1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2003, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 /*
  25  * @test
  26  * @bug 4874819
  27  * @summary Test that MBeanInfo classes no longer throw an
  28  * IllegalArgumentException when attribute names, operation names, and
  29  * Java type names do not strictly follow the expected Java syntax.
  30  * @author Eamonn McManus, Daniel Fuchs
  31  * @run clean SimpleModelMBeanCommand
  32  * @run build SimpleModelMBeanCommand
  33  * @run main/othervm/policy=policy  SimpleModelMBeanCommand
  34  */
  36 import java.lang.reflect.*;
  37 import java.util.*;
  38 import javax.management.*;
  39 import javax.management.modelmbean.*;
  41 public class SimpleModelMBeanCommand {
  43     public static class Resource {
  44         public int getNumber() {
  45             return number;
  46         }
  48         public void setNumber(int n) {
  49             number = n;
  50         }
  52         public int addOne(int x) {
  53             return x + 1;
  54         }
  56         public Object[] getArray() {
  57             return (Object[]) array.clone();
  58         }
  60         // doesn't look like an attribute so not seen by caching logic
  61         public void tweakArray(Object[] array) {
  62             this.array = (Object[]) array.clone();
  63         }
  65         private int number = 1234;
  66         private Object[] array = {"hello", "world"};
  67     }
  69     public static void main(String[] args) {
  70         int errorCount = 0;
  71         for (int i = 0; i < NTESTS; i++) {
  72             try {
  73                 System.out.println("Test " + i + ":");
  74                 test(i);
  75             } catch (Throwable e) {
  76                 errorCount++;
  77                 boolean first = true;
  78                 do {
  79                     System.err.println(first ? "Exception:" : "Caused by:");
  80                     first = false;
  81                     e.printStackTrace();
  82                     Throwable nexte;
  83                     nexte = e.getCause();
  84                     if (nexte == null) { // old JMX
  85                         if (e instanceof MBeanException)
  86                             nexte = ((MBeanException) e).getTargetException();
  87                     }
  88                     e = nexte;
  89                 } while (e != null);
  90             }
  91         }
  92         if (errorCount == 0) {
  93             System.out.println("All ModelMBean tests successfuly passed");
  94             System.out.println("Bye! Bye!");
  95             // JTReg doesn't like System.exit(0);
  96             return;
  97         } else {
  98             System.err.println("ERROR: " + errorCount + " tests failed");
  99             System.exit(errorCount);
 100         }
 102     }
 104     private static void test(int testno) throws Exception {
 105         // com.sun.jmx.trace.TraceImplementation.init(2);
 106         Resource resource = new Resource();
 107         Class resourceClass = Resource.class;
 108         Class rmmbClass = RequiredModelMBean.class;
 109         Method setManagedResource =
 110             rmmbClass.getMethod("setManagedResource",
 111                                 new Class[] {Object.class,
 112                                              String.class});
 113         Method sendNotification =
 114             rmmbClass.getMethod("sendNotification",
 115                                 new Class[] {Notification.class});
 116         Method addAttributeChangeNL =
 117             rmmbClass.getMethod("addAttributeChangeNotificationListener",
 118                                 new Class[] {NotificationListener.class,
 119                                              String.class,
 120                                              Object.class});
 121         Method getArray = resourceClass.getMethod("getArray", new Class[0]);
 122         Method getNumber = resourceClass.getMethod("getNumber", new Class[0]);
 123         Method setNumber =
 124             resourceClass.getMethod("setNumber", new Class[] {Integer.TYPE});
 125         Method tweakArray =
 126             resourceClass.getMethod("tweakArray",
 127                                     new Class[] {Object[].class});
 128         Method addOne =
 129             resourceClass.getMethod("addOne", new Class[] {Integer.TYPE});
 130         MBeanServer mbs = MBeanServerFactory.newMBeanServer();
 131         ObjectName on = new ObjectName("a:b=c");
 132         Descriptor attrDescr = new DescriptorSupport();
 133         attrDescr.setField("name", "Array");
