< prev index next >


Print this page

  32   case Component::DEF:
  33   case Component::USE_DEF: return true; break;
  34   }
  35   return false;
  36 }
  38 // Define  an array containing the machine register names, strings.
  39 static void defineRegNames(FILE *fp, RegisterForm *registers) {
  40   if (registers) {
  41     fprintf(fp,"\n");
  42     fprintf(fp,"// An array of character pointers to machine register names.\n");
  43     fprintf(fp,"const char *Matcher::regName[REG_COUNT] = {\n");
  45     // Output the register name for each register in the allocation classes
  46     RegDef *reg_def = NULL;
  47     RegDef *next = NULL;
  48     registers->reset_RegDefs();
  49     for (reg_def = registers->iter_RegDefs(); reg_def != NULL; reg_def = next) {
  50       next = registers->iter_RegDefs();
  51       const char *comma = (next != NULL) ? "," : " // no trailing comma";
  52       fprintf(fp,"  \"%s\"%s\n", reg_def->_regname, comma);
  53     }
  55     // Finish defining enumeration
  56     fprintf(fp,"};\n");
  58     fprintf(fp,"\n");
  59     fprintf(fp,"// An array of character pointers to machine register names.\n");
  60     fprintf(fp,"const VMReg OptoReg::opto2vm[REG_COUNT] = {\n");
  61     reg_def = NULL;
  62     next = NULL;
  63     registers->reset_RegDefs();
  64     for (reg_def = registers->iter_RegDefs(); reg_def != NULL; reg_def = next) {
  65       next = registers->iter_RegDefs();
  66       const char *comma = (next != NULL) ? "," : " // no trailing comma";
  67       fprintf(fp,"\t%s%s\n", reg_def->_concrete, comma);
  68     }
  69     // Finish defining array
  70     fprintf(fp,"\t};\n");
  71     fprintf(fp,"\n");

1696         }
1697       } else if (comp->isa(Component::KILL)) {
1698         fprintf(fp, "  // DEF/KILL %s\n", comp->_name);
1700         if (!declared_kill) {
1701           // Define the variable "kill" to hold new MachProjNodes
1702           fprintf(fp, "  MachProjNode *kill;\n");
1703           declared_kill = true;
1704         }
1706         assert(op, "Support additional KILLS for base operands");
1707         const char *regmask    = reg_mask(*op);
1708         const char *ideal_type = op->ideal_type(_globalNames, _register);
1710         if (!op->is_bound_register()) {
1711           syntax_err(node->_linenum, "In %s only bound registers can be killed: %s %s\n",
1712                      node->_ident, comp->_type, comp->_name);
1713         }
1715         fprintf(fp,"  kill = ");
1716         fprintf(fp,"new MachProjNode( %s, %d, (%s), Op_%s );\n",
1717                 machNode, proj_no++, regmask, ideal_type);
1718         fprintf(fp,"  proj_list.push(kill);\n");
1719       }
1720     }
1721   }
1723   if( !node->expands() && node->_matrule != NULL ) {
1724     // Remove duplicated operands and inputs which use the same name.
1725     // Seach through match operands for the same name usage.
1726     uint cur_num_opnds = node->num_opnds();
1727     if( cur_num_opnds > 1 && cur_num_opnds != node->num_unique_opnds() ) {
1728       Component *comp = NULL;
1729       // Build mapping from num_edges to local variables
1730       fprintf(fp,"  unsigned num0 = 0;\n");
1731       for( i = 1; i < cur_num_opnds; i++ ) {
1732         fprintf(fp,"  unsigned num%d = opnd_array(%d)->num_edges();",i,i);
1733         fprintf(fp, " \t// %s\n", node->opnd_ident(i));
1734       }
1735       // Build a mapping from operand index to input edges
1736       fprintf(fp,"  unsigned idx0 = oper_input_base();\n");

