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@@ -39,11 +39,11 @@
 // Hash function over MulNodes.  Needs to be commutative; i.e., I swap
 // (commute) inputs to MulNodes willy-nilly so the hash function must return
 // the same value in the presence of edge swapping.
 uint MulNode::hash() const {
-  return (uintptr_t)in(1) + (uintptr_t)in(2) + Opcode();
+  return (uintptr_t)in(1) + (uintptr_t)in(2) + static_cast<uint>(Opcode());
 // Multiplying a one preserves the other argument
 Node* MulNode::Identity(PhaseGVN* phase) {

@@ -76,19 +76,19 @@
   // If the right input is a constant, and the left input is a product of a
   // constant, flatten the expression tree.
-  uint op = Opcode();
+  Opcodes op = Opcode();
   if( t2->singleton() &&        // Right input is a constant?
-      op != Op_MulF &&          // Float & double cannot reassociate
-      op != Op_MulD ) {
+      op != Opcodes::Op_MulF &&          // Float & double cannot reassociate
+      op != Opcodes::Op_MulD ) {
     if( t2 == Type::TOP ) return NULL;
     Node *mul1 = in(1);
 #ifdef ASSERT
     // Check for dead loop
-    int   op1 = mul1->Opcode();
+    Opcodes op1 = mul1->Opcode();
     if( phase->eqv( mul1, this ) || phase->eqv( in(2), this ) ||
         ( op1 == mul_opcode() || op1 == add_opcode() ) &&
         ( phase->eqv( mul1->in(1), this ) || phase->eqv( mul1->in(2), this ) ||
           phase->eqv( mul1->in(1), mul1 ) || phase->eqv( mul1->in(2), mul1 ) ) )
       assert(false, "dead loop in MulNode::Ideal");

@@ -146,12 +146,12 @@
   if( t1 == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
   if( t2 == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
   // Either input is ZERO ==> the result is ZERO.
   // Not valid for floats or doubles since +0.0 * -0.0 --> +0.0
-  int op = Opcode();
-  if( op == Op_MulI || op == Op_AndI || op == Op_MulL || op == Op_AndL ) {
+  Opcodes op = Opcode();
+  if( op == Opcodes::Op_MulI || op == Opcodes::Op_AndI || op == Opcodes::Op_MulL || op == Opcodes::Op_AndL ) {
     const Type *zero = add_id();        // The multiplicative zero
     if( t1->higher_equal( zero ) ) return zero;
     if( t2->higher_equal( zero ) ) return zero;

@@ -160,11 +160,11 @@
     return bottom_type();
 #if defined(IA32)
   // Can't trust native compilers to properly fold strict double
   // multiplication with round-to-zero on this platform.
-  if (op == Op_MulD && phase->C->method()->is_strict()) {
+  if (op == Opcodes::Op_MulD && phase->C->method()->is_strict()) {
     return TypeD::DOUBLE;
   return mul_ring(t1,t2);            // Local flavor of type multiplication

@@ -436,11 +436,11 @@
   // x & x => x
   if (phase->eqv(in(1), in(2))) return in(1);
   Node* in1 = in(1);
-  uint op = in1->Opcode();
+  Opcodes op = in1->Opcode();
   const TypeInt* t2 = phase->type(in(2))->isa_int();
   if (t2 && t2->is_con()) {
     int con = t2->get_con();
     // Masking off high bits which are always zero is useless.
     const TypeInt* t1 = phase->type( in(1) )->isa_int();

@@ -449,11 +449,11 @@
       if ((t1_support & con) == t1_support)
         return in1;
     // Masking off the high bits of a unsigned-shift-right is not
     // needed either.
-    if (op == Op_URShiftI) {
+    if (op == Opcodes::Op_URShiftI) {
       const TypeInt* t12 = phase->type(in1->in(2))->isa_int();
       if (t12 && t12->is_con()) {  // Shift is by a constant
         int shift = t12->get_con();
         shift &= BitsPerJavaInteger - 1;  // semantics of Java shifts
         int mask = max_juint >> shift;

