FpuStackAllocator* _fpu_stack_allocator;
 182   bool use_fpu_stack_allocation() const          { return UseSSE < 2 && has_fpu_registers(); }
 183 #else
 184   bool use_fpu_stack_allocation() const          { return false; }
 185 #endif
 188   // access to interval list
 189   int           interval_count() const           { return _intervals.length(); }
 190   Interval*     interval_at(int reg_num) const   { return _intervals.at(reg_num); }
 192   // access to LIR_Ops and Blocks indexed by op_id
 193   int          max_lir_op_id() const                { assert(_lir_ops.length() > 0, "no operations"); return (_lir_ops.length() - 1) << 1; }
 194   LIR_Op*      lir_op_with_id(int op_id) const      { assert(op_id >= 0 && op_id <= max_lir_op_id() && op_id % 2 == 0, "op_id out of range or not even"); return _lir_ops.at(op_id >> 1); }
 195   BlockBegin*  block_of_op_with_id(int op_id) const { assert(_block_of_op.length() > 0 && op_id >= 0 && op_id <= max_lir_op_id() + 1, "op_id out of range"); return _block_of_op.at(op_id >> 1); }
 197   bool is_block_begin(int op_id)                    { return op_id == 0 || block_of_op_with_id(op_id) != block_of_op_with_id(op_id - 1); }
 199   bool has_call(int op_id)                          { assert(op_id % 2 == 0, "must be even"); return _has_call.at(op_id >> 1); }
 200   bool has_info(int op_id)                          { assert(op_id % 2 == 0, "must be even"); return _has_info.at(op_id >> 1); }
 203   // functions for converting LIR-Operands to register numbers
 204   static bool is_valid_reg_num(int reg_num)         { return reg_num >= 0; }
 205   static int  reg_num(LIR_Opr opr);
 206   static int  reg_numHi(LIR_Opr opr);
 208   // functions for classification of intervals
 209   static bool is_precolored_interval(const Interval* i);
 210   static bool is_virtual_interval(const Interval* i);
 212   static bool is_precolored_cpu_interval(const Interval* i);
 213   static bool is_virtual_cpu_interval(const Interval* i);
 214   static bool is_precolored_fpu_interval(const Interval* i);
 215   static bool is_virtual_fpu_interval(const Interval* i);
 217   static bool is_in_fpu_register(const Interval* i);
 218   static bool is_oop_interval(const Interval* i);
 221   // General helper functions
 222   int         allocate_spill_slot(bool double_word);
 223   void        assign_spill_slot(Interval* it);
 224   void        propagate_spill_slots();
 226   Interval*   create_interval(int reg_num);
 227   void        append_interval(Interval* it);
 228   void        copy_register_flags(Interval* from, Interval* to);
 230   // platform dependent functions
 231   static bool is_processed_reg_num(int reg_num);
 232   static int  num_physical_regs(BasicType type);
 233   static bool requires_adjacent_regs(BasicType type);
 234   static bool is_caller_save(int assigned_reg);
 236   // spill move optimization: eliminate moves from register to stack if
 237   // stack slot is known to be correct
 238   void        change_spill_definition_pos(Interval* interval, int def_pos);
 239   void        change_spill_state(Interval* interval, int spill_pos);
 240   static bool must_store_at_definition(const Interval* i);
 241   void        eliminate_spill_moves();
 243   // Phase 1: number all instructions in all blocks
 244   void number_instructions();
 246   // Phase 2: compute local live sets separately for each block
 247   // (sets live_gen and live_kill for each block)
 248   //
 249   // helper methods used by compute_local_live_sets()
 250   void set_live_gen_kill(Value value, LIR_Op* op, BitMap& live_gen, BitMap& live_kill);
 252   void compute_local_live_sets();
 254   // Phase 3: perform a backward dataflow analysis to compute global live sets
 255   // (sets live_in and live_out for each block)
 256   void compute_global_live_sets();
 259   // Phase 4: build intervals
 260   // (fills the list _intervals)
 261   //
 262   // helper methods used by build_intervals()
 263   void add_use (Value value, int from, int to, IntervalUseKind use_kind);
 265   void add_def (LIR_Opr opr, int def_pos,      IntervalUseKind use_kind);
 266   void add_use (LIR_Opr opr, int from, int to, IntervalUseKind use_kind);
 267   void add_temp(LIR_Opr opr, int temp_pos,     IntervalUseKind use_kind);
 269   void add_def (int reg_num, int def_pos,      IntervalUseKind use_kind, BasicType type);
 270   void add_use (int reg_num, int from, int to, IntervalUseKind use_kind, BasicType type);
 271   void add_temp(int reg_num, int temp_pos,     IntervalUseKind use_kind, BasicType type);
 273   // Add platform dependent kills for particular LIR ops.  Can be used
 274   // to add platform dependent behaviour for some operations.
