1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package java.lang.invoke;
  28 import java.util.Arrays;
  29 import static java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm.*;
  30 import static java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm.BasicType.*;
  31 import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleImpl.Intrinsic;
  32 import java.util.Collections;
  33 import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
  35 import sun.invoke.util.Wrapper;
  37 /** Transforms on LFs.
  38  *  A lambda-form editor can derive new LFs from its base LF.
  39  *  The editor can cache derived LFs, which simplifies the reuse of their underlying bytecodes.
  40  *  To support this caching, a LF has an optional pointer to its editor.
  41  */
  42 class LambdaFormEditor {
  43     final LambdaForm lambdaForm;
  45     private LambdaFormEditor(LambdaForm lambdaForm) {
  46         this.lambdaForm = lambdaForm;
  47     }
  49     // Factory method.
  50     static LambdaFormEditor lambdaFormEditor(LambdaForm lambdaForm) {
  51         // TO DO:  Consider placing intern logic here, to cut down on duplication.
  52         // lambdaForm = findPreexistingEquivalent(lambdaForm)
  53         return new LambdaFormEditor(lambdaForm);
  54     }
  56     /** A description of a cached transform, possibly associated with the result of the transform.
  57      *  The logical content is a sequence of byte values, starting with a Kind.ordinal value.
  58      *  The sequence is unterminated, ending with an indefinite number of zero bytes.
  59      *  Sequences that are simple (short enough and with small enough values) pack into a 64-bit long.
  60      */
  61     private static final class Transform {
  62         final long packedBytes;
  63         final byte[] fullBytes;
  64         final LambdaForm result;  // result of transform, or null, if there is none available
  66         private enum Kind {
  67             NO_KIND,  // necessary because ordinal must be greater than zero
  68             BIND_ARG, ADD_ARG, DUP_ARG,
  69             SPREAD_ARGS,
  72             FOLD_ARGS, FOLD_ARGS_TO_VOID,
  73             PERMUTE_ARGS
  74             //maybe add more for guard with test, catch exception, pointwise type conversions
  75         }
  77         private static final boolean STRESS_TEST = false; // turn on to disable most packing
  78         private static final int
  79                 PACKED_BYTE_SIZE = (STRESS_TEST ? 2 : 4),
  80                 PACKED_BYTE_MASK = (1 << PACKED_BYTE_SIZE) - 1,
  81                 PACKED_BYTE_MAX_LENGTH = (STRESS_TEST ? 3 : 64 / PACKED_BYTE_SIZE);
  83         private static long packedBytes(byte[] bytes) {
  84             if (bytes.length > PACKED_BYTE_MAX_LENGTH)  return 0;
  85             long pb = 0;
  86             int bitset = 0;
  87             for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
  88                 int b = bytes[i] & 0xFF;
  89                 bitset |= b;
  90                 pb |= (long)b << (i * PACKED_BYTE_SIZE);
  91             }
  92             if (!inRange(bitset))
  93                 return 0;
  94             return pb;
  95         }
  96         private static long packedBytes(int b0, int b1) {
  97             assert(inRange(b0 | b1));
  98             return (  (b0 << 0*PACKED_BYTE_SIZE)
  99                     | (b1 << 1*PACKED_BYTE_SIZE));
 100         }
 101         private static long packedBytes(int b0, int b1, int b2) {
 102             assert(inRange(b0 | b1 | b2));
 103             return (  (b0 << 0*PACKED_BYTE_SIZE)
 104                     | (b1 << 1*PACKED_BYTE_SIZE)
 105                     | (b2 << 2*PACKED_BYTE_SIZE));
 106         }
 107         private static long packedBytes(int b0, int b1, int b2, int b3) {
 108             assert(inRange(b0 | b1 | b2 | b3));
 109             return (  (b0 << 0*PACKED_BYTE_SIZE)
 110                     | (b1 << 1*PACKED_BYTE_SIZE)
 111                     | (b2 << 2*PACKED_BYTE_SIZE)
 112                     | (b3 << 3*PACKED_BYTE_SIZE));
 113         }
 114         private static boolean inRange(int bitset) {
 115             assert((bitset & 0xFF) == bitset);  // incoming values must fit in *unsigned* byte
 116             return ((bitset & ~PACKED_BYTE_MASK) == 0);
 117         }
 118         private static byte[] fullBytes(int... byteValues) {
 119             byte[] bytes = new byte[byteValues.length];
 120             int i = 0;
 121             for (int bv : byteValues) {
 122                 bytes[i++] = bval(bv);
 123             }
 124             assert(packedBytes(bytes) == 0);
 125             return bytes;
 126         }
 128         private byte byteAt(int i) {
 129             long pb = packedBytes;
 130             if (pb == 0) {
 131                 if (i >= fullBytes.length)  return 0;
 132                 return fullBytes[i];
 133             }
 134             assert(fullBytes == null);
 135             if (i > PACKED_BYTE_MAX_LENGTH)  return 0;
 136             int pos = (i * PACKED_BYTE_SIZE);
