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  44 import java.util.Map;
  45 import java.util.Set;
  47 import javax.management.Attribute;
  48 import javax.management.AttributeList;
  49 import javax.management.MBeanAttributeInfo;
  50 import javax.management.MBeanInfo;
  51 import javax.management.MBeanServerConnection;
  52 import javax.management.ObjectName;
  54 import org.junit.Before;
  55 import org.junit.Test;
  57 import org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.IConnectionHandle;
  58 import org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.subscription.MRI;
  59 import org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.subscription.MRI.Type;
  60 import org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.subscription.internal.AttributeValueToolkit;
  61 import org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.test.ServerHandleTestCase;
  63 public class SyntheticAttributesTest extends ServerHandleTestCase {
  64         private final static String NEW_VALUE = "new value"; //$NON-NLS-1$
  65         protected IConnectionHandle localConnection;
  67         @Test
  68         public void testLookupDomain() throws Exception {
  69                 assertTrue("Could not find the test domain!", containsDomain("org.openjdk.jmc.test")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
  70         }
  72         @Test
  73         public void testFindNonSyntheticDomain() throws Exception {
  74                 assertTrue("Could not find the java.lang domain!", containsDomain("java.lang")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
  75         }
  77         @Test
  78         public void testFindMBean() throws Exception {
  79                 ObjectName mbean = getSyntheticAttributeDescriptor().getObjectName();
  80                 assertTrue("Could not find the test mbean!", containsMBean(mbean)); //$NON-NLS-1$
  81         }
  83         @Test
  84         public void testFindNonSyntheticMBean() throws Exception {
  85                 ObjectName mbean = new ObjectName("java.lang:type=Runtime"); //$NON-NLS-1$
  86                 assertTrue("Could not find the Runtime mbean!", containsMBean(mbean)); //$NON-NLS-1$
  87         }
  89         @Test
  90         public void testGetAttribute() throws Exception {
  91                 MRI descriptor = getSyntheticAttributeDescriptor();
  92                 Object value = getAttributeValue(descriptor);
  93                 assertNotNull("Could not retrieve the attribute value", value); //$NON-NLS-1$
  94         }
  96         @Test
  97         public void testGetCompositeAttribute() throws Exception {
  98                 MRI descriptor = getCompositeAttributeDescriptor();
  99                 Object value = getAttributeValue(descriptor);
 100                 assertNotNull("Could not retrieve the attribute value", value); //$NON-NLS-1$
 101         }
 103         @Test
 104         public void testGetAttributes() throws Exception {
 105                 MRI descriptor = getSyntheticAttributeDescriptor();
 106                 AttributeList list = getAttributeValues(descriptor.getObjectName(), new String[] {descriptor.getDataPath()});
 107                 Object value = list.get(0);
 108                 assertNotNull("Could not retrieve the attribute value", value); //$NON-NLS-1$
 109         }
 111         @Test
 112         public void testGetCompositeAttributes() throws Exception {
 113                 MRI[] descriptors = getCombinedAttributeDescriptors();
 114                 ObjectName objectName = descriptors[0].getObjectName();
 115                 List<String> names = new ArrayList<>();
 116                 for (MRI ad : descriptors) {
 117                         names.add(ad.getDataPath());
 118                 }
 119                 AttributeList list = getAttributeValues(objectName, names.toArray(new String[descriptors.length]));
 120                 assertEquals("Could not retrieve all values", descriptors.length, list.size()); //$NON-NLS-1$
 121         }
 123         @Test
 124         public void testGetCompositeAttributesThroughMBeanHelperService() throws Exception {
 125                 MRI[] descriptors = getCombinedAttributeDescriptors();
 126                 ObjectName objectName = descriptors[0].getObjectName();
 127                 List<String> names = new ArrayList<>();
 128                 for (MRI ad : descriptors) {
 129                         names.add(ad.getDataPath());
 130                 }
 131                 Collection<Object> list = getAttributeValuesThroughMBeanHelperService(objectName, names);
 132                 assertEquals("Could not retrieve all values", descriptors.length, list.size()); //$NON-NLS-1$
 133         }
 135         @Test
