< prev index next >


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  55     if( !n ) continue;          // Missing inputs are TOP
  56     if( phase->type(n) == Type::CONTROL )
  57       return Type::CONTROL;
  58   }
  59   return Type::TOP;             // All paths dead?  Then so are we
  60 }
  62 //------------------------------Identity---------------------------------------
  63 // Check for Region being Identity.
  64 Node* RegionNode::Identity(PhaseGVN* phase) {
  65   // Cannot have Region be an identity, even if it has only 1 input.
  66   // Phi users cannot have their Region input folded away for them,
  67   // since they need to select the proper data input
  68   return this;
  69 }
  71 //------------------------------merge_region-----------------------------------
  72 // If a Region flows into a Region, merge into one big happy merge.  This is
  73 // hard to do if there is stuff that has to happen
  74 static Node *merge_region(RegionNode *region, PhaseGVN *phase) {
  75   if( region->Opcode() != Op_Region ) // Do not do to LoopNodes
  76     return NULL;
  77   Node *progress = NULL;        // Progress flag
  78   PhaseIterGVN *igvn = phase->is_IterGVN();
  80   uint rreq = region->req();
  81   for( uint i = 1; i < rreq; i++ ) {
  82     Node *r = region->in(i);
  83     if( r && r->Opcode() == Op_Region && // Found a region?
  84         r->in(0) == r &&        // Not already collapsed?
  85         r != region &&          // Avoid stupid situations
  86         r->outcnt() == 2 ) {    // Self user and 'region' user only?
  87       assert(!r->as_Region()->has_phi(), "no phi users");
  88       if( !progress ) {         // No progress
  89         if (region->has_phi()) {
  90           return NULL;        // Only flatten if no Phi users
  91           // igvn->hash_delete( phi );
  92         }
  93         igvn->hash_delete( region );
  94         progress = region;      // Making progress
  95       }
  96       igvn->hash_delete( r );
  98       // Append inputs to 'r' onto 'region'
  99       for( uint j = 1; j < r->req(); j++ ) {
 100         // Move an input from 'r' to 'region'
 101         region->add_req(r->in(j));
 102         r->set_req(j, phase->C->top());
 103         // Update phis of 'region'

 154   }
 156   return only_phi;
 157 }
 160 //------------------------------check_phi_clipping-----------------------------
 161 // Helper function for RegionNode's identification of FP clipping
 162 // Check inputs to the Phi
 163 static bool check_phi_clipping( PhiNode *phi, ConNode * &min, uint &min_idx, ConNode * &max, uint &max_idx, Node * &val, uint &val_idx ) {
 164   min     = NULL;
 165   max     = NULL;
 166   val     = NULL;
 167   min_idx = 0;
 168   max_idx = 0;
 169   val_idx = 0;
 170   uint  phi_max = phi->req();
 171   if( phi_max == 4 ) {
 172     for( uint j = 1; j < phi_max; ++j ) {
 173       Node *n = phi->in(j);
 174       int opcode = n->Opcode();
 175       switch( opcode ) {
 176       case Op_ConI:
 177         {
 178           if( min == NULL ) {
 179             min     = n->Opcode() == Op_ConI ? (ConNode*)n : NULL;
 180             min_idx = j;
 181           } else {
 182             max     = n->Opcode() == Op_ConI ? (ConNode*)n : NULL;
 183             max_idx = j;
 184             if( min->get_int() > max->get_int() ) {
 185               // Swap min and max
 186               ConNode *temp;
 187               uint     temp_idx;
 188               temp     = min;     min     = max;     max     = temp;
 189               temp_idx = min_idx; min_idx = max_idx; max_idx = temp_idx;
 190             }
 191           }
 192         }
 193         break;
 194       default:
 195         {
 196           val = n;
 197           val_idx = j;
 198         }
 199         break;
 200       }
 201     }
 202   }

 241         // Control pattern checks
 242         top_if = (IfNode*)in1000;
 243         bot_if = (IfNode*)in10;
 244       }
 245     }
 246   }
 248   return (top_if != NULL);
 249 }
 252 //------------------------------check_convf2i_clipping-------------------------
 253 // Helper function for RegionNode's identification of FP clipping
 254 // Verify that the value input to the phi comes from "ConvF2I; LShift; RShift"
 255 static bool check_convf2i_clipping( PhiNode *phi, uint idx, ConvF2INode * &convf2i, Node *min, Node *max) {
 256   convf2i = NULL;
 258   // Check for the RShiftNode
 259   Node *rshift = phi->in(idx);
 260   assert( rshift, "Previous checks ensure phi input is present");
 261   if( rshift->Opcode() != Op_RShiftI )  { return false; }
 263   // Check for the LShiftNode
 264   Node *lshift = rshift->in(1);
 265   assert( lshift, "Previous checks ensure phi input is present");
 266   if( lshift->Opcode() != Op_LShiftI )  { return false; }
 268   // Check for the ConvF2INode
 269   Node *conv = lshift->in(1);
 270   if( conv->Opcode() != Op_ConvF2I ) { return false; }
 272   // Check that shift amounts are only to get sign bits set after F2I
 273   jint max_cutoff     = max->get_int();
 274   jint min_cutoff     = min->get_int();
 275   jint left_shift     = lshift->in(2)->get_int();
 276   jint right_shift    = rshift->in(2)->get_int();
 277   jint max_post_shift = nth_bit(BitsPerJavaInteger - left_shift - 1);
 278   if( left_shift != right_shift ||
 279       0 > left_shift || left_shift >= BitsPerJavaInteger ||
 280       max_post_shift < max_cutoff ||
 281       max_post_shift < -min_cutoff ) {
 282     // Shifts are necessary but current transformation eliminates them
 283     return false;
 284   }
 286   // OK to return the result of ConvF2I without shifting
 287   convf2i = (ConvF2INode*)conv;
 288   return true;
 289 }
 292 //------------------------------check_compare_clipping-------------------------
 293 // Helper function for RegionNode's identification of FP clipping
 294 static bool check_compare_clipping( bool less_than, IfNode *iff, ConNode *limit, Node * & input ) {
 295   Node *i1 = iff->in(1);
 296   if ( !i1->is_Bool() ) { return false; }
 297   BoolNode *bool1 = i1->as_Bool();
 298   if(       less_than && bool1->_test._test != BoolTest::le ) { return false; }
 299   else if( !less_than && bool1->_test._test != BoolTest::lt ) { return false; }
 300   const Node *cmpF = bool1->in(1);
 301   if( cmpF->Opcode() != Op_CmpF )      { return false; }
 302   // Test that the float value being compared against
 303   // is equivalent to the int value used as a limit
 304   Node *nodef = cmpF->in(2);
 305   if( nodef->Opcode() != Op_ConF ) { return false; }
 306   jfloat conf = nodef->getf();
 307   jint   coni = limit->get_int();
 308   if( ((int)conf) != coni )        { return false; }
 309   input = cmpF->in(1);
 310   return true;
 311 }
 313 //------------------------------is_unreachable_region--------------------------
 314 // Find if the Region node is reachable from the root.
 315 bool RegionNode::is_unreachable_region(PhaseGVN *phase) const {
 316   assert(req() == 2, "");
 318   // First, cut the simple case of fallthrough region when NONE of
 319   // region's phis references itself directly or through a data node.
 320   uint max = outcnt();
 321   uint i;
 322   for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {
 323     Node* phi = raw_out(i);
 324     if (phi != NULL && phi->is_Phi()) {
 325       assert(phase->eqv(phi->in(0), this) && phi->req() == 2, "");

