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Print this page

1293     Deoptimization::deoptimize_dependents();
1295     // Make the dependent methods not entrant
1296     make_marked_nmethods_not_entrant();
1297   }
1298 }
1300 void CodeCache::verify() {
1301   assert_locked_or_safepoint(CodeCache_lock);
1302   FOR_ALL_HEAPS(heap) {
1303     (*heap)->verify();
1304     FOR_ALL_BLOBS(cb, *heap) {
1305       if (cb->is_alive()) {
1306         cb->verify();
1307       }
1308     }
1309   }
1310 }
1312 // A CodeHeap is full. Print out warning and report event.

1313 void CodeCache::report_codemem_full(int code_blob_type, bool print) {
1314   // Get nmethod heap for the given CodeBlobType and build CodeCacheFull event
1315   CodeHeap* heap = get_code_heap(code_blob_type);
1316   assert(heap != NULL, "heap is null");
1318   if ((heap->full_count() == 0) || print) {
1319     // Not yet reported for this heap, report
1320     if (SegmentedCodeCache) {
1321       warning("%s is full. Compiler has been disabled.", get_code_heap_name(code_blob_type));
1322       warning("Try increasing the code heap size using -XX:%s=", get_code_heap_flag_name(code_blob_type));

1323     } else {
1324       warning("CodeCache is full. Compiler has been disabled.");
1325       warning("Try increasing the code cache size using -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=");

1326     }
1327     ResourceMark rm;
1328     stringStream s;
1329     // Dump code cache  into a buffer before locking the tty,
1330     {
1331       MutexLockerEx mu(CodeCache_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
1332       print_summary(&s);
1333     }
1334     ttyLocker ttyl;
1335     tty->print("%s", s.as_string());
1336   }
1338   heap->report_full();
1340   EventCodeCacheFull event;
1341   if (event.should_commit()) {
1342     event.set_codeBlobType((u1)code_blob_type);
1343     event.set_startAddress((u8)heap->low_boundary());
1344     event.set_commitedTopAddress((u8)heap->high());
1345     event.set_reservedTopAddress((u8)heap->high_boundary());
1346     event.set_entryCount(heap->blob_count());
1347     event.set_methodCount(heap->nmethod_count());
1348     event.set_adaptorCount(heap->adapter_count());
1349     event.set_unallocatedCapacity(heap->unallocated_capacity());
1350     event.set_fullCount(heap->full_count());
1351     event.commit();
1352   }
1353 }

1355 void CodeCache::print_memory_overhead() {
1356   size_t wasted_bytes = 0;
1357   FOR_ALL_NMETHOD_HEAPS(heap) {
1358       CodeHeap* curr_heap = *heap;
1359       for (CodeBlob* cb = (CodeBlob*)curr_heap->first(); cb != NULL; cb = (CodeBlob*)curr_heap->next(cb)) {
1360         HeapBlock* heap_block = ((HeapBlock*)cb) - 1;
1361         wasted_bytes += heap_block->length() * CodeCacheSegmentSize - cb->size();
1362       }
1363   }
1364   // Print bytes that are allocated in the freelist
1365   ttyLocker ttl;
1366   tty->print_cr("Number of elements in freelist: " SSIZE_FORMAT,       freelists_length());
1367   tty->print_cr("Allocated in freelist:          " SSIZE_FORMAT "kB",  bytes_allocated_in_freelists()/K);
1368   tty->print_cr("Unused bytes in CodeBlobs:      " SSIZE_FORMAT "kB",  (wasted_bytes/K));
1369   tty->print_cr("Segment map size:               " SSIZE_FORMAT "kB",  allocated_segments()/K); // 1 byte per segment
1370 }
1372 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1373 // Non-product version