 136         public void testGetMultipleAttributes() throws Exception {
 137                 MRI syntheticDescriptor = getExtendedSyntheticAttributeDescriptor();
 138                 MRI nonsyntheticDescriptor = getNonSyntheticDescriptor();
 139                 ObjectName mbean = syntheticDescriptor.getObjectName();
 140                 assertTrue("Not same MBean", mbean.equals(nonsyntheticDescriptor.getObjectName())); //$NON-NLS-1$
 141                 String[] attributes = new String[] {nonsyntheticDescriptor.getDataPath(), syntheticDescriptor.getDataPath()};
 142                 AttributeList values = getAttributeValues(mbean, attributes);
 143                 assertTrue("Not two values", values.size() == 2); //$NON-NLS-1$
 144                 for (Object attribute : values) {
 145                         assertNotNull(((Attribute) attribute).getValue());
 146                 }
 147         }
 149         @Test
 150         public void testGetExtendedAttribute() throws Exception {
 151                 MRI descriptor = getExtendedSyntheticAttributeDescriptor();
 152                 Object value = getAttributeValue(descriptor);
 153                 assertNotNull("Could not retrieve the extended attribute value", value); //$NON-NLS-1$
 154         }
 156         @Test
 157         public void testSetExtendedAttribute() throws Exception {
 158                 MRI descriptor = getExtendedSyntheticAttributeDescriptor();
 159                 String newValue = NEW_VALUE;
 160                 String oldValue = (String) getAttributeValue(descriptor);
 161                 setAttributeValue(descriptor, newValue);
 162                 assertEquals("Could not set the attribute value!", NEW_VALUE, getAttributeValue(descriptor)); //$NON-NLS-1$
 163                 setAttributeValue(descriptor, oldValue);
 164                 assertEquals("Could not restore old attribute value!", oldValue, getAttributeValue(descriptor)); //$NON-NLS-1$
 165         }
 167         @Test
 168         public void testSetAttribute() throws Exception {
 169                 MRI descriptor = getSyntheticAttributeDescriptor();
 170                 String newValue = NEW_VALUE;
 171                 String oldValue = (String) getAttributeValue(descriptor);
 172                 setAttributeValue(descriptor, newValue);
 173                 assertEquals("Could not set the attribute value!", NEW_VALUE, getAttributeValue(descriptor)); //$NON-NLS-1$
 174                 setAttributeValue(descriptor, oldValue);
 175                 assertEquals("Could not restore old attribute value!", oldValue, getAttributeValue(descriptor)); //$NON-NLS-1$
 176         }
 178         @Test
 179         public void testGetProperties() throws Exception {
 180                 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 181                 Map<String, Object> values = (Map<String, Object>) getAttributeValue(
 182                                 getPropertiesSyntheticAttributeDescriptor());
 183                 assertEquals("Gegga", values.get("denominator")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
 184                 assertEquals("Moja", values.get("numerator")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
 185                 assertEquals(100, values.get("someinteger")); //$NON-NLS-1$
 186                 assertEquals(0.01f, values.get("factor")); //$NON-NLS-1$
 187                 assertEquals(true, values.get("someboolean")); //$NON-NLS-1$
 188         }
 190         @Test
 191         public void testGetNonSyntheticAttribute() throws Exception {
 192                 MRI descriptor = getNonSyntheticDescriptor();
 193                 Boolean value = (Boolean) getAttributeValue(descriptor);
 194                 assertNotNull(value);
 195         }
 197         @Test
 198         public void testSetNonSyntheticAttribute() throws Exception {
 199                 MRI descriptor = getNonSyntheticDescriptor();
 200                 Boolean value = (Boolean) getAttributeValue(descriptor);
 201                 assertNotNull(value);
 202                 setAttributeValue(descriptor, Boolean.valueOf(!value.booleanValue()));
 203                 assertNotSame(value, getAttributeValue(descriptor));
 204                 setAttributeValue(descriptor, value);
 205                 assertEquals(value, getAttributeValue(descriptor));
 206         }
 208         @Test
 209         public void testSetAttributes() throws Exception {
 210                 MRI synthethicDescriptor = getExtendedSyntheticAttributeDescriptor();
 211                 String newValue = NEW_VALUE;
 212                 String oldValue = (String) getAttributeValue(synthethicDescriptor);
 214                 MRI normalDescriptor = getNonSyntheticDescriptor();