 275   void pd_add_temps(LIR_Op* op);
 277   IntervalUseKind use_kind_of_output_operand(LIR_Op* op, LIR_Opr opr);
 278   IntervalUseKind use_kind_of_input_operand(LIR_Op* op, LIR_Opr opr);
 279   void handle_method_arguments(LIR_Op* op);
 280   void handle_doubleword_moves(LIR_Op* op);
 281   void add_register_hints(LIR_Op* op);
 283   void build_intervals();
 286   // Phase 5: actual register allocation
 287   // (Uses LinearScanWalker)
 288   //
 289   // helper functions for building a sorted list of intervals
 290   NOT_PRODUCT(bool is_sorted(IntervalArray* intervals);)
 291   static int interval_cmp(Interval** a, Interval** b);
 292   void add_to_list(Interval** first, Interval** prev, Interval* interval);
 293   void create_unhandled_lists(Interval** list1, Interval** list2, bool (is_list1)(const Interval* i), bool (is_list2)(const Interval* i));
 295   void sort_intervals_before_allocation();
 296   void sort_intervals_after_allocation();
 297   void allocate_registers();
 300   // Phase 6: resolve data flow
 301   // (insert moves at edges between blocks if intervals have been split)
 302   //
 303   // helper functions for resolve_data_flow()
 304   Interval* split_child_at_op_id(Interval* interval, int op_id, LIR_OpVisitState::OprMode mode);
 305   Interval* interval_at_block_begin(BlockBegin* block, int reg_num);
 306   Interval* interval_at_block_end(BlockBegin* block, int reg_num);
 307   Interval* interval_at_op_id(int reg_num, int op_id);
 308   void resolve_collect_mappings(BlockBegin* from_block, BlockBegin* to_block, MoveResolver &move_resolver);
 309   void resolve_find_insert_pos(BlockBegin* from_block, BlockBegin* to_block, MoveResolver &move_resolver);
 310   void resolve_data_flow();
 312   void resolve_exception_entry(BlockBegin* block, int reg_num, MoveResolver &move_resolver);
 313   void resolve_exception_entry(BlockBegin* block, MoveResolver &move_resolver);
 314   void resolve_exception_edge(XHandler* handler, int throwing_op_id, int reg_num, Phi* phi, MoveResolver &move_resolver);
 315   void resolve_exception_edge(XHandler* handler, int throwing_op_id, MoveResolver &move_resolver);
 316   void resolve_exception_handlers();
 318   // Phase 7: assign register numbers back to LIR
 319   // (includes computation of debug information and oop maps)
 320   //
 321   // helper functions for assign_reg_num()
 322   VMReg vm_reg_for_interval(Interval* interval);
 323   VMReg vm_reg_for_operand(LIR_Opr opr);
 325   static LIR_Opr operand_for_interval(Interval* interval);
 326   static LIR_Opr calc_operand_for_interval(const Interval* interval);
 327   LIR_Opr       canonical_spill_opr(Interval* interval);
 329   LIR_Opr color_lir_opr(LIR_Opr opr, int id, LIR_OpVisitState::OprMode);
 331   // methods used for oop map computation
 332   IntervalWalker* init_compute_oop_maps();
 333   OopMap*         compute_oop_map(IntervalWalker* iw, LIR_Op* op, CodeEmitInfo* info, bool is_call_site);
 334   void            compute_oop_map(IntervalWalker* iw, const LIR_OpVisitState &visitor, LIR_Op* op);
 336   // methods used for debug information computation
 337   void init_compute_debug_info();
 339   MonitorValue*  location_for_monitor_index(int monitor_index);
 340   LocationValue* location_for_name(int name, Location::Type loc_type);
 341   void set_oop(OopMap* map, VMReg name) {
 342     if (map->legal_vm_reg_name(name)) {
 343       map->set_oop(name);
 344     } else {
 345       bailout("illegal oopMap register name");
 346     }
 347   }
 349   int append_scope_value_for_constant(LIR_Opr opr, GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* scope_values);
 350   int append_scope_value_for_operand(LIR_Opr opr, GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* scope_values);
 351   int append_scope_value(int op_id, Value value, GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* scope_values);
 353   IRScopeDebugInfo* compute_debug_info_for_scope(int op_id, IRScope* cur_scope, ValueStack* cur_state, ValueStack* innermost_state);
 354   void compute_debug_info(CodeEmitInfo* info, int op_id);
 356   void assign_reg_num(LIR_OpList* instructions, IntervalWalker* iw);
 357   void assign_reg_num();
 360   // Phase 8: fpu stack allocation
 361   // (Used only on x86 when fpu operands are present)
 362   void allocate_fpu_stack();
 365   // helper functions for printing state
 366 #ifndef PRODUCT
 367   static void print_bitmap(BitMap& bitmap);
 368   void        print_intervals(const char* label);
 369   void        print_lir(int level, const char* label, bool hir_valid = true);
 370 #endif
 372 #ifdef ASSERT
 373   // verification functions for allocation