 137             return (byte)((pb >>> pos) & PACKED_BYTE_MASK);
 138         }
 140         Kind kind() { return Kind.values()[byteAt(0)]; }
 142         private Transform(long packedBytes, byte[] fullBytes, LambdaForm result) {
 143             this.packedBytes = packedBytes;
 144             this.fullBytes = fullBytes;
 145             this.result = result;
 146         }
 147         private Transform(long packedBytes) {
 148             this(packedBytes, null, null);
 149             assert(packedBytes != 0);
 150         }
 151         private Transform(byte[] fullBytes) {
 152             this(0, fullBytes, null);
 153         }
 155         private static byte bval(int b) {
 156             assert((b & 0xFF) == b);  // incoming value must fit in *unsigned* byte
 157             return (byte)b;
 158         }
 159         private static byte bval(Kind k) {
 160             return bval(k.ordinal());
 161         }
 162         static Transform of(Kind k, int b1) {
 163             byte b0 = bval(k);
 164             if (inRange(b0 | b1))
 165                 return new Transform(packedBytes(b0, b1));
 166             else
 167                 return new Transform(fullBytes(b0, b1));
 168         }
 169         static Transform of(Kind k, int b1, int b2) {
 170             byte b0 = (byte) k.ordinal();
 171             if (inRange(b0 | b1 | b2))
 172                 return new Transform(packedBytes(b0, b1, b2));
 173             else
 174                 return new Transform(fullBytes(b0, b1, b2));
 175         }
 176         static Transform of(Kind k, int b1, int b2, int b3) {
 177             byte b0 = (byte) k.ordinal();
 178             if (inRange(b0 | b1 | b2 | b3))
 179                 return new Transform(packedBytes(b0, b1, b2, b3));
 180             else
 181                 return new Transform(fullBytes(b0, b1, b2, b3));
 182         }
 183         private static final byte[] NO_BYTES = {};
 184         static Transform of(Kind k, int... b123) {
 185             return ofBothArrays(k, b123, NO_BYTES);
 186         }
 187         static Transform of(Kind k, int b1, byte[] b234) {
 188             return ofBothArrays(k, new int[]{ b1 }, b234);
 189         }
 190         static Transform of(Kind k, int b1, int b2, byte[] b345) {
 191             return ofBothArrays(k, new int[]{ b1, b2 }, b345);
 192         }
 193         private static Transform ofBothArrays(Kind k, int[] b123, byte[] b456) {
 194             byte[] fullBytes = new byte[1 + b123.length + b456.length];
 195             int i = 0;
 196             fullBytes[i++] = bval(k);
 197             for (int bv : b123) {
 198                 fullBytes[i++] = bval(bv);
 199             }
 200             for (byte bv : b456) {
 201                 fullBytes[i++] = bv;
 202             }
 203             long packedBytes = packedBytes(fullBytes);
 204             if (packedBytes != 0)
 205                 return new Transform(packedBytes);
 206             else
 207                 return new Transform(fullBytes);
 208         }
 210         Transform withResult(LambdaForm result) {
 211             return new Transform(this.packedBytes, this.fullBytes, result);
 212         }
 214         @Override
 215         public boolean equals(Object obj) {
 216             return obj instanceof Transform && equals((Transform)obj);
 217         }
 218         public boolean equals(Transform that) {
 219             return this.packedBytes == that.packedBytes && Arrays.equals(this.fullBytes, that.fullBytes);
 220         }
 221         @Override
 222         public int hashCode() {
 223             if (packedBytes != 0) {
 224                 assert(fullBytes == null);
 225                 return Long.hashCode(packedBytes);
 226             }
 227             return Arrays.hashCode(fullBytes);
 228         }
 229         @Override
 230         public String toString() {
 231             StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
 232             long bits = packedBytes;
 233             if (bits != 0) {
 234                 buf.append("(");
 235                 while (bits != 0) {
 236                     buf.append(bits & PACKED_BYTE_MASK);
 237                     bits >>>= PACKED_BYTE_SIZE;
 238                     if (bits != 0)  buf.append(",");
 239                 }
 240                 buf.append(")");
 241             }
 242             if (fullBytes != null) {
 243                 buf.append("unpacked");
 244                 buf.append(Arrays.toString(fullBytes));
 245             }
 246             if (result != null) {
 247                 buf.append(" result=");
 248                 buf.append(result);
 249             }
 250             return buf.toString();
 251         }
 252     }
 254     /** Find a previously cached transform equivalent to the given one, and return its result. */
 255     private LambdaForm getInCache(Transform key) {
 256         assert(key.result == null);
 257         // The transformCache is one of null, Transform, Transform[], or ConcurrentHashMap.
