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  44      *
  45      * @param object the object value to box
  46      * @return a constant containing {@code object}
  47      */
  48     JavaConstant forObject(Object object);
  50     /**
  51      * Gets the object reference a given constant represents if it is of a given type. The constant
  52      * must have kind {@link JavaKind#Object}.
  53      *
  54      * @param type the expected type of the object represented by {@code constant}. If the object is
  55      *            required to be of this type, then wrap the call to this method in
  56      *            {@link Objects#requireNonNull(Object)}.
  57      * @param constant an object constant
  58      * @return the object value represented by {@code constant} cast to {@code type} if it is an
  59      *         {@link Class#isInstance(Object) instance of} {@code type} otherwise {@code null}
  60      */
  61     <T> T asObject(Class<T> type, JavaConstant constant);
  63     /**
  64      * Gets the object reference a given constant represents if it is of a given type. The constant
  65      * must have kind {@link JavaKind#Object}.
  66      *
  67      * @param type the expected type of the object represented by {@code constant}. If the object is
  68      *            required to be of this type, then wrap the call to this method in
  69      *            {@link Objects#requireNonNull(Object)}.
  70      * @param constant an object constant
  71      * @return the object value represented by {@code constant} if it is an
  72      *         {@link ResolvedJavaType#isInstance(JavaConstant) instance of} {@code type} otherwise
  73      *         {@code null}
  74      */
  75     Object asObject(ResolvedJavaType type, JavaConstant constant);
  77     /**
  78      * Creates a boxed constant for the given kind from an Object. The object needs to be of the
  79      * Java boxed type corresponding to the kind.
  80      *
  81      * @param kind the kind of the constant to create
  82      * @param value the Java boxed value: a {@link Byte} instance for {@link JavaKind#Byte}, etc.
  83      * @return the boxed copy of {@code value}
  84      */
  85     JavaConstant forBoxed(JavaKind kind, Object value);

  87     /**
  88      * Gets the value to bind to an injected parameter in a node intrinsic.
  89      *
  90      * @param type the type of a parameter in a node intrinsic constructor
  91      * @return the value that should be bound to the parameter when invoking the constructor or null
  92      *         if this provider cannot provide a value of the requested type
  93      */
  94     <T> T getInjectedNodeIntrinsicParameter(Class<T> type);
  96     /**
  97      * Get the original Java class corresponding to a {@link ResolvedJavaType}.
  98      *
  99      * @param type the type for which the original Java class is requested
 100      * @return the original Java class corresponding to the {@code type} parameter

 101      */
 102     Class<?> originalClass(ResolvedJavaType type);
 103 }

  44      *
  45      * @param object the object value to box
  46      * @return a constant containing {@code object}
  47      */
  48     JavaConstant forObject(Object object);
  50     /**
  51      * Gets the object reference a given constant represents if it is of a given type. The constant
  52      * must have kind {@link JavaKind#Object}.
  53      *
  54      * @param type the expected type of the object represented by {@code constant}. If the object is
  55      *            required to be of this type, then wrap the call to this method in
  56      *            {@link Objects#requireNonNull(Object)}.
  57      * @param constant an object constant
  58      * @return the object value represented by {@code constant} cast to {@code type} if it is an
  59      *         {@link Class#isInstance(Object) instance of} {@code type} otherwise {@code null}
  60      */
  61     <T> T asObject(Class<T> type, JavaConstant constant);
  63     /**

  64      * Creates a boxed constant for the given kind from an Object. The object needs to be of the
  65      * Java boxed type corresponding to the kind.
  66      *
  67      * @param kind the kind of the constant to create
  68      * @param value the Java boxed value: a {@link Byte} instance for {@link JavaKind#Byte}, etc.
  69      * @return the boxed copy of {@code value}
  70      */
  71     default JavaConstant forBoxed(JavaKind kind, Object value) {
  72         if (kind == JavaKind.Object) {
  73             return forObject(value);
  74         } else {
  75             return JavaConstant.forBoxedPrimitive(value);
  76         }
  77     }
  79     /**
  80      * Gets the value to bind to an injected parameter in a node intrinsic.
  81      *
  82      * @param type the type of a parameter in a node intrinsic constructor
  83      * @return the value that should be bound to the parameter when invoking the constructor or null
  84      *         if this provider cannot provide a value of the requested type
  85      */
  86     <T> T getInjectedNodeIntrinsicParameter(Class<T> type);
  88     /**
  89      * Get the original Java class corresponding to a {@link ResolvedJavaType}.
  90      *
  91      * @param type the type for which the original Java class is requested
  92      * @return the original Java class corresponding to {@code type} or {@code null} if this object
  93      *         cannot map {@link ResolvedJavaType} instances to {@link Class} instances
  94      */
  95     Class<?> originalClass(ResolvedJavaType type);
  96 }
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