 374   // (check that all intervals have a correct register and that no registers are overwritten)
 375   void verify();
 376   void verify_intervals();
 377   void verify_no_oops_in_fixed_intervals();
 378   void verify_constants();
 379   void verify_registers();
 380 #endif
 382  public:
 383   // creation
 384   LinearScan(IR* ir, LIRGenerator* gen, FrameMap* frame_map);
 386   // main entry function: perform linear scan register allocation
 387   void             do_linear_scan();
 389   // accessors used by Compilation
 390   int         max_spills()  const { return _max_spills; }
 391   int         num_calls() const   { assert(_num_calls >= 0, "not set"); return _num_calls; }
 393   // entry functions for printing
 394 #ifndef PRODUCT
 395   static void print_statistics();
 396   static void print_timers(double total);
 397 #endif
 398 };
 401 // Helper class for ordering moves that are inserted at the same position in the LIR
 402 // When moves between registers are inserted, it is important that the moves are
 403 // ordered such that no register is overwritten. So moves from register to stack
 404 // are processed prior to moves from stack to register. When moves have circular
 405 // dependencies, a temporary stack slot is used to break the circle.
 406 // The same logic is used in the LinearScanWalker and in LinearScan during resolve_data_flow
 407 // and therefore factored out in a separate class
 408 class MoveResolver: public StackObj {
 409  private:
 410   LinearScan*      _allocator;
 412   LIR_List*        _insert_list;
 413   int              _insert_idx;
 414   LIR_InsertionBuffer _insertion_buffer; // buffer where moves are inserted
 416   IntervalList     _mapping_from;
 417   LIR_OprList      _mapping_from_opr;
 418   IntervalList     _mapping_to;
 419   bool             _multiple_reads_allowed;
 420   int              _register_blocked[LinearScan::nof_regs];
 422   int  register_blocked(int reg)                    { assert(reg >= 0 && reg < LinearScan::nof_regs, "out of bounds"); return _register_blocked[reg]; }
 423   void set_register_blocked(int reg, int direction) { assert(reg >= 0 && reg < LinearScan::nof_regs, "out of bounds"); assert(direction == 1 || direction == -1, "out of bounds"); _register_blocked[reg] += direction; }
 425   void block_registers(Interval* it);
 426   void unblock_registers(Interval* it);
 427   bool save_to_process_move(Interval* from, Interval* to);
 429   void create_insertion_buffer(LIR_List* list);
 430   void append_insertion_buffer();
 431   void insert_move(Interval* from_interval, Interval* to_interval);
 432   void insert_move(LIR_Opr from_opr, Interval* to_interval);
 434   DEBUG_ONLY(void verify_before_resolve();)
 435   void resolve_mappings();
 436  public:
 437   MoveResolver(LinearScan* allocator);
 439   DEBUG_ONLY(void check_empty();)
 440   void set_multiple_reads_allowed() { _multiple_reads_allowed = true; }
 441   void set_insert_position(LIR_List* insert_list, int insert_idx);
 442   void move_insert_position(LIR_List* insert_list, int insert_idx);
 443   void add_mapping(Interval* from, Interval* to);
 444   void add_mapping(LIR_Opr from, Interval* to);
 445   void resolve_and_append_moves();
 447   LinearScan* allocator()   { return _allocator; }
 448   bool has_mappings()       { return _mapping_from.length() > 0; }
 449 };
 452 class Range : public CompilationResourceObj {
 453   friend class Interval;
 455  private:
 456   static Range*    _end;       // sentinel (from == to == max_jint)
 458   int              _from;      // from (inclusive)
 459   int              _to;        // to (exclusive)
 460   Range*           _next;      // linear list of Ranges
 462   // used only by class Interval, so hide them
 463   bool             intersects(Range* r) const    { return intersects_at(r) != -1; }
 464   int              intersects_at(Range* r) const;
 466  public:
 467   Range(int from, int to, Range* next);
 469   static void      initialize(Arena* arena);
 470   static Range*    end()                         { return _end; }
 472   int              from() const                  { return _from; }
 473   int              to()   const                  { return _to; }
 474   Range*           next() const                  { return _next; }
 475   void             set_from(int from)            { _from = from; }
 476   void             set_to(int to)                { _to = to; }
 477   void             set_next(Range* next)         { _next = next; }
 479   // for testing
 480   void             print(outputStream* out = tty) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
 481 };
 484 // Interval is an ordered list of disjoint ranges.