1088   // Check for a 2-path merge
1089   Node *region = in(0);
1090   if( !region ) return 0;
1091   if( region->req() != 3 ) return 0;
1092   if(         req() != 3 ) return 0;
1093   // Check that both paths come from the same If
1094   Node *ifp1 = region->in(1);
1095   Node *ifp2 = region->in(2);
1096   if( !ifp1 || !ifp2 ) return 0;
1097   Node *iff = ifp1->in(0);
1098   if( !iff || !iff->is_If() ) return 0;
1099   if( iff != ifp2->in(0) ) return 0;
1100   if (check_control_only)  return -1;
1101   // Check for a proper bool/cmp
1102   const Node *b = iff->in(1);
1103   if( !b->is_Bool() ) return 0;
1104   const Node *cmp = b->in(1);
1105   if( !cmp->is_Cmp() ) return 0;
1107   // Check for branching opposite expected
1108   if( ifp2->Opcode() == Op_IfTrue ) {
1109     assert( ifp1->Opcode() == Op_IfFalse, "" );
1110     return 2;
1111   } else {
1112     assert( ifp1->Opcode() == Op_IfTrue, "" );
1113     return 1;
1114   }
1115 }
1117 //----------------------------check_cmove_id-----------------------------------
1118 // Check for CMove'ing a constant after comparing against the constant.
1119 // Happens all the time now, since if we compare equality vs a constant in
1120 // the parser, we "know" the variable is constant on one path and we force
1121 // it.  Thus code like "if( x==0 ) {/*EMPTY*/}" ends up inserting a
1122 // conditional move: "x = (x==0)?0:x;".  Yucko.  This fix is slightly more
1123 // general in that we don't need constants.  Since CMove's are only inserted
1124 // in very special circumstances, we do it here on generic Phi's.
1125 Node* PhiNode::is_cmove_id(PhaseTransform* phase, int true_path) {
1126   assert(true_path !=0, "only diamond shape graph expected");
1128   // is_diamond_phi() has guaranteed the correctness of the nodes sequence:
1129   // phi->region->if_proj->ifnode->bool->cmp
1130   Node*     region = in(0);
1131   Node*     iff    = region->in(1)->in(0);
1132   BoolNode* b      = iff->in(1)->as_Bool();

1304 static Node* is_cond_add(PhaseGVN *phase, PhiNode *phi, int true_path) {
1305   assert(true_path !=0, "only diamond shape graph expected");
1307   // is_diamond_phi() has guaranteed the correctness of the nodes sequence:
1308   // phi->region->if_proj->ifnode->bool->cmp
1309   RegionNode *region = (RegionNode*)phi->in(0);
1310   Node *iff = region->in(1)->in(0);
1311   BoolNode* b = iff->in(1)->as_Bool();
1312   const CmpNode *cmp = (CmpNode*)b->in(1);
1314   // Make sure only merging this one phi here
1315   if (region->has_unique_phi() != phi)  return NULL;
1317   // Make sure each arm of the diamond has exactly one output, which we assume
1318   // is the region.  Otherwise, the control flow won't disappear.
1319   if (region->in(1)->outcnt() != 1) return NULL;
1320   if (region->in(2)->outcnt() != 1) return NULL;
1322   // Check for "(P < Q)" of type signed int
1323   if (b->_test._test != BoolTest::lt)  return NULL;
1324   if (cmp->Opcode() != Op_CmpI)        return NULL;
1326   Node *p = cmp->in(1);
1327   Node *q = cmp->in(2);
1328   Node *n1 = phi->in(  true_path);
1329   Node *n2 = phi->in(3-true_path);
1331   int op = n1->Opcode();
1332   if( op != Op_AddI           // Need zero as additive identity
1333       /*&&op != Op_SubI &&
1334       op != Op_AddP &&
1335       op != Op_XorI &&
1336       op != Op_OrI*/ )
1337     return NULL;
1339   Node *x = n2;
1340   Node *y = NULL;
1341   if( x == n1->in(1) ) {
1342     y = n1->in(2);
1343   } else if( x == n1->in(2) ) {
1344     y = n1->in(1);
1345   } else return NULL;
1347   // Not so profitable if compare and add are constants
1348   if( q->is_Con() && phase->type(q) != TypeInt::ZERO && y->is_Con() )
1349     return NULL;
1351   Node *cmplt = phase->transform( new CmpLTMaskNode(p,q) );
1352   Node *j_and   = phase->transform( new AndINode(cmplt,y) );

