Code Review for JDK-8011415

Prepared by:adlertz on Fri Oct 11 12:46:17 CEST 2013
Compare against:
Compare against version:5402
Summary of changes: 14 lines changed: 8 ins; 0 del; 6 mod; 1417 unchg
Patch of changes: JDK-8011415.patch
Legend: Modified file
Deleted file
New file

Cdiffs Udiffs Sdiffs Frames Old New Patch Raw src/share/vm/opto/chaitin.hpp

rev 5403 : 8011415: CTW on Sparc: assert(lrg.lo_degree()) failed:
Summary: Increased the LRG AllStack mask size since the previous size was not big enough when compiling huge methods (60k+ nodes)
13 lines changed: 8 ins; 0 del; 5 mod; 612 unchg

Cdiffs Udiffs Sdiffs Frames Old New Patch Raw src/share/vm/opto/ifg.cpp

rev 5403 : 8011415: CTW on Sparc: assert(lrg.lo_degree()) failed:
Summary: Increased the LRG AllStack mask size since the previous size was not big enough when compiling huge methods (60k+ nodes)
1 line changed: 0 ins; 0 del; 1 mod; 805 unchg

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