 215                 Boolean value = (Boolean) getAttributeValue(normalDescriptor);
 216                 assertNotNull(value);
 218                 setAttributeValues(new MRI[] {synthethicDescriptor, normalDescriptor},
 219                                 new Object[] {newValue, Boolean.valueOf(!value.booleanValue())});
 220                 assertEquals("Could not set the attribute value!", NEW_VALUE, getAttributeValue(synthethicDescriptor)); //$NON-NLS-1$
 221                 assertNotSame(value, getAttributeValue(normalDescriptor));
 223                 setAttributeValues(new MRI[] {synthethicDescriptor, normalDescriptor}, new Object[] {oldValue, value});
 224                 assertEquals("Could not restore old attribute value!", oldValue, getAttributeValue(synthethicDescriptor)); //$NON-NLS-1$
 225                 assertEquals(value, getAttributeValue(normalDescriptor));
 227         }
 229         @Test
 230         public void testSyntheticMetadata() throws Exception {
 231                 MRI descriptor = getSyntheticAttributeDescriptor();
 232                 MBeanInfo info = getMetadata(descriptor);
 233                 assertEquals(2, info.getAttributes().length);
 234                 MBeanAttributeInfo attributeInfo = findCorresponding(info.getAttributes(), descriptor);
 235                 assertTrue(attributeInfo.isReadable());
 236                 assertTrue(attributeInfo.isWritable());
 237                 assertFalse(attributeInfo.isIs());
 238                 assertEquals("java.lang.String", attributeInfo.getType()); //$NON-NLS-1$
 239         }
 241         @Test
 242         public void testExtendedMetadata() throws Exception {
 243                 MRI descriptor = getExtendedSyntheticAttributeDescriptor();
 244                 MBeanInfo info = getMetadata(descriptor);
 245                 assertTrue(info.getDescription().contains("Extended")); //$NON-NLS-1$
 247                 MBeanAttributeInfo extendedInfo = null;
 248                 for (MBeanAttributeInfo attr : info.getAttributes()) {
 249                         if (attr.getName().equals(descriptor.getDataPath())) {
 250                                 extendedInfo = attr;
 251                         }
 252                 }
 253                 assertNotNull(extendedInfo);
 254                 MBeanAttributeInfo attributeInfo = findCorresponding(info.getAttributes(), descriptor);
 255                 assertTrue(attributeInfo.isReadable());
 256                 assertTrue(attributeInfo.isWritable());
 257                 assertFalse(attributeInfo.isIs());
 258                 assertEquals("java.lang.String", attributeInfo.getType()); //$NON-NLS-1$
 259         }
 261         private MBeanAttributeInfo findCorresponding(MBeanAttributeInfo[] attributes, MRI descriptor) {
 262                 for (MBeanAttributeInfo info : attributes) {
 263                         if (descriptor.getDataPath().equals(info.getName())) {
 264                                 return info;
 265                         }
 266                 }
 267                 return null;
 268         }
 270         private MRI getPropertiesSyntheticAttributeDescriptor() {
 271                 return MRI.createFromQualifiedName("attribute://org.openjdk.jmc.test:type=Test/Properties"); //$NON-NLS-1$
 272         }
 274         private boolean containsMBean(ObjectName mbean) throws Exception {
 275                 MBeanServerConnection connection = getLocalConnection().getServiceOrThrow(MBeanServerConnection.class);
 276                 @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
 277                 Set mbeans = connection.queryMBeans(mbean, null);
 278                 return mbeans.size() > 0;
 279         }
 281         private MRI getSyntheticAttributeDescriptor() {
 282                 return MRI.createFromQualifiedName("attribute://org.openjdk.jmc.test:type=Test/Test"); //$NON-NLS-1$
 283         }
 285         private MRI getExtendedSyntheticAttributeDescriptor() {
 286                 return MRI.createFromQualifiedName("attribute://java.lang:type=ClassLoading/Test"); //$NON-NLS-1$
 287         }
 289         private MRI getNonSyntheticDescriptor() {
 290                 return MRI.createFromQualifiedName("attribute://java.lang:type=ClassLoading/Verbose"); //$NON-NLS-1$
 291         }
 293         private MRI getCompositeAttributeDescriptor() {
 294                 return MRI.createFromQualifiedName("attribute://java.lang:type=OperatingSystem/TotalPhysicalMemorySize"); //$NON-NLS-1$
 295         }
 297         private MRI[] getCombinedAttributeDescriptors() {
 298                 return new MRI[] {MRI.createFromQualifiedName("attribute://java.lang:type=Memory/HeapMemoryUsage/used"), //$NON-NLS-1$