 258         Object c = lambdaForm.transformCache;
 259         Transform k = null;
 260         if (c instanceof ConcurrentHashMap) {
 261             @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 262             ConcurrentHashMap<Transform,Transform> m = (ConcurrentHashMap<Transform,Transform>) c;
 263             k = m.get(key);
 264         } else if (c == null) {
 265             return null;
 266         } else if (c instanceof Transform) {
 267             // one-element cache avoids overhead of an array
 268             Transform t = (Transform)c;
 269             if (t.equals(key))  k = t;
 270         } else {
 271             Transform[] ta = (Transform[])c;
 272             for (int i = 0; i < ta.length; i++) {
 273                 Transform t = ta[i];
 274                 if (t == null)  break;
 275                 if (t.equals(key)) { k = t; break; }
 276             }
 277         }
 278         assert(k == null || key.equals(k));
 279         return k == null ? null : k.result;
 280     }
 282     /** Arbitrary but reasonable limits on Transform[] size for cache. */
 283     private static final int MIN_CACHE_ARRAY_SIZE = 4, MAX_CACHE_ARRAY_SIZE = 16;
 285     /** Cache a transform with its result, and return that result.
 286      *  But if an equivalent transform has already been cached, return its result instead.
 287      */
 288     private LambdaForm putInCache(Transform key, LambdaForm form) {
 289         key = key.withResult(form);
 290         for (int pass = 0; ; pass++) {
 291             Object c = lambdaForm.transformCache;
 292             if (c instanceof ConcurrentHashMap) {
 293                 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 294                 ConcurrentHashMap<Transform,Transform> m = (ConcurrentHashMap<Transform,Transform>) c;
 295                 Transform k = m.putIfAbsent(key, key);
 296                 return k != null ? k.result : form;
 297             }
 298             assert(pass == 0);
 299             synchronized (lambdaForm) {
 300                 c = lambdaForm.transformCache;
 301                 if (c instanceof ConcurrentHashMap)
 302                     continue;
 303                 if (c == null) {
 304                     lambdaForm.transformCache = key;
 305                     return form;
 306                 }
 307                 Transform[] ta;
 308                 if (c instanceof Transform) {
 309                     Transform k = (Transform)c;
 310                     if (k.equals(key)) {
 311                         return k.result;
 312                     }
 313                     // expand one-element cache to small array
 314                     ta = new Transform[MIN_CACHE_ARRAY_SIZE];
 315                     ta[0] = k;
 316                     lambdaForm.transformCache = c = ta;
 317                 } else {
 318                     // it is already expanded
 319                     ta = (Transform[])c;
 320                 }
 321                 int len = ta.length;
 322                 int i;
 323                 for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
 324                     Transform k = ta[i];
 325                     if (k == null) {
 326                         break;
 327                     }
 328                     if (k.equals(key)) {
 329                         return k.result;
 330                     }
 331                 }
 332                 if (i < len) {
 333                     // just fall through to cache update
 334                 } else if (len < MAX_CACHE_ARRAY_SIZE) {
 335                     len = Math.min(len * 2, MAX_CACHE_ARRAY_SIZE);
 336                     ta = Arrays.copyOf(ta, len);
 337                     lambdaForm.transformCache = ta;
 338                 } else {
 339                     ConcurrentHashMap<Transform, Transform> m = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(MAX_CACHE_ARRAY_SIZE * 2);
 340                     for (Transform k : ta) {
 341                         if (k == null)  break;
 342                         m.put(k, k);
 343                     }
 344                     lambdaForm.transformCache = m;
 345                     // The second iteration will update for this query, concurrently.
 346                     continue;
 347                 }
 348                 ta[i] = key;
 349                 return form;
 350             }
 351         }
 352     }
 354     private LambdaFormBuffer buffer() {
 355         return new LambdaFormBuffer(lambdaForm);
 356     }
 358     /// Editing methods for method handles.  These need to have fast paths.