1365   // Find the false path from the true path. With only 2 inputs, 3 - x works nicely.
1366   int false_path = 3 - true_path;
1368   // is_diamond_phi() has guaranteed the correctness of the nodes sequence:
1369   // phi->region->if_proj->ifnode->bool->cmp
1370   BoolNode *bol = phi_root->in(0)->in(1)->in(0)->in(1)->as_Bool();
1372   // Check bool sense
1373   switch( bol->_test._test ) {
1374   case BoolTest::lt: cmp_zero_idx = 1; phi_x_idx = true_path;  break;
1375   case BoolTest::le: cmp_zero_idx = 2; phi_x_idx = false_path; break;
1376   case BoolTest::gt: cmp_zero_idx = 2; phi_x_idx = true_path;  break;
1377   case BoolTest::ge: cmp_zero_idx = 1; phi_x_idx = false_path; break;
1378   default:           return NULL;                              break;
1379   }
1381   // Test is next
1382   Node *cmp = bol->in(1);
1383   const Type *tzero = NULL;
1384   switch( cmp->Opcode() ) {
1385   case Op_CmpF:    tzero = TypeF::ZERO; break; // Float ABS
1386   case Op_CmpD:    tzero = TypeD::ZERO; break; // Double ABS
1387   default: return NULL;
1388   }
1390   // Find zero input of compare; the other input is being abs'd
1391   Node *x = NULL;
1392   bool flip = false;
1393   if( phase->type(cmp->in(cmp_zero_idx)) == tzero ) {
1394     x = cmp->in(3 - cmp_zero_idx);
1395   } else if( phase->type(cmp->in(3 - cmp_zero_idx)) == tzero ) {
1396     // The test is inverted, we should invert the result...
1397     x = cmp->in(cmp_zero_idx);
1398     flip = true;
1399   } else {
1400     return NULL;
1401   }
1403   // Next get the 2 pieces being selected, one is the original value
1404   // and the other is the negated value.
1405   if( phi_root->in(phi_x_idx) != x ) return NULL;
1407   // Check other phi input for subtract node
1408   Node *sub = phi_root->in(3 - phi_x_idx);
1410   // Allow only Sub(0,X) and fail out for all others; Neg is not OK
1411   if( tzero == TypeF::ZERO ) {
1412     if( sub->Opcode() != Op_SubF ||
1413         sub->in(2) != x ||
1414         phase->type(sub->in(1)) != tzero ) return NULL;
1415     x = new AbsFNode(x);
1416     if (flip) {
1417       x = new SubFNode(sub->in(1), phase->transform(x));
1418     }
1419   } else {
1420     if( sub->Opcode() != Op_SubD ||
1421         sub->in(2) != x ||
1422         phase->type(sub->in(1)) != tzero ) return NULL;
1423     x = new AbsDNode(x);
1424     if (flip) {
1425       x = new SubDNode(sub->in(1), phase->transform(x));
1426     }
1427   }
1429   return x;
1430 }
1432 //------------------------------split_once-------------------------------------
1433 // Helper for split_flow_path
1434 static void split_once(PhaseIterGVN *igvn, Node *phi, Node *val, Node *n, Node *newn) {
1435   igvn->hash_delete(n);         // Remove from hash before hacking edges
1437   uint j = 1;
1438   for (uint i = phi->req()-1; i > 0; i--) {
1439     if (phi->in(i) == val) {   // Found a path with val?
1440       // Add to NEW Region/Phi, no DU info

1451   // Now I can point to the new node.
1452   n->add_req(newn);
1453   igvn->_worklist.push(n);
1454 }
1456 //------------------------------split_flow_path--------------------------------
1457 // Check for merging identical values and split flow paths
1458 static Node* split_flow_path(PhaseGVN *phase, PhiNode *phi) {
1459   BasicType bt = phi->type()->basic_type();
1460   if( bt == T_ILLEGAL || type2size[bt] <= 0 )
1461     return NULL;                // Bail out on funny non-value stuff
1462   if( phi->req() <= 3 )         // Need at least 2 matched inputs and a
1463     return NULL;                // third unequal input to be worth doing
1465   // Scan for a constant
1466   uint i;
1467   for( i = 1; i < phi->req()-1; i++ ) {
1468     Node *n = phi->in(i);
1469     if( !n ) return NULL;
1470     if( phase->type(n) == Type::TOP ) return NULL;
1471     if( n->Opcode() == Op_ConP || n->Opcode() == Op_ConN || n->Opcode() == Op_ConNKlass )
1472       break;
1473   }
1474   if( i >= phi->req() )         // Only split for constants
1475     return NULL;
1477   Node *val = phi->in(i);       // Constant to split for
1478   uint hit = 0;                 // Number of times it occurs
1479   Node *r = phi->region();
1481   for( ; i < phi->req(); i++ ){ // Count occurrences of constant
1482     Node *n = phi->in(i);
1483     if( !n ) return NULL;
1484     if( phase->type(n) == Type::TOP ) return NULL;
1485     if( phi->in(i) == val ) {
1486       hit++;
1487       if (PhaseIdealLoop::find_predicate(r->in(i)) != NULL) {
1488         return NULL;            // don't split loop entry path
1489       }
1490     }
1491   }