 299                                 MRI.createFromQualifiedName("attribute://java.lang:type=Memory/NonHeapMemoryUsage/max"), //$NON-NLS-1$
 300                                 MRI.createFromQualifiedName("attribute://java.lang:type=Memory/Verbose")}; //$NON-NLS-1$
 301         }
 303         private boolean containsDomain(String checkDomain) throws Exception {
 304                 MBeanServerConnection connection = getLocalConnection().getServiceOrThrow(MBeanServerConnection.class);
 305                 boolean containsDomain = false;
 306                 for (String domain : connection.getDomains()) {
 307                         if (checkDomain.equals(domain)) {
 308                                 containsDomain = true;
 309                                 break;
 310                         }
 311                 }
 312                 return containsDomain;
 313         }
 315         private Object getAttributeValue(MRI descriptor) throws Exception {
 316                 MBeanServerConnection connection = getLocalConnection().getServiceOrThrow(MBeanServerConnection.class);
 317                 Object value = connection.getAttribute(descriptor.getObjectName(), descriptor.getDataPath());
 318                 return value;
 319         }

 343         }
 345         private void setAttributeValue(MRI descriptor, Object newValue) throws Exception {
 346                 MBeanServerConnection connection = getLocalConnection().getServiceOrThrow(MBeanServerConnection.class);
 347                 connection.setAttribute(descriptor.getObjectName(), new Attribute(descriptor.getDataPath(), newValue));
 348         }
 350         private void setAttributeValues(MRI[] descriptors, Object[] values) throws Exception {
 351                 MBeanServerConnection connection = getLocalConnection().getServiceOrThrow(MBeanServerConnection.class);
 352                 AttributeList list = new AttributeList();
 353                 for (int i = 0; i < descriptors.length; i += 1) {
 354                         list.add(new Attribute(descriptors[i].getDataPath(), values[i]));
 355                 }
 356                 connection.setAttributes(descriptors[0].getObjectName(), list);
 357         }
 359         @Override
 360         @Before
 361         public void setUp() throws Exception {
 362                 super.setUp();
 363                 localConnection = getDefaultServer().connect("Test"); //$NON-NLS-1$
 364         }
 366         @Override
 367         public void tearDown() throws Exception {
 368                 localConnection.close();
 369                 super.tearDown();
 370         }
 372         protected IConnectionHandle getLocalConnection() {
 373                 return localConnection;
 374         }
 375 }

  44 import java.util.Map;
  45 import java.util.Set;
  47 import javax.management.Attribute;
  48 import javax.management.AttributeList;
  49 import javax.management.MBeanAttributeInfo;
  50 import javax.management.MBeanInfo;
  51 import javax.management.MBeanServerConnection;
  52 import javax.management.ObjectName;
  54 import org.junit.Before;
  55 import org.junit.Test;
  57 import org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.IConnectionHandle;
  58 import org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.subscription.MRI;
  59 import org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.subscription.MRI.Type;
  60 import org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.subscription.internal.AttributeValueToolkit;
  61 import org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.test.ServerHandleTestCase;
  63 public class SyntheticAttributesTest extends ServerHandleTestCase {
  64         private final static String NEW_VALUE = "new value";
  65         protected IConnectionHandle localConnection;
  67         @Test
  68         public void testLookupDomain() throws Exception {
  69                 assertTrue("Could not find the test domain!", containsDomain("org.openjdk.jmc.test"));
  70         }
  72         @Test
  73         public void testFindNonSyntheticDomain() throws Exception {
  74                 assertTrue("Could not find the java.lang domain!", containsDomain("java.lang"));
  75         }
  77         @Test
  78         public void testFindMBean() throws Exception {
  79                 ObjectName mbean = getSyntheticAttributeDescriptor().getObjectName();
  80                 assertTrue("Could not find the test mbean!", containsMBean(mbean));
  81         }
  83         @Test
  84         public void testFindNonSyntheticMBean() throws Exception {
  85                 ObjectName mbean = new ObjectName("java.lang:type=Runtime");
  86                 assertTrue("Could not find the Runtime mbean!", containsMBean(mbean));
  87         }
  89         @Test
