Module javafx.base

Class ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper

    • Constructor Detail

      • ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper

        public ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper()
        The constructor of ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper
      • ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper

        public ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper(int initialValue)
        The constructor of ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper
        initialValue - the initial value of the wrapped value
      • ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper

        public ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper(Object bean,
                                      String name)
        The constructor of ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper
        bean - the bean of this ReadOnlyIntegerProperty
        name - the name of this ReadOnlyIntegerProperty
      • ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper

        public ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper(Object bean,
                                      String name,
                                      int initialValue)
        The constructor of ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper
        bean - the bean of this ReadOnlyIntegerProperty
        name - the name of this ReadOnlyIntegerProperty
        initialValue - the initial value of the wrapped value