Module jdk.dynalink

Interface LinkRequest

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface LinkRequest
    Represents a request to link a particular invocation at a particular call site. Instances of these requests will be constructed and passed to all GuardingDynamicLinker objects managed by the DynamicLinker that is trying to link the call site.
    • Method Detail

      • getCallSiteDescriptor

        CallSiteDescriptor getCallSiteDescriptor()
        Returns the call site descriptor for the call site being linked.
        the call site descriptor for the call site being linked.
      • getArguments

        Object[] getArguments()
        Returns the arguments for the invocation being linked. The returned array must be a clone; modifications to it must not affect the arguments in this request.
        the arguments for the invocation being linked.
      • getReceiver

        Object getReceiver()
        Returns the first argument for the invocation being linked; this is typically the receiver object. This is a shorthand for getArguments()[0] that also avoids the cloning of the arguments array.
        the receiver object.
      • isCallSiteUnstable

        boolean isCallSiteUnstable()
        Returns true if the call site is considered unstable, that is, it has been relinked more times than was specified in DynamicLinkerFactory.setUnstableRelinkThreshold(int). Linkers should use this as a hint to prefer producing linkage that is more stable (its guard fails less frequently), even if that assumption causes a less effective version of an operation to be linked. This is just a hint, though, and linkers are allowed to ignore this property.
        true if the call site is considered unstable.
      • replaceArguments

        LinkRequest replaceArguments(CallSiteDescriptor callSiteDescriptor,
                                     Object... arguments)
        Returns a request identical to this one with call site descriptor and arguments replaced with the ones specified.
        callSiteDescriptor - the new call site descriptor
        arguments - the new arguments
        a new request identical to this one, except with the call site descriptor and arguments replaced with the specified ones.