1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2008, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package java.lang.invoke;
  28 import sun.invoke.util.Wrapper;
  29 import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleStatics.*;
  30 import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleNatives.Constants.*;
  31  import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup.IMPL_LOOKUP;
  33 /**
  34  * Shared information for a group of method types, which differ
  35  * only by reference types, and therefore share a common erasure
  36  * and wrapping.
  37  * <p>
  38  * For an empirical discussion of the structure of method types,
  39  * see <a href="http://groups.google.com/group/jvm-languages/browse_thread/thread/ac9308ae74da9b7e/">
  40  * the thread "Avoiding Boxing" on jvm-languages</a>.
  41  * There are approximately 2000 distinct erased method types in the JDK.
  42  * There are a little over 10 times that number of unerased types.
  43  * No more than half of these are likely to be loaded at once.
  44  * @author John Rose
  45  */
  46 final class MethodTypeForm {
  47     final int[] argToSlotTable, slotToArgTable;
  48     final long argCounts;               // packed slot & value counts
  49     final long primCounts;              // packed prim & double counts
  50     final MethodType erasedType;        // the canonical erasure
  51     final MethodType basicType;         // the canonical erasure, with primitives simplified
  53     // Cached adapter information:
  54     @Stable final MethodHandle[] methodHandles;
  55     // Indexes into methodHandles:
  56     static final int
  57             MH_BASIC_INV      =  0,  // cached instance of MH.invokeBasic
  58             MH_NF_INV         =  1,  // cached helper for LF.NamedFunction
  59             MH_UNINIT_CS      =  2,  // uninitialized call site
  60             MH_LIMIT          =  3;
  62     // Cached lambda form information, for basic types only:
  63     final @Stable LambdaForm[] lambdaForms;
  64     // Indexes into lambdaForms:
  65     static final int
  66             LF_INVVIRTUAL     =  0,  // DMH invokeVirtual
  67             LF_INVSTATIC      =  1,
  68             LF_INVSPECIAL     =  2,
  69             LF_NEWINVSPECIAL  =  3,
  70             LF_INVINTERFACE   =  4,
  71             LF_INVSTATIC_INIT =  5,  // DMH invokeStatic with <clinit> barrier
  72             LF_INTERPRET      =  6,  // LF interpreter
  73             LF_COUNTER        =  7,  // CMH wrapper
  74             LF_REINVOKE       =  8,  // other wrapper
  75             LF_EX_LINKER      =  9,  // invokeExact_MT (for invokehandle)
  76             LF_EX_INVOKER     = 10,  // MHs.invokeExact
  77             LF_GEN_LINKER     = 11,  // generic invoke_MT (for invokehandle)
  78             LF_GEN_INVOKER    = 12,  // generic MHs.invoke
  79             LF_CS_LINKER      = 13,  // linkToCallSite_CS
  80             LF_MH_LINKER      = 14,  // linkToCallSite_MH
  81             LF_GWC            = 15,  // guardWithCatch (catchException)
  82             LF_LIMIT          = 16;
  84     /** Return the type corresponding uniquely (1-1) to this MT-form.
  85      *  It might have any primitive returns or arguments, but will have no references except Object.
  86      */
  87     public MethodType erasedType() {
  88         return erasedType;
  89     }
  91     /** Return the basic type derived from the erased type of this MT-form.
  92      *  A basic type is erased (all references Object) and also has all primitive
  93      *  types (except int, long, float, double, void) normalized to int.
  94      *  Such basic types correspond to low-level JVM calling sequences.
  95      */
  96     public MethodType basicType() {
  97         return basicType;
  98     }
 100     private boolean assertIsBasicType() {
 101         // primitives must be flattened also
 102         assert(erasedType == basicType)
 103                 : "erasedType: " + erasedType + " != basicType: " + basicType;
 104         return true;
 105     }
 107     public MethodHandle cachedMethodHandle(int which) {
 108         assert(assertIsBasicType());
 109         return methodHandles[which];
 110     }
 112     synchronized public MethodHandle setCachedMethodHandle(int which, MethodHandle mh) {
 113         // Simulate a CAS, to avoid racy duplication of results.
