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@@ -151,11 +151,11 @@
      * Creates an unconnected Socket with a user-specified
      * SocketImpl.
-     * <P>
+     *
      * @param impl an instance of a <B>SocketImpl</B>
      * the subclass wishes to use on the Socket.
      * @exception SocketException if there is an error in the underlying protocol,
      * such as a TCP error.

@@ -1243,11 +1243,11 @@
      * this must be requested <B>before</B> the socket is connected to the
      * remote peer. There are two cases to be aware of:
      * <ol>
      * <li>For sockets accepted from a ServerSocket, this must be done by calling
      * {@link ServerSocket#setReceiveBufferSize(int)} before the ServerSocket
-     * is bound to a local address.<p></li>
+     * is bound to a local address.</li>
      * <li>For client sockets, setReceiveBufferSize() must be called before
      * connecting the socket to its remote peer.</li></ol>
      * @param size the size to which to set the receive buffer
      * size. This value must be greater than 0.