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rev 10607 : imported patch 19.8057042.editor.0
rev 10609 : 8057922: Improve LambdaForm sharing by using LambdaFormEditor more extensively
Reviewed-by: vlivanov, ?

  42     private Name resultName;
  43     private String debugName;
  44     private ArrayList<Name> dups;
  46     private static final int F_TRANS = 0x10, F_OWNED = 0x03;
  48     LambdaFormBuffer(LambdaForm lf) {
  49         this(lf.arity, lf.names, lf.result);
  50         debugName = lf.debugName;
  51         assert(lf.nameRefsAreLegal());
  52     }
  54     private LambdaFormBuffer(int arity, Name[] names, int result) {
  55         this.arity = arity;
  56         setNames(names);
  57         if (result == LAST_RESULT)  result = length - 1;
  58         if (result >= 0 && names[result].type != V_TYPE)
  59             resultName = names[result];
  60     }
  62     LambdaForm lambdaForm() {
  63         assert(!inTrans());  // need endEdit call to tidy things up
  64         return new LambdaForm(debugName, arity, nameArray(), resultIndex());
  65     }
  67     Name name(int i) {
  68         assert(i < length);
  69         return names[i];
  70     }
  72     Name[] nameArray() {
  73         return Arrays.copyOf(names, length);
  74     }
  76     int resultIndex() {
  77         if (resultName == null)  return VOID_RESULT;
  78         int index = indexOf(resultName, names);
  79         assert(index >= 0);
  80         return index;
  81     }

 259         assert(oldName == originalNames[i]);  // no multiple changes
 260         assert(verifyFirstChange());
 261         if (ownedCount() == 0)
 262             growNames(0, 0);
 263         names[i] = name;
 264         if (firstChange > i) {
 265             firstChange = i;
 266         }
 267         if (resultName != null && resultName == oldName) {
 268             resultName = name;
 269         }
 270     }
 272     /** Change the result name.  Null means a void result. */
 273     void setResult(Name name) {
 274         assert(name == null || lastIndexOf(name) >= 0);
 275         resultName = name;
 276     }
 278     /** Finish a transaction. */
 279     void endEdit() {
 280         assert(verifyFirstChange());
 281         // Assuming names have been changed pairwise from originalNames[i] to names[i],
 282         // update arguments to ensure referential integrity.
 283         for (int i = Math.max(firstChange, arity); i < length; i++) {
 284             Name name = names[i];
 285             if (name == null)  continue;  // space for removed duplicate
 286             Name newName = name.replaceNames(originalNames, names, firstChange, i);
 287             if (newName != name) {
 288                 names[i] = newName;
 289                 if (resultName == name) {
 290                     resultName = newName;
 291                 }
 292             }
 293         }
 294         assert(inTrans());
 295         flags &= ~F_TRANS;
 296         clearDuplicatesAndNulls();
 297         originalNames = null;
 298         // If any parameters have been changed, then reorder them as needed.
 299         // This is a "sheep-and-goats" stable sort, pushing all non-parameters
 300         // to the right of all parameters.
 301         if (firstChange < arity) {
 302             Name[] exprs = new Name[arity - firstChange];
 303             int argp = firstChange, exprp = 0;
 304             for (int i = firstChange; i < arity; i++) {
 305                 Name name = names[i];
 306                 if (name.isParam()) {
 307                     names[argp++] = name;
 308                 } else {
 309                     exprs[exprp++] = name;
 310                 }
 311             }
 312             assert(exprp == (arity - argp));
 313             // copy the exprs just after the last remaining param
 314             System.arraycopy(exprs, 0, names, argp, exprp);
 315             // adjust arity
 316             arity -= exprp;
 317         }
 318         assert(verifyArity());

 319     }
 321     private Name[] copyNamesInto(Name[] buffer) {
 322         System.arraycopy(names, 0, buffer, 0, length);
 323         Arrays.fill(buffer, length, buffer.length, null);
 324         return buffer;
 325     }
 327     /** Replace any Name whose function is in oldFns with a copy
 328      *  whose function is in the corresponding position in newFns.
 329      *  Only do this if the arguments are exactly equal to the given.
 330      */
 331     LambdaFormBuffer replaceFunctions(NamedFunction[] oldFns, NamedFunction[] newFns,
 332                                       Object... forArguments) {
 333         assert(inTrans());
 334         if (oldFns.length == 0)  return this;
 335         for (int i = arity; i < length; i++) {
 336             Name n = names[i];
 337             int nfi = indexOf(n.function, oldFns);
 338             if (nfi >= 0 && Arrays.equals(n.arguments, forArguments)) {