 114         MethodHandle prev = methodHandles[which];
 115         if (prev != null)  return prev;
 116         return methodHandles[which] = mh;
 117     }
 119     public LambdaForm cachedLambdaForm(int which) {
 120         assert(assertIsBasicType());
 121         return lambdaForms[which];
 122     }
 124     synchronized public LambdaForm setCachedLambdaForm(int which, LambdaForm form) {
 125         // Simulate a CAS, to avoid racy duplication of results.
 126         LambdaForm prev = lambdaForms[which];
 127         if (prev != null) return prev;
 128         return lambdaForms[which] = form;
 129     }
 131     /**
 132      * Build an MTF for a given type, which must have all references erased to Object.
 133      * This MTF will stand for that type and all un-erased variations.
 134      * Eagerly compute some basic properties of the type, common to all variations.
 135      */
 136     protected MethodTypeForm(MethodType erasedType) {
 137         this.erasedType = erasedType;
 139         Class<?>[] ptypes = erasedType.ptypes();
 140         int ptypeCount = ptypes.length;
 141         int pslotCount = ptypeCount;            // temp. estimate
 142         int rtypeCount = 1;                     // temp. estimate
 143         int rslotCount = 1;                     // temp. estimate
 145         int[] argToSlotTab = null, slotToArgTab = null;
 147         // Walk the argument types, looking for primitives.
 148         int pac = 0, lac = 0, prc = 0, lrc = 0;
 149         Class<?>[] epts = ptypes;
 150         Class<?>[] bpts = epts;
 151         for (int i = 0; i < epts.length; i++) {
 152             Class<?> pt = epts[i];
 153             if (pt != Object.class) {
 154                 ++pac;
 155                 Wrapper w = Wrapper.forPrimitiveType(pt);
 156                 if (w.isDoubleWord())  ++lac;
 157                 if (w.isSubwordOrInt() && pt != int.class) {
 158                     if (bpts == epts)
 159                         bpts = bpts.clone();
 160                     bpts[i] = int.class;
 161                 }
 162             }
 163         }
 164         pslotCount += lac;                  // #slots = #args + #longs
 165         Class<?> rt = erasedType.returnType();
 166         Class<?> bt = rt;
 167         if (rt != Object.class) {
 168             ++prc;          // even void.class counts as a prim here
 169             Wrapper w = Wrapper.forPrimitiveType(rt);
 170             if (w.isDoubleWord())  ++lrc;
 171             if (w.isSubwordOrInt() && rt != int.class)
 172                 bt = int.class;
 173             // adjust #slots, #args
 174             if (rt == void.class)
 175                 rtypeCount = rslotCount = 0;
 176             else
 177                 rslotCount += lrc;
 178         }
 179         if (epts == bpts && bt == rt) {
 180             this.basicType = erasedType;
 181         } else {
 182             this.basicType = MethodType.makeImpl(bt, bpts, true);
 183             // fill in rest of data from the basic type:
 184             MethodTypeForm that = this.basicType.form();
 185             assert(this != that);
 186             this.primCounts = that.primCounts;
 187             this.argCounts = that.argCounts;
 188             this.argToSlotTable = that.argToSlotTable;
 189             this.slotToArgTable = that.slotToArgTable;
 190             this.methodHandles = null;
 191             this.lambdaForms = null;
 192             return;
 193         }
 194         if (lac != 0) {
 195             int slot = ptypeCount + lac;
 196             slotToArgTab = new int[slot+1];
 197             argToSlotTab = new int[1+ptypeCount];
 198             argToSlotTab[0] = slot;  // argument "-1" is past end of slots
 199             for (int i = 0; i < epts.length; i++) {
 200                 Class<?> pt = epts[i];
 201                 Wrapper w = Wrapper.forBasicType(pt);
 202                 if (w.isDoubleWord())  --slot;
 203                 --slot;
 204                 slotToArgTab[slot] = i+1; // "+1" see argSlotToParameter note
 205                 argToSlotTab[1+i]  = slot;
 206             }