@@ -470,37 +470,37 @@
   // Special case constant AND mask
   const TypeInt *t2 = phase->type( in(2) )->isa_int();
   if( !t2 || !t2->is_con() ) return MulNode::Ideal(phase, can_reshape);
   const int mask = t2->get_con();
   Node *load = in(1);
-  uint lop = load->Opcode();
+  Opcodes lop = load->Opcode();
   // Masking bits off of a Character?  Hi bits are already zero.
-  if( lop == Op_LoadUS &&
+  if( lop == Opcodes::Op_LoadUS &&
       (mask & 0xFFFF0000) )     // Can we make a smaller mask?
     return new AndINode(load,phase->intcon(mask&0xFFFF));
   // Masking bits off of a Short?  Loading a Character does some masking
   if (can_reshape &&
       load->outcnt() == 1 && load->unique_out() == this) {
-    if (lop == Op_LoadS && (mask & 0xFFFF0000) == 0 ) {
+    if (lop == Opcodes::Op_LoadS && (mask & 0xFFFF0000) == 0 ) {
       Node* ldus = load->as_Load()->convert_to_unsigned_load(*phase);
       ldus = phase->transform(ldus);
       return new AndINode(ldus, phase->intcon(mask & 0xFFFF));
     // Masking sign bits off of a Byte?  Do an unsigned byte load plus
     // an and.
-    if (lop == Op_LoadB && (mask & 0xFFFFFF00) == 0) {
+    if (lop == Opcodes::Op_LoadB && (mask & 0xFFFFFF00) == 0) {
       Node* ldub = load->as_Load()->convert_to_unsigned_load(*phase);
       ldub = phase->transform(ldub);
       return new AndINode(ldub, phase->intcon(mask));
   // Masking off sign bits?  Dont make them!
-  if( lop == Op_RShiftI ) {
+  if( lop == Opcodes::Op_RShiftI ) {
     const TypeInt *t12 = phase->type(load->in(2))->isa_int();
     if( t12 && t12->is_con() ) { // Shift is by a constant
       int shift = t12->get_con();
       shift &= BitsPerJavaInteger-1;  // semantics of Java shifts
       const int sign_bits_mask = ~right_n_bits(BitsPerJavaInteger - shift);

@@ -515,11 +515,11 @@
   // Check for 'negate/and-1', a pattern emitted when someone asks for
   // 'mod 2'.  Negate leaves the low order bit unchanged (think: complement
   // plus 1) and the mask is of the low order bit.  Skip the negate.
-  if( lop == Op_SubI && mask == 1 && load->in(1) &&
+  if( lop == Opcodes::Op_SubI && mask == 1 && load->in(1) &&
       phase->type(load->in(1)) == TypeInt::ZERO )
     return new AndINode( load->in(2), in(2) );
   return MulNode::Ideal(phase, can_reshape);

@@ -569,14 +569,14 @@
       int bit_count = log2_long(t1->_hi) + 1;
       jlong t1_support = jlong(max_julong >> (BitsPerJavaLong - bit_count));
       if ((t1_support & con) == t1_support)
         return usr;
-    uint lop = usr->Opcode();
+    Opcodes lop = usr->Opcode();
     // Masking off the high bits of a unsigned-shift-right is not
     // needed either.
-    if( lop == Op_URShiftL ) {
+    if( lop == Opcodes::Op_URShiftL ) {
       const TypeInt *t12 = phase->type( usr->in(2) )->isa_int();
       if( t12 && t12->is_con() ) {  // Shift is by a constant
         int shift = t12->get_con();
         shift &= BitsPerJavaLong - 1;  // semantics of Java shifts
         jlong mask = max_julong >> shift;