  42     private Name resultName;
  43     private String debugName;
  44     private ArrayList<Name> dups;
  46     private static final int F_TRANS = 0x10, F_OWNED = 0x03;
  48     LambdaFormBuffer(LambdaForm lf) {
  49         this(lf.arity, lf.names, lf.result);
  50         debugName = lf.debugName;
  51         assert(lf.nameRefsAreLegal());
  52     }
  54     private LambdaFormBuffer(int arity, Name[] names, int result) {
  55         this.arity = arity;
  56         setNames(names);
  57         if (result == LAST_RESULT)  result = length - 1;
  58         if (result >= 0 && names[result].type != V_TYPE)
  59             resultName = names[result];
  60     }
  62     private LambdaForm lambdaForm() {
  63         assert(!inTrans());  // need endEdit call to tidy things up
  64         return new LambdaForm(debugName, arity, nameArray(), resultIndex());
  65     }
  67     Name name(int i) {
  68         assert(i < length);
  69         return names[i];
  70     }
  72     Name[] nameArray() {
  73         return Arrays.copyOf(names, length);
  74     }
  76     int resultIndex() {
  77         if (resultName == null)  return VOID_RESULT;
  78         int index = indexOf(resultName, names);
  79         assert(index >= 0);
  80         return index;
  81     }

 259         assert(oldName == originalNames[i]);  // no multiple changes
 260         assert(verifyFirstChange());
 261         if (ownedCount() == 0)
 262             growNames(0, 0);
 263         names[i] = name;
 264         if (firstChange > i) {
 265             firstChange = i;
 266         }
 267         if (resultName != null && resultName == oldName) {
 268             resultName = name;
 269         }
 270     }
 272     /** Change the result name.  Null means a void result. */
 273     void setResult(Name name) {
 274         assert(name == null || lastIndexOf(name) >= 0);
 275         resultName = name;
 276     }
 278     /** Finish a transaction. */
 279     LambdaForm endEdit() {
 280         assert(verifyFirstChange());
 281         // Assuming names have been changed pairwise from originalNames[i] to names[i],
 282         // update arguments to ensure referential integrity.
 283         for (int i = Math.max(firstChange, arity); i < length; i++) {
 284             Name name = names[i];
 285             if (name == null)  continue;  // space for removed duplicate
 286             Name newName = name.replaceNames(originalNames, names, firstChange, i);
 287             if (newName != name) {
 288                 names[i] = newName;
 289                 if (resultName == name) {
 290                     resultName = newName;
 291                 }
 292             }
 293         }
 294         assert(inTrans());
 295         flags &= ~F_TRANS;
 296         clearDuplicatesAndNulls();
 297         originalNames = null;
 298         // If any parameters have been changed, then reorder them as needed.
 299         // This is a "sheep-and-goats" stable sort, pushing all non-parameters
 300         // to the right of all parameters.
 301         if (firstChange < arity) {
 302             Name[] exprs = new Name[arity - firstChange];
 303             int argp = firstChange, exprp = 0;
 304             for (int i = firstChange; i < arity; i++) {
 305                 Name name = names[i];
 306                 if (name.isParam()) {
 307                     names[argp++] = name;
 308                 } else {
 309                     exprs[exprp++] = name;
 310                 }
 311             }
 312             assert(exprp == (arity - argp));
 313             // copy the exprs just after the last remaining param
 314             System.arraycopy(exprs, 0, names, argp, exprp);
 315             // adjust arity
 316             arity -= exprp;
 317         }
 318         assert(verifyArity());
 319         return lambdaForm();
 320     }
 322     private Name[] copyNamesInto(Name[] buffer) {
 323         System.arraycopy(names, 0, buffer, 0, length);
 324         Arrays.fill(buffer, length, buffer.length, null);
 325         return buffer;
 326     }
 328     /** Replace any Name whose function is in oldFns with a copy
 329      *  whose function is in the corresponding position in newFns.
 330      *  Only do this if the arguments are exactly equal to the given.
 331      */
 332     LambdaFormBuffer replaceFunctions(NamedFunction[] oldFns, NamedFunction[] newFns,
 333                                       Object... forArguments) {
 334         assert(inTrans());
 335         if (oldFns.length == 0)  return this;
 336         for (int i = arity; i < length; i++) {
 337             Name n = names[i];
 338             int nfi = indexOf(n.function, oldFns);
 339             if (nfi >= 0 && Arrays.equals(n.arguments, forArguments)) {

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