  90         public void testGetAttribute() throws Exception {
  91                 MRI descriptor = getSyntheticAttributeDescriptor();
  92                 Object value = getAttributeValue(descriptor);
  93                 assertNotNull("Could not retrieve the attribute value", value);
  94         }
  96         @Test
  97         public void testGetCompositeAttribute() throws Exception {
  98                 MRI descriptor = getCompositeAttributeDescriptor();
  99                 Object value = getAttributeValue(descriptor);
 100                 assertNotNull("Could not retrieve the attribute value", value);
 101         }
 103         @Test
 104         public void testGetAttributes() throws Exception {
 105                 MRI descriptor = getSyntheticAttributeDescriptor();
 106                 AttributeList list = getAttributeValues(descriptor.getObjectName(), new String[] {descriptor.getDataPath()});
 107                 Object value = list.get(0);
 108                 assertNotNull("Could not retrieve the attribute value", value);
 109         }
 111         @Test
 112         public void testGetCompositeAttributes() throws Exception {
 113                 MRI[] descriptors = getCombinedAttributeDescriptors();
 114                 ObjectName objectName = descriptors[0].getObjectName();
 115                 List<String> names = new ArrayList<>();
 116                 for (MRI ad : descriptors) {
 117                         names.add(ad.getDataPath());
 118                 }
 119                 AttributeList list = getAttributeValues(objectName, names.toArray(new String[descriptors.length]));
 120                 assertEquals("Could not retrieve all values", descriptors.length, list.size());
 121         }
 123         @Test
 124         public void testGetCompositeAttributesThroughMBeanHelperService() throws Exception {
 125                 MRI[] descriptors = getCombinedAttributeDescriptors();
 126                 ObjectName objectName = descriptors[0].getObjectName();
 127                 List<String> names = new ArrayList<>();
 128                 for (MRI ad : descriptors) {
 129                         names.add(ad.getDataPath());
 130                 }
 131                 Collection<Object> list = getAttributeValuesThroughMBeanHelperService(objectName, names);
 132                 assertEquals("Could not retrieve all values", descriptors.length, list.size());
 133         }
 135         @Test
 136         public void testGetMultipleAttributes() throws Exception {
 137                 MRI syntheticDescriptor = getExtendedSyntheticAttributeDescriptor();
 138                 MRI nonsyntheticDescriptor = getNonSyntheticDescriptor();
 139                 ObjectName mbean = syntheticDescriptor.getObjectName();
 140                 assertTrue("Not same MBean", mbean.equals(nonsyntheticDescriptor.getObjectName()));
 141                 String[] attributes = new String[] {nonsyntheticDescriptor.getDataPath(), syntheticDescriptor.getDataPath()};
 142                 AttributeList values = getAttributeValues(mbean, attributes);
 143                 assertTrue("Not two values", values.size() == 2);
 144                 for (Object attribute : values) {
 145                         assertNotNull(((Attribute) attribute).getValue());
 146                 }
 147         }
 149         @Test
 150         public void testGetExtendedAttribute() throws Exception {
 151                 MRI descriptor = getExtendedSyntheticAttributeDescriptor();
 152                 Object value = getAttributeValue(descriptor);
 153                 assertNotNull("Could not retrieve the extended attribute value", value);
 154         }
 156         @Test
 157         public void testSetExtendedAttribute() throws Exception {
 158                 MRI descriptor = getExtendedSyntheticAttributeDescriptor();
 159                 String newValue = NEW_VALUE;
 160                 String oldValue = (String) getAttributeValue(descriptor);
 161                 setAttributeValue(descriptor, newValue);
 162                 assertEquals("Could not set the attribute value!", NEW_VALUE, getAttributeValue(descriptor));
 163                 setAttributeValue(descriptor, oldValue);
 164                 assertEquals("Could not restore old attribute value!", oldValue, getAttributeValue(descriptor));
 165         }
 167         @Test
 168         public void testSetAttribute() throws Exception {
 169                 MRI descriptor = getSyntheticAttributeDescriptor();
 170                 String newValue = NEW_VALUE;
 171                 String oldValue = (String) getAttributeValue(descriptor);
 172                 setAttributeValue(descriptor, newValue);
 173                 assertEquals("Could not set the attribute value!", NEW_VALUE, getAttributeValue(descriptor));