1691       if (is_loop && !uin->eqv_uncast(in(LoopNode::EntryControl)) ||
1692          !is_loop && is_unsafe_data_reference(uin)) {
1693         // Break this data loop to avoid creation of a dead loop.
1694         if (can_reshape) {
1695           return top;
1696         } else {
1697           // We can't return top if we are in Parse phase - cut inputs only
1698           // let Identity to handle the case.
1699           replace_edge(uin, top);
1700           return NULL;
1701         }
1702       }
1703     }
1705     if (uncasted) {
1706       // Add a cast node between the phi to be removed and its unique input.
1707       // Wait until after parsing for the type information to propagate from the casts.
1708       assert(can_reshape, "Invalid during parsing");
1709       const Type* phi_type = bottom_type();
1710       assert(phi_type->isa_int() || phi_type->isa_ptr(), "bad phi type");
1711       int opcode;
1712       // Determine the type of cast to be added.
1713       if (phi_type->isa_int()) {
1714         opcode = Op_CastII;
1715       } else {
1716         const Type* uin_type = phase->type(uin);
1717         if ((phi_type->join(TypePtr::NOTNULL) == uin_type->join(TypePtr::NOTNULL)) ||
1718             (!phi_type->isa_oopptr() && !uin_type->isa_oopptr())) {
1719           opcode = Op_CastPP;
1720         } else {
1721           opcode = Op_CheckCastPP;
1722         }
1723       }
1724       // Add a cast to carry the control dependency of the Phi that is
1725       // going away
1726       Node* cast = ConstraintCastNode::make_cast(opcode, r, uin, phi_type, true);
1727       cast = phase->transform(cast);
1728       // set all inputs to the new cast so the Phi is removed by Identity
1729       PhaseIterGVN* igvn = phase->is_IterGVN();
1730       for (uint i = 1; i < req(); i++) {
1731         set_req_X(i, cast, igvn);
1732       }
1733       uin = cast;
1734     }
1736     // One unique input.
1737     debug_only(Node* ident = Identity(phase));
1738     // The unique input must eventually be detected by the Identity call.
1739 #ifdef ASSERT
1740     if (ident != uin && !ident->is_top()) {
1741       // print this output before failing assert

1780         // We can't return top if we are in Parse phase - cut inputs only
1781         // to stop further optimizations for this phi. Identity will return TOP.
1782         assert(req() == 3, "only diamond merge phi here");
1783         set_req(1, top);
1784         set_req(2, top);
1785         return NULL;
1786       } else {
1787         return opt;
1788       }
1789     }
1790   }
1792   // Check for merging identical values and split flow paths
1793   if (can_reshape) {
1794     opt = split_flow_path(phase, this);
1795     // This optimization only modifies phi - don't need to check for dead loop.
1796     assert(opt == NULL || phase->eqv(opt, this), "do not elide phi");
1797     if (opt != NULL)  return opt;
1798   }
1800   if (in(1) != NULL && in(1)->Opcode() == Op_AddP && can_reshape) {
1801     // Try to undo Phi of AddP:
1802     // (Phi (AddP base base y) (AddP base2 base2 y))
1803     // becomes:
1804     // newbase := (Phi base base2)
1805     // (AddP newbase newbase y)
1806     //
1807     // This occurs as a result of unsuccessful split_thru_phi and
1808     // interferes with taking advantage of addressing modes. See the
1809     // clone_shift_expressions code in matcher.cpp
1810     Node* addp = in(1);
1811     const Type* type = addp->in(AddPNode::Base)->bottom_type();
1812     Node* y = addp->in(AddPNode::Offset);
1813     if (y != NULL && addp->in(AddPNode::Base) == addp->in(AddPNode::Address)) {
1814       // make sure that all the inputs are similar to the first one,
1815       // i.e. AddP with base == address and same offset as first AddP
1816       bool doit = true;
1817       for (uint i = 2; i < req(); i++) {
1818         if (in(i) == NULL ||
1819             in(i)->Opcode() != Op_AddP ||
1820             in(i)->in(AddPNode::Base) != in(i)->in(AddPNode::Address) ||
1821             in(i)->in(AddPNode::Offset) != y) {
1822           doit = false;
1823           break;
1824         }
1825         // Accumulate type for resulting Phi
1826         type = type->meet_speculative(in(i)->in(AddPNode::Base)->bottom_type());
1827       }
1828       Node* base = NULL;
1829       if (doit) {
1830         // Check for neighboring AddP nodes in a tree.
1831         // If they have a base, use that it.
1832         for (DUIterator_Fast kmax, k = this->fast_outs(kmax); k < kmax; k++) {
1833           Node* u = this->fast_out(k);
1834           if (u->is_AddP()) {
1835             Node* base2 = u->in(AddPNode::Base);
1836             if (base2 != NULL && !base2->is_top()) {
1837               if (base == NULL)
1838                 base = base2;
1839               else if (base != base2)

2055       }
2056     }
2057   }
2058 #endif
2060   return progress;              // Return any progress
2061 }
2063 //------------------------------is_tripcount-----------------------------------
2064 bool PhiNode::is_tripcount() const {
2065   return (in(0) != NULL && in(0)->is_CountedLoop() &&
2066           in(0)->as_CountedLoop()->phi() == this);
2067 }
2069 //------------------------------out_RegMask------------------------------------
2070 const RegMask &PhiNode::in_RegMask(uint i) const {
2071   return i ? out_RegMask() : RegMask::Empty;
2072 }
2074 const RegMask &PhiNode::out_RegMask() const {
2075   uint ideal_reg = _type->ideal_reg();
2076   assert( ideal_reg != Node::NotAMachineReg, "invalid type at Phi" );
2077   if( ideal_reg == 0 ) return RegMask::Empty;
2078   return *(Compile::current()->matcher()->idealreg2spillmask[ideal_reg]);
2079 }
2081 #ifndef PRODUCT
2082 void PhiNode::related(GrowableArray<Node*> *in_rel, GrowableArray<Node*> *out_rel, bool compact) const {
2083   // For a PhiNode, the set of related nodes includes all inputs till level 2,
2084   // and all outputs till level 1. In compact mode, inputs till level 1 are
2085   // collected.
2086   this->collect_nodes(in_rel, compact ? 1 : 2, false, false);
2087   this->collect_nodes(out_rel, -1, false, false);
2088 }
2090 void PhiNode::dump_spec(outputStream *st) const {
2091   TypeNode::dump_spec(st);
2092   if (is_tripcount()) {
2093     st->print(" #tripcount");
2094   }
2095 }
2096 #endif

