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 103     /**
 104       * Creates an instance of an object for the specified object,
 105       * attributes, and environment.
 106       * <p>
 107       * This method is the same as <tt>NamingManager.getObjectInstance</tt>
 108       * except for the following differences:
 109       *<ul>
 110       *<li>
 111       * It accepts an <tt>Attributes</tt> parameter that contains attributes
 112       * associated with the object. The <tt>DirObjectFactory</tt> might use these
 113       * attributes to save having to look them up from the directory.
 114       *<li>
 115       * The object factories tried must implement either
 116       * <tt>ObjectFactory</tt> or <tt>DirObjectFactory</tt>.
 117       * If it implements <tt>DirObjectFactory</tt>,
 118       * <tt>DirObjectFactory.getObjectInstance()</tt> is used, otherwise,
 119       * <tt>ObjectFactory.getObjectInstance()</tt> is used.
 120       *</ul>
 121       * Service providers that implement the <tt>DirContext</tt> interface
 122       * should use this method, not <tt>NamingManager.getObjectInstance()</tt>.
 123       *<p>
 124       *
 125       * @param refInfo The possibly null object for which to create an object.
 126       * @param name The name of this object relative to <code>nameCtx</code>.
 127       *         Specifying a name is optional; if it is
 128       *         omitted, <code>name</code> should be null.
 129       * @param nameCtx The context relative to which the <code>name</code>
 130       *         parameter is specified.  If null, <code>name</code> is
 131       *         relative to the default initial context.
 132       * @param environment The possibly null environment to
 133       *         be used in the creation of the object factory and the object.
 134       * @param attrs The possibly null attributes associated with refInfo.
 135       *         This might not be the complete set of attributes for refInfo;
 136       *         you might be able to read more attributes from the directory.
 137       * @return An object created using <code>refInfo</code> and <tt>attrs</tt>; or
 138       *         <code>refInfo</code> if an object cannot be created by
 139       *         a factory.
 140       * @exception NamingException If a naming exception was encountered
 141       *         while attempting to get a URL context, or if one of the
 142       *         factories accessed throws a NamingException.
 143       * @exception Exception If one of the factories accessed throws an

 103     /**
 104       * Creates an instance of an object for the specified object,
 105       * attributes, and environment.
 106       * <p>
 107       * This method is the same as <tt>NamingManager.getObjectInstance</tt>
 108       * except for the following differences:
 109       *<ul>
 110       *<li>
 111       * It accepts an <tt>Attributes</tt> parameter that contains attributes
 112       * associated with the object. The <tt>DirObjectFactory</tt> might use these
 113       * attributes to save having to look them up from the directory.
 114       *<li>
 115       * The object factories tried must implement either
 116       * <tt>ObjectFactory</tt> or <tt>DirObjectFactory</tt>.
 117       * If it implements <tt>DirObjectFactory</tt>,
 118       * <tt>DirObjectFactory.getObjectInstance()</tt> is used, otherwise,
 119       * <tt>ObjectFactory.getObjectInstance()</tt> is used.
 120       *</ul>
 121       * Service providers that implement the <tt>DirContext</tt> interface
 122       * should use this method, not <tt>NamingManager.getObjectInstance()</tt>.

 123       *
 124       * @param refInfo The possibly null object for which to create an object.
 125       * @param name The name of this object relative to <code>nameCtx</code>.
 126       *         Specifying a name is optional; if it is
 127       *         omitted, <code>name</code> should be null.
 128       * @param nameCtx The context relative to which the <code>name</code>
 129       *         parameter is specified.  If null, <code>name</code> is
 130       *         relative to the default initial context.
 131       * @param environment The possibly null environment to
 132       *         be used in the creation of the object factory and the object.
 133       * @param attrs The possibly null attributes associated with refInfo.
 134       *         This might not be the complete set of attributes for refInfo;
 135       *         you might be able to read more attributes from the directory.
 136       * @return An object created using <code>refInfo</code> and <tt>attrs</tt>; or
 137       *         <code>refInfo</code> if an object cannot be created by
 138       *         a factory.
 139       * @exception NamingException If a naming exception was encountered
 140       *         while attempting to get a URL context, or if one of the
 141       *         factories accessed throws a NamingException.
 142       * @exception Exception If one of the factories accessed throws an