 134         attrDescr.setField("descriptorType", "attribute");
 135         attrDescr.setField("getMethod", "getArray");
 136         ModelMBeanAttributeInfo attrInfo =
 137             new ModelMBeanAttributeInfo("Array", "array attr", getArray,
 138                                         null, attrDescr);
 139         Descriptor attrDescr2 = new DescriptorSupport();
 140         attrDescr2.setField("name", "Number");
 141         attrDescr2.setField("descriptorType", "attribute");
 142         attrDescr2.setField("getMethod", "getNumber");
 143         attrDescr2.setField("setMethod", "setNumber");
 144         ModelMBeanAttributeInfo attrInfo2 =
 145             new ModelMBeanAttributeInfo("Number", "number attr", getNumber,
 146                                         setNumber, attrDescr2);
 147         Descriptor attrDescr3 = new DescriptorSupport();
 148         attrDescr3.setField("name", "Local");
 149         attrDescr3.setField("descriptorType", "attribute");
 150         attrDescr3.setField("currencyTimeLimit", "" + Integer.MAX_VALUE);
 151         ModelMBeanAttributeInfo attrInfo3 =
 152             new ModelMBeanAttributeInfo("Local", "java.lang.String",
 153                                         "local attr", true, true, false,
 154                                         attrDescr3);
 155         Descriptor attrDescr4 = new DescriptorSupport();
 156         attrDescr4.setField("name", "Local2");
 157         attrDescr4.setField("descriptorType", "attribute");
 158         ModelMBeanAttributeInfo attrInfo4 =
 159             new ModelMBeanAttributeInfo("Local2", "java.lang.String",
 160                                         "local attr 2", true, true, false,
 161                                         attrDescr4);
 162         ModelMBeanAttributeInfo[] attrs =
 163             new ModelMBeanAttributeInfo[] {attrInfo, attrInfo2, attrInfo3,
 164                                            attrInfo4};
 165         ModelMBeanOperationInfo operInfo =
 166             new ModelMBeanOperationInfo("getArray descr", getArray);
 167         ModelMBeanOperationInfo operInfo2 =
 168             new ModelMBeanOperationInfo("getNumber descr", getNumber);
 169         ModelMBeanOperationInfo operInfo3 =
 170             new ModelMBeanOperationInfo("addOne descr", addOne);
 171         ModelMBeanOperationInfo operInfo4 =
 172             new ModelMBeanOperationInfo("setNumber descr", setNumber);
 173         ModelMBeanOperationInfo operInfo5 =
 174             new ModelMBeanOperationInfo("tweakArray descr", tweakArray);
 175         ModelMBeanOperationInfo operInfoSetManagedResource =
 176             new ModelMBeanOperationInfo("setManagedResource descr",
 177                                         setManagedResource);
 178         ModelMBeanOperationInfo operInfoSendNotification =
 179             new ModelMBeanOperationInfo("sendNotification descr",
 180                                         sendNotification);
 181         ModelMBeanOperationInfo operInfoAddAttributeChangeNL =
 182             new ModelMBeanOperationInfo("AddAttributeChangeNL descr",
 183                                         addAttributeChangeNL);
 184         ModelMBeanOperationInfo[] opers =
 185             new ModelMBeanOperationInfo[] {operInfo, operInfo2, operInfo3,
 186                                            operInfo4, operInfo5,
 187                                            operInfoSetManagedResource,
 188                                            operInfoSendNotification,
 189                                            operInfoAddAttributeChangeNL};
 190         ModelMBeanInfo info =
 191             new ModelMBeanInfoSupport(Resource.class.getName(),
 192                                       "Resourcish resource",
 193                                       attrs, null, opers, null,
 194                                       null);
 195         mbs.createMBean(RequiredModelMBean.class.getName(),
 196                         on,
 197                         new Object[] {info},
 198                         new String[] {ModelMBeanInfo.class.getName()});
 199         mbs.invoke(on, "setManagedResource",
 200                    new Object[] {resource, "objectReference"},
 201                    new String[] {"java.lang.Object", "java.lang.String"});
 202         switch (testno) {
 203         case 0:
 204             /* Check that we can get an attribute of type Object[] */
 205             Object[] objs = (Object[]) mbs.getAttribute(on, "Array");
 206             for (int i = 0; i < objs.length; i++)
 207                 System.out.println(objs[i]);
 208             break;
 209         case 1:
 210             /* Check that we can get an attribute of type int */