 207             assert(slot == 0);  // filled the table
 208         } else if (pac != 0) {
 209             // have primitives but no long primitives; share slot counts with generic
 210             assert(ptypeCount == pslotCount);
 211             MethodTypeForm that = MethodType.genericMethodType(ptypeCount).form();
 212             assert(this != that);
 213             slotToArgTab = that.slotToArgTable;
 214             argToSlotTab = that.argToSlotTable;
 215         } else {
 216             int slot = ptypeCount; // first arg is deepest in stack
 217             slotToArgTab = new int[slot+1];
 218             argToSlotTab = new int[1+ptypeCount];
 219             argToSlotTab[0] = slot;  // argument "-1" is past end of slots
 220             for (int i = 0; i < ptypeCount; i++) {
 221                 --slot;
 222                 slotToArgTab[slot] = i+1; // "+1" see argSlotToParameter note
 223                 argToSlotTab[1+i]  = slot;
 224             }
 225         }
 226         this.primCounts = pack(lrc, prc, lac, pac);
 227         this.argCounts = pack(rslotCount, rtypeCount, pslotCount, ptypeCount);
 228         this.argToSlotTable = argToSlotTab;
 229         this.slotToArgTable = slotToArgTab;
 231         if (pslotCount >= 256)  throw newIllegalArgumentException("too many arguments");
 233         // Initialize caches, but only for basic types
 234         assert(basicType == erasedType);
 235         this.lambdaForms = new LambdaForm[LF_LIMIT];
 236         this.methodHandles = new MethodHandle[MH_LIMIT];
 237     }
 239     private static long pack(int a, int b, int c, int d) {
 240         assert(((a|b|c|d) & ~0xFFFF) == 0);
 241         long hw = ((a << 16) | b), lw = ((c << 16) | d);
 242         return (hw << 32) | lw;
 243     }
 244     private static char unpack(long packed, int word) { // word==0 => return a, ==3 => return d
 245         assert(word <= 3);
 246         return (char)(packed >> ((3-word) * 16));
 247     }
 249     public int parameterCount() {                      // # outgoing values
 250         return unpack(argCounts, 3);
 251     }
 252     public int parameterSlotCount() {                  // # outgoing interpreter slots
 253         return unpack(argCounts, 2);
 254     }
 255     public int returnCount() {                         // = 0 (V), or 1
 256         return unpack(argCounts, 1);
 257     }
 258     public int returnSlotCount() {                     // = 0 (V), 2 (J/D), or 1
 259         return unpack(argCounts, 0);
 260     }
 261     public int primitiveParameterCount() {
 262         return unpack(primCounts, 3);
 263     }
 264     public int longPrimitiveParameterCount() {
 265         return unpack(primCounts, 2);
 266     }
 267     public int primitiveReturnCount() {                // = 0 (obj), or 1
 268         return unpack(primCounts, 1);
 269     }
 270     public int longPrimitiveReturnCount() {            // = 1 (J/D), or 0
 271         return unpack(primCounts, 0);
 272     }
 273     public boolean hasPrimitives() {
 274         return primCounts != 0;
 275     }
 276     public boolean hasNonVoidPrimitives() {
 277         if (primCounts == 0)  return false;
 278         if (primitiveParameterCount() != 0)  return true;
 279         return (primitiveReturnCount() != 0 && returnCount() != 0);
 280     }
 281     public boolean hasLongPrimitives() {
 282         return (longPrimitiveParameterCount() | longPrimitiveReturnCount()) != 0;
 283     }
 284     public int parameterToArgSlot(int i) {
 285         return argToSlotTable[1+i];
 286     }
 287     public int argSlotToParameter(int argSlot) {
 288         // Note:  Empty slots are represented by zero in this table.
 289         // Valid arguments slots contain incremented entries, so as to be non-zero.
 290         // We return -1 the caller to mean an empty slot.
 291         return slotToArgTable[argSlot] - 1;
 292     }
 294     static MethodTypeForm findForm(MethodType mt) {
 295         MethodType erased = canonicalize(mt, ERASE, ERASE);
 296         if (erased == null) {
 297             // It is already erased.  Make a new MethodTypeForm.
