1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2011, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  26 #include "jvm.h"
  27 #include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"
  28 #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
  29 #include "runtime/thread.hpp"
  30 #include "services/diagnosticArgument.hpp"
  32 StringArrayArgument::StringArrayArgument() {
  33   _array = new(ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtInternal)GrowableArray<char *>(32, true);
  34   assert(_array != NULL, "Sanity check");
  35 }
  37 StringArrayArgument::~StringArrayArgument() {
  38   for (int i=0; i<_array->length(); i++) {
  39     FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, _array->at(i));
  40   }
  41   delete _array;
  42 }
  44 void StringArrayArgument::add(const char* str, size_t len) {
  45   if (str != NULL) {
  46     char* ptr = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, len+1, mtInternal);
  47     strncpy(ptr, str, len);
  48     ptr[len] = 0;
  49     _array->append(ptr);
  50   }
  51 }
  53 void GenDCmdArgument::read_value(const char* str, size_t len, TRAPS) {
  54   /* NOTE:Some argument types doesn't require a value,
  55    * for instance boolean arguments: "enableFeatureX". is
  56    * equivalent to "enableFeatureX=true". In these cases,
  57    * str will be null. This is perfectly valid.
  58    * All argument types must perform null checks on str.
  59    */
  61   if (is_set() && !allow_multiple()) {
  62     THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(),
  63             "Duplicates in diagnostic command arguments\n");
  64   }
  65   parse_value(str, len, CHECK);
  66   set_is_set(true);
  67 }
  69 void GenDCmdArgument::to_string(jlong l, char* buf, size_t len) const {
  70   jio_snprintf(buf, len, INT64_FORMAT, l);
  71 }
  73 void GenDCmdArgument::to_string(bool b, char* buf, size_t len) const {
  74   jio_snprintf(buf, len, b ? "true" : "false");
  75 }
  77 void GenDCmdArgument::to_string(NanoTimeArgument n, char* buf, size_t len) const {
  78   jio_snprintf(buf, len, INT64_FORMAT, n._nanotime);
  79 }
  81 void GenDCmdArgument::to_string(MemorySizeArgument m, char* buf, size_t len) const {
  82   jio_snprintf(buf, len, INT64_FORMAT, m._size);
  83 }
  85 void GenDCmdArgument::to_string(char* c, char* buf, size_t len) const {
  86   jio_snprintf(buf, len, "%s", (c != NULL) ? c : "");
  87 }
  89 void GenDCmdArgument::to_string(StringArrayArgument* f, char* buf, size_t len) const {
  90   int length = f->array()->length();
  91   size_t written = 0;
  92   buf[0] = 0;
  93   for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
  94     char* next_str = f->array()->at(i);
  95     size_t next_size = strlen(next_str);
  96     //Check if there's room left to write next element
  97     if (written + next_size > len) {
  98       return;
  99     }
 100     //Actually write element
 101     strcat(buf, next_str);
 102     written += next_size;
 103     //Check if there's room left for the comma
 104     if (i < length-1 && len - written > 0) {
 105       strcat(buf, ",");
 106     }
 107   }
 108 }
 110 template <> void DCmdArgument<jlong>::parse_value(const char* str,
 111                                                   size_t len, TRAPS) {
 112   int scanned = -1;
 113   if (str == NULL
 114       || sscanf(str, JLONG_FORMAT "%n", &_value, &scanned) != 1
 115       || (size_t)scanned != len)
 116   {
 117     ResourceMark rm;
 119     char* buf = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, len + 1);
 120     strncpy(buf, str, len);
 121     buf[len] = '\0';
 122     Exceptions::fthrow(THREAD_AND_LOCATION, vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(),
 123       "Integer parsing error in command argument '%s'. Could not parse: %s.\n", _name, buf);
 124   }
 125 }
 127 template <> void DCmdArgument<jlong>::init_value(TRAPS) {
 128   if (has_default()) {
 129     this->parse_value(_default_string, strlen(_default_string), THREAD);