 486 // For pre-colored double word LIR_Oprs, one interval is created for
 487 // the low word register and one is created for the hi word register.
 488 // On Intel for FPU double registers only one interval is created.  At
 489 // all times assigned_reg contains the reg. number of the physical
 490 // register.
 492 // For LIR_Opr in virtual registers a single interval can represent
 493 // single and double word values.  When a physical register is
 494 // assigned to the interval, assigned_reg contains the
 495 // phys. reg. number and for double word values assigned_regHi the
 496 // phys. reg. number of the hi word if there is any.  For spilled
 497 // intervals assigned_reg contains the stack index.  assigned_regHi is
 498 // always -1.
 500 class Interval : public CompilationResourceObj {
 501  private:
 502   static Interval* _end;          // sentinel (interval with only range Range::end())
 504   int              _reg_num;
 505   BasicType        _type;         // valid only for virtual registers
 506   Range*           _first;        // sorted list of Ranges
 507   intStack         _use_pos_and_kinds; // sorted list of use-positions and their according use-kinds
 509   Range*           _current;      // interval iteration: the current Range
 510   Interval*        _next;         // interval iteration: sorted list of Intervals (ends with sentinel)
 511   IntervalState    _state;        // interval iteration: to which set belongs this interval
 514   int              _assigned_reg;
 515   int              _assigned_regHi;
 517   int              _cached_to;    // cached value: to of last range (-1: not cached)
 518   LIR_Opr          _cached_opr;
 519   VMReg            _cached_vm_reg;
 521   Interval*        _split_parent;           // the original interval where this interval is derived from
 522   IntervalList*    _split_children;         // list of all intervals that are split off from this interval (only available for split parents)
 523   Interval*        _current_split_child;    // the current split child that has been active or inactive last (always stored in split parents)
 525   int              _canonical_spill_slot;   // the stack slot where all split parts of this interval are spilled to (always stored in split parents)
 526   bool             _insert_move_when_activated; // true if move is inserted between _current_split_child and this interval when interval gets active the first time
 527   IntervalSpillState _spill_state;          // for spill move optimization
 528   int              _spill_definition_pos;   // position where the interval is defined (if defined only once)
 529   Interval*        _register_hint;          // this interval should be in the same register as the hint interval
 531   int              calc_to();
 532   Interval*        new_split_child();
 533  public:
 534   Interval(int reg_num);
 536   static void      initialize(Arena* arena);
 537   static Interval* end()                         { return _end; }
 539   // accessors
 540   int              reg_num() const               { return _reg_num; }
 541   void             set_reg_num(int r)            { assert(_reg_num == -1, "cannot change reg_num"); _reg_num = r; }
 542   BasicType        type() const                  { assert(_reg_num == -1 || _reg_num >= LIR_OprDesc::vreg_base, "cannot access type for fixed interval"); return _type; }
 543   void             set_type(BasicType type)      { assert(_reg_num < LIR_OprDesc::vreg_base || _type == T_ILLEGAL || _type == type, "overwriting existing type"); _type = type; }
 545   Range*           first() const                 { return _first; }
 546   int              from() const                  { return _first->from(); }
 547   int              to()                          { if (_cached_to == -1) _cached_to = calc_to(); assert(_cached_to == calc_to(), "invalid cached value"); return _cached_to; }
 549 #ifndef PRODUCT
 550   int              num_use_positions() const     { return _use_pos_and_kinds.length() / 2; }
 551 #endif
 553   Interval*        next() const                  { return _next; }
 554   Interval**       next_addr()                   { return &_next; }
 555   void             set_next(Interval* next)      { _next = next; }
 557   int              assigned_reg() const          { return _assigned_reg; }
 558   int              assigned_regHi() const        { return _assigned_regHi; }
 559   void             assign_reg(int reg)           { _assigned_reg = reg; _assigned_regHi = LinearScan::any_reg; }
 560   void             assign_reg(int reg,int regHi) { _assigned_reg = reg; _assigned_regHi = regHi; }
 562   Interval*        register_hint(bool search_split_child = true) const; // calculation needed
 563   void             set_register_hint(Interval* i) { _register_hint = i; }
 565   int              state() const                 { return _state; }
 566   void             set_state(IntervalState s)    { _state = s; }
 568   // access to split parent and split children
 569   bool             is_split_parent() const       { return _split_parent == this; }