 211             Integer n = (Integer) mbs.getAttribute(on, "Number");
 212             System.out.println(n);
 213             break;
 214         case 2:
 215             /* Check that we can call an operation that returns int */
 216             Integer n1 =
 217                 (Integer) mbs.invoke(on, "addOne",
 218                                      new Integer[] {new Integer(1233)},
 219                                      new String[] {"int"});
 220             System.out.println(n1);
 221             break;
 222         case 3:
 223             /* Check that we don't get an exception if you sendNotification
 224                without any listeners.  */
 225             Notification notif = new Notification("type", "source", 123L);
 226             mbs.invoke(on, "sendNotification", new Object[] {notif},
 227                        new String[] {"javax.management.Notification"});
 228             System.out.println("Successfully sent notification");
 229             break;
 230         case 4:
 231             /* Check that we can call addAttributeChangeNotificationListener
 232                with null attribute.  */
 233             NotificationListener listener = new NotificationListener() {
 234                 public void handleNotification(Notification notif,
 235                                                Object handback) {
 236                     System.out.println("Got notif: " + notif +
 237                                        " with handback: " + handback);
 238                 }
 239             };
 240             mbs.invoke(on, "addAttributeChangeNotificationListener",
 241                        new Object[] {listener, null, "the-handback"},
 242                        new String[] {
 243                            "javax.management.NotificationListener",
 244                            "java.lang.String",
 245                            "java.lang.Object",
 246                        });
 247             mbs.setAttribute(on, new Attribute("Number", new Integer(4321)));
 248             System.out.println("Attribute value now: " +
 249                                mbs.getAttribute(on, "Number"));
 250             break;
 251         case 5:
 252             /* Check that the default caching behaviour is not to cache.  */
 253             Object[] firstGot = (Object[]) mbs.getAttribute(on, "Array");
 254             System.out.println("First got: " + Arrays.asList(firstGot));
 255             ModelMBeanInfo mmbi = (ModelMBeanInfo) mbs.getMBeanInfo(on);
 256             System.out.println(mmbi.getDescriptor("Array", "attribute"));
 257             mbs.invoke(on, "tweakArray", new Object[] {new Object[] {"x"}},
 258                        new String[] {Object[].class.getName()});
 259             Object[] secondGot = (Object[]) mbs.getAttribute(on, "Array");
 260             System.out.println("Second got: " + Arrays.asList(secondGot));
 261             if (secondGot.length != 1)
 262                 throw new Exception("Got value: " + Arrays.asList(secondGot));
 263             break;
 264         case 6:
 265             /* Check that attributes without getters or setters work.
 266                The value is stored in the descriptor.  This test includes
 267                an explicit currencyTimeLimit attribute.  */
 268             mbs.setAttribute(on, new Attribute("Local", "string value"));
 269             ModelMBeanInfo mmbi2 = (ModelMBeanInfo) mbs.getMBeanInfo(on);
 270             System.out.println(mmbi2.getDescriptor("Local", "attribute"));
 271             Object gotback = mbs.getAttribute(on, "Local");
 272             if (!"string value".equals(gotback))
 273                 throw new Exception("Got value: " + gotback);
 274             break;
 275         case 7:
 276             /* Check that attributes without getters or setters work.
 277                The value is stored in the descriptor.  This test does
 278                not have an explicit currencyTimeLimit attribute.  */
 279             mbs.setAttribute(on, new Attribute("Local2", "thing value"));
 280             ModelMBeanInfo mmbi3 = (ModelMBeanInfo) mbs.getMBeanInfo(on);
 281             System.out.println(mmbi3.getDescriptor("Local2", "attribute"));
 282             Object gotback2 = mbs.getAttribute(on, "Local2");
 283             if (!"thing value".equals(gotback2))
 284                 throw new Exception("Got value: " + gotback2);
 285             break;
 286         default:
 287             System.err.println("UNKNOWN TEST NUMBER " + testno);
 288             break;
 289         }
 290     }
 292     private static final int NTESTS = 8;
 294 }