1293     Deoptimization::deoptimize_dependents();
1295     // Make the dependent methods not entrant
1296     make_marked_nmethods_not_entrant();
1297   }
1298 }
1300 void CodeCache::verify() {
1301   assert_locked_or_safepoint(CodeCache_lock);
1302   FOR_ALL_HEAPS(heap) {
1303     (*heap)->verify();
1304     FOR_ALL_BLOBS(cb, *heap) {
1305       if (cb->is_alive()) {
1306         cb->verify();
1307       }
1308     }
1309   }
1310 }
1312 // A CodeHeap is full. Print out warning and report event.
1315 void CodeCache::report_codemem_full(int code_blob_type, bool print) {
1316   // Get nmethod heap for the given CodeBlobType and build CodeCacheFull event
1317   CodeHeap* heap = get_code_heap(code_blob_type);
1318   assert(heap != NULL, "heap is null");
1320   if ((heap->full_count() == 0) || print) {
1321     // Not yet reported for this heap, report
1322     if (SegmentedCodeCache) {
1323       ResourceMark rm;
1324       stringStream msg1_stream, msg2_stream;
1325       msg1_stream.print("%s is full. Compiler has been disabled.",
1326                         get_code_heap_name(code_blob_type));
1327       msg2_stream.print("Try increasing the code heap size using -XX:%s=",
1328                  get_code_heap_flag_name(code_blob_type));
1329       const char *msg1 = msg1_stream.as_string();
1330       const char *msg2 = msg2_stream.as_string();
1332       log_warning(codecache)(msg1);
1333       log_warning(codecache)(msg2);
1334       warning(msg1);
1335       warning(msg2);
1336     } else {
1337       const char *msg1 = "CodeCache is full. Compiler has been disabled.";
1338       const char *msg2 = "Try increasing the code cache size using -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=";
1340       log_warning(codecache)(msg1);
1341       log_warning(codecache)(msg2);
1342       warning(msg1);
1343       warning(msg2);
1344     }
1345     ResourceMark rm;
1346     stringStream s;
1347     // Dump code cache  into a buffer before locking the tty,
1348     {
1349       MutexLockerEx mu(CodeCache_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
1350       print_summary(&s);
1351     }
1352     ttyLocker ttyl;
1353     tty->print("%s", s.as_string());
1354   }
1356   heap->report_full();
1358   EventCodeCacheFull event;
1359   if (event.should_commit()) {
1360     event.set_codeBlobType((u1)code_blob_type);
1361     event.set_startAddress((u8)heap->low_boundary());
1362     event.set_commitedTopAddress((u8)heap->high());
1363     event.set_reservedTopAddress((u8)heap->high_boundary());
1364     event.set_entryCount(heap->blob_count());
1365     event.set_methodCount(heap->nmethod_count());
1366     event.set_adaptorCount(heap->adapter_count());
1367     event.set_unallocatedCapacity(heap->unallocated_capacity());
1368     event.set_fullCount(heap->full_count());
1369     event.commit();
1370   }
1371 }
1374 void CodeCache::print_memory_overhead() {
1375   size_t wasted_bytes = 0;
1376   FOR_ALL_NMETHOD_HEAPS(heap) {
1377       CodeHeap* curr_heap = *heap;
1378       for (CodeBlob* cb = (CodeBlob*)curr_heap->first(); cb != NULL; cb = (CodeBlob*)curr_heap->next(cb)) {
1379         HeapBlock* heap_block = ((HeapBlock*)cb) - 1;
1380         wasted_bytes += heap_block->length() * CodeCacheSegmentSize - cb->size();
1381       }
1382   }
1383   // Print bytes that are allocated in the freelist
1384   ttyLocker ttl;
1385   tty->print_cr("Number of elements in freelist: " SSIZE_FORMAT,       freelists_length());
1386   tty->print_cr("Allocated in freelist:          " SSIZE_FORMAT "kB",  bytes_allocated_in_freelists()/K);
1387   tty->print_cr("Unused bytes in CodeBlobs:      " SSIZE_FORMAT "kB",  (wasted_bytes/K));
1388   tty->print_cr("Segment map size:               " SSIZE_FORMAT "kB",  allocated_segments()/K); // 1 byte per segment
1389 }
1391 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1392 // Non-product version

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