  55     if( !n ) continue;          // Missing inputs are TOP
  56     if( phase->type(n) == Type::CONTROL )
  57       return Type::CONTROL;
  58   }
  59   return Type::TOP;             // All paths dead?  Then so are we
  60 }
  62 //------------------------------Identity---------------------------------------
  63 // Check for Region being Identity.
  64 Node* RegionNode::Identity(PhaseGVN* phase) {
  65   // Cannot have Region be an identity, even if it has only 1 input.
  66   // Phi users cannot have their Region input folded away for them,
  67   // since they need to select the proper data input
  68   return this;
  69 }
  71 //------------------------------merge_region-----------------------------------
  72 // If a Region flows into a Region, merge into one big happy merge.  This is
  73 // hard to do if there is stuff that has to happen
  74 static Node *merge_region(RegionNode *region, PhaseGVN *phase) {
  75   if( region->Opcode() != Opcodes::Op_Region ) // Do not do to LoopNodes
  76     return NULL;
  77   Node *progress = NULL;        // Progress flag
  78   PhaseIterGVN *igvn = phase->is_IterGVN();
  80   uint rreq = region->req();
  81   for( uint i = 1; i < rreq; i++ ) {
  82     Node *r = region->in(i);
  83     if( r && r->Opcode() == Opcodes::Op_Region && // Found a region?
  84         r->in(0) == r &&        // Not already collapsed?
  85         r != region &&          // Avoid stupid situations
  86         r->outcnt() == 2 ) {    // Self user and 'region' user only?
  87       assert(!r->as_Region()->has_phi(), "no phi users");
  88       if( !progress ) {         // No progress
  89         if (region->has_phi()) {
  90           return NULL;        // Only flatten if no Phi users
  91           // igvn->hash_delete( phi );
  92         }
  93         igvn->hash_delete( region );
  94         progress = region;      // Making progress
  95       }
  96       igvn->hash_delete( r );
  98       // Append inputs to 'r' onto 'region'
  99       for( uint j = 1; j < r->req(); j++ ) {
 100         // Move an input from 'r' to 'region'
 101         region->add_req(r->in(j));
 102         r->set_req(j, phase->C->top());
 103         // Update phis of 'region'

 154   }
 156   return only_phi;
 157 }
 160 //------------------------------check_phi_clipping-----------------------------
 161 // Helper function for RegionNode's identification of FP clipping
 162 // Check inputs to the Phi
 163 static bool check_phi_clipping( PhiNode *phi, ConNode * &min, uint &min_idx, ConNode * &max, uint &max_idx, Node * &val, uint &val_idx ) {
 164   min     = NULL;
 165   max     = NULL;
 166   val     = NULL;
 167   min_idx = 0;
 168   max_idx = 0;
 169   val_idx = 0;
 170   uint  phi_max = phi->req();
 171   if( phi_max == 4 ) {
 172     for( uint j = 1; j < phi_max; ++j ) {
 173       Node *n = phi->in(j);
 174       Opcodes opcode = n->Opcode();
 175       switch( opcode ) {
 176       case Opcodes::Op_ConI:
 177         {
 178           if( min == NULL ) {
 179             min     = n->Opcode() == Opcodes::Op_ConI ? (ConNode*)n : NULL;
 180             min_idx = j;
 181           } else {
 182             max     = n->Opcode() == Opcodes::Op_ConI ? (ConNode*)n : NULL;
 183             max_idx = j;
 184             if( min->get_int() > max->get_int() ) {
 185               // Swap min and max
 186               ConNode *temp;
 187               uint     temp_idx;
 188               temp     = min;     min     = max;     max     = temp;
 189               temp_idx = min_idx; min_idx = max_idx; max_idx = temp_idx;
 190             }
 191           }
 192         }
 193         break;
 194       default:
 195         {
 196           val = n;
 197           val_idx = j;
 198         }
 199         break;
 200       }
 201     }
 202   }

 241         // Control pattern checks
 242         top_if = (IfNode*)in1000;
 243         bot_if = (IfNode*)in10;
 244       }
 245     }
 246   }
 248   return (top_if != NULL);
 249 }
 252 //------------------------------check_convf2i_clipping-------------------------
 253 // Helper function for RegionNode's identification of FP clipping
 254 // Verify that the value input to the phi comes from "ConvF2I; LShift; RShift"
 255 static bool check_convf2i_clipping( PhiNode *phi, uint idx, ConvF2INode * &convf2i, Node *min, Node *max) {
 256   convf2i = NULL;
 258   // Check for the RShiftNode
 259   Node *rshift = phi->in(idx);
 260   assert( rshift, "Previous checks ensure phi input is present");
 261   if( rshift->Opcode() != Opcodes::Op_RShiftI )  { return false; }
 263   // Check for the LShiftNode
 264   Node *lshift = rshift->in(1);
 265   assert( lshift, "Previous checks ensure phi input is present");
 266   if( lshift->Opcode() != Opcodes::Op_LShiftI )  { return false; }
 268   // Check for the ConvF2INode
 269   Node *conv = lshift->in(1);
 270   if( conv->Opcode() != Opcodes::Op_ConvF2I ) { return false; }
 272   // Check that shift amounts are only to get sign bits set after F2I
 273   jint max_cutoff     = max->get_int();
 274   jint min_cutoff     = min->get_int();
 275   jint left_shift     = lshift->in(2)->get_int();
 276   jint right_shift    = rshift->in(2)->get_int();
 277   jint max_post_shift = nth_bit(BitsPerJavaInteger - left_shift - 1);
 278   if( left_shift != right_shift ||
 279       0 > left_shift || left_shift >= BitsPerJavaInteger ||
 280       max_post_shift < max_cutoff ||
 281       max_post_shift < -min_cutoff ) {
 282     // Shifts are necessary but current transformation eliminates them
 283     return false;
 284   }
 286   // OK to return the result of ConvF2I without shifting
 287   convf2i = (ConvF2INode*)conv;
 288   return true;
 289 }
 292 //------------------------------check_compare_clipping-------------------------
 293 // Helper function for RegionNode's identification of FP clipping
 294 static bool check_compare_clipping( bool less_than, IfNode *iff, ConNode *limit, Node * & input ) {
 295   Node *i1 = iff->in(1);
 296   if ( !i1->is_Bool() ) { return false; }
 297   BoolNode *bool1 = i1->as_Bool();
 298   if(       less_than && bool1->_test._test != BoolTest::le ) { return false; }
 299   else if( !less_than && bool1->_test._test != BoolTest::lt ) { return false; }
 300   const Node *cmpF = bool1->in(1);
 301   if( cmpF->Opcode() != Opcodes::Op_CmpF )      { return false; }
 302   // Test that the float value being compared against
 303   // is equivalent to the int value used as a limit
 304   Node *nodef = cmpF->in(2);
 305   if( nodef->Opcode() != Opcodes::Op_ConF ) { return false; }
 306   jfloat conf = nodef->getf();
 307   jint   coni = limit->get_int();
 308   if( ((int)conf) != coni )        { return false; }
 309   input = cmpF->in(1);
 310   return true;
 311 }
 313 //------------------------------is_unreachable_region--------------------------
 314 // Find if the Region node is reachable from the root.
 315 bool RegionNode::is_unreachable_region(PhaseGVN *phase) const {
 316   assert(req() == 2, "");
 318   // First, cut the simple case of fallthrough region when NONE of
 319   // region's phis references itself directly or through a data node.
 320   uint max = outcnt();
 321   uint i;
 322   for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {
 323     Node* phi = raw_out(i);
 324     if (phi != NULL && phi->is_Phi()) {
 325       assert(phase->eqv(phi->in(0), this) && phi->req() == 2, "");