 570   bool             is_split_child() const        { return _split_parent != this; }
 571   Interval*        split_parent() const          { assert(_split_parent->is_split_parent(), "must be"); return _split_parent; }
 572   Interval*        split_child_at_op_id(int op_id, LIR_OpVisitState::OprMode mode);
 573   Interval*        split_child_before_op_id(int op_id);
 574   DEBUG_ONLY(void  check_split_children();)
 576   // information stored in split parent, but available for all children
 577   int              canonical_spill_slot() const            { return split_parent()->_canonical_spill_slot; }
 578   void             set_canonical_spill_slot(int slot)      { assert(split_parent()->_canonical_spill_slot == -1, "overwriting existing value"); split_parent()->_canonical_spill_slot = slot; }
 579   Interval*        current_split_child() const             { return split_parent()->_current_split_child; }
 580   void             make_current_split_child()              { split_parent()->_current_split_child = this; }
 582   bool             insert_move_when_activated() const      { return _insert_move_when_activated; }
 583   void             set_insert_move_when_activated(bool b)  { _insert_move_when_activated = b; }
 585   // for spill optimization
 586   IntervalSpillState spill_state() const         { return split_parent()->_spill_state; }
 587   int              spill_definition_pos() const  { return split_parent()->_spill_definition_pos; }
 588   void             set_spill_state(IntervalSpillState state) {  assert(state >= spill_state(), "state cannot decrease"); split_parent()->_spill_state = state; }
 589   void             set_spill_definition_pos(int pos) { assert(spill_definition_pos() == -1, "cannot set the position twice"); split_parent()->_spill_definition_pos = pos; }
 590   // returns true if this interval has a shadow copy on the stack that is always correct
 591   bool             always_in_memory() const      { return split_parent()->_spill_state == storeAtDefinition || split_parent()->_spill_state == startInMemory; }
 593   // caching of values that take time to compute and are used multiple times
 594   LIR_Opr          cached_opr() const            { return _cached_opr; }
 595   VMReg            cached_vm_reg() const         { return _cached_vm_reg; }
 596   void             set_cached_opr(LIR_Opr opr)   { _cached_opr = opr; }
 597   void             set_cached_vm_reg(VMReg reg)  { _cached_vm_reg = reg; }
 599   // access to use positions
 600   int    first_usage(IntervalUseKind min_use_kind) const;           // id of the first operation requiring this interval in a register
 601   int    next_usage(IntervalUseKind min_use_kind, int from) const;  // id of next usage seen from the given position
 602   int    next_usage_exact(IntervalUseKind exact_use_kind, int from) const;
 603   int    previous_usage(IntervalUseKind min_use_kind, int from) const;
 605   // manipulating intervals
 606   void   add_use_pos(int pos, IntervalUseKind use_kind);
 607   void   add_range(int from, int to);
 608   Interval* split(int split_pos);
 609   Interval* split_from_start(int split_pos);
 610   void remove_first_use_pos()                    { _use_pos_and_kinds.trunc_to(_use_pos_and_kinds.length() - 2); }
 612   // test intersection
 613   bool   covers(int op_id, LIR_OpVisitState::OprMode mode) const;
 614   bool   has_hole_between(int from, int to);
 615   bool   intersects(Interval* i) const           { return _first->intersects(i->_first); }
 616   int    intersects_at(Interval* i) const        { return _first->intersects_at(i->_first); }
 618   // range iteration
 619   void   rewind_range()                          { _current = _first; }
 620   void   next_range()                            { assert(this != _end, "not allowed on sentinel"); _current = _current->next(); }
 621   int    current_from() const                    { return _current->from(); }
 622   int    current_to() const                      { return _current->to(); }
 623   bool   current_at_end() const                  { return _current == Range::end(); }
 624   bool   current_intersects(Interval* it)        { return _current->intersects(it->_current); };
 625   int    current_intersects_at(Interval* it)     { return _current->intersects_at(it->_current); };
 627   // printing
 628   void print(outputStream* out = tty) const      PRODUCT_RETURN;
 629 };
 632 class IntervalWalker : public CompilationResourceObj {
 633  protected:
 634   Compilation*     _compilation;
 635   LinearScan*      _allocator;
 637   Interval*        _unhandled_first[nofKinds];  // sorted list of intervals, not life before the current position
 638   Interval*        _active_first   [nofKinds];  // sorted list of intervals, life at the current position
 639   Interval*        _inactive_first [nofKinds];  // sorted list of intervals, intervals in a life time hole at the current position
 641   Interval*        _current;                     // the current interval coming from unhandled list
 642   int              _current_position;            // the current position (intercept point through the intervals)