@@ -594,25 +594,25 @@
   const TypeLong *t2 = phase->type( in(2) )->isa_long();
   if( !t2 || !t2->is_con() ) return MulNode::Ideal(phase, can_reshape);
   const jlong mask = t2->get_con();
   Node* in1 = in(1);
-  uint op = in1->Opcode();
+  Opcodes op = in1->Opcode();
   // Are we masking a long that was converted from an int with a mask
   // that fits in 32-bits?  Commute them and use an AndINode.  Don't
   // convert masks which would cause a sign extension of the integer
   // value.  This check includes UI2L masks (0x00000000FFFFFFFF) which
   // would be optimized away later in Identity.
-  if (op == Op_ConvI2L && (mask & UCONST64(0xFFFFFFFF80000000)) == 0) {
+  if (op == Opcodes::Op_ConvI2L && (mask & UCONST64(0xFFFFFFFF80000000)) == 0) {
     Node* andi = new AndINode(in1->in(1), phase->intcon(mask));
     andi = phase->transform(andi);
     return new ConvI2LNode(andi);
   // Masking off sign bits?  Dont make them!
-  if (op == Op_RShiftL) {
+  if (op == Opcodes::Op_RShiftL) {
     const TypeInt* t12 = phase->type(in1->in(2))->isa_int();
     if( t12 && t12->is_con() ) { // Shift is by a constant
       int shift = t12->get_con();
       shift &= BitsPerJavaLong - 1;  // semantics of Java shifts
       const jlong sign_bits_mask = ~(((jlong)CONST64(1) << (jlong)(BitsPerJavaLong - shift)) -1);

@@ -648,12 +648,12 @@
   if ( con == 0 )  return NULL; // let Identity() handle 0 shift count
   // Left input is an add of a constant?
   Node *add1 = in(1);
-  int add1_op = add1->Opcode();
-  if( add1_op == Op_AddI ) {    // Left input is an add?
+  Opcodes add1_op = add1->Opcode();
+  if( add1_op == Opcodes::Op_AddI ) {    // Left input is an add?
     assert( add1 != add1->in(1), "dead loop in LShiftINode::Ideal" );
     const TypeInt *t12 = phase->type(add1->in(2))->isa_int();
     if( t12 && t12->is_con() ){ // Left input is an add of a con?
       // Transform is legal, but check for profit.  Avoid breaking 'i2s'
       // and 'i2b' patterns which typically fold into 'StoreC/StoreB'.

@@ -665,31 +665,31 @@
   // Check for "(x>>c0)<<c0" which just masks off low bits
-  if( (add1_op == Op_RShiftI || add1_op == Op_URShiftI ) &&
+  if( (add1_op == Opcodes::Op_RShiftI || add1_op == Opcodes::Op_URShiftI ) &&
       add1->in(2) == in(2) )
     // Convert to "(x & -(1<<c0))"
     return new AndINode(add1->in(1),phase->intcon( -(1<<con)));
   // Check for "((x>>c0) & Y)<<c0" which just masks off more low bits
-  if( add1_op == Op_AndI ) {
+  if( add1_op == Opcodes::Op_AndI ) {
     Node *add2 = add1->in(1);
-    int add2_op = add2->Opcode();
-    if( (add2_op == Op_RShiftI || add2_op == Op_URShiftI ) &&
+    Opcodes add2_op = add2->Opcode();
+    if( (add2_op == Opcodes::Op_RShiftI || add2_op == Opcodes::Op_URShiftI ) &&
         add2->in(2) == in(2) ) {
       // Convert to "(x & (Y<<c0))"
       Node *y_sh = phase->transform( new LShiftINode( add1->in(2), in(2) ) );
       return new AndINode( add2->in(1), y_sh );
   // Check for ((x & ((1<<(32-c0))-1)) << c0) which ANDs off high bits
   // before shifting them away.
   const jint bits_mask = right_n_bits(BitsPerJavaInteger-con);
-  if( add1_op == Op_AndI &&
+  if( add1_op == Opcodes::Op_AndI &&
       phase->type(add1->in(2)) == TypeInt::make( bits_mask ) )
     return new LShiftINode( add1->in(1), in(2) );
   return NULL;

