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1050                                                   n->_idx);
1051             C->set_node_notes_at(m->_idx, nn);
1052           }
1053           debug_only(match_alias_type(C, n, m));
1054         }
1055         n = m;    // n is now a new-space node
1056         mstack.set_node(n);
1057       }
1059       // New space!
1060       if (_visited.test_set(n->_idx)) continue; // while(mstack.is_nonempty())
1062       int i;
1063       // Put precedence edges on stack first (match them last).
1064       for (i = oldn->req(); (uint)i < oldn->len(); i++) {
1065         Node *m = oldn->in(i);
1066         if (m == NULL) break;
1067         // set -1 to call add_prec() instead of set_req() during Step1
1068         mstack.push(m, Visit, n, -1);
1069       }

1071       // For constant debug info, I'd rather have unmatched constants.
1072       int cnt = n->req();
1073       JVMState* jvms = n->jvms();
1074       int debug_cnt = jvms ? jvms->debug_start() : cnt;
1076       // Now do only debug info.  Clone constants rather than matching.
1077       // Constants are represented directly in the debug info without
1078       // the need for executable machine instructions.
1079       // Monitor boxes are also represented directly.
1080       for (i = cnt - 1; i >= debug_cnt; --i) { // For all debug inputs do
1081         Node *m = n->in(i);          // Get input
1082         int op = m->Opcode();
1083         assert((op == Op_BoxLock) == jvms->is_monitor_use(i), "boxes only at monitor sites");
1084         if( op == Op_ConI || op == Op_ConP || op == Op_ConN || op == Op_ConNKlass ||
1085             op == Op_ConF || op == Op_ConD || op == Op_ConL
1086             // || op == Op_BoxLock  // %%%% enable this and remove (+++) in chaitin.cpp
1087             ) {
1088           m = m->clone();
1089 #ifdef ASSERT
1090 >_idx, n);

1742   // PhaseChaitin::fixup_spills will sometimes generate spill code
1743   // via the matcher.  By the time, nodes have been wired into the CFG,
1744   // and any further nodes generated by expand rules will be left hanging
1745   // in space, and will not get emitted as output code.  Catch this.
1746   // Also, catch any new register allocation constraints ("projections")
1747   // generated belatedly during spill code generation.
1748   if (_allocation_started) {
1749     guarantee(ex == mach, "no expand rules during spill generation");
1750     guarantee(number_of_projections_prior == number_of_projections(), "no allocation during spill generation");
1751   }
1753   if (leaf->is_Con() || leaf->is_DecodeNarrowPtr()) {
1754     // Record the con for sharing
1755>_idx, ex);
1756   }
1758   return ex;
1759 }

1761 void Matcher::ReduceInst_Chain_Rule( State *s, int rule, Node *&mem, MachNode *mach ) {
1762   // 'op' is what I am expecting to receive
1763   int op = _leftOp[rule];
1764   // Operand type to catch childs result
1765   // This is what my child will give me.
1766   int opnd_class_instance = s->_rule[op];
1767   // Choose between operand class or not.
1768   // This is what I will receive.
1769   int catch_op = (FIRST_OPERAND_CLASS <= op && op < NUM_OPERANDS) ? opnd_class_instance : op;
1770   // New rule for child.  Chase operand classes to get the actual rule.
1771   int newrule = s->_rule[catch_op];
1773   if( newrule < NUM_OPERANDS ) {
1774     // Chain from operand or operand class, may be output of shared node
1775     assert( 0 <= opnd_class_instance && opnd_class_instance < NUM_OPERANDS,
1776             "Bad AD file: Instruction chain rule must chain from operand");
1777     // Insert operand into array of operands for this instruction
1778     mach->_opnds[1] = s->MachOperGenerator( opnd_class_instance, C );
1780     ReduceOper( s, newrule, mem, mach );
1781   } else {
1782     // Chain from the result of an instruction
1783     assert( newrule >= _LAST_MACH_OPER, "Do NOT chain from internal operand");
1784     mach->_opnds[1] = s->MachOperGenerator( _reduceOp[catch_op], C );
1785     Node *mem1 = (Node*)1;
1786     debug_only(Node *save_mem_node = _mem_node;)
1787     mach->add_req( ReduceInst(s, newrule, mem1) );
1788     debug_only(_mem_node = save_mem_node;)
1789   }
1790   return;
1791 }
1794 uint Matcher::ReduceInst_Interior( State *s, int rule, Node *&mem, MachNode *mach, uint num_opnds ) {

1795   if( s->_leaf->is_Load() ) {
1796     Node *mem2 = s->_leaf->in(MemNode::Memory);
1797     assert( mem == (Node*)1 || mem == mem2, "multiple Memories being matched at once?" );
1798     debug_only( if( mem == (Node*)1 ) _mem_node = s->_leaf;)
1799     mem = mem2;
1800   }
1801   if( s->_leaf->in(0) != NULL && s->_leaf->req() > 1) {
1802     if( mach->in(0) == NULL )
1803       mach->set_req(0, s->_leaf->in(0));
1804   }
1806   // Now recursively walk the state tree & add operand list.
1807   for( uint i=0; i<2; i++ ) {   // binary tree
1808     State *newstate = s->_kids[i];
1809     if( newstate == NULL ) break;      // Might only have 1 child
1810     // 'op' is what I am expecting to receive
1811     int op;
1812     if( i == 0 ) {
1813       op = _leftOp[rule];
1814     } else {

