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2403           "Suppress workaround for libthread GP fault")                     \
2404                                                                             \
2405   product(bool, PrintJNIGCStalls, false,                                    \
2406           "Print diagnostic message when GC is stalled "                    \
2407           "by JNI critical section")                                        \
2408                                                                             \
2409   experimental(double, ObjectCountCutOffPercent, 0.5,                       \
2410           "The percentage of the used heap that the instances of a class "  \
2411           "must occupy for the class to generate a trace event")            \
2412                                                                             \
2413   /* GC log rotation setting */                                             \
2414                                                                             \
2415   product(bool, UseGCLogFileRotation, false,                                \
2416           "Rotate gclog files (for long running applications). It requires "\
2417           "-Xloggc:<filename>")                                             \
2418                                                                             \
2419   product(uintx, NumberOfGCLogFiles, 0,                                     \
2420           "Number of gclog files in rotation "                              \
2421           "(default: 0, no rotation)")                                      \
2422                                                                             \
2423   product(uintx, GCLogFileSize, 0,                                          \
2424           "GC log file size (default: 0 bytes, no rotation). "              \
2425           "It requires UseGCLogFileRotation")                               \
2426                                                                             \
2427   /* JVMTI heap profiling */                                                \
2428                                                                             \
2429   diagnostic(bool, TraceJVMTIObjectTagging, false,                          \
2430           "Trace JVMTI object tagging calls")                               \
2431                                                                             \
2432   diagnostic(bool, VerifyBeforeIteration, false,                            \
2433           "Verify memory system before JVMTI iteration")                    \
2434                                                                             \
2435   /* compiler interface */                                                  \
2436                                                                             \
2437   develop(bool, CIPrintCompilerName, false,                                 \
2438           "when CIPrint is active, print the name of the active compiler")  \
2439                                                                             \
2440   develop(bool, CIPrintCompileQueue, false,                                 \
2441           "display the contents of the compile queue whenever a "           \
2442           "compilation is enqueued")                                        \
2443                                                                             \
2444   develop(bool, CIPrintRequests, false,                                     \
2445           "display every request for compilation")                          \

2403           "Suppress workaround for libthread GP fault")                     \
2404                                                                             \
2405   product(bool, PrintJNIGCStalls, false,                                    \
2406           "Print diagnostic message when GC is stalled "                    \
2407           "by JNI critical section")                                        \
2408                                                                             \
2409   experimental(double, ObjectCountCutOffPercent, 0.5,                       \
2410           "The percentage of the used heap that the instances of a class "  \
2411           "must occupy for the class to generate a trace event")            \
2412                                                                             \
2413   /* GC log rotation setting */                                             \
2414                                                                             \
2415   product(bool, UseGCLogFileRotation, false,                                \
2416           "Rotate gclog files (for long running applications). It requires "\
2417           "-Xloggc:<filename>")                                             \
2418                                                                             \
2419   product(uintx, NumberOfGCLogFiles, 0,                                     \
2420           "Number of gclog files in rotation "                              \
2421           "(default: 0, no rotation)")                                      \
2422                                                                             \
2423   product(uintx, GCLogFileSize, 8*K,                                        \
2424           "GC log file size, requires UseGCLogFileRotation. "               \
2425           "Set to 0 to only trigger rotation via jcmd")                     \
2426                                                                             \
2427   /* JVMTI heap profiling */                                                \
2428                                                                             \
2429   diagnostic(bool, TraceJVMTIObjectTagging, false,                          \
2430           "Trace JVMTI object tagging calls")                               \
2431                                                                             \
2432   diagnostic(bool, VerifyBeforeIteration, false,                            \
2433           "Verify memory system before JVMTI iteration")                    \
2434                                                                             \
2435   /* compiler interface */                                                  \
2436                                                                             \
2437   develop(bool, CIPrintCompilerName, false,                                 \
2438           "when CIPrint is active, print the name of the active compiler")  \
2439                                                                             \
2440   develop(bool, CIPrintCompileQueue, false,                                 \
2441           "display the contents of the compile queue whenever a "           \
2442           "compilation is enqueued")                                        \
2443                                                                             \
2444   develop(bool, CIPrintRequests, false,                                     \
2445           "display every request for compilation")                          \