3620   // Output #defines from definition block
3621   globalDefs().print_defines(fp_hpp);
3623   if (_pre_header.count() > 0)
3624     _pre_header.output(fp_hpp);
3625 }
3627 //---------------------------buildReduceMaps-----------------------------
3628 // Build  mapping from enumeration for densely packed operands
3629 // TO result and child types.
3630 void ArchDesc::buildReduceMaps(FILE *fp_hpp, FILE *fp_cpp) {
3631   RegDef       *rdef;
3632   RegDef       *next;
3634   // The emit bodies currently require functions defined in the source block.
3636   // Build external declarations for mappings
3637   fprintf(fp_hpp, "\n");
3638   fprintf(fp_hpp, "extern const char  register_save_policy[];\n");
3639   fprintf(fp_hpp, "extern const char  c_reg_save_policy[];\n");
3640   fprintf(fp_hpp, "extern const int   register_save_type[];\n");
3641   fprintf(fp_hpp, "\n");
3643   // Construct Save-Policy array
3644   fprintf(fp_cpp, "// Map from machine-independent register number to register_save_policy\n");
3645   fprintf(fp_cpp, "const        char register_save_policy[] = {\n");
3646   _register->reset_RegDefs();
3647   for( rdef = _register->iter_RegDefs(); rdef != NULL; rdef = next ) {
3648     next              = _register->iter_RegDefs();
3649     char policy       = reg_save_policy(rdef->_callconv);
3650     const char *comma = (next != NULL) ? "," : " // no trailing comma";
3651     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  '%c'%s // %s\n", policy, comma, rdef->_regname);
3652   }
3653   fprintf(fp_cpp, "};\n\n");
3655   // Construct Native Save-Policy array
3656   fprintf(fp_cpp, "// Map from machine-independent register number to c_reg_save_policy\n");
3657   fprintf(fp_cpp, "const        char c_reg_save_policy[] = {\n");
3658   _register->reset_RegDefs();
3659   for( rdef = _register->iter_RegDefs(); rdef != NULL; rdef = next ) {
3660     next        = _register->iter_RegDefs();
3661     char policy = reg_save_policy(rdef->_c_conv);
3662     const char *comma = (next != NULL) ? "," : " // no trailing comma";
3663     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  '%c'%s // %s\n", policy, comma, rdef->_regname);
3664   }
3665   fprintf(fp_cpp, "};\n\n");
3667   // Construct Register Save Type array
3668   fprintf(fp_cpp, "// Map from machine-independent register number to register_save_type\n");
3669   fprintf(fp_cpp, "const        int register_save_type[] = {\n");
3670   _register->reset_RegDefs();
3671   for( rdef = _register->iter_RegDefs(); rdef != NULL; rdef = next ) {
3672     next = _register->iter_RegDefs();
3673     const char *comma = (next != NULL) ? "," : " // no trailing comma";
3674     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  %s%s\n", rdef->_idealtype, comma);

3675   }
3676   fprintf(fp_cpp, "};\n\n");
3678   // Construct the table for reduceOp
3679   OutputReduceOp output_reduce_op(fp_hpp, fp_cpp, _globalNames, *this);
3680   build_map(output_reduce_op);
3681   // Construct the table for leftOp
3682   OutputLeftOp output_left_op(fp_hpp, fp_cpp, _globalNames, *this);
3683   build_map(output_left_op);
3684   // Construct the table for rightOp
3685   OutputRightOp output_right_op(fp_hpp, fp_cpp, _globalNames, *this);
3686   build_map(output_right_op);
3687   // Construct the table of rule names
3688   OutputRuleName output_rule_name(fp_hpp, fp_cpp, _globalNames, *this);
3689   build_map(output_rule_name);
3690   // Construct the boolean table for subsumed operands
3691   OutputSwallowed output_swallowed(fp_hpp, fp_cpp, _globalNames, *this);
3692   build_map(output_swallowed);
3693   // // // Preserve in case we decide to use this table instead of another
3694   //// Construct the boolean table for instruction chain rules