1088   // Check for a 2-path merge
1089   Node *region = in(0);
1090   if( !region ) return 0;
1091   if( region->req() != 3 ) return 0;
1092   if(         req() != 3 ) return 0;
1093   // Check that both paths come from the same If
1094   Node *ifp1 = region->in(1);
1095   Node *ifp2 = region->in(2);
1096   if( !ifp1 || !ifp2 ) return 0;
1097   Node *iff = ifp1->in(0);
1098   if( !iff || !iff->is_If() ) return 0;
1099   if( iff != ifp2->in(0) ) return 0;
1100   if (check_control_only)  return -1;
1101   // Check for a proper bool/cmp
1102   const Node *b = iff->in(1);
1103   if( !b->is_Bool() ) return 0;
1104   const Node *cmp = b->in(1);
1105   if( !cmp->is_Cmp() ) return 0;
1107   // Check for branching opposite expected
1108   if( ifp2->Opcode() == Opcodes::Op_IfTrue ) {
1109     assert( ifp1->Opcode() == Opcodes::Op_IfFalse, "" );
1110     return 2;
1111   } else {
1112     assert( ifp1->Opcode() == Opcodes::Op_IfTrue, "" );
1113     return 1;
1114   }
1115 }
1117 //----------------------------check_cmove_id-----------------------------------
1118 // Check for CMove'ing a constant after comparing against the constant.
1119 // Happens all the time now, since if we compare equality vs a constant in
1120 // the parser, we "know" the variable is constant on one path and we force
1121 // it.  Thus code like "if( x==0 ) {/*EMPTY*/}" ends up inserting a
1122 // conditional move: "x = (x==0)?0:x;".  Yucko.  This fix is slightly more
1123 // general in that we don't need constants.  Since CMove's are only inserted
1124 // in very special circumstances, we do it here on generic Phi's.
1125 Node* PhiNode::is_cmove_id(PhaseTransform* phase, int true_path) {
1126   assert(true_path !=0, "only diamond shape graph expected");
1128   // is_diamond_phi() has guaranteed the correctness of the nodes sequence:
1129   // phi->region->if_proj->ifnode->bool->cmp
1130   Node*     region = in(0);
1131   Node*     iff    = region->in(1)->in(0);
1132   BoolNode* b      = iff->in(1)->as_Bool();

1304 static Node* is_cond_add(PhaseGVN *phase, PhiNode *phi, int true_path) {
1305   assert(true_path !=0, "only diamond shape graph expected");
1307   // is_diamond_phi() has guaranteed the correctness of the nodes sequence:
1308   // phi->region->if_proj->ifnode->bool->cmp
1309   RegionNode *region = (RegionNode*)phi->in(0);
1310   Node *iff = region->in(1)->in(0);
1311   BoolNode* b = iff->in(1)->as_Bool();
1312   const CmpNode *cmp = (CmpNode*)b->in(1);
1314   // Make sure only merging this one phi here
1315   if (region->has_unique_phi() != phi)  return NULL;
1317   // Make sure each arm of the diamond has exactly one output, which we assume
1318   // is the region.  Otherwise, the control flow won't disappear.
1319   if (region->in(1)->outcnt() != 1) return NULL;
1320   if (region->in(2)->outcnt() != 1) return NULL;
1322   // Check for "(P < Q)" of type signed int
1323   if (b->_test._test != BoolTest::lt)  return NULL;
1324   if (cmp->Opcode() != Opcodes::Op_CmpI)        return NULL;
1326   Node *p = cmp->in(1);
1327   Node *q = cmp->in(2);
1328   Node *n1 = phi->in(  true_path);
1329   Node *n2 = phi->in(3-true_path);
1331   Opcodes op = n1->Opcode();
1332   if( op != Opcodes::Op_AddI           // Need zero as additive identity
1333       /*&&op != Op_SubI &&
1334       op != Op_AddP &&
1335       op != Op_XorI &&
1336       op != Op_OrI*/ )
1337     return NULL;
1339   Node *x = n2;
1340   Node *y = NULL;
1341   if( x == n1->in(1) ) {
1342     y = n1->in(2);
1343   } else if( x == n1->in(2) ) {
1344     y = n1->in(1);
1345   } else return NULL;
1347   // Not so profitable if compare and add are constants
1348   if( q->is_Con() && phase->type(q) != TypeInt::ZERO && y->is_Con() )
1349     return NULL;
1351   Node *cmplt = phase->transform( new CmpLTMaskNode(p,q) );
1352   Node *j_and   = phase->transform( new AndINode(cmplt,y) );