 643   IntervalKind     _current_kind;                // and whether it is fixed_kind or any_kind.
 646   Compilation*     compilation() const               { return _compilation; }
 647   LinearScan*      allocator() const                 { return _allocator; }
 649   // unified bailout support
 650   void             bailout(const char* msg) const    { compilation()->bailout(msg); }
 651   bool             bailed_out() const                { return compilation()->bailed_out(); }
 653   void check_bounds(IntervalKind kind) { assert(kind >= fixedKind && kind <= anyKind, "invalid interval_kind"); }
 655   Interval** unhandled_first_addr(IntervalKind kind) { check_bounds(kind); return &_unhandled_first[kind]; }
 656   Interval** active_first_addr(IntervalKind kind)    { check_bounds(kind); return &_active_first[kind]; }
 657   Interval** inactive_first_addr(IntervalKind kind)  { check_bounds(kind); return &_inactive_first[kind]; }
 659   void append_sorted(Interval** first, Interval* interval);
 660   void append_to_unhandled(Interval** list, Interval* interval);
 662   bool remove_from_list(Interval** list, Interval* i);
 663   void remove_from_list(Interval* i);
 665   void next_interval();
 666   Interval*        current() const               { return _current; }
 667   IntervalKind     current_kind() const          { return _current_kind; }
 669   void walk_to(IntervalState state, int from);
 671   // activate_current() is called when an unhandled interval becomes active (in current(), current_kind()).
 672   // Return false if current() should not be moved the the active interval list.
 673   // It is safe to append current to any interval list but the unhandled list.
 674   virtual bool activate_current() { return true; }
 676   // interval_moved() is called whenever an interval moves from one interval list to another.
 677   // In the implementation of this method it is prohibited to move the interval to any list.
 678   virtual void interval_moved(Interval* interval, IntervalKind kind, IntervalState from, IntervalState to);
 680  public:
 681   IntervalWalker(LinearScan* allocator, Interval* unhandled_fixed_first, Interval* unhandled_any_first);
 683   Interval* unhandled_first(IntervalKind kind)   { check_bounds(kind); return _unhandled_first[kind]; }
 684   Interval* active_first(IntervalKind kind)      { check_bounds(kind); return _active_first[kind]; }
 685   Interval* inactive_first(IntervalKind kind)    { check_bounds(kind); return _inactive_first[kind]; }
 687   // active contains the intervals that are live after the lir_op
 688   void walk_to(int lir_op_id);
 689   // active contains the intervals that are live before the lir_op
 690   void walk_before(int lir_op_id)  { walk_to(lir_op_id-1); }
 691   // walk through all intervals
 692   void walk()                      { walk_to(max_jint); }
 694   int current_position()           { return _current_position; }
 695 };
 698 // The actual linear scan register allocator
 699 class LinearScanWalker : public IntervalWalker {
 700   enum {
 701     any_reg = LinearScan::any_reg
 702   };
 704  private:
 705   int              _first_reg;       // the reg. number of the first phys. register
 706   int              _last_reg;        // the reg. nmber of the last phys. register
 707   int              _num_phys_regs;   // required by current interval
 708   bool             _adjacent_regs;   // have lo/hi words of phys. regs be adjacent
 710   int              _use_pos[LinearScan::nof_regs];
 711   int              _block_pos[LinearScan::nof_regs];
 712   IntervalList*    _spill_intervals[LinearScan::nof_regs];
 714   MoveResolver     _move_resolver;   // for ordering spill moves
 716   // accessors mapped to same functions in class LinearScan