@@ -760,12 +760,12 @@
   if ( con == 0 ) return NULL;  // let Identity() handle 0 shift count
   // Left input is an add of a constant?
   Node *add1 = in(1);
-  int add1_op = add1->Opcode();
-  if( add1_op == Op_AddL ) {    // Left input is an add?
+  Opcodes add1_op = add1->Opcode();
+  if( add1_op == Opcodes::Op_AddL ) {    // Left input is an add?
     // Avoid dead data cycles from dead loops
     assert( add1 != add1->in(1), "dead loop in LShiftLNode::Ideal" );
     const TypeLong *t12 = phase->type(add1->in(2))->isa_long();
     if( t12 && t12->is_con() ){ // Left input is an add of a con?
       // Compute X << con0

@@ -774,31 +774,31 @@
       return new AddLNode( lsh, phase->longcon(t12->get_con() << con));
   // Check for "(x>>c0)<<c0" which just masks off low bits
-  if( (add1_op == Op_RShiftL || add1_op == Op_URShiftL ) &&
+  if( (add1_op == Opcodes::Op_RShiftL || add1_op == Opcodes::Op_URShiftL ) &&
       add1->in(2) == in(2) )
     // Convert to "(x & -(1<<c0))"
     return new AndLNode(add1->in(1),phase->longcon( -(CONST64(1)<<con)));
   // Check for "((x>>c0) & Y)<<c0" which just masks off more low bits
-  if( add1_op == Op_AndL ) {
+  if( add1_op == Opcodes::Op_AndL ) {
     Node *add2 = add1->in(1);
-    int add2_op = add2->Opcode();
-    if( (add2_op == Op_RShiftL || add2_op == Op_URShiftL ) &&
+    Opcodes add2_op = add2->Opcode();
+    if( (add2_op == Opcodes::Op_RShiftL || add2_op == Opcodes::Op_URShiftL ) &&
         add2->in(2) == in(2) ) {
       // Convert to "(x & (Y<<c0))"
       Node *y_sh = phase->transform( new LShiftLNode( add1->in(2), in(2) ) );
       return new AndLNode( add2->in(1), y_sh );
   // Check for ((x & ((CONST64(1)<<(64-c0))-1)) << c0) which ANDs off high bits
   // before shifting them away.
   const jlong bits_mask = jlong(max_julong >> con);
-  if( add1_op == Op_AndL &&
+  if( add1_op == Opcodes::Op_AndL &&
       phase->type(add1->in(2)) == TypeLong::make( bits_mask ) )
     return new LShiftLNode( add1->in(1), in(2) );
   return NULL;

@@ -857,11 +857,11 @@
   if( !t2 ) return this;
   if ( t2->is_con() && ( t2->get_con() & ( BitsPerInt - 1 ) ) == 0 )
     return in(1);
   // Check for useless sign-masking
-  if( in(1)->Opcode() == Op_LShiftI &&
+  if( in(1)->Opcode() == Opcodes::Op_LShiftI &&
       in(1)->req() == 3 &&
       in(1)->in(2) == in(2) &&
       t2->is_con() ) {
     uint shift = t2->get_con();
     shift &= BitsPerJavaInteger-1; // semantics of Java shifts

@@ -892,11 +892,11 @@
   if ( shift == 0 ) return NULL;  // let Identity() handle 0 shift count
   // Check for (x & 0xFF000000) >> 24, whose mask can be made smaller.
   // Such expressions arise normally from shift chains like (byte)(x >> 24).
   const Node *mask = in(1);
-  if( mask->Opcode() == Op_AndI &&
+  if( mask->Opcode() == Opcodes::Op_AndI &&
       (t3 = phase->type(mask->in(2))->isa_int()) &&
       t3->is_con() ) {
     Node *x = mask->in(1);
     jint maskbits = t3->get_con();
     // Convert to "(x >> shift) & (mask >> shift)"