 174                 setAttributeValue(descriptor, oldValue);
 175                 assertEquals("Could not restore old attribute value!", oldValue, getAttributeValue(descriptor));
 176         }
 178         @Test
 179         public void testGetProperties() throws Exception {
 180                 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 181                 Map<String, Object> values = (Map<String, Object>) getAttributeValue(
 182                                 getPropertiesSyntheticAttributeDescriptor());
 183                 assertEquals("Gegga", values.get("denominator"));
 184                 assertEquals("Moja", values.get("numerator"));
 185                 assertEquals(100, values.get("someinteger"));
 186                 assertEquals(0.01f, values.get("factor"));
 187                 assertEquals(true, values.get("someboolean"));
 188         }
 190         @Test
 191         public void testGetNonSyntheticAttribute() throws Exception {
 192                 MRI descriptor = getNonSyntheticDescriptor();
 193                 Boolean value = (Boolean) getAttributeValue(descriptor);
 194                 assertNotNull(value);
 195         }
 197         @Test
 198         public void testSetNonSyntheticAttribute() throws Exception {
 199                 MRI descriptor = getNonSyntheticDescriptor();
 200                 Boolean value = (Boolean) getAttributeValue(descriptor);
 201                 assertNotNull(value);
 202                 setAttributeValue(descriptor, Boolean.valueOf(!value.booleanValue()));
 203                 assertNotSame(value, getAttributeValue(descriptor));
 204                 setAttributeValue(descriptor, value);
 205                 assertEquals(value, getAttributeValue(descriptor));
 206         }
 208         @Test
 209         public void testSetAttributes() throws Exception {
 210                 MRI synthethicDescriptor = getExtendedSyntheticAttributeDescriptor();
 211                 String newValue = NEW_VALUE;
 212                 String oldValue = (String) getAttributeValue(synthethicDescriptor);
 214                 MRI normalDescriptor = getNonSyntheticDescriptor();
 215                 Boolean value = (Boolean) getAttributeValue(normalDescriptor);
 216                 assertNotNull(value);
 218                 setAttributeValues(new MRI[] {synthethicDescriptor, normalDescriptor},
 219                                 new Object[] {newValue, Boolean.valueOf(!value.booleanValue())});
 220                 assertEquals("Could not set the attribute value!", NEW_VALUE, getAttributeValue(synthethicDescriptor));
 221                 assertNotSame(value, getAttributeValue(normalDescriptor));
 223                 setAttributeValues(new MRI[] {synthethicDescriptor, normalDescriptor}, new Object[] {oldValue, value});
 224                 assertEquals("Could not restore old attribute value!", oldValue, getAttributeValue(synthethicDescriptor));
 225                 assertEquals(value, getAttributeValue(normalDescriptor));
 227         }
 229         @Test
 230         public void testSyntheticMetadata() throws Exception {
 231                 MRI descriptor = getSyntheticAttributeDescriptor();
 232                 MBeanInfo info = getMetadata(descriptor);
 233                 assertEquals(2, info.getAttributes().length);
 234                 MBeanAttributeInfo attributeInfo = findCorresponding(info.getAttributes(), descriptor);
 235                 assertTrue(attributeInfo.isReadable());
 236                 assertTrue(attributeInfo.isWritable());
 237                 assertFalse(attributeInfo.isIs());
 238                 assertEquals("java.lang.String", attributeInfo.getType());
 239         }
 241         @Test
 242         public void testExtendedMetadata() throws Exception {
 243                 MRI descriptor = getExtendedSyntheticAttributeDescriptor();
 244                 MBeanInfo info = getMetadata(descriptor);
 245                 assertTrue(info.getDescription().contains("Extended"));
 247                 MBeanAttributeInfo extendedInfo = null;
 248                 for (MBeanAttributeInfo attr : info.getAttributes()) {
 249                         if (attr.getName().equals(descriptor.getDataPath())) {
 250                                 extendedInfo = attr;
 251                         }
 252                 }
 253                 assertNotNull(extendedInfo);
 254                 MBeanAttributeInfo attributeInfo = findCorresponding(info.getAttributes(), descriptor);
 255                 assertTrue(attributeInfo.isReadable());
 256                 assertTrue(attributeInfo.isWritable());
 257                 assertFalse(attributeInfo.isIs());
 258                 assertEquals("java.lang.String", attributeInfo.getType());
