Class ClipboardContent

    • Constructor Detail

      • ClipboardContent

        public ClipboardContent()
    • Method Detail

      • hasString

        public final boolean hasString()
        Gets whether a plain text String (DataFormat.PLAIN_TEXT) has been put to this ClipboardContent.
        true if containsKey(DataFormat.PLAIN_TEXT) returns true, false otherwise
      • putString

        public final boolean putString(String s)
        Puts a plain text String into the ClipboardContent. This is equivalent to invoking put(DataFormat.PLAIN_TEXT, s). Setting this value to null effectively clears it from the ClipboardContent.
        s - The string to place. This may be null.
        always true (the string is always successfully put)
      • getString

        public final String getString()
        Gets the plain text String from the ClipboardContent which had previously been put. This is equivalent to invoking get(DataFormat.PLAIN_TEXT). If no such entry exists, null is returned.
        The String in the ClipboardContent associated with DataFormat.PLAIN_TEXT, or null if there is not one.
      • hasUrl

        public final boolean hasUrl()
        Gets whether a URL String (DataFormat.URL) has been put to this ClipboardContent.
        true if containsKey(DataFormat.URL) returns true, false otherwise
      • putUrl

        public final boolean putUrl(String url)
        Puts a URL String into the ClipboardContent. This is equivalent to invoking put(DataFormat.URL, url). Setting this value to null effectively clears it from the ClipboardContent.
        url - The string to place. This may be null.
        always true (the URL is always successfully put)
      • getUrl

        public final String getUrl()
        Gets the URL String from the ClipboardContent which had previously been put. This is equivalent to invoking get(DataFormat.URL). If no such entry exists, null is returned.
        The String in the ClipboardContent associated with DataFormat.URL, or null if there is not one.
      • hasHtml

        public final boolean hasHtml()
        Gets whether an HTML String (DataFormat.HTML) has been put to this ClipboardContent.
        true if containsKey(DataFormat.HTML) returns true, false otherwise
      • putHtml

        public final boolean putHtml(String html)
        Puts an HTML String into the ClipboardContent. This is equivalent to invoking put(DataFormat.HTML, html). Setting this value to null effectively clears it from the ClipboardContent.
        html - The string to place. This may be null.
        always true (the HTML is always successfully put)
      • getHtml

        public final String getHtml()
        Gets the HTML String from the ClipboardContent which had previously been put. This is equivalent to invoking get(DataFormat.HTML). If no such entry exists, null is returned.
        The String in the ClipboardContent associated with DataFormat.HTML, or null if there is not one.
      • hasRtf

        public final boolean hasRtf()
        Gets whether a RTF String (DataFormat.RTF) has been put to this ClipboardContent.
        true if containsKey(DataFormat.RTF) returns true, false otherwise
      • putRtf

        public final boolean putRtf(String rtf)
        Puts a RTF String into the ClipboardContent. This is equivalent to invoking put(DataFormat.RTF, rtf). Setting this value to null effectively clears it from the ClipboardContent.
        rtf - The string to place. This may be null.
        always true (the RTF is always successfully put)
      • getRtf

        public final String getRtf()
        Gets the RTF String from the ClipboardContent which had previously been put. This is equivalent to invoking get(DataFormat.RTF). If no such entry exists, null is returned.
        The String in the ClipboardContent associated with DataFormat.RTF, or null if there is not one.
      • hasImage

        public final boolean hasImage()
        Gets whether an Image (DataFormat.IMAGE) has been put to this ClipboardContent.
        true if containsKey(DataFormat.IMAGE) returns true, false otherwise
      • putImage

        public final boolean putImage(Image i)
        Puts an Image into the ClipboardContent. This is equivalent to invoking put(DataFormat.IMAGE, i). Setting this value to null effectively clears it from the ClipboardContent. When an image is placed on the clipboard in this manner, an operating system dependent image is loaded onto the clipboard (such as TIFF on Mac or DIB on Windows).
        i - The image to place. This may be null.
        always true (the image is always successfully put)
      • getImage

        public final Image getImage()
        Gets the Image from the ClipboardContent which had previously been put. This is equivalent to invoking get(DataFormat.IMAGE). If no such entry exists, null is returned.
        The Image in the ClipboardContent associated with DataFormat.IMAGE, or null if there is not one.
      • hasFiles

        public final boolean hasFiles()
        Gets whether a List of Files (DataFormat.FILES) has been put to this ClipboardContent.
        true if containsKey(DataFormat.FILES) returns true, false otherwise
      • putFiles

        public final boolean putFiles(List<File> files)
        Puts a List of Files into the ClipboardContent. This is equivalent to invoking put(DataFormat.FILES, files). Setting this value to null effectively clears it from the ClipboardContent.
        files - The files to place. This may be null.
        always true (the files are always successfully put)
      • putFilesByPath

        public final boolean putFilesByPath(List<String> filePaths)
        Puts a List of Files into the ClipboardContent, based on the file path. This is simply a convenience method which constructs a List of Files and invokes the putFiles(java.util.List<>) method.
        filePaths - The files to place. This may be null.
        always true (the files are always successfully put)
      • getFiles

        public final List<File> getFiles()
        Gets the List of Files from the ClipboardContent which had previously been put. This is equivalent to invoking get(DataFormat.FILES). If no such entry exists, null is returned.
        The List of Files in the ClipboardContent associated with DataFormat.FILES, or null if there is not one.