 298             return new MethodTypeForm(mt);
 299         } else {
 300             // Share the MethodTypeForm with the erased version.
 301             return erased.form();
 302         }
 303     }
 305     /** Codes for {@link #canonicalize(java.lang.Class, int)}.
 306      * ERASE means change every reference to {@code Object}.
 307      * WRAP means convert primitives (including {@code void} to their
 308      * corresponding wrapper types.  UNWRAP means the reverse of WRAP.
 309      * INTS means convert all non-void primitive types to int or long,
 310      * according to size.  LONGS means convert all non-void primitives
 311      * to long, regardless of size.  RAW_RETURN means convert a type
 312      * (assumed to be a return type) to int if it is smaller than an int,
 313      * or if it is void.
 314      */
 315     public static final int NO_CHANGE = 0, ERASE = 1, WRAP = 2, UNWRAP = 3, INTS = 4, LONGS = 5, RAW_RETURN = 6;
 317     /** Canonicalize the types in the given method type.
 318      * If any types change, intern the new type, and return it.
 319      * Otherwise return null.
 320      */
 321     public static MethodType canonicalize(MethodType mt, int howRet, int howArgs) {
 322         Class<?>[] ptypes = mt.ptypes();
 323         Class<?>[] ptc = MethodTypeForm.canonicalizeAll(ptypes, howArgs);
 324         Class<?> rtype = mt.returnType();
 325         Class<?> rtc = MethodTypeForm.canonicalize(rtype, howRet);
 326         if (ptc == null && rtc == null) {
 327             // It is already canonical.
 328             return null;
 329         }
 330         // Find the erased version of the method type:
 331         if (rtc == null)  rtc = rtype;
 332         if (ptc == null)  ptc = ptypes;
 333         return MethodType.makeImpl(rtc, ptc, true);
 334     }
 336     /** Canonicalize the given return or param type.
 337      *  Return null if the type is already canonicalized.
 338      */
 339     static Class<?> canonicalize(Class<?> t, int how) {
 340         Class<?> ct;
 341         if (t == Object.class) {
 342             // no change, ever
 343         } else if (!t.isPrimitive()) {
 344             switch (how) {
 345                 case UNWRAP:
 346                     ct = Wrapper.asPrimitiveType(t);
 347                     if (ct != t)  return ct;
 348                     break;
 349                 case RAW_RETURN:
 350                 case ERASE:
 351                     return Object.class;
 352             }
 353         } else if (t == void.class) {
 354             // no change, usually
 355             switch (how) {
 356                 case RAW_RETURN:
 357                     return int.class;
 358                 case WRAP:
 359                     return Void.class;
 360             }
 361         } else {
 362             // non-void primitive
 363             switch (how) {
 364                 case WRAP:
 365                     return Wrapper.asWrapperType(t);
 366                 case INTS:
 367                     if (t == int.class || t == long.class)
 368                         return null;  // no change
 369                     if (t == double.class)
 370                         return long.class;
 371                     return int.class;
 372                 case LONGS:
 373                     if (t == long.class)
 374                         return null;  // no change
 375                     return long.class;
 376                 case RAW_RETURN:
 377                     if (t == int.class || t == long.class ||
 378                         t == float.class || t == double.class)
 379                         return null;  // no change
 380                     // everything else returns as an int
 381                     return int.class;
 382             }
 383         }
 384         // no change; return null to signify
 385         return null;
 386     }
 388     /** Canonicalize each param type in the given array.
 389      *  Return null if all types are already canonicalized.
 390      */
 391     static Class<?>[] canonicalizeAll(Class<?>[] ts, int how) {
 392         Class<?>[] cs = null;
 393         for (int imax = ts.length, i = 0; i < imax; i++) {
 394             Class<?> c = canonicalize(ts[i], how);
 395             if (c == void.class)
 396                 c = null;  // a Void parameter was unwrapped to void; ignore
 397             if (c != null) {
 398                 if (cs == null)
 399                     cs = ts.clone();
 400                 cs[i] = c;
 401             }
 402         }
 403         return cs;
 404     }
 406     @Override
 407     public String toString() {
 408         return "Form"+erasedType;
 409     }
 411 }