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rev 55606 : 8221812: Fine-tune jmh test for vector api
Summary: To compare performance of vector api and auto vectorization, vector
api and scalar test cases are updated to keep aligned.
Reviewed-by: duke

*** 1,13 **** @Benchmark ! public Object [[TEST]][[TEST_TYPE]][[OP_NAME]]() { $type$[] as = fa.apply(size); $type$[] rs = fr.apply(size); for (int i = 0; i < as.length; i++) { $type$ a = as[i]; rs[i] = ($type$)([[TEST_OP]]); } ! return rs; } --- 1,15 ---- @Benchmark ! public void [[TEST]][[TEST_TYPE]][[OP_NAME]](Blackhole bh) { $type$[] as = fa.apply(size); $type$[] rs = fr.apply(size); + for (int ic = 0; ic < INVOC_COUNT; ic++) { for (int i = 0; i < as.length; i++) { $type$ a = as[i]; rs[i] = ($type$)([[TEST_OP]]); } + } ! bh.consume(rs); }
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