4081   // Generate the default case for switch(opcode)
4082   fprintf(fp_cpp, "  \n");
4083   fprintf(fp_cpp, "  default:\n");
4084   fprintf(fp_cpp, "    fprintf(stderr, \"Default MachNode Generator invoked for: \\n\");\n");
4085   fprintf(fp_cpp, "    fprintf(stderr, \"   opcode = %cd\\n\", opcode);\n", '%');
4086   fprintf(fp_cpp, "    break;\n");
4087   fprintf(fp_cpp, "  };\n");
4089   // Generate the closing for method Matcher::MachNodeGenerator
4090   fprintf(fp_cpp, "  return NULL;\n");
4091   fprintf(fp_cpp, "}\n");
4092 }
4095 //---------------------------buildInstructMatchCheck--------------------------
4096 // Output the method to Matcher which checks whether or not a specific
4097 // instruction has a matching rule for the host architecture.
4098 void ArchDesc::buildInstructMatchCheck(FILE *fp_cpp) const {
4099   fprintf(fp_cpp, "\n\n");
4100   fprintf(fp_cpp, "const bool Matcher::has_match_rule(int opcode) {\n");
4101   fprintf(fp_cpp, "  assert(_last_machine_leaf < opcode && opcode < _last_opcode, \"opcode in range\");\n");
4102   fprintf(fp_cpp, "  return _hasMatchRule[opcode];\n");
4103   fprintf(fp_cpp, "}\n\n");
4105   fprintf(fp_cpp, "const bool Matcher::_hasMatchRule[_last_opcode] = {\n");
4106   int i;
4107   for (i = 0; i < _last_opcode - 1; i++) {
4108     fprintf(fp_cpp, "    %-5s,  // %s\n",
4109             _has_match_rule[i] ? "true" : "false",
4110             NodeClassNames[i]);
4111   }
4112   fprintf(fp_cpp, "    %-5s   // %s\n",
4113           _has_match_rule[i] ? "true" : "false",
4114           NodeClassNames[i]);
4115   fprintf(fp_cpp, "};\n");
4116 }
4118 //---------------------------buildFrameMethods---------------------------------
4119 // Output the methods to Matcher which specify frame behavior
4120 void ArchDesc::buildFrameMethods(FILE *fp_cpp) {
4121   fprintf(fp_cpp,"\n\n");
4122   // Stack Direction
4123   fprintf(fp_cpp,"bool Matcher::stack_direction() const { return %s; }\n\n",
4124           _frame->_direction ? "true" : "false");
4125   // Sync Stack Slots
4126   fprintf(fp_cpp,"int Compile::sync_stack_slots() const { return %s; }\n\n",
4127           _frame->_sync_stack_slots);