1857 //     Skip over it ( do nothing )
1858 // (3) Child is an instruction -
1859 //     Call ReduceInst recursively and
1860 //     and instruction as an input to the MachNode
1861 void Matcher::ReduceOper( State *s, int rule, Node *&mem, MachNode *mach ) {
1862   assert( rule < _LAST_MACH_OPER, "called with operand rule" );
1863   State *kid = s->_kids[0];
1864   assert( kid == NULL || s->_leaf->in(0) == NULL, "internal operands have no control" );
1866   // Leaf?  And not subsumed?
1867   if( kid == NULL && !_swallowed[rule] ) {
1868     mach->add_req( s->_leaf );  // Add leaf pointer
1869     return;                     // Bail out
1870   }
1872   if( s->_leaf->is_Load() ) {
1873     assert( mem == (Node*)1, "multiple Memories being matched at once?" );
1874     mem = s->_leaf->in(MemNode::Memory);
1875     debug_only(_mem_node = s->_leaf;)
1876   }

1877   if( s->_leaf->in(0) && s->_leaf->req() > 1) {
1878     if( !mach->in(0) )
1879       mach->set_req(0,s->_leaf->in(0));
1880     else {
1881       assert( s->_leaf->in(0) == mach->in(0), "same instruction, differing controls?" );
1882     }
1883   }
1885   for( uint i=0; kid != NULL && i<2; kid = s->_kids[1], i++ ) {   // binary tree
1886     int newrule;
1887     if( i == 0)
1888       newrule = kid->_rule[_leftOp[rule]];
1889     else
1890       newrule = kid->_rule[_rightOp[rule]];
1892     if( newrule < _LAST_MACH_OPER ) { // Operand or instruction?
1893       // Internal operand; recurse but do nothing else
1894       ReduceOper( kid, newrule, mem, mach );
1896     } else {                    // Child is a new instruction

1050                                                   n->_idx);
1051             C->set_node_notes_at(m->_idx, nn);
1052           }
1053           debug_only(match_alias_type(C, n, m));
1054         }
1055         n = m;    // n is now a new-space node
1056         mstack.set_node(n);
1057       }
1059       // New space!
1060       if (_visited.test_set(n->_idx)) continue; // while(mstack.is_nonempty())
1062       int i;
1063       // Put precedence edges on stack first (match them last).
1064       for (i = oldn->req(); (uint)i < oldn->len(); i++) {
1065         Node *m = oldn->in(i);
1066         if (m == NULL) break;
1067         // set -1 to call add_prec() instead of set_req() during Step1
1068         mstack.push(m, Visit, n, -1);
1069       }
1070       // Handle precedence edges for interior nodes
1071       for (i = n->len()-1; (uint)i >= n->req(); i--) {
1072         Node *m = n->in(i);
1073         if (m == NULL || C->node_arena()->contains(m)) continue;
1074         n->rm_prec(i);
1075         // set -1 to call add_prec() instead of set_req() during Step1
1076         mstack.push(m, Visit, n, -1);
1077       }
1078       // For constant debug info, I'd rather have unmatched constants.
1079       int cnt = n->req();
1080       JVMState* jvms = n->jvms();
1081       int debug_cnt = jvms ? jvms->debug_start() : cnt;
1083       // Now do only debug info.  Clone constants rather than matching.
1084       // Constants are represented directly in the debug info without
1085       // the need for executable machine instructions.
1086       // Monitor boxes are also represented directly.
1087       for (i = cnt - 1; i >= debug_cnt; --i) { // For all debug inputs do
1088         Node *m = n->in(i);          // Get input
1089         int op = m->Opcode();
1090         assert((op == Op_BoxLock) == jvms->is_monitor_use(i), "boxes only at monitor sites");
1091         if( op == Op_ConI || op == Op_ConP || op == Op_ConN || op == Op_ConNKlass ||
1092             op == Op_ConF || op == Op_ConD || op == Op_ConL
1093             // || op == Op_BoxLock  // %%%% enable this and remove (+++) in chaitin.cpp
1094             ) {
1095           m = m->clone();
1096 #ifdef ASSERT
1097 >_idx, n);