 360     private BoundMethodHandle.SpeciesData oldSpeciesData() {
 361         return BoundMethodHandle.speciesData(lambdaForm);
 362     }
 363     private BoundMethodHandle.SpeciesData newSpeciesData(BasicType type) {
 364         return oldSpeciesData().extendWith(type);
 365     }
 367     BoundMethodHandle bindArgumentL(BoundMethodHandle mh, int pos, Object value) {
 368         assert(mh.speciesData() == oldSpeciesData());
 369         BasicType bt = L_TYPE;
 370         MethodType type2 = bindArgumentType(mh, pos, bt);
 371         LambdaForm form2 = bindArgumentForm(1+pos);
 372         return mh.copyWithExtendL(type2, form2, value);
 373     }
 374     BoundMethodHandle bindArgumentI(BoundMethodHandle mh, int pos, int value) {
 375         assert(mh.speciesData() == oldSpeciesData());
 376         BasicType bt = I_TYPE;
 377         MethodType type2 = bindArgumentType(mh, pos, bt);
 378         LambdaForm form2 = bindArgumentForm(1+pos);
 379         return mh.copyWithExtendI(type2, form2, value);
 380     }
 382     BoundMethodHandle bindArgumentJ(BoundMethodHandle mh, int pos, long value) {
 383         assert(mh.speciesData() == oldSpeciesData());
 384         BasicType bt = J_TYPE;
 385         MethodType type2 = bindArgumentType(mh, pos, bt);
 386         LambdaForm form2 = bindArgumentForm(1+pos);
 387         return mh.copyWithExtendJ(type2, form2, value);
 388     }
 390     BoundMethodHandle bindArgumentF(BoundMethodHandle mh, int pos, float value) {
 391         assert(mh.speciesData() == oldSpeciesData());
 392         BasicType bt = F_TYPE;
 393         MethodType type2 = bindArgumentType(mh, pos, bt);
 394         LambdaForm form2 = bindArgumentForm(1+pos);
 395         return mh.copyWithExtendF(type2, form2, value);
 396     }
 398     BoundMethodHandle bindArgumentD(BoundMethodHandle mh, int pos, double value) {
 399         assert(mh.speciesData() == oldSpeciesData());
 400         BasicType bt = D_TYPE;
 401         MethodType type2 = bindArgumentType(mh, pos, bt);
 402         LambdaForm form2 = bindArgumentForm(1+pos);
 403         return mh.copyWithExtendD(type2, form2, value);
 404     }
 406     private MethodType bindArgumentType(BoundMethodHandle mh, int pos, BasicType bt) {
 407         assert(mh.form == lambdaForm);
 408         assert(mh.form.names[1+pos].type == bt);
 409         assert(BasicType.basicType(mh.type().parameterType(pos)) == bt);
 410         return mh.type().dropParameterTypes(pos, pos+1);
 411     }
 413     /// Editing methods for lambda forms.
 414     // Each editing method can (potentially) cache the edited LF so that it can be reused later.
 416     LambdaForm bindArgumentForm(int pos) {
 417         Transform key = Transform.of(Transform.Kind.BIND_ARG, pos);
 418         LambdaForm form = getInCache(key);
 419         if (form != null) {
 420             assert(form.parameterConstraint(0) == newSpeciesData(lambdaForm.parameterType(pos)));
 421             return form;
 422         }
 423         LambdaFormBuffer buf = buffer();
 424         buf.startEdit();
 426         BoundMethodHandle.SpeciesData oldData = oldSpeciesData();
 427         BoundMethodHandle.SpeciesData newData = newSpeciesData(lambdaForm.parameterType(pos));
 428         Name oldBaseAddress = lambdaForm.parameter(0);  // BMH holding the values
 429         Name newBaseAddress;
 430         NamedFunction getter = newData.getterFunction(oldData.fieldCount());
 432         if (pos != 0) {
 433             // The newly created LF will run with a different BMH.
 434             // Switch over any pre-existing BMH field references to the new BMH class.
 435             buf.replaceFunctions(oldData.getterFunctions(), newData.getterFunctions(), oldBaseAddress);
 436             newBaseAddress = oldBaseAddress.withConstraint(newData);
 437             buf.renameParameter(0, newBaseAddress);
 438             buf.replaceParameterByNewExpression(pos, new Name(getter, newBaseAddress));
 439         } else {
 440             // cannot bind the MH arg itself, unless oldData is empty
 441             assert(oldData == BoundMethodHandle.SpeciesData.EMPTY);
 442             newBaseAddress = new Name(L_TYPE).withConstraint(newData);
 443             buf.replaceParameterByNewExpression(0, new Name(getter, newBaseAddress));
 444             buf.insertParameter(0, newBaseAddress);
 445         }
 447         buf.endEdit();
 448         form = buf.lambdaForm();
 449         return putInCache(key, form);
 450     }
 451 }