4139             _frame->_return_addr);
4140   }
4141   // Java Stack Slot Preservation
4142   fprintf(fp_cpp,"uint Compile::in_preserve_stack_slots() ");
4143   fprintf(fp_cpp,"{ return %s; }\n\n", _frame->_in_preserve_slots);
4144   // Top Of Stack Slot Preservation, for both Java and C
4145   fprintf(fp_cpp,"uint Compile::out_preserve_stack_slots() ");
4146   fprintf(fp_cpp,"{ return SharedRuntime::out_preserve_stack_slots(); }\n\n");
4147   // varargs C out slots killed
4148   fprintf(fp_cpp,"uint Compile::varargs_C_out_slots_killed() const ");
4149   fprintf(fp_cpp,"{ return %s; }\n\n", _frame->_varargs_C_out_slots_killed);
4150   // Java Argument Position
4151   fprintf(fp_cpp,"void Matcher::calling_convention(BasicType *sig_bt, VMRegPair *regs, uint length, bool is_outgoing) {\n");
4152   fprintf(fp_cpp,"%s\n", _frame->_calling_convention);
4153   fprintf(fp_cpp,"}\n\n");
4154   // Native Argument Position
4155   fprintf(fp_cpp,"void Matcher::c_calling_convention(BasicType *sig_bt, VMRegPair *regs, uint length) {\n");
4156   fprintf(fp_cpp,"%s\n", _frame->_c_calling_convention);
4157   fprintf(fp_cpp,"}\n\n");
4158   // Java Return Value Location
4159   fprintf(fp_cpp,"OptoRegPair Matcher::return_value(int ideal_reg, bool is_outgoing) {\n");
4160   fprintf(fp_cpp,"%s\n", _frame->_return_value);
4161   fprintf(fp_cpp,"}\n\n");
4162   // Native Return Value Location
4163   fprintf(fp_cpp,"OptoRegPair Matcher::c_return_value(int ideal_reg, bool is_outgoing) {\n");
4164   fprintf(fp_cpp,"%s\n", _frame->_c_return_value);
4165   fprintf(fp_cpp,"}\n\n");
4167   // Inline Cache Register, mask definition, and encoding
4168   fprintf(fp_cpp,"OptoReg::Name Matcher::inline_cache_reg() {");
4169   fprintf(fp_cpp," return OptoReg::Name(%s_num); }\n\n",
4170           _frame->_inline_cache_reg);
4171   fprintf(fp_cpp,"int Matcher::inline_cache_reg_encode() {");
4172   fprintf(fp_cpp," return _regEncode[inline_cache_reg()]; }\n\n");
4174   // Interpreter's Method Oop Register, mask definition, and encoding
4175   fprintf(fp_cpp,"OptoReg::Name Matcher::interpreter_method_oop_reg() {");
4176   fprintf(fp_cpp," return OptoReg::Name(%s_num); }\n\n",
4177           _frame->_interpreter_method_oop_reg);
4178   fprintf(fp_cpp,"int Matcher::interpreter_method_oop_reg_encode() {");
4179   fprintf(fp_cpp," return _regEncode[interpreter_method_oop_reg()]; }\n\n");
4181   // Interpreter's Frame Pointer Register, mask definition, and encoding
4182   fprintf(fp_cpp,"OptoReg::Name Matcher::interpreter_frame_pointer_reg() {");
4183   if (_frame->_interpreter_frame_pointer_reg == NULL)

  32   case Component::DEF:
  33   case Component::USE_DEF: return true; break;
  34   }
  35   return false;
  36 }
  38 // Define  an array containing the machine register names, strings.
  39 static void defineRegNames(FILE *fp, RegisterForm *registers) {
  40   if (registers) {
  41     fprintf(fp,"\n");
  42     fprintf(fp,"// An array of character pointers to machine register names.\n");
  43     fprintf(fp,"const char *Matcher::regName[REG_COUNT] = {\n");
  45     // Output the register name for each register in the allocation classes
  46     RegDef *reg_def = NULL;
  47     RegDef *next = NULL;
  48     registers->reset_RegDefs();
  49     for (reg_def = registers->iter_RegDefs(); reg_def != NULL; reg_def = next) {
  50       next = registers->iter_RegDefs();
  51       const char *comma = (next != NULL) ? "," : " // no trailing comma";
  52       fprintf(fp,"  \"Opcodes::%s\"%s\n", reg_def->_regname, comma);
  53     }
  55     // Finish defining enumeration
  56     fprintf(fp,"};\n");
  58     fprintf(fp,"\n");
  59     fprintf(fp,"// An array of character pointers to machine register names.\n");
  60     fprintf(fp,"const VMReg OptoReg::opto2vm[REG_COUNT] = {\n");
  61     reg_def = NULL;
  62     next = NULL;
  63     registers->reset_RegDefs();
  64     for (reg_def = registers->iter_RegDefs(); reg_def != NULL; reg_def = next) {
  65       next = registers->iter_RegDefs();
  66       const char *comma = (next != NULL) ? "," : " // no trailing comma";
  67       fprintf(fp,"\t%s%s\n", reg_def->_concrete, comma);
  68     }
  69     // Finish defining array
  70     fprintf(fp,"\t};\n");
  71     fprintf(fp,"\n");

