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  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #ifndef _LIBPROC_IMPL_H_
  26 #define _LIBPROC_IMPL_H_
  28 #include <unistd.h>
  29 #include <limits.h>
  30 #include "libproc.h"
  31 #include "symtab.h"
  33 // data structures in this file mimic those of Solaris 8.0 - libproc's Pcontrol.h
  35 #define BUF_SIZE     (PATH_MAX + NAME_MAX + 1)

  37 // list of shared objects
  38 typedef struct lib_info {
  39   char             name[BUF_SIZE];
  40   uintptr_t        base;

  41   struct symtab*   symtab;
  42   int              fd;        // file descriptor for lib
  43   struct lib_info* next;
  44 } lib_info;
  46 // list of threads
  47 typedef struct thread_info {
  48    lwpid_t                  lwp_id;
  49    struct user_regs_struct  regs;       // not for process, core uses for caching regset
  50    struct thread_info*      next;
  51 } thread_info;
  53 // list of virtual memory maps
  54 typedef struct map_info {
  55    int              fd;       // file descriptor
  56    off_t            offset;   // file offset of this mapping
  57    uintptr_t        vaddr;    // starting virtual address
  58    size_t           memsz;    // size of the mapping
  59    struct map_info* next;
  60 } map_info;

  84    uintptr_t          dynamic_addr;  // address of dynamic section of a.out
  85    uintptr_t          ld_base_addr;  // base address of ld.so
  86    size_t             num_maps;  // number of maps.
  87    map_info*          maps;      // maps in a linked list
  88    // part of the class sharing workaround
  89    map_info*          class_share_maps;// class share maps in a linked list
  90    map_info**         map_array; // sorted (by vaddr) array of map_info pointers
  91 };
  93 struct ps_prochandle {
  94    ps_prochandle_ops* ops;       // vtable ptr
  95    pid_t              pid;
  96    int                num_libs;
  97    lib_info*          libs;      // head of lib list
  98    lib_info*          lib_tail;  // tail of lib list - to append at the end
  99    int                num_threads;
 100    thread_info*       threads;   // head of thread list
 101    struct core_data*  core;      // data only used for core dumps, NULL for process
 102 };

 104 int pathmap_open(const char* name);
 106 void print_debug(const char* format,...);
 107 void print_error(const char* format,...);
 108 bool is_debug();
 110 // deletes a thread from the thread list
 111 void delete_thread_info(struct ps_prochandle* ph, thread_info* thr);
 113 // adds a new shared object to lib list, returns NULL on failure
 114 lib_info* add_lib_info(struct ps_prochandle* ph, const char* libname, uintptr_t base);
 116 // adds a new shared object to lib list, supply open lib file descriptor as well
 117 lib_info* add_lib_info_fd(struct ps_prochandle* ph, const char* libname, int fd,
 118                           uintptr_t base);
 120 // adds a new thread to threads list, returns NULL on failure
 121 thread_info* add_thread_info(struct ps_prochandle* ph, lwpid_t lwp_id);
 123 // a test for ELF signature without using libelf
 124 bool is_elf_file(int fd);

 126 #endif //_LIBPROC_IMPL_H_

  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #ifndef _LIBPROC_IMPL_H_
  26 #define _LIBPROC_IMPL_H_
  28 #include <unistd.h>
  29 #include <limits.h>
  30 #include "libproc.h"
  31 #include "symtab.h"
  33 // data structures in this file mimic those of Solaris 8.0 - libproc's Pcontrol.h
  35 #define BUF_SIZE     (PATH_MAX + NAME_MAX + 1)
  37 // .eh_frame data
  38 typedef struct eh_frame_info {
  39   uintptr_t library_base_addr;
  40   uintptr_t v_addr;
  41   unsigned char* data;
  42 } eh_frame_info;
  44 // list of shared objects
  45 typedef struct lib_info {
  46   char             name[BUF_SIZE];
  47   uintptr_t        base;
  48   uintptr_t        exec_start;
  49   uintptr_t        exec_end;
  50   eh_frame_info    eh_frame;
  51   struct symtab*   symtab;
  52   int              fd;        // file descriptor for lib
  53   struct lib_info* next;
  54 } lib_info;
  56 // list of threads
  57 typedef struct thread_info {
  58    lwpid_t                  lwp_id;
  59    struct user_regs_struct  regs;       // not for process, core uses for caching regset
  60    struct thread_info*      next;
  61 } thread_info;
  63 // list of virtual memory maps
  64 typedef struct map_info {
  65    int              fd;       // file descriptor
  66    off_t            offset;   // file offset of this mapping
  67    uintptr_t        vaddr;    // starting virtual address
  68    size_t           memsz;    // size of the mapping
  69    struct map_info* next;
  70 } map_info;

  94    uintptr_t          dynamic_addr;  // address of dynamic section of a.out
  95    uintptr_t          ld_base_addr;  // base address of ld.so
  96    size_t             num_maps;  // number of maps.
  97    map_info*          maps;      // maps in a linked list
  98    // part of the class sharing workaround
  99    map_info*          class_share_maps;// class share maps in a linked list
 100    map_info**         map_array; // sorted (by vaddr) array of map_info pointers
 101 };
 103 struct ps_prochandle {
 104    ps_prochandle_ops* ops;       // vtable ptr
 105    pid_t              pid;
 106    int                num_libs;
 107    lib_info*          libs;      // head of lib list
 108    lib_info*          lib_tail;  // tail of lib list - to append at the end
 109    int                num_threads;
 110    thread_info*       threads;   // head of thread list
 111    struct core_data*  core;      // data only used for core dumps, NULL for process
 112 };
 114 #ifdef __cplusplus
 115 extern "C" {
 116 #endif
 118 int pathmap_open(const char* name);
 120 void print_debug(const char* format,...);
 121 void print_error(const char* format,...);
 122 bool is_debug();
 124 // deletes a thread from the thread list
 125 void delete_thread_info(struct ps_prochandle* ph, thread_info* thr);
 127 // adds a new shared object to lib list, returns NULL on failure
 128 lib_info* add_lib_info(struct ps_prochandle* ph, const char* libname, uintptr_t base);
 130 // adds a new shared object to lib list, supply open lib file descriptor as well
 131 lib_info* add_lib_info_fd(struct ps_prochandle* ph, const char* libname, int fd,
 132                           uintptr_t base);
 134 // adds a new thread to threads list, returns NULL on failure
 135 thread_info* add_thread_info(struct ps_prochandle* ph, lwpid_t lwp_id);
 137 // a test for ELF signature without using libelf
 138 bool is_elf_file(int fd);
 140 #ifdef __cplusplus
 141 }
 142 #endif
 144 #endif //_LIBPROC_IMPL_H_
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