 131       fatal("Default string must be parseable");
 132     }
 133   } else {
 134     set_value(0);
 135   }
 136 }
 138 template <> void DCmdArgument<jlong>::destroy_value() { }
 140 template <> void DCmdArgument<bool>::parse_value(const char* str,
 141                                                  size_t len, TRAPS) {
 142   // len is the length of the current token starting at str
 143   if (len == 0) {
 144     set_value(true);
 145   } else {
 146     if (len == strlen("true") && strncasecmp(str, "true", len) == 0) {
 147        set_value(true);
 148     } else if (len == strlen("false") && strncasecmp(str, "false", len) == 0) {
 149        set_value(false);
 150     } else {
 151       ResourceMark rm;
 153       char* buf = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, len + 1);
 154       strncpy(buf, str, len);
 155       buf[len] = '\0';
 156       Exceptions::fthrow(THREAD_AND_LOCATION, vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(),
 157         "Boolean parsing error in command argument '%s'. Could not parse: %s.\n", _name, buf);
 158     }
 159   }
 160 }
 162 template <> void DCmdArgument<bool>::init_value(TRAPS) {
 163   if (has_default()) {
 164     this->parse_value(_default_string, strlen(_default_string), THREAD);
 166       fatal("Default string must be parsable");
 167     }
 168   } else {
 169     set_value(false);
 170   }
 171 }
 173 template <> void DCmdArgument<bool>::destroy_value() { }
 175 template <> void DCmdArgument<char*>::parse_value(const char* str,
 176                                                   size_t len, TRAPS) {
 177   if (str == NULL) {
 178     _value = NULL;
 179   } else {
 180     _value = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, len + 1, mtInternal);
 181     int n = os::snprintf(_value, len + 1, "%.*s", (int)len, str);
 182     assert((size_t)n <= len, "Unexpected number of characters in string");
 183   }
 184 }
 186 template <> void DCmdArgument<char*>::init_value(TRAPS) {
 187   if (has_default() && _default_string != NULL) {
 188     this->parse_value(_default_string, strlen(_default_string), THREAD);
 190      fatal("Default string must be parsable");
 191     }
 192   } else {
 193     set_value(NULL);
 194   }
 195 }
 197 template <> void DCmdArgument<char*>::destroy_value() {
 198   FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, _value);
 199   set_value(NULL);
 200 }
 202 template <> void DCmdArgument<NanoTimeArgument>::parse_value(const char* str,
 203                                                  size_t len, TRAPS) {
 204   if (str == NULL) {
 205     THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(),
 206               "Integer parsing error nanotime value: syntax error, value is null\n");
 207   }
 209   int argc = sscanf(str, JLONG_FORMAT, &_value._time);
 210   if (argc != 1) {
 211     THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(),
 212               "Integer parsing error nanotime value: syntax error\n");
 213   }
 214   size_t idx = 0;
 215   while(idx < len && isdigit(str[idx])) {
 216     idx++;
 217   }
 218   if (idx == len) {
 219     // only accept missing unit if the value is 0
 220     if (_value._time != 0) {
 221       THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(),
 222                 "Integer parsing error nanotime value: unit required\n");
 223     } else {
 224       _value._nanotime = 0;
 225       strcpy(_value._unit, "ns");
 226       return;
 227     }
 228   } else if(len - idx > 2) {
 229     THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(),
 230               "Integer parsing error nanotime value: illegal unit\n");
 231   } else {
 232     strncpy(_value._unit, &str[idx], len - idx);
 233     /*Write an extra null termination. This is safe because _value._unit
 234      * is declared as char[3], and length is checked to be not larger than
 235      * two above. Also, this is necessary, since length might be 1, and the
 236      * default value already in the string is ns, which is two chars.