@@ -904,39 +904,39 @@
     return new AndINode(shr_nomask, phase->intcon( maskbits >> shift));
   // Check for "(short[i] <<16)>>16" which simply sign-extends
   const Node *shl = in(1);
-  if( shl->Opcode() != Op_LShiftI ) return NULL;
+  if( shl->Opcode() != Opcodes::Op_LShiftI ) return NULL;
   if( shift == 16 &&
       (t3 = phase->type(shl->in(2))->isa_int()) &&
       t3->is_con(16) ) {
     Node *ld = shl->in(1);
-    if( ld->Opcode() == Op_LoadS ) {
+    if( ld->Opcode() == Opcodes::Op_LoadS ) {
       // Sign extension is just useless here.  Return a RShiftI of zero instead
       // returning 'ld' directly.  We cannot return an old Node directly as
       // that is the job of 'Identity' calls and Identity calls only work on
       // direct inputs ('ld' is an extra Node removed from 'this').  The
       // combined optimization requires Identity only return direct inputs.
       set_req(1, ld);
       set_req(2, phase->intcon(0));
       return this;
     else if( can_reshape &&
-             ld->Opcode() == Op_LoadUS &&
+             ld->Opcode() == Opcodes::Op_LoadUS &&
              ld->outcnt() == 1 && ld->unique_out() == shl)
       // Replace zero-extension-load with sign-extension-load
       return ld->as_Load()->convert_to_signed_load(*phase);
   // Check for "(byte[i] <<24)>>24" which simply sign-extends
   if( shift == 24 &&
       (t3 = phase->type(shl->in(2))->isa_int()) &&
       t3->is_con(24) ) {
     Node *ld = shl->in(1);
-    if( ld->Opcode() == Op_LoadB ) {
+    if( ld->Opcode() == Opcodes::Op_LoadB ) {
       // Sign extension is just useless here
       set_req(1, ld);
       set_req(2, phase->intcon(0));
       return this;

@@ -1066,14 +1066,14 @@
   // Check for "((x << LogBytesPerWord) + (wordSize-1)) >> LogBytesPerWord" which is just "x".
   // Happens during new-array length computation.
   // Safe if 'x' is in the range [0..(max_int>>LogBytesPerWord)]
   Node *add = in(1);
-  if( add->Opcode() == Op_AddI ) {
+  if( add->Opcode() == Opcodes::Op_AddI ) {
     const TypeInt *t2  = phase->type(add->in(2))->isa_int();
     if( t2 && t2->is_con(wordSize - 1) &&
-        add->in(1)->Opcode() == Op_LShiftI ) {
+        add->in(1)->Opcode() == Opcodes::Op_LShiftI ) {
       // Check that shift_counts are LogBytesPerWord
       Node          *lshift_count   = add->in(1)->in(2);
       const TypeInt *t_lshift_count = phase->type(lshift_count)->isa_int();
       if( t_lshift_count && t_lshift_count->is_con(LogBytesPerWord) &&
           t_lshift_count == phase->type(in(2)) ) {

@@ -1096,14 +1096,14 @@
   const int con = t2->get_con() & 31; // Shift count is always masked
   if ( con == 0 ) return NULL;  // let Identity() handle a 0 shift count
   // We'll be wanting the right-shift amount as a mask of that many bits
   const int mask = right_n_bits(BitsPerJavaInteger - con);
-  int in1_op = in(1)->Opcode();
+  Opcodes in1_op = in(1)->Opcode();
   // Check for ((x>>>a)>>>b) and replace with (x>>>(a+b)) when a+b < 32
-  if( in1_op == Op_URShiftI ) {
+  if( in1_op == Opcodes::Op_URShiftI ) {
     const TypeInt *t12 = phase->type( in(1)->in(2) )->isa_int();
     if( t12 && t12->is_con() ) { // Right input is a constant
       assert( in(1) != in(1)->in(1), "dead loop in URShiftINode::Ideal" );
       const int con2 = t12->get_con() & 31; // Shift count is always masked
       const int con3 = con+con2;