 717   int         block_count() const      { return allocator()->block_count(); }
 718   BlockBegin* block_at(int idx) const  { return allocator()->block_at(idx); }
 719   BlockBegin* block_of_op_with_id(int op_id) const { return allocator()->block_of_op_with_id(op_id); }
 721   void init_use_lists(bool only_process_use_pos);
 722   void exclude_from_use(int reg);
 723   void exclude_from_use(Interval* i);
 724   void set_use_pos(int reg, Interval* i, int use_pos, bool only_process_use_pos);
 725   void set_use_pos(Interval* i, int use_pos, bool only_process_use_pos);
 726   void set_block_pos(int reg, Interval* i, int block_pos);
 727   void set_block_pos(Interval* i, int block_pos);
 729   void free_exclude_active_fixed();
 730   void free_exclude_active_any();
 731   void free_collect_inactive_fixed(Interval* cur);
 732   void free_collect_inactive_any(Interval* cur);
 733   void spill_exclude_active_fixed();
 734   void spill_block_inactive_fixed(Interval* cur);
 735   void spill_collect_active_any();
 736   void spill_collect_inactive_any(Interval* cur);
 738   void insert_move(int op_id, Interval* src_it, Interval* dst_it);
 739   int  find_optimal_split_pos(BlockBegin* min_block, BlockBegin* max_block, int max_split_pos);
 740   int  find_optimal_split_pos(Interval* it, int min_split_pos, int max_split_pos, bool do_loop_optimization);
 741   void split_before_usage(Interval* it, int min_split_pos, int max_split_pos);
 742   void split_for_spilling(Interval* it);
 743   void split_stack_interval(Interval* it);
 744   void split_when_partial_register_available(Interval* it, int register_available_until);
 745   void split_and_spill_interval(Interval* it);
 747   int  find_free_reg(int reg_needed_until, int interval_to, int hint_reg, int ignore_reg, bool* need_split);
 748   int  find_free_double_reg(int reg_needed_until, int interval_to, int hint_reg, bool* need_split);
 749   bool alloc_free_reg(Interval* cur);
 751   int  find_locked_reg(int reg_needed_until, int interval_to, int ignore_reg, bool* need_split);
 752   int  find_locked_double_reg(int reg_needed_until, int interval_to, bool* need_split);
 753   void split_and_spill_intersecting_intervals(int reg, int regHi);
 754   void alloc_locked_reg(Interval* cur);
 756   bool no_allocation_possible(Interval* cur);
 757   void init_vars_for_alloc(Interval* cur);
 758   bool pd_init_regs_for_alloc(Interval* cur);
 760   void combine_spilled_intervals(Interval* cur);
 761   bool is_move(LIR_Op* op, Interval* from, Interval* to);
 763   bool activate_current();
 765  public:
 766   LinearScanWalker(LinearScan* allocator, Interval* unhandled_fixed_first, Interval* unhandled_any_first);
 768   // must be called when all intervals are allocated
 769   void             finish_allocation()           { _move_resolver.resolve_and_append_moves(); }
 770 };
 774 /*
 775 When a block has more than one predecessor, and all predecessors end with
 776 the same sequence of move-instructions, than this moves can be placed once
 777 at the beginning of the block instead of multiple times in the predecessors.
 779 Similarly, when a block has more than one successor, then equal sequences of
 780 moves at the beginning of the successors can be placed once at the end of
 781 the block. But because the moves must be inserted before all branch
 782 instructions, this works only when there is exactly one conditional branch
 783 at the end of the block (because the moves must be inserted before all
 784 branches, but after all compares).
 786 This optimization affects all kind of moves (reg->reg, reg->stack and
 787 stack->reg). Because this optimization works best when a block contains only
 788 few moves, it has a huge impact on the number of blocks that are totally
 789 empty.