 259         }
 261         private MBeanAttributeInfo findCorresponding(MBeanAttributeInfo[] attributes, MRI descriptor) {
 262                 for (MBeanAttributeInfo info : attributes) {
 263                         if (descriptor.getDataPath().equals(info.getName())) {
 264                                 return info;
 265                         }
 266                 }
 267                 return null;
 268         }
 270         private MRI getPropertiesSyntheticAttributeDescriptor() {
 271                 return MRI.createFromQualifiedName("attribute://org.openjdk.jmc.test:type=Test/Properties");
 272         }
 274         private boolean containsMBean(ObjectName mbean) throws Exception {
 275                 MBeanServerConnection connection = getLocalConnection().getServiceOrThrow(MBeanServerConnection.class);
 276                 @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
 277                 Set mbeans = connection.queryMBeans(mbean, null);
 278                 return mbeans.size() > 0;
 279         }
 281         private MRI getSyntheticAttributeDescriptor() {
 282                 return MRI.createFromQualifiedName("attribute://org.openjdk.jmc.test:type=Test/Test");
 283         }
 285         private MRI getExtendedSyntheticAttributeDescriptor() {
 286                 return MRI.createFromQualifiedName("attribute://java.lang:type=ClassLoading/Test");
 287         }
 289         private MRI getNonSyntheticDescriptor() {
 290                 return MRI.createFromQualifiedName("attribute://java.lang:type=ClassLoading/Verbose");
 291         }
 293         private MRI getCompositeAttributeDescriptor() {
 294                 return MRI.createFromQualifiedName("attribute://java.lang:type=OperatingSystem/TotalPhysicalMemorySize");
 295         }
 297         private MRI[] getCombinedAttributeDescriptors() {
 298                 return new MRI[] {MRI.createFromQualifiedName("attribute://java.lang:type=Memory/HeapMemoryUsage/used"),
 299                                 MRI.createFromQualifiedName("attribute://java.lang:type=Memory/NonHeapMemoryUsage/max"),
 300                                 MRI.createFromQualifiedName("attribute://java.lang:type=Memory/Verbose")};
 301         }
 303         private boolean containsDomain(String checkDomain) throws Exception {
 304                 MBeanServerConnection connection = getLocalConnection().getServiceOrThrow(MBeanServerConnection.class);
 305                 boolean containsDomain = false;
 306                 for (String domain : connection.getDomains()) {
 307                         if (checkDomain.equals(domain)) {
 308                                 containsDomain = true;
 309                                 break;
 310                         }
 311                 }
 312                 return containsDomain;
 313         }
 315         private Object getAttributeValue(MRI descriptor) throws Exception {
 316                 MBeanServerConnection connection = getLocalConnection().getServiceOrThrow(MBeanServerConnection.class);
 317                 Object value = connection.getAttribute(descriptor.getObjectName(), descriptor.getDataPath());
 318                 return value;
 319         }

 343         }
 345         private void setAttributeValue(MRI descriptor, Object newValue) throws Exception {
 346                 MBeanServerConnection connection = getLocalConnection().getServiceOrThrow(MBeanServerConnection.class);
 347                 connection.setAttribute(descriptor.getObjectName(), new Attribute(descriptor.getDataPath(), newValue));
 348         }
 350         private void setAttributeValues(MRI[] descriptors, Object[] values) throws Exception {
 351                 MBeanServerConnection connection = getLocalConnection().getServiceOrThrow(MBeanServerConnection.class);
 352                 AttributeList list = new AttributeList();
 353                 for (int i = 0; i < descriptors.length; i += 1) {
 354                         list.add(new Attribute(descriptors[i].getDataPath(), values[i]));
 355                 }
 356                 connection.setAttributes(descriptors[0].getObjectName(), list);
 357         }
 359         @Override
 360         @Before
 361         public void setUp() throws Exception {
 362                 super.setUp();
 363                 localConnection = getDefaultServer().connect("Test");
 364         }
 366         @Override
 367         public void tearDown() throws Exception {
 368                 localConnection.close();
 369                 super.tearDown();
 370         }
 372         protected IConnectionHandle getLocalConnection() {
 373                 return localConnection;
 374         }
 375 }
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