Class ScrollPaneSkin

    • Constructor Detail

      • ScrollPaneSkin

        public ScrollPaneSkin(ScrollPane control)
        Creates a new ScrollPaneSkin instance, installing the necessary child nodes into the Control children list, as well as the necessary input mappings for handling key, mouse, etc events.
        control - The control that this skin should be installed onto.
    • Method Detail

      • dispose

        public void dispose()
        Called by a Skinnable when the Skin is replaced on the Skinnable. This method allows a Skin to implement any logic necessary to clean up itself after the Skin is no longer needed. It may be used to release native resources. The methods Skin.getSkinnable() and Skin.getNode() should return null following a call to dispose. Calling dispose twice has no effect.
        Specified by:
        dispose in interface Skin<ScrollPane>
        dispose in class SkinBase<ScrollPane>
      • getHorizontalScrollBar

        public final ScrollBar getHorizontalScrollBar()
        Returns the horizontal ScrollBar used in this ScrollPaneSkin instance.
      • getVerticalScrollBar

        public final ScrollBar getVerticalScrollBar()
        Returns the vertical ScrollBar used in this ScrollPaneSkin instance.
      • computePrefWidth

        protected double computePrefWidth(double height,
                                          double topInset,
                                          double rightInset,
                                          double bottomInset,
                                          double leftInset)
        Calculates the preferred width of this SkinBase. The default implementation calculates this width as the width of the area occupied by its managed children when they are positioned at their current positions at their preferred widths.
        computePrefWidth in class SkinBase<ScrollPane>
        height - the height that should be used if preferred width depends on it
        topInset - the pixel snapped top inset
        rightInset - the pixel snapped right inset
        bottomInset - the pixel snapped bottom inset
        leftInset - the pixel snapped left inset
        the calculated preferred width
      • computePrefHeight

        protected double computePrefHeight(double width,
                                           double topInset,
                                           double rightInset,
                                           double bottomInset,
                                           double leftInset)
        Calculates the preferred height of this SkinBase. The default implementation calculates this height as the height of the area occupied by its managed children when they are positioned at their current positions at their preferred heights.
        computePrefHeight in class SkinBase<ScrollPane>
        width - the width that should be used if preferred height depends on it
        topInset - the pixel snapped top inset
        rightInset - the pixel snapped right inset
        bottomInset - the pixel snapped bottom inset
        leftInset - the pixel snapped left inset
        the calculated preferred height
      • computeMinWidth

        protected double computeMinWidth(double height,
                                         double topInset,
                                         double rightInset,
                                         double bottomInset,
                                         double leftInset)
        Computes the minimum allowable width of the Skin, based on the provided height.
        computeMinWidth in class SkinBase<ScrollPane>
        height - The height of the Skin, in case this value might dictate the minimum width.
        topInset - the pixel snapped top inset
        rightInset - the pixel snapped right inset
        bottomInset - the pixel snapped bottom inset
        leftInset - the pixel snapped left inset
        A double representing the minimum width of this Skin.
      • computeMinHeight

        protected double computeMinHeight(double width,
                                          double topInset,
                                          double rightInset,
                                          double bottomInset,
                                          double leftInset)
        Computes the minimum allowable height of the Skin, based on the provided width.
        computeMinHeight in class SkinBase<ScrollPane>
        width - The width of the Skin, in case this value might dictate the minimum height.
        topInset - the pixel snapped top inset
        rightInset - the pixel snapped right inset
        bottomInset - the pixel snapped bottom inset
        leftInset - the pixel snapped left inset
        A double representing the minimum height of this Skin.
      • layoutChildren

        protected void layoutChildren(double x,
                                      double y,
                                      double w,
                                      double h)
        Description copied from class: SkinBase
        Called during the layout pass of the scenegraph.
        layoutChildren in class SkinBase<ScrollPane>