Module java.xml

Class TransformerFactoryConfigurationError

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class TransformerFactoryConfigurationError
    extends Error
    Thrown when a problem with configuration with the Transformer Factories exists. This error will typically be thrown when the class of a transformation factory specified in the system properties cannot be found or instantiated.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • TransformerFactoryConfigurationError

        public TransformerFactoryConfigurationError()
        Create a new TransformerFactoryConfigurationError with no detail message.
      • TransformerFactoryConfigurationError

        public TransformerFactoryConfigurationError(String msg)
        Create a new TransformerFactoryConfigurationError with the String specified as an error message.
        msg - The error message for the exception.
      • TransformerFactoryConfigurationError

        public TransformerFactoryConfigurationError(Exception e)
        Create a new TransformerFactoryConfigurationError with a given Exception base cause of the error.
        e - The exception to be encapsulated in a TransformerFactoryConfigurationError.
      • TransformerFactoryConfigurationError

        public TransformerFactoryConfigurationError(Exception e,
                                                    String msg)
        Create a new TransformerFactoryConfigurationError with the given Exception base cause and detail message.
        e - The exception to be encapsulated in a TransformerFactoryConfigurationError
        msg - The detail message.
    • Method Detail

      • getMessage

        public String getMessage()
        Return the message (if any) for this error . If there is no message for the exception and there is an encapsulated exception then the message of that exception will be returned.
        getMessage in class Throwable
        The error message.
      • getException

        public Exception getException()
        Return the actual exception (if any) that caused this exception to be raised.
        The encapsulated exception, or null if there is none.
      • getCause

        public Throwable getCause()
        use the exception chaining mechanism of JDK1.4
        getCause in class Throwable
        the cause of this throwable or null if the cause is nonexistent or unknown.