@@ -1115,13 +1115,13 @@
   // Check for ((x << z) + Y) >>> z.  Replace with x + con>>>z
   // The idiom for rounding to a power of 2 is "(Q+(2^z-1)) >>> z".
   // If Q is "X << z" the rounding is useless.  Look for patterns like
   // ((X<<Z) + Y) >>> Z  and replace with (X + Y>>>Z) & Z-mask.
   Node *add = in(1);
-  if( in1_op == Op_AddI ) {
+  if( in1_op == Opcodes::Op_AddI ) {
     Node *lshl = add->in(1);
-    if( lshl->Opcode() == Op_LShiftI &&
+    if( lshl->Opcode() == Opcodes::Op_LShiftI &&
         phase->type(lshl->in(2)) == t2 ) {
       Node *y_z = phase->transform( new URShiftINode(add->in(2),in(2)) );
       Node *sum = phase->transform( new AddINode( lshl->in(1), y_z ) );
       return new AndINode( sum, phase->intcon(mask) );

@@ -1129,11 +1129,11 @@
   // Check for (x & mask) >>> z.  Replace with (x >>> z) & (mask >>> z)
   // This shortens the mask.  Also, if we are extracting a high byte and
   // storing it to a buffer, the mask will be removed completely.
   Node *andi = in(1);
-  if( in1_op == Op_AndI ) {
+  if( in1_op == Opcodes::Op_AndI ) {
     const TypeInt *t3 = phase->type( andi->in(2) )->isa_int();
     if( t3 && t3->is_con() ) { // Right input is a constant
       jint mask2 = t3->get_con();
       mask2 >>= con;  // *signed* shift downward (high-order zeroes do not help)
       Node *newshr = phase->transform( new URShiftINode(andi->in(1), in(2)) );

@@ -1145,11 +1145,11 @@
   // Check for "(X << z ) >>> z" which simply zero-extends
   Node *shl = in(1);
-  if( in1_op == Op_LShiftI &&
+  if( in1_op == Opcodes::Op_LShiftI &&
       phase->type(shl->in(2)) == t2 )
     return new AndINode( shl->in(1), phase->intcon(mask) );
   return NULL;

@@ -1248,13 +1248,13 @@
   // Check for ((x << z) + Y) >>> z.  Replace with x + con>>>z
   // The idiom for rounding to a power of 2 is "(Q+(2^z-1)) >>> z".
   // If Q is "X << z" the rounding is useless.  Look for patterns like
   // ((X<<Z) + Y) >>> Z  and replace with (X + Y>>>Z) & Z-mask.
   Node *add = in(1);
-  if( add->Opcode() == Op_AddL ) {
+  if( add->Opcode() == Opcodes::Op_AddL ) {
     Node *lshl = add->in(1);
-    if( lshl->Opcode() == Op_LShiftL &&
+    if( lshl->Opcode() == Opcodes::Op_LShiftL &&
         phase->type(lshl->in(2)) == t2 ) {
       Node *y_z = phase->transform( new URShiftLNode(add->in(2),in(2)) );
       Node *sum = phase->transform( new AddLNode( lshl->in(1), y_z ) );
       return new AndLNode( sum, phase->longcon(mask) );

@@ -1262,11 +1262,11 @@
   // Check for (x & mask) >>> z.  Replace with (x >>> z) & (mask >>> z)
   // This shortens the mask.  Also, if we are extracting a high byte and
   // storing it to a buffer, the mask will be removed completely.
   Node *andi = in(1);
-  if( andi->Opcode() == Op_AndL ) {
+  if( andi->Opcode() == Opcodes::Op_AndL ) {
     const TypeLong *t3 = phase->type( andi->in(2) )->isa_long();
     if( t3 && t3->is_con() ) { // Right input is a constant
       jlong mask2 = t3->get_con();
       mask2 >>= con;  // *signed* shift downward (high-order zeroes do not help)
       Node *newshr = phase->transform( new URShiftLNode(andi->in(1), in(2)) );

@@ -1274,11 +1274,11 @@
   // Check for "(X << z ) >>> z" which simply zero-extends
   Node *shl = in(1);
-  if( shl->Opcode() == Op_LShiftL &&
+  if( shl->Opcode() == Opcodes::Op_LShiftL &&
       phase->type(shl->in(2)) == t2 )
     return new AndLNode( shl->in(1), phase->longcon(mask) );
   return NULL;
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