1749   // PhaseChaitin::fixup_spills will sometimes generate spill code
1750   // via the matcher.  By the time, nodes have been wired into the CFG,
1751   // and any further nodes generated by expand rules will be left hanging
1752   // in space, and will not get emitted as output code.  Catch this.
1753   // Also, catch any new register allocation constraints ("projections")
1754   // generated belatedly during spill code generation.
1755   if (_allocation_started) {
1756     guarantee(ex == mach, "no expand rules during spill generation");
1757     guarantee(number_of_projections_prior == number_of_projections(), "no allocation during spill generation");
1758   }
1760   if (leaf->is_Con() || leaf->is_DecodeNarrowPtr()) {
1761     // Record the con for sharing
1762>_idx, ex);
1763   }
1765   return ex;
1766 }
1768 void Matcher::handle_precedence_edges(Node* n, MachNode *mach) {
1769   for (uint i = n->req(); i < n->len(); i++) {
1770     if (n->in(i) != NULL) {
1771       mach->add_prec(n->in(i));
1772     }
1773   }
1774 }
1776 void Matcher::ReduceInst_Chain_Rule( State *s, int rule, Node *&mem, MachNode *mach ) {
1777   // 'op' is what I am expecting to receive
1778   int op = _leftOp[rule];
1779   // Operand type to catch childs result
1780   // This is what my child will give me.
1781   int opnd_class_instance = s->_rule[op];
1782   // Choose between operand class or not.
1783   // This is what I will receive.
1784   int catch_op = (FIRST_OPERAND_CLASS <= op && op < NUM_OPERANDS) ? opnd_class_instance : op;
1785   // New rule for child.  Chase operand classes to get the actual rule.
1786   int newrule = s->_rule[catch_op];
1788   if( newrule < NUM_OPERANDS ) {
1789     // Chain from operand or operand class, may be output of shared node
1790     assert( 0 <= opnd_class_instance && opnd_class_instance < NUM_OPERANDS,
1791             "Bad AD file: Instruction chain rule must chain from operand");
1792     // Insert operand into array of operands for this instruction
1793     mach->_opnds[1] = s->MachOperGenerator( opnd_class_instance, C );
1795     ReduceOper( s, newrule, mem, mach );
1796   } else {
1797     // Chain from the result of an instruction
1798     assert( newrule >= _LAST_MACH_OPER, "Do NOT chain from internal operand");
1799     mach->_opnds[1] = s->MachOperGenerator( _reduceOp[catch_op], C );
1800     Node *mem1 = (Node*)1;
1801     debug_only(Node *save_mem_node = _mem_node;)
1802     mach->add_req( ReduceInst(s, newrule, mem1) );
1803     debug_only(_mem_node = save_mem_node;)
1804   }
1805   return;
1806 }
1809 uint Matcher::ReduceInst_Interior( State *s, int rule, Node *&mem, MachNode *mach, uint num_opnds ) {
1810   handle_precedence_edges(s->_leaf, mach);
1811   if( s->_leaf->is_Load() ) {
1812     Node *mem2 = s->_leaf->in(MemNode::Memory);
1813     assert( mem == (Node*)1 || mem == mem2, "multiple Memories being matched at once?" );
1814     debug_only( if( mem == (Node*)1 ) _mem_node = s->_leaf;)
1815     mem = mem2;
1816   }
1817   if( s->_leaf->in(0) != NULL && s->_leaf->req() > 1) {
1818     if( mach->in(0) == NULL )
1819       mach->set_req(0, s->_leaf->in(0));
1820   }
1822   // Now recursively walk the state tree & add operand list.
1823   for( uint i=0; i<2; i++ ) {   // binary tree
1824     State *newstate = s->_kids[i];
1825     if( newstate == NULL ) break;      // Might only have 1 child
1826     // 'op' is what I am expecting to receive
1827     int op;
1828     if( i == 0 ) {
1829       op = _leftOp[rule];
1830     } else {

1873 //     Skip over it ( do nothing )
1874 // (3) Child is an instruction -
1875 //     Call ReduceInst recursively and
1876 //     and instruction as an input to the MachNode
1877 void Matcher::ReduceOper( State *s, int rule, Node *&mem, MachNode *mach ) {
1878   assert( rule < _LAST_MACH_OPER, "called with operand rule" );
1879   State *kid = s->_kids[0];
1880   assert( kid == NULL || s->_leaf->in(0) == NULL, "internal operands have no control" );
1882   // Leaf?  And not subsumed?
1883   if( kid == NULL && !_swallowed[rule] ) {
1884     mach->add_req( s->_leaf );  // Add leaf pointer
1885     return;                     // Bail out
1886   }
1888   if( s->_leaf->is_Load() ) {
1889     assert( mem == (Node*)1, "multiple Memories being matched at once?" );
1890     mem = s->_leaf->in(MemNode::Memory);
1891     debug_only(_mem_node = s->_leaf;)
1892   }
1894   handle_precedence_edges(s->_leaf, mach);
1896   if( s->_leaf->in(0) && s->_leaf->req() > 1) {
1897     if( !mach->in(0) )
1898       mach->set_req(0,s->_leaf->in(0));
1899     else {
1900       assert( s->_leaf->in(0) == mach->in(0), "same instruction, differing controls?" );
1901     }
1902   }
1904   for( uint i=0; kid != NULL && i<2; kid = s->_kids[1], i++ ) {   // binary tree
1905     int newrule;
1906     if( i == 0)
1907       newrule = kid->_rule[_leftOp[rule]];
1908     else
1909       newrule = kid->_rule[_rightOp[rule]];
1911     if( newrule < _LAST_MACH_OPER ) { // Operand or instruction?
1912       // Internal operand; recurse but do nothing else
1913       ReduceOper( kid, newrule, mem, mach );
1915     } else {                    // Child is a new instruction