1696         }
1697       } else if (comp->isa(Component::KILL)) {
1698         fprintf(fp, "  // DEF/KILL %s\n", comp->_name);
1700         if (!declared_kill) {
1701           // Define the variable "kill" to hold new MachProjNodes
1702           fprintf(fp, "  MachProjNode *kill;\n");
1703           declared_kill = true;
1704         }
1706         assert(op, "Support additional KILLS for base operands");
1707         const char *regmask    = reg_mask(*op);
1708         const char *ideal_type = op->ideal_type(_globalNames, _register);
1710         if (!op->is_bound_register()) {
1711           syntax_err(node->_linenum, "In %s only bound registers can be killed: %s %s\n",
1712                      node->_ident, comp->_type, comp->_name);
1713         }
1715         fprintf(fp,"  kill = ");
1716         fprintf(fp,"new MachProjNode( %s, %d, (%s), Opcodes::Op_%s );\n",
1717                 machNode, proj_no++, regmask, ideal_type);
1718         fprintf(fp,"  proj_list.push(kill);\n");
1719       }
1720     }
1721   }
1723   if( !node->expands() && node->_matrule != NULL ) {
1724     // Remove duplicated operands and inputs which use the same name.
1725     // Seach through match operands for the same name usage.
1726     uint cur_num_opnds = node->num_opnds();
1727     if( cur_num_opnds > 1 && cur_num_opnds != node->num_unique_opnds() ) {
1728       Component *comp = NULL;
1729       // Build mapping from num_edges to local variables
1730       fprintf(fp,"  unsigned num0 = 0;\n");
1731       for( i = 1; i < cur_num_opnds; i++ ) {
1732         fprintf(fp,"  unsigned num%d = opnd_array(%d)->num_edges();",i,i);
1733         fprintf(fp, " \t// %s\n", node->opnd_ident(i));
1734       }
1735       // Build a mapping from operand index to input edges
1736       fprintf(fp,"  unsigned idx0 = oper_input_base();\n");

3620   // Output #defines from definition block
3621   globalDefs().print_defines(fp_hpp);
3623   if (_pre_header.count() > 0)
3624     _pre_header.output(fp_hpp);
3625 }
3627 //---------------------------buildReduceMaps-----------------------------
3628 // Build  mapping from enumeration for densely packed operands
3629 // TO result and child types.
3630 void ArchDesc::buildReduceMaps(FILE *fp_hpp, FILE *fp_cpp) {
3631   RegDef       *rdef;
3632   RegDef       *next;
3634   // The emit bodies currently require functions defined in the source block.
3636   // Build external declarations for mappings
3637   fprintf(fp_hpp, "\n");
3638   fprintf(fp_hpp, "extern const char  register_save_policy[];\n");
3639   fprintf(fp_hpp, "extern const char  c_reg_save_policy[];\n");
3640   fprintf(fp_hpp, "extern const Opcodes register_save_type[];\n");
3641   fprintf(fp_hpp, "\n");
3643   // Construct Save-Policy array
3644   fprintf(fp_cpp, "// Map from machine-independent register number to register_save_policy\n");
3645   fprintf(fp_cpp, "const        char register_save_policy[] = {\n");
3646   _register->reset_RegDefs();
3647   for( rdef = _register->iter_RegDefs(); rdef != NULL; rdef = next ) {
3648     next              = _register->iter_RegDefs();
3649     char policy       = reg_save_policy(rdef->_callconv);
3650     const char *comma = (next != NULL) ? "," : " // no trailing comma";
3651     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  '%c'%s // %s\n", policy, comma, rdef->_regname);
3652   }
3653   fprintf(fp_cpp, "};\n\n");
3655   // Construct Native Save-Policy array
3656   fprintf(fp_cpp, "// Map from machine-independent register number to c_reg_save_policy\n");
3657   fprintf(fp_cpp, "const        char c_reg_save_policy[] = {\n");
3658   _register->reset_RegDefs();
3659   for( rdef = _register->iter_RegDefs(); rdef != NULL; rdef = next ) {
3660     next        = _register->iter_RegDefs();
3661     char policy = reg_save_policy(rdef->_c_conv);
3662     const char *comma = (next != NULL) ? "," : " // no trailing comma";
3663     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  '%c'%s // %s\n", policy, comma, rdef->_regname);
3664   }
3665   fprintf(fp_cpp, "};\n\n");
3667   // Construct Register Save Type array
3668   fprintf(fp_cpp, "// Map from machine-independent register number to register_save_type\n");
3669   fprintf(fp_cpp, "const Opcodes register_save_type[] = {\n");
3670   _register->reset_RegDefs();
3671   for( rdef = _register->iter_RegDefs(); rdef != NULL; rdef = next ) {
3672     next = _register->iter_RegDefs();
3673     const char *comma = (next != NULL) ? "," : " // no trailing comma";
3674     const char *idealtype = (next != NULL) ? rdef->_idealtype : "Op_Node";
3675     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  Opcodes::%s%s\n", idealtype, comma);
3676   }
3677   fprintf(fp_cpp, "};\n\n");
3679   // Construct the table for reduceOp
3680   OutputReduceOp output_reduce_op(fp_hpp, fp_cpp, _globalNames, *this);
3681   build_map(output_reduce_op);
3682   // Construct the table for leftOp
3683   OutputLeftOp output_left_op(fp_hpp, fp_cpp, _globalNames, *this);
3684   build_map(output_left_op);
3685   // Construct the table for rightOp
3686   OutputRightOp output_right_op(fp_hpp, fp_cpp, _globalNames, *this);
3687   build_map(output_right_op);
3688   // Construct the table of rule names
3689   OutputRuleName output_rule_name(fp_hpp, fp_cpp, _globalNames, *this);
3690   build_map(output_rule_name);
3691   // Construct the boolean table for subsumed operands
3692   OutputSwallowed output_swallowed(fp_hpp, fp_cpp, _globalNames, *this);
3693   build_map(output_swallowed);
3694   // // // Preserve in case we decide to use this table instead of another
3695   //// Construct the boolean table for instruction chain rules