1365   // Find the false path from the true path. With only 2 inputs, 3 - x works nicely.
1366   int false_path = 3 - true_path;
1368   // is_diamond_phi() has guaranteed the correctness of the nodes sequence:
1369   // phi->region->if_proj->ifnode->bool->cmp
1370   BoolNode *bol = phi_root->in(0)->in(1)->in(0)->in(1)->as_Bool();
1372   // Check bool sense
1373   switch( bol->_test._test ) {
1374   case BoolTest::lt: cmp_zero_idx = 1; phi_x_idx = true_path;  break;
1375   case BoolTest::le: cmp_zero_idx = 2; phi_x_idx = false_path; break;
1376   case BoolTest::gt: cmp_zero_idx = 2; phi_x_idx = true_path;  break;
1377   case BoolTest::ge: cmp_zero_idx = 1; phi_x_idx = false_path; break;
1378   default:           return NULL;                              break;
1379   }
1381   // Test is next
1382   Node *cmp = bol->in(1);
1383   const Type *tzero = NULL;
1384   switch( cmp->Opcode() ) {
1385   case Opcodes::Op_CmpF:    tzero = TypeF::ZERO; break; // Float ABS
1386   case Opcodes::Op_CmpD:    tzero = TypeD::ZERO; break; // Double ABS
1387   default: return NULL;
1388   }
1390   // Find zero input of compare; the other input is being abs'd
1391   Node *x = NULL;
1392   bool flip = false;
1393   if( phase->type(cmp->in(cmp_zero_idx)) == tzero ) {
1394     x = cmp->in(3 - cmp_zero_idx);
1395   } else if( phase->type(cmp->in(3 - cmp_zero_idx)) == tzero ) {
1396     // The test is inverted, we should invert the result...
1397     x = cmp->in(cmp_zero_idx);
1398     flip = true;
1399   } else {
1400     return NULL;
1401   }
1403   // Next get the 2 pieces being selected, one is the original value
1404   // and the other is the negated value.
1405   if( phi_root->in(phi_x_idx) != x ) return NULL;
1407   // Check other phi input for subtract node
1408   Node *sub = phi_root->in(3 - phi_x_idx);
1410   // Allow only Sub(0,X) and fail out for all others; Neg is not OK
1411   if( tzero == TypeF::ZERO ) {
1412     if( sub->Opcode() != Opcodes::Op_SubF ||
1413         sub->in(2) != x ||
1414         phase->type(sub->in(1)) != tzero ) return NULL;
1415     x = new AbsFNode(x);
1416     if (flip) {
1417       x = new SubFNode(sub->in(1), phase->transform(x));
1418     }
1419   } else {
1420     if( sub->Opcode() != Opcodes::Op_SubD ||
1421         sub->in(2) != x ||
1422         phase->type(sub->in(1)) != tzero ) return NULL;
1423     x = new AbsDNode(x);
1424     if (flip) {
1425       x = new SubDNode(sub->in(1), phase->transform(x));
1426     }
1427   }
1429   return x;
1430 }
1432 //------------------------------split_once-------------------------------------
1433 // Helper for split_flow_path
1434 static void split_once(PhaseIterGVN *igvn, Node *phi, Node *val, Node *n, Node *newn) {
1435   igvn->hash_delete(n);         // Remove from hash before hacking edges
1437   uint j = 1;
1438   for (uint i = phi->req()-1; i > 0; i--) {
1439     if (phi->in(i) == val) {   // Found a path with val?
1440       // Add to NEW Region/Phi, no DU info

1451   // Now I can point to the new node.
1452   n->add_req(newn);
1453   igvn->_worklist.push(n);
1454 }
1456 //------------------------------split_flow_path--------------------------------
1457 // Check for merging identical values and split flow paths
1458 static Node* split_flow_path(PhaseGVN *phase, PhiNode *phi) {
1459   BasicType bt = phi->type()->basic_type();
1460   if( bt == T_ILLEGAL || type2size[bt] <= 0 )
1461     return NULL;                // Bail out on funny non-value stuff
1462   if( phi->req() <= 3 )         // Need at least 2 matched inputs and a
1463     return NULL;                // third unequal input to be worth doing
1465   // Scan for a constant
1466   uint i;
1467   for( i = 1; i < phi->req()-1; i++ ) {
1468     Node *n = phi->in(i);
1469     if( !n ) return NULL;
1470     if( phase->type(n) == Type::TOP ) return NULL;
1471     if( n->Opcode() == Opcodes::Op_ConP || n->Opcode() == Opcodes::Op_ConN || n->Opcode() == Opcodes::Op_ConNKlass )
1472       break;
1473   }
1474   if( i >= phi->req() )         // Only split for constants
1475     return NULL;
1477   Node *val = phi->in(i);       // Constant to split for
1478   uint hit = 0;                 // Number of times it occurs
1479   Node *r = phi->region();
1481   for( ; i < phi->req(); i++ ){ // Count occurrences of constant
1482     Node *n = phi->in(i);
1483     if( !n ) return NULL;
1484     if( phase->type(n) == Type::TOP ) return NULL;
1485     if( phi->in(i) == val ) {
1486       hit++;
1487       if (PhaseIdealLoop::find_predicate(r->in(i)) != NULL) {
1488         return NULL;            // don't split loop entry path
1489       }
1490     }
1491   }