 790 */
 791 class EdgeMoveOptimizer : public StackObj {
 792  private:
 793   // the class maintains a list with all lir-instruction-list of the
 794   // successors (predecessors) and the current index into the lir-lists
 795   LIR_OpListStack _edge_instructions;
 796   intStack        _edge_instructions_idx;
 798   void init_instructions();
 799   void append_instructions(LIR_OpList* instructions, int instructions_idx);
 800   LIR_Op* instruction_at(int edge);
 801   void remove_cur_instruction(int edge, bool decrement_index);
 803   bool operations_different(LIR_Op* op1, LIR_Op* op2);
 805   void optimize_moves_at_block_end(BlockBegin* cur);
 806   void optimize_moves_at_block_begin(BlockBegin* cur);
 808   EdgeMoveOptimizer();
 810  public:
 811   static void optimize(BlockList* code);
 812 };
 816 class ControlFlowOptimizer : public StackObj {
 817  private:
 818   BlockList _original_preds;
 820   enum {
 821     ShortLoopSize = 5
 822   };
 823   void reorder_short_loop(BlockList* code, BlockBegin* header_block, int header_idx);
 824   void reorder_short_loops(BlockList* code);
 826   bool can_delete_block(BlockBegin* cur);
 827   void substitute_branch_target(BlockBegin* cur, BlockBegin* target_from, BlockBegin* target_to);
 828   void delete_empty_blocks(BlockList* code);
 830   void delete_unnecessary_jumps(BlockList* code);
 831   void delete_jumps_to_return(BlockList* code);
 833   DEBUG_ONLY(void verify(BlockList* code);)
 835   ControlFlowOptimizer();
 836  public:
 837   static void optimize(BlockList* code);
 838 };
 841 #ifndef PRODUCT
 843 // Helper class for collecting statistics of LinearScan
 844 class LinearScanStatistic : public StackObj {
 845  public:
 846   enum Counter {
 847     // general counters
 848     counter_method,
 849     counter_fpu_method,
 850     counter_loop_method,
 851     counter_exception_method,
 852     counter_loop,
 853     counter_block,
 854     counter_loop_block,
 855     counter_exception_block,
 856     counter_interval,
 857     counter_fixed_interval,
 858     counter_range,
 859     counter_fixed_range,
 860     counter_use_pos,
 861     counter_fixed_use_pos,
 862     counter_spill_slots,
 863     blank_line_1,
 865     // counter for classes of lir instructions
 866     counter_instruction,
 867     counter_label,
 868     counter_entry,
 869     counter_return,
 870     counter_call,
 871     counter_move,
 872     counter_cmp,
 873     counter_cond_branch,
 874     counter_uncond_branch,
 875     counter_stub_branch,
 876     counter_alu,
 877     counter_alloc,
 878     counter_sync,
 879     counter_throw,
 880     counter_unwind,
 881     counter_typecheck,
 882     counter_fpu_stack,
 883     counter_misc_inst,
 884     counter_other_inst,
 885     blank_line_2,
 887     // counter for different types of moves
 888     counter_move_total,
 889     counter_move_reg_reg,
 890     counter_move_reg_stack,
 891     counter_move_stack_reg,
 892     counter_move_stack_stack,
 893     counter_move_reg_mem,
 894     counter_move_mem_reg,
 895     counter_move_const_any,
 897     number_of_counters,
 898     invalid_counter = -1
 899   };
 901  private:
 902   int _counters_sum[number_of_counters];
 903   int _counters_max[number_of_counters];
 905   void inc_counter(Counter idx, int value = 1) { _counters_sum[idx] += value; }
 907   const char* counter_name(int counter_idx);
 908   Counter base_counter(int counter_idx);
 910   void sum_up(LinearScanStatistic &method_statistic);
 911   void collect(LinearScan* allocator);
 913  public:
 914   LinearScanStatistic();
 915   void print(const char* title);
 916   static void compute(LinearScan* allocator, LinearScanStatistic &global_statistic);
 917 };
 920 // Helper class for collecting compilation time of LinearScan
 921 class LinearScanTimers : public StackObj {
 922  public:
 923   enum Timer {
 924     timer_do_nothing,
 925     timer_number_instructions,
 926     timer_compute_local_live_sets,
 927     timer_compute_global_live_sets,
 928     timer_build_intervals,
 929     timer_sort_intervals_before,
 930     timer_allocate_registers,
 931     timer_resolve_data_flow,
 932     timer_sort_intervals_after,
 933     timer_eliminate_spill_moves,
 934     timer_assign_reg_num,
 935     timer_allocate_fpu_stack,
 936     timer_optimize_lir,
 938     number_of_timers
 939   };
 941  private:
 942   elapsedTimer _timers[number_of_timers];
 943   const char*  timer_name(int idx);
 945  public:
 946   LinearScanTimers();
 948   void begin_method();                     // called for each method when register allocation starts
 949   void end_method(LinearScan* allocator);  // called for each method when register allocation completed
 950   void print(double total_time);           // called before termination of VM to print global summary
 952   elapsedTimer* timer(int idx) { return &(_timers[idx]); }
 953 };
 956 #endif // ifndef PRODUCT
 958 // Pick up platform-dependent implementation details
 959 #include CPU_HEADER(c1_LinearScan)
 961 #endif // SHARE_C1_C1_LINEARSCAN_HPP