 237      */
 238     _value._unit[len-idx] = '\0';
 239   }
 241   if (strcmp(_value._unit, "ns") == 0) {
 242     _value._nanotime = _value._time;
 243   } else if (strcmp(_value._unit, "us") == 0) {
 244     _value._nanotime = _value._time * 1000;
 245   } else if (strcmp(_value._unit, "ms") == 0) {
 246     _value._nanotime = _value._time * 1000 * 1000;
 247   } else if (strcmp(_value._unit, "s") == 0) {
 248     _value._nanotime = _value._time * 1000 * 1000 * 1000;
 249   } else if (strcmp(_value._unit, "m") == 0) {
 250     _value._nanotime = _value._time * 60 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000;
 251   } else if (strcmp(_value._unit, "h") == 0) {
 252     _value._nanotime = _value._time * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000;
 253   } else if (strcmp(_value._unit, "d") == 0) {
 254     _value._nanotime = _value._time * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000;
 255   } else {
 256      THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(),
 257                "Integer parsing error nanotime value: illegal unit\n");
 258   }
 259 }
 261 template <> void DCmdArgument<NanoTimeArgument>::init_value(TRAPS) {
 262   if (has_default()) {
 263     this->parse_value(_default_string, strlen(_default_string), THREAD);
 265       fatal("Default string must be parsable");
 266     }
 267   } else {
 268     _value._time = 0;
 269     _value._nanotime = 0;
 270     strcpy(_value._unit, "ns");
 271   }
 272 }
 274 template <> void DCmdArgument<NanoTimeArgument>::destroy_value() { }
 276 // WARNING StringArrayArgument can only be used as an option, it cannot be
 277 // used as an argument with the DCmdParser
 279 template <> void DCmdArgument<StringArrayArgument*>::parse_value(const char* str,
 280                                                   size_t len, TRAPS) {
 281   _value->add(str,len);
 282 }
 284 template <> void DCmdArgument<StringArrayArgument*>::init_value(TRAPS) {
 285   _value = new StringArrayArgument();
 286   _allow_multiple = true;
 287   if (has_default()) {
 288     fatal("StringArrayArgument cannot have default value");
 289   }
 290 }
 292 template <> void DCmdArgument<StringArrayArgument*>::destroy_value() {
 293   if (_value != NULL) {
 294     delete _value;
 295     set_value(NULL);
 296   }
 297 }
 299 template <> void DCmdArgument<MemorySizeArgument>::parse_value(const char* str,
 300                                                   size_t len, TRAPS) {
 301   if (str == NULL) {
 302     THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(),
 303                "Parsing error memory size value: syntax error, value is null\n");
 304   }
 305   if (*str == '-') {
 306     THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(),
 307                "Parsing error memory size value: negative values not allowed\n");
 308   }
 309   int res = sscanf(str, UINT64_FORMAT "%c", &_value._val, &_value._multiplier);
 310   if (res == 2) {
 311      switch (_value._multiplier) {
 312       case 'k': case 'K':
 313          _value._size = _value._val * 1024;
 314          break;
 315       case 'm': case 'M':
 316          _value._size = _value._val * 1024 * 1024;
 317          break;
 318       case 'g': case 'G':
 319          _value._size = _value._val * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
 320          break;
 321        default:
 322          _value._size = _value._val;
 323          _value._multiplier = ' ';
 324          //default case should be to break with no error, since user
 325          //can write size in bytes, or might have a delimiter and next arg
 326          break;
 327      }
 328    } else if (res == 1) {
 329      _value._size = _value._val;
 330    } else {
 331      THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(),
 332                "Parsing error memory size value: invalid value\n");
 333    }
 334 }
 336 template <> void DCmdArgument<MemorySizeArgument>::init_value(TRAPS) {
 337   if (has_default()) {
 338     this->parse_value(_default_string, strlen(_default_string), THREAD);
 340       fatal("Default string must be parsable");
 341     }
 342   } else {
 343     _value._size = 0;
 344     _value._val = 0;
 345     _value._multiplier = ' ';
 346   }
 347 }
 349 template <> void DCmdArgument<MemorySizeArgument>::destroy_value() { }