1691       if (is_loop && !uin->eqv_uncast(in(LoopNode::EntryControl)) ||
1692          !is_loop && is_unsafe_data_reference(uin)) {
1693         // Break this data loop to avoid creation of a dead loop.
1694         if (can_reshape) {
1695           return top;
1696         } else {
1697           // We can't return top if we are in Parse phase - cut inputs only
1698           // let Identity to handle the case.
1699           replace_edge(uin, top);
1700           return NULL;
1701         }
1702       }
1703     }
1705     if (uncasted) {
1706       // Add a cast node between the phi to be removed and its unique input.
1707       // Wait until after parsing for the type information to propagate from the casts.
1708       assert(can_reshape, "Invalid during parsing");
1709       const Type* phi_type = bottom_type();
1710       assert(phi_type->isa_int() || phi_type->isa_ptr(), "bad phi type");
1711       Opcodes opcode;
1712       // Determine the type of cast to be added.
1713       if (phi_type->isa_int()) {
1714         opcode = Opcodes::Op_CastII;
1715       } else {
1716         const Type* uin_type = phase->type(uin);
1717         if ((phi_type->join(TypePtr::NOTNULL) == uin_type->join(TypePtr::NOTNULL)) ||
1718             (!phi_type->isa_oopptr() && !uin_type->isa_oopptr())) {
1719           opcode = Opcodes::Op_CastPP;
1720         } else {
1721           opcode = Opcodes::Op_CheckCastPP;
1722         }
1723       }
1724       // Add a cast to carry the control dependency of the Phi that is
1725       // going away
1726       Node* cast = ConstraintCastNode::make_cast(opcode, r, uin, phi_type, true);
1727       cast = phase->transform(cast);
1728       // set all inputs to the new cast so the Phi is removed by Identity
1729       PhaseIterGVN* igvn = phase->is_IterGVN();
1730       for (uint i = 1; i < req(); i++) {
1731         set_req_X(i, cast, igvn);
1732       }
1733       uin = cast;
1734     }
1736     // One unique input.
1737     debug_only(Node* ident = Identity(phase));
1738     // The unique input must eventually be detected by the Identity call.
1739 #ifdef ASSERT
1740     if (ident != uin && !ident->is_top()) {
1741       // print this output before failing assert

1780         // We can't return top if we are in Parse phase - cut inputs only
1781         // to stop further optimizations for this phi. Identity will return TOP.
1782         assert(req() == 3, "only diamond merge phi here");
1783         set_req(1, top);
1784         set_req(2, top);
1785         return NULL;
1786       } else {
1787         return opt;
1788       }
1789     }
1790   }
1792   // Check for merging identical values and split flow paths
1793   if (can_reshape) {
1794     opt = split_flow_path(phase, this);
1795     // This optimization only modifies phi - don't need to check for dead loop.
1796     assert(opt == NULL || phase->eqv(opt, this), "do not elide phi");
1797     if (opt != NULL)  return opt;
1798   }
1800   if (in(1) != NULL && in(1)->Opcode() == Opcodes::Op_AddP && can_reshape) {
1801     // Try to undo Phi of AddP:
1802     // (Phi (AddP base base y) (AddP base2 base2 y))
1803     // becomes:
1804     // newbase := (Phi base base2)
1805     // (AddP newbase newbase y)
1806     //
1807     // This occurs as a result of unsuccessful split_thru_phi and
1808     // interferes with taking advantage of addressing modes. See the
1809     // clone_shift_expressions code in matcher.cpp
1810     Node* addp = in(1);
1811     const Type* type = addp->in(AddPNode::Base)->bottom_type();
1812     Node* y = addp->in(AddPNode::Offset);
1813     if (y != NULL && addp->in(AddPNode::Base) == addp->in(AddPNode::Address)) {
1814       // make sure that all the inputs are similar to the first one,
1815       // i.e. AddP with base == address and same offset as first AddP
1816       bool doit = true;
1817       for (uint i = 2; i < req(); i++) {
1818         if (in(i) == NULL ||
1819             in(i)->Opcode() != Opcodes::Op_AddP ||
1820             in(i)->in(AddPNode::Base) != in(i)->in(AddPNode::Address) ||
1821             in(i)->in(AddPNode::Offset) != y) {
1822           doit = false;
1823           break;
1824         }
1825         // Accumulate type for resulting Phi
1826         type = type->meet_speculative(in(i)->in(AddPNode::Base)->bottom_type());
1827       }
1828       Node* base = NULL;
1829       if (doit) {
1830         // Check for neighboring AddP nodes in a tree.
1831         // If they have a base, use that it.
1832         for (DUIterator_Fast kmax, k = this->fast_outs(kmax); k < kmax; k++) {
1833           Node* u = this->fast_out(k);
1834           if (u->is_AddP()) {
1835             Node* base2 = u->in(AddPNode::Base);
1836             if (base2 != NULL && !base2->is_top()) {
1837               if (base == NULL)
1838                 base = base2;
1839               else if (base != base2)

2055       }
2056     }
2057   }
2058 #endif
2060   return progress;              // Return any progress
2061 }
2063 //------------------------------is_tripcount-----------------------------------
2064 bool PhiNode::is_tripcount() const {
2065   return (in(0) != NULL && in(0)->is_CountedLoop() &&
2066           in(0)->as_CountedLoop()->phi() == this);
2067 }
2069 //------------------------------out_RegMask------------------------------------
2070 const RegMask &PhiNode::in_RegMask(uint i) const {
2071   return i ? out_RegMask() : RegMask::Empty;
2072 }
2074 const RegMask &PhiNode::out_RegMask() const {
2075   Opcodes ideal_reg = _type->ideal_reg();
2076   assert( ideal_reg != Opcodes::NotAMachineReg, "invalid type at Phi" );
2077   if( ideal_reg == Opcodes::Op_Node ) return RegMask::Empty;
2078   return *(Compile::current()->matcher()->idealreg2spillmask[static_cast<uint>(ideal_reg)]);
2079 }
2081 #ifndef PRODUCT
2082 void PhiNode::related(GrowableArray<Node*> *in_rel, GrowableArray<Node*> *out_rel, bool compact) const {
2083   // For a PhiNode, the set of related nodes includes all inputs till level 2,
2084   // and all outputs till level 1. In compact mode, inputs till level 1 are
2085   // collected.
2086   this->collect_nodes(in_rel, compact ? 1 : 2, false, false);
2087   this->collect_nodes(out_rel, -1, false, false);
2088 }
2090 void PhiNode::dump_spec(outputStream *st) const {
2091   TypeNode::dump_spec(st);
2092   if (is_tripcount()) {
2093     st->print(" #tripcount");
2094   }
2095 }
2096 #endif

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