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  31  * <li>a {@linkplain #getBytecodePosition() bytecode position}</li>
  32  * <li>a reference map for registers and stack slots in the current frame</li>
  33  * <li>a map from bytecode locals and operand stack slots to their values or locations from which
  34  * their values can be read</li>
  35  * <li>a map from the registers (in the caller's frame) to the slots where they are saved in the
  36  * current frame</li>
  37  * </ul>
  38  */
  39 public final class DebugInfo {
  41     private final BytecodePosition bytecodePosition;
  42     private ReferenceMap referenceMap;
  43     @SuppressWarnings("unused") private final VirtualObject[] virtualObjectMapping;
  44     private RegisterSaveLayout calleeSaveInfo;
  46     /**
  47      * Creates a new {@link DebugInfo} from the given values.
  48      *
  49      * @param codePos the {@linkplain BytecodePosition code position} or {@linkplain BytecodeFrame
  50      *            frame} info
  51      * @param virtualObjectMapping the mapping of {@link VirtualObject}s to their real values

  52      */

  53     public DebugInfo(BytecodePosition codePos, VirtualObject[] virtualObjectMapping) {
  54         this.bytecodePosition = codePos;
  55         this.virtualObjectMapping = virtualObjectMapping;
  56     }
  58     public DebugInfo(BytecodePosition codePos) {
  59         this(codePos, null);
  60     }
  62     public void setReferenceMap(ReferenceMap referenceMap) {
  63         this.referenceMap = referenceMap;
  64     }
  66     /**
  67      * @return {@code true} if this debug information has a frame
  68      */
  69     public boolean hasFrame() {
  70         return getBytecodePosition() instanceof BytecodeFrame;
  71     }

  31  * <li>a {@linkplain #getBytecodePosition() bytecode position}</li>
  32  * <li>a reference map for registers and stack slots in the current frame</li>
  33  * <li>a map from bytecode locals and operand stack slots to their values or locations from which
  34  * their values can be read</li>
  35  * <li>a map from the registers (in the caller's frame) to the slots where they are saved in the
  36  * current frame</li>
  37  * </ul>
  38  */
  39 public final class DebugInfo {
  41     private final BytecodePosition bytecodePosition;
  42     private ReferenceMap referenceMap;
  43     @SuppressWarnings("unused") private final VirtualObject[] virtualObjectMapping;
  44     private RegisterSaveLayout calleeSaveInfo;
  46     /**
  47      * Creates a new {@link DebugInfo} from the given values.
  48      *
  49      * @param codePos the {@linkplain BytecodePosition code position} or {@linkplain BytecodeFrame
  50      *            frame} info
  51      * @param virtualObjectMapping the mapping of {@link VirtualObject}s to their real values. This
  52      *            array is now owned by this object and must not be mutated by the caller.
  53      */
  54     @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "EI_EXPOSE_REP2", justification = "caller transfers ownership of `virtualObjectMapping`")
  55     public DebugInfo(BytecodePosition codePos, VirtualObject[] virtualObjectMapping) {
  56         this.bytecodePosition = codePos;
  57         this.virtualObjectMapping = virtualObjectMapping;
  58     }
  60     public DebugInfo(BytecodePosition codePos) {
  61         this(codePos, null);
  62     }
  64     public void setReferenceMap(ReferenceMap referenceMap) {
  65         this.referenceMap = referenceMap;
  66     }
  68     /**
  69      * @return {@code true} if this debug information has a frame
  70      */
  71     public boolean hasFrame() {
  72         return getBytecodePosition() instanceof BytecodeFrame;
  73     }

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