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rev 6864 : 8061651: Interface to the Lookup Index Cache to improve URLClassPath search time
Summary: Implemented the interface in sun.misc.URLClassPath and corresponding JVM_XXX APIs
Reviewed-by: mchung, acorn, jiangli, dholmes

*** 22,31 **** --- 22,32 ---- * */ #include "precompiled.hpp" #include "classfile/dictionary.hpp" + #include "classfile/classLoaderExt.hpp" #include "classfile/loaderConstraints.hpp" #include "classfile/placeholders.hpp" #include "classfile/sharedClassUtil.hpp" #include "classfile/symbolTable.hpp" #include "classfile/systemDictionary.hpp"
*** 37,46 **** --- 38,48 ---- #include "oops/objArrayOop.hpp" #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp" #include "runtime/signature.hpp" #include "runtime/vm_operations.hpp" #include "runtime/vmThread.hpp" + #include "utilities/hashtable.hpp" #include "utilities/hashtable.inline.hpp" PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC int MetaspaceShared::_max_alignment = 0;
*** 531,540 **** --- 533,544 ---- SystemDictionary::copy_table(&md_top, md_end); ClassLoader::verify(); ClassLoader::copy_package_info_table(&md_top, md_end); ClassLoader::verify(); + ClassLoaderExt::copy_lookup_cache_to_archive(&md_top, md_end); + // Write the other data to the output array. WriteClosure wc(md_top, md_end); MetaspaceShared::serialize(&wc); md_top = wc.get_top();
*** 743,752 **** --- 747,758 ---- class_count += preload_and_dump(ExtraSharedClassListFile, class_promote_order, THREAD); } tty->print_cr("Loading classes to share: done."); + ClassLoaderExt::init_lookup_cache(THREAD); + if (PrintSharedSpaces) { tty->print_cr("Shared spaces: preloaded %d classes", class_count); } // Rewrite and link classes
*** 1054,1063 **** --- 1060,1071 ---- len = *(intptr_t*)buffer; // skip over package info table char[] arrays. buffer += sizeof(intptr_t); buffer += len; + buffer = ClassLoaderExt::restore_lookup_cache_from_archive(buffer); + intptr_t* array = (intptr_t*)buffer; ReadClosure rc(&array); serialize(&rc); // Close the mapinfo file
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