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 343 // sigexitnum_pd is a platform-specific special signal used for terminating the Signal thread.
 346 static void signal_thread_entry(JavaThread* thread, TRAPS) {
 347   os::set_priority(thread, NearMaxPriority);
 348   while (true) {
 349     int sig;
 350     {
 351       // FIXME : Currently we have not decided what should be the status
 352       //         for this java thread blocked here. Once we decide about
 353       //         that we should fix this.
 354       sig = os::signal_wait();
 355     }
 356     if (sig == os::sigexitnum_pd()) {
 357        // Terminate the signal thread
 358        return;
 359     }
 361     switch (sig) {
 362       case SIGBREAK: {

 363         // Check if the signal is a trigger to start the Attach Listener - in that
 364         // case don't print stack traces.
 365         if (!DisableAttachMechanism) {
 366           // Attempt to transit state to AL_INITIALIZING.
 367           AttachListenerState cur_state = AttachListener::transit_state(AL_INITIALIZING, AL_NOT_INITIALIZED);
 368           if (cur_state == AL_INITIALIZING) {
 369             // Attach Listener has been started to initialize. Ignore this signal.
 370             continue;
 371           } else if (cur_state == AL_NOT_INITIALIZED) {
 372             // Start to initialize.
 373             if (AttachListener::is_init_trigger()) {
 374               // Attach Listener has been initialized.
 375               // Accept subsequent request.
 376               continue;
 377             } else {
 378               // Attach Listener could not be started.
 379               // So we need to transit the state to AL_NOT_INITIALIZED.
 380               AttachListener::set_state(AL_NOT_INITIALIZED);
 381             }
 382           } else if (AttachListener::check_socket_file()) {
 383             // Attach Listener has been started, but unix domain socket file
 384             // does not exist. So restart Attach Listener.
 385             continue;
 386           }
 387         }

 388         // Print stack traces
 389         // Any SIGBREAK operations added here should make sure to flush
 390         // the output stream (e.g. tty->flush()) after output.  See 4803766.
 391         // Each module also prints an extra carriage return after its output.
 392         VM_PrintThreads op;
 393         VMThread::execute(&op);
 394         VM_PrintJNI jni_op;
 395         VMThread::execute(&jni_op);
 396         VM_FindDeadlocks op1(tty);
 397         VMThread::execute(&op1);
 398         Universe::print_heap_at_SIGBREAK();
 399         if (PrintClassHistogram) {
 400           VM_GC_HeapInspection op1(tty, true /* force full GC before heap inspection */);
 401           VMThread::execute(&op1);
 402         }
 403         if (JvmtiExport::should_post_data_dump()) {
 404           JvmtiExport::post_data_dump();
 405         }
 406         break;
 407       }

 343 // sigexitnum_pd is a platform-specific special signal used for terminating the Signal thread.
 346 static void signal_thread_entry(JavaThread* thread, TRAPS) {
 347   os::set_priority(thread, NearMaxPriority);
 348   while (true) {
 349     int sig;
 350     {
 351       // FIXME : Currently we have not decided what should be the status
 352       //         for this java thread blocked here. Once we decide about
 353       //         that we should fix this.
 354       sig = os::signal_wait();
 355     }
 356     if (sig == os::sigexitnum_pd()) {
 357        // Terminate the signal thread
 358        return;
 359     }
 361     switch (sig) {
 362       case SIGBREAK: {
 364         // Check if the signal is a trigger to start the Attach Listener - in that
 365         // case don't print stack traces.
 366         if (!DisableAttachMechanism) {
 367           // Attempt to transit state to AL_INITIALIZING.
 368           AttachListenerState cur_state = AttachListener::transit_state(AL_INITIALIZING, AL_NOT_INITIALIZED);
 369           if (cur_state == AL_INITIALIZING) {
 370             // Attach Listener has been started to initialize. Ignore this signal.
 371             continue;
 372           } else if (cur_state == AL_NOT_INITIALIZED) {
 373             // Start to initialize.
 374             if (AttachListener::is_init_trigger()) {
 375               // Attach Listener has been initialized.
 376               // Accept subsequent request.
 377               continue;
 378             } else {
 379               // Attach Listener could not be started.
 380               // So we need to transit the state to AL_NOT_INITIALIZED.
 381               AttachListener::set_state(AL_NOT_INITIALIZED);
 382             }
 383           } else if (AttachListener::check_socket_file()) {
 384             // Attach Listener has been started, but unix domain socket file
 385             // does not exist. So restart Attach Listener.
 386             continue;
 387           }
 388         }
 389 #endif
 390         // Print stack traces
 391         // Any SIGBREAK operations added here should make sure to flush
 392         // the output stream (e.g. tty->flush()) after output.  See 4803766.
 393         // Each module also prints an extra carriage return after its output.
 394         VM_PrintThreads op;
 395         VMThread::execute(&op);
 396         VM_PrintJNI jni_op;
 397         VMThread::execute(&jni_op);
 398         VM_FindDeadlocks op1(tty);
 399         VMThread::execute(&op1);
 400         Universe::print_heap_at_SIGBREAK();
 401         if (PrintClassHistogram) {
 402           VM_GC_HeapInspection op1(tty, true /* force full GC before heap inspection */);
 403           VMThread::execute(&op1);
 404         }
 405         if (JvmtiExport::should_post_data_dump()) {
 406           JvmtiExport::post_data_dump();
 407         }
 408         break;
 409       }

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