4082   // Generate the default case for switch(opcode)
4083   fprintf(fp_cpp, "  \n");
4084   fprintf(fp_cpp, "  default:\n");
4085   fprintf(fp_cpp, "    fprintf(stderr, \"Default MachNode Generator invoked for: \\n\");\n");
4086   fprintf(fp_cpp, "    fprintf(stderr, \"   opcode = %cd\\n\", opcode);\n", '%');
4087   fprintf(fp_cpp, "    break;\n");
4088   fprintf(fp_cpp, "  };\n");
4090   // Generate the closing for method Matcher::MachNodeGenerator
4091   fprintf(fp_cpp, "  return NULL;\n");
4092   fprintf(fp_cpp, "}\n");
4093 }
4096 //---------------------------buildInstructMatchCheck--------------------------
4097 // Output the method to Matcher which checks whether or not a specific
4098 // instruction has a matching rule for the host architecture.
4099 void ArchDesc::buildInstructMatchCheck(FILE *fp_cpp) const {
4100   fprintf(fp_cpp, "\n\n");
4101   fprintf(fp_cpp, "const bool Matcher::has_match_rule(Opcodes opcode) {\n");
4102   fprintf(fp_cpp, "  assert(Opcodes::_last_machine_leaf < opcode && opcode < Opcodes::_last_opcode, \"opcode in range\");\n");
4103   fprintf(fp_cpp, "  return _hasMatchRule[static_cast<uint>(opcode)];\n");
4104   fprintf(fp_cpp, "}\n\n");
4106   fprintf(fp_cpp, "const bool Matcher::_hasMatchRule[static_cast<uint>(Opcodes::_last_opcode)] = {\n");
4107   uint i;
4108   for (i = 0; i < static_cast<uint>(Opcodes::_last_opcode) - 1; i++) {
4109     fprintf(fp_cpp, "    %-5s,  // %s\n",
4110             _has_match_rule[i] ? "true" : "false",
4111             NodeClassNames[i]);
4112   }
4113   fprintf(fp_cpp, "    %-5s   // %s\n",
4114           _has_match_rule[i] ? "true" : "false",
4115           NodeClassNames[i]);
4116   fprintf(fp_cpp, "};\n");
4117 }
4119 //---------------------------buildFrameMethods---------------------------------
4120 // Output the methods to Matcher which specify frame behavior
4121 void ArchDesc::buildFrameMethods(FILE *fp_cpp) {
4122   fprintf(fp_cpp,"\n\n");
4123   // Stack Direction
4124   fprintf(fp_cpp,"bool Matcher::stack_direction() const { return %s; }\n\n",
4125           _frame->_direction ? "true" : "false");
4126   // Sync Stack Slots
4127   fprintf(fp_cpp,"int Compile::sync_stack_slots() const { return %s; }\n\n",
4128           _frame->_sync_stack_slots);

4140             _frame->_return_addr);
4141   }
4142   // Java Stack Slot Preservation
4143   fprintf(fp_cpp,"uint Compile::in_preserve_stack_slots() ");
4144   fprintf(fp_cpp,"{ return %s; }\n\n", _frame->_in_preserve_slots);
4145   // Top Of Stack Slot Preservation, for both Java and C
4146   fprintf(fp_cpp,"uint Compile::out_preserve_stack_slots() ");
4147   fprintf(fp_cpp,"{ return SharedRuntime::out_preserve_stack_slots(); }\n\n");
4148   // varargs C out slots killed
4149   fprintf(fp_cpp,"uint Compile::varargs_C_out_slots_killed() const ");
4150   fprintf(fp_cpp,"{ return %s; }\n\n", _frame->_varargs_C_out_slots_killed);
4151   // Java Argument Position
4152   fprintf(fp_cpp,"void Matcher::calling_convention(BasicType *sig_bt, VMRegPair *regs, uint length, bool is_outgoing) {\n");
4153   fprintf(fp_cpp,"%s\n", _frame->_calling_convention);
4154   fprintf(fp_cpp,"}\n\n");
4155   // Native Argument Position
4156   fprintf(fp_cpp,"void Matcher::c_calling_convention(BasicType *sig_bt, VMRegPair *regs, uint length) {\n");
4157   fprintf(fp_cpp,"%s\n", _frame->_c_calling_convention);
4158   fprintf(fp_cpp,"}\n\n");
4159   // Java Return Value Location
4160   fprintf(fp_cpp,"OptoRegPair Matcher::return_value(Opcodes ideal_reg, bool is_outgoing) {\n");
4161   fprintf(fp_cpp,"%s\n", _frame->_return_value);
4162   fprintf(fp_cpp,"}\n\n");
4163   // Native Return Value Location
4164   fprintf(fp_cpp,"OptoRegPair Matcher::c_return_value(Opcodes ideal_reg, bool is_outgoing) {\n");
4165   fprintf(fp_cpp,"%s\n", _frame->_c_return_value);
4166   fprintf(fp_cpp,"}\n\n");
4168   // Inline Cache Register, mask definition, and encoding
4169   fprintf(fp_cpp,"OptoReg::Name Matcher::inline_cache_reg() {");
4170   fprintf(fp_cpp," return OptoReg::Name(%s_num); }\n\n",
4171           _frame->_inline_cache_reg);
4172   fprintf(fp_cpp,"int Matcher::inline_cache_reg_encode() {");
4173   fprintf(fp_cpp," return _regEncode[inline_cache_reg()]; }\n\n");
4175   // Interpreter's Method Oop Register, mask definition, and encoding
4176   fprintf(fp_cpp,"OptoReg::Name Matcher::interpreter_method_oop_reg() {");
4177   fprintf(fp_cpp," return OptoReg::Name(%s_num); }\n\n",
4178           _frame->_interpreter_method_oop_reg);
4179   fprintf(fp_cpp,"int Matcher::interpreter_method_oop_reg_encode() {");
4180   fprintf(fp_cpp," return _regEncode[interpreter_method_oop_reg()]; }\n\n");
4182   // Interpreter's Frame Pointer Register, mask definition, and encoding
4183   fprintf(fp_cpp,"OptoReg::Name Matcher::interpreter_frame_pointer_reg() {");
4184   if (_frame->_interpreter